
626 lines
19 KiB

Authors: Newton
Everything about the explosion.
TODO: documentation.
Particle definitions used by the explosion effect.
They will be initialized lazily whenever the first blast goes off.
static ExplosionParticles_Smoke;
static ExplosionParticles_Blast;
static ExplosionParticles_BlastSmooth;
static ExplosionParticles_BlastSmoothBackground;
static ExplosionParticles_Star;
static ExplosionParticles_Shockwave;
static ExplosionParticles_Glimmer;
global func ExplosionParticles_Init()
ExplosionParticles_Smoke =
Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 180, 25, 1000, 50),
DampingY = PV_Random(890, 920, 5),
DampingX = PV_Random(900, 930, 5),
ForceX = PV_Wind(20, PV_Random(-2, 2)),
R=PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 260, 64, 1000, 64),
G=PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 128, 260, 64, 1000, 64),
B=PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 260, 108, 1000, 108),
Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 100, 20, 500, 20, 1000, 0)
ExplosionParticles_Blast =
Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 260, 25, 1000, 40),
DampingY = PV_Random(890, 920, 0),
DampingX = PV_Random(900, 930, 0),
ForceY = PV_Random(-8,-2,0),
ForceX = PV_Random(-5,5,0),
R = 255,
G = PV_Random(64, 120, 0),
Rotation = PV_Random(0, 360, 0),
B = 0,
Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 260, 100, 1000, 0),
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive,
Phase = PV_Random(0, 1)
ExplosionParticles_BlastSmooth =
Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 250, PV_Random(30, 50), 1000, 80),
R = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 250, 128, 1000, 0),
G = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 125, 64, 1000, 0),
Rotation = PV_Random(0, 360, 0),
B = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 100, 250, 64, 100, 0),
Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 750, 250, 1000, 0),
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive
ExplosionParticles_BlastSmoothBackground =
Prototype = ExplosionParticles_BlastSmooth,
BlitMode = nil,
R = PV_Linear(50, 0),
G = PV_Linear(50, 0),
B = PV_Linear(50, 0),
Alpha = PV_Linear(128, 0)
ExplosionParticles_Star =
Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 500, 60, 1000, 0),
R = PV_KeyFrames(0, 750, 255, 1000, 0),
G = PV_KeyFrames(0, 300, 255, 1000, 0),
B = PV_KeyFrames(0, 300, 255, 500, 0),
Rotation = PV_Random(0, 360, 4),
Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 750, 255, 1000, 0),
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive,
Stretch = PV_Speed(1000, 1000)
ExplosionParticles_Shockwave =
Size = PV_Linear(0, 120),
R = 255,
G = 128,
B = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 128, 200, 0),
Rotation = PV_Step(20),
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive,
Alpha = PV_Linear(255, 0)
Size = PV_Linear(2, 0),
ForceY = GetGravity(),
DampingY = PV_Linear(1000,700),
DampingX = PV_Linear(1000,700),
Stretch = PV_Speed(1000, 500),
Rotation = PV_Direction(),
OnCollision = PC_Die(),
CollisionVertex = 500,
R = 255,
G = PV_Linear(128,32),
B = PV_Random(0, 128, 2),
Alpha = PV_Random(255,0,3),
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive,
/*-- Explosion --*/
global func Explode(int level, bool silent)
if(!this) FatalError("Function Explode must be called from object context");
// Shake the viewport.
// Sound must be created before object removal, for it to be played at the right position.
if(!silent) //Does object use it's own explosion sound effect?
var grade = BoundBy(level / 10 - 1, 1, 3);
Sound(Format("Blast%d", grade));
// Explosion parameters.
var x = GetX(), y = GetY();
var cause_plr = GetController();
var container = Contained();
var exploding_id = GetID();
var layer = GetObjectLayer();
// Explosion parameters saved: Remove object now, since it should not be involved in the explosion.
// Execute the explosion in global context.
// There is no possibility to interact with the global context, apart from GameCall.
// So at least remove the object context.
exploding_id->DoExplosion(x, y, level, container, cause_plr, layer);
global func DoExplosion(int x, int y, int level, object inobj, int cause_plr, object layer)
// If the object is contained, loop through all parent containers until the blast is contained or no container is found.
// Blast the containers it passes through and the objects inside them.
var container = inobj;
var prev_container = nil;
while (container)
// Determine first whether the container has a parent and if it contains the blast.
// This is needed because the container might be exploded
var contains_blast = container.ContainBlast;
var parent_container = container->Contained();
// Blast the current container, but not the previous container.
BlastObjects(x + GetX(), y + GetY(), level, container, cause_plr, layer, prev_container);
// Break the blasting if this container contains the blast.
if (contains_blast)
// Move one container up if possible.
prev_container = container;
container = parent_container;
// Blast objects outside if there was no final container containing the blast.
if (!container)
BlastObjects(x + GetX(), y + GetY(), level, container, cause_plr, layer, prev_container);
// Explosion outside: Explosion effects.
if (!container)
// Incinerate oil.
if (!IncinerateLandscape(x, y))
if (!IncinerateLandscape(x, y - 10))
if (!IncinerateLandscape(x - 5, y - 5))
IncinerateLandscape(x + 5, y - 5);
// Graphic effects.
ExplosionEffect(level, x, y);
// Landscape destruction. Happens after BlastObjects, so that recently blown-free materials are not affected
if (!container)
BlastFree(x, y, level, cause_plr);
return true;
Creates a visual explosion effect at a position.
smoothness (in percent) determines how round the effect will look like
global func ExplosionEffect(int level, int x, int y, int smoothness)
// possibly init particle definitions?
if (!ExplosionParticles_Blast)
smoothness = smoothness ?? 0;
var level_pow = level ** 2;
var level_pow_fraction = Max(level_pow / 25, 5 * level);
var wilderness_level = level * (100 - smoothness) / 100;
var smoothness_level = level * smoothness / 100;
var smoke_size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 180, level, 1000, level * 2);
var blast_size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 260, level * 2, 1000, level);
var blast_smooth_size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 250, PV_Random(level, level * 2), 1000, level);
var star_size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 500, level * 2, 1000, 0);
var shockwave_size = PV_Linear(0, level * 4);
CreateParticle("SmokeDirty", PV_Random(x - 10,x + 10), PV_Random(y - 10, y + 10), 0, PV_Random(-2, 0), PV_Random(50, 100), {Prototype = ExplosionParticles_Smoke, Size = smoke_size}, Max(2, wilderness_level / 10));
CreateParticle("SmokeDirty", PV_Random(x - 5, x + 5), PV_Random(y - 5, y + 5), PV_Random(-1, 1), PV_Random(-1, 1), PV_Random(20, 40), {Prototype = ExplosionParticles_BlastSmoothBackground, Size = blast_smooth_size}, smoothness_level / 5);
CreateParticle("SmokeDirty", PV_Random(x - 5, x + 5), PV_Random(y - 5, y + 5), PV_Random(-1, 1), PV_Random(-1, 1), PV_Random(20, 40), {Prototype = ExplosionParticles_BlastSmooth, Size = blast_smooth_size}, smoothness_level / 5);
CreateParticle("Dust", PV_Random(x - 5, x + 5), PV_Random(y - 5, y + 5), 0, 0, PV_Random(18, 25), {Prototype = ExplosionParticles_Blast, Size = blast_size}, smoothness_level / 5);
CreateParticle("StarFlash", PV_Random(x - 6, x + 6), PV_Random(y - 6, y + 6), PV_Random(-wilderness_level/4, wilderness_level/4), PV_Random(-wilderness_level/4, wilderness_level/4), PV_Random(10, 12), {Prototype = ExplosionParticles_Star, Size = star_size}, wilderness_level / 3);
CreateParticle("Shockwave", x, y, 0, 0, 15, {Prototype = ExplosionParticles_Shockwave, Size = shockwave_size}, nil);
// cast either some sparks on land or bubbles under water
if(GBackLiquid(x, y) && Global.CastBubbles)
Global->CastBubbles(level * 7 / 10, level, x, y);
CreateParticle("Magic", PV_Random(x - 5, x + 5), PV_Random(y - 5, y + 5), PV_Random(-level_pow_fraction, level_pow_fraction), PV_Random(-level_pow_fraction, level_pow_fraction), PV_Random(25, 70), ExplosionParticles_Glimmer, level);
// very wild explosion? Smoke trails!
var smoke_trail_count = wilderness_level / 10;
var angle = Random(360);
var failsafe = 0; // against infinite loops
while (smoke_trail_count > 0 && (++failsafe < smoke_trail_count * 10))
angle += RandomX(40, 80);
var smokex = Sin(angle, RandomX(level / 4, level / 2));
var smokey = -Cos(angle, RandomX(level / 4, level / 2));
if (GBackSolid(x + smokex, y + smokey))
var lvl = 2 * wilderness_level;
CreateSmokeTrail(lvl, angle, x + smokex, y + smokey);
// Temporary light effect
if (level>5) CreateLight(x, y, level, Fx_Light.LGT_Blast);
/*-- Blast objects & shockwaves --*/
// Damage and hurl objects away.
global func BlastObjects(int x, int y, int level, object container, int cause_plr, object layer, object no_blast)
var obj;
// Coordinates are always supplied globally, convert to local coordinates.
var l_x = x - GetX(), l_y = y - GetY();
// caused by: if not specified, controller of calling object
if(cause_plr == nil)
cause_plr = GetController();
// In a container?
if (container)
if (container->GetObjectLayer() == layer)
container->BlastObject(level, cause_plr);
if (!container)
return true; // Container could be removed in the meanwhile.
for (obj in FindObjects(Find_Container(container), Find_Layer(layer), Find_Exclude(no_blast)))
if (obj)
obj->BlastObject(level, cause_plr);
// Object is outside.
// Damage objects at point of explosion.
for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_AtRect(l_x - 5, l_y - 5, 10,10), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Layer(layer), Find_Exclude(no_blast)))
if (obj) obj->BlastObject(level, cause_plr);
// TODO: -> Shockwave in own global func(?)
// Hurl objects in explosion radius.
var shockwave_objs = FindObjects(Find_Distance(level, l_x, l_y), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Layer(layer),
Find_Or(Find_Category(C4D_Object|C4D_Living|C4D_Vehicle), Find_Func("CanBeHitByShockwaves")), Find_Func("BlastObjectsShockwaveCheck", x, y));
var cnt = GetLength(shockwave_objs);
if (cnt)
// The hurl energy is distributed over the objects.
//Log("Shockwave objs %v (%d)", shockwave_objs, cnt);
var shock_speed = Sqrt(2 * level * level / BoundBy(cnt, 2, 12));
for (var obj in shockwave_objs)
if (obj) // Test obj, cause OnShockwaveHit could have removed objects.
// Object has special reaction on shockwave?
if (obj->~OnShockwaveHit(level, x, y, cause_plr))
// Living beings are hurt more.
var cat = obj->GetCategory();
if (cat & C4D_Living)
obj->DoEnergy(level / -2, false, FX_Call_EngBlast, cause_plr);
obj->DoDamage(level / 2, FX_Call_DmgBlast, cause_plr);
// Killtracing for projectiles.
if (cat & C4D_Object)
// Shockwave.
var mass_fact = 20, mass_mul = 100;
if (cat & C4D_Living)
mass_fact = 8;
mass_mul = 80;
mass_fact = BoundBy(obj->GetMass() * mass_mul / 1000, 4, mass_fact);
var dx = 100 * (obj->GetX() - x) + Random(51) - 25;
var dy = 100 * (obj->GetY() - y) + Random(51) - 25;
var vx, vy;
if (dx)
vx = Abs(dx) / dx * (100 * level - Abs(dx)) * shock_speed / level / mass_fact;
vy = (Abs(dy) - 100 * level) * shock_speed / level / mass_fact;
if (cat & C4D_Object)
// Objects shouldn't move too fast.
var ovx = obj->GetXDir(100), ovy = obj->GetYDir(100);
if (ovx * vx > 0)
vx = (Sqrt(vx * vx + ovx * ovx) - Abs(vx)) * Abs(vx) / vx;
if (ovy * vy > 0)
vy = (Sqrt(vy * vy + ovy * ovy) - Abs(vy)) * Abs(vy) / vy;
//Log("%v v(%v %v) d(%v %v) m=%v l=%v s=%v", obj, vx,vy, dx,dy, mass_fact, level, shock_speed);
obj->Fling(vx, vy, 100, true);
// Done.
return true;
global func BlastObject(int level, int caused_by)
var self = this;
if (caused_by == nil)
caused_by = GetController();
DoDamage(level, FX_Call_DmgBlast, caused_by);
if (!self) return;
if (GetAlive())
DoEnergy(-level/3, false, FX_Call_EngBlast, caused_by);
if (!self) return;
if (this.BlastIncinerate && GetDamage() >= this.BlastIncinerate)
Incinerate(level, caused_by);
global func BlastObjectsShockwaveCheck(int x, int y)
var def = GetID();
// Some special cases, which won't go into FindObjects.
if (def->GetDefHorizontalFix())
return false;
if (def->GetDefGrab() != 1)
if (GetCategory() & C4D_Vehicle)
return false;
if (GetProcedure() == "FLOAT")
return false;
// Projectiles not when they fly downwards or are exactly in the explosion point.
// This will catch the most cases in which multiple clonks throw flints at the same time.
if (GetCategory() & C4D_Object)
if (GetX() == x && GetY() == y) return false;
if (GetYDir() > 5) return false;
// No stuck objects.
if (Stuck())
return false;
return true;
/** Shake the player viewports near the given position. This disorienting effect is used for earthquakes, explosions
and other rumbling effects. The further away the player is from the source, the less his viewport is shaken. The
strength falls off linearly by distance from 100% to 0% when the player is 700 pixels away.
@param level strength of the shake in pixels. As a point of reference, for explosions, the shake strength is the same
as the explosion level.
@param x_off x offset in relative coordinates from the calling object
@param y_off y offset in relative coordinates from the calling object
global func ShakeViewport(int level, int x_off, int y_off)
if (level <= 0)
return false;
x_off += GetX();
y_off += GetY();
AddEffect("ShakeViewport", nil, 300, 1, nil, nil, level, x_off, y_off);
global func FxShakeViewportEffect(string new_name)
// there is only one global ShakeViewport effect which manages all the shake positions and strengths
if (new_name == "ShakeViewport")
return -2;
global func FxShakeViewportStart(object target, effect e, int temporary, level, xpos, ypos)
if(temporary != 0) return;
e.shakers = CreateArray();
e.shakers[0] = { x = xpos, y = ypos, strength = level, time = 0 };
global func FxShakeViewportAdd(object target, effect e, string new_name, int new_timer, level, xpos, ypos)
e.shakers[GetLength(e.shakers)] = { x = xpos, y = ypos, strength = level, time = e.Time};
global func FxShakeViewportTimer(object target, effect e, int time)
// shake for all players
for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i);
var cursor = GetCursor(plr);
if (!cursor)
var totalShakeStrength = 0;
for(var shakerIndex = 0; shakerIndex < GetLength(e.shakers); ++shakerIndex)
var shaker = e.shakers[shakerIndex];
var shakerTime = time - shaker.time;
// shake strength lowers as a function of the distance
var distance = Distance(cursor->GetX(), cursor->GetY(), shaker.x, shaker.y);
var maxDistance = 700;
var level = shaker.strength * BoundBy(100-100*distance/maxDistance,0,100)/100;
// calculate total shake strength by adding up all shake positions in the player's vicinity
totalShakeStrength += level / Max(1,shakerTime*2/3) - shakerTime**2 / 400;
SetViewOffset(plr, Sin(time * 100, totalShakeStrength), Cos(time * 100, totalShakeStrength));
// remove shakers that are done shaking
for(var shakerIndex = 0; shakerIndex < GetLength(e.shakers); ++shakerIndex)
var shaker = e.shakers[shakerIndex];
var shakerTime = time - shaker.time;
if (shaker.strength / Max(1,shakerTime*2/3) - shakerTime**2 / 400 <= 0)
e.shakers[shakerIndex] = nil;
// no shakers left: remove this effect
if(GetLength(e.shakers) == 0)
return -1;
global func FxShakeViewportStop()
for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++)
SetViewOffset(GetPlayerByIndex(i), 0, 0);
/*-- Smoke trails --*/
global func CreateSmokeTrail(int strength, int angle, int x, int y, int color, bool noblast)
var e = AddEffect("SmokeTrail", nil, 300, 1, nil, nil, color);
e.x = 100*(GetX() + x);
e.y = 100*(GetY() + y);
e.strength = strength;
e.curr_strength = strength;
e.noblast = noblast;
e.angle = angle;
global func FxSmokeTrailStart(object target, proplist e, int temp, int color)
if (temp)
e.color = color ?? RGBa(255, 128, 0, 200);
var alpha = (e.color >> 24) & 0xff;
e.particles_smoke =
R = PV_Linear(255, 64),
G = PV_Linear(255, 64),
B = PV_Linear(255, 64),
Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, alpha/4, 200, alpha, 1000, 0),
Rotation = PV_Random(-45,45),
ForceX = PV_Wind(20),
ForceY = PV_Gravity(-10),
e.particles_blast =
R = PV_Linear((e.color >> 16) & 0xff, 0),
G = PV_Linear((e.color >> 8) & 0xff, 0),
B = PV_Linear((e.color >> 0) & 0xff, 0),
Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, alpha, 500, 3*alpha/4, 1000, 0),
Rotation = PV_Direction(),
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive,
Stretch = PV_Speed(1500, 1000)
global func FxSmokeTrailTimer(object target, effect e, int fxtime)
var strength = e.strength;
e.curr_strength = e.curr_strength * 94 / 100;
var str = e.curr_strength;
var initial_speed = 100 * (strength+20)/6;
var speed = initial_speed * str / strength;
var angle = e.angle + RandomX(-20,20);
var x_dir = Sin(angle, speed);
var y_dir = -Cos(angle , speed);
if (speed < 2*100) return -1;
// gravity
y_dir += GetGravity() * 15;
// draw
e.particles_smoke.Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, str / 2, 1000, str);
e.particles_blast.Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 200, str / 3, 1000, 0);
CreateParticle("SmokeThick", e.x/100, e.y/100, RandomX(-1,1), RandomX(-1,1), 50, e.particles_smoke,1);
// then calc next position
e.x += x_dir;
e.y += y_dir;
if (!e.noblast)
var x_dir_blast = x_dir / 200;
var y_dir_blast = y_dir / 200;
CreateParticle("SmokeDirty", e.x/100, e.y/100, PV_Random(x_dir_blast - 2, x_dir_blast + 2), PV_Random(y_dir_blast - 2, y_dir_blast + 2), 10, e.particles_blast, 1);
if (GBackSemiSolid(e.x/100, e.y/100))
return -1;
e.curr_strength = str;
/*-- Fireworks --*/
global func Fireworks(int color, int x, int y)
if (!color)
color = HSL(Random(8) * 32, 255, 160);
var flash =
Prototype = Particles_Flash(),
R = (color >> 16) & 0xff,
G = (color >> 8) & 0xff,
B = (color >> 0) & 0xff,
Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 100, 200, 1000, 0),
var glimmer =
R = (color >> 16) & 0xff,
G = (color >> 8) & 0xff,
B = (color >> 0) & 0xff,
DampingY = PV_Linear(950,800),
DampingX = PV_Linear(950,800),
Stretch = PV_Speed(3000, 500),
Size = PV_Linear(2, 1),
ForceY = PV_Gravity(50),
Rotation = PV_Direction(),
OnCollision = PC_Die(),
CollisionVertex = 500,
Alpha = PV_Random(255,0,3),
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive,
var start_angle = Random(360);
var num = 25;
for(var i=0; i<num; ++i)
for(var j=0; j<num; ++j)
var speed = 1000;
var angle = start_angle + i*360/num + Random(15) + j*15;
var speed3d = Cos(j*90/num - Random(15),speed);
var xdir = Sin(angle, speed3d/10);
var ydir = -Cos(angle,speed3d/10);
CreateParticle("MagicFire", x, y, xdir, ydir, PV_Random(50, 200), glimmer, 1);
CreateParticle("Flash", x, y, 0, 0, 20, flash);