
237 lines
6.4 KiB

/*-- Large Cave Mushroom --*/
#include Library_Plant
#include Library_Tree
func Place(int amount, proplist rectangle, proplist settings)
if (settings == nil) settings = {};
// Default behaviour
var plants = [];
var terraform = settings.terrafom ?? true;
var max_tries = 2 * amount;
var loc_area = nil;
if (rectangle) loc_area = Loc_InRect(rectangle);
// look for free underground spot to place groups of three or so..
while ((amount > 0) && (--max_tries > 0))
var spot = FindLocation(Loc_Tunnel(), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Bottom), Loc_Space(20, true), Loc_Func(LargeCaveMushroom.GoodSpot), loc_area);
// can't place more
if (!spot && !terraform) return plants;
if (!spot)
// note that the border is temporarily off until the bug with a turbulent-parent-overlay is fixed
var cave = Landscape_Cave->Place(1, rectangle, {width = 200 + Random(50), height = 100 + Random(50), borderheight = 0, bordermat = "Earth", bordertex = "earth_topSoil" });
if (GetLength(cave) == 0) return plants; // can't place more
cave = cave[0];
spot = { x = cave->GetX(), y = cave->GetY() };
// have center-spot now
// search random spots in vicinity and place mushrooms
var failsafe = 100;
for (var i = RandomX(2, 4); (i >= 0) && (failsafe > 0); --failsafe)
var angle = RandomX(-100, 100);
var r = RandomX(30, 50);
var end_x = spot.x + Sin(angle, r);
var end_y = spot.y - Cos(angle, r);
var distance = 0;
while (!GBackSolid(end_x, end_y) && distance < 100) {++distance; ++end_y;}
if (GBackSemiSolid(end_x, end_y - 1)) continue;
if (GetMaterial(end_x, end_y - 1) != Material("Tunnel")) continue;
// enough space?
if (!PathFree(end_x, end_y - 1, end_x, end_y - 15)) continue;
var plant = CreateConstruction(this, end_x, end_y - 1, NO_OWNER, 20 + Random(10), false, false);
if (!plant) continue;
PushBack(plants, plant);
if (GetLength(plants) == 0) return plants;
for (var plant in plants)
if (!Random(3))
plant.Plane = 510;
return plants;
// for the placement
func GoodSpot(int x, int y)
return ObjectCount(Find_Distance(100, x, y), Find_ID(LargeCaveMushroom)) < 5;
private func SeedChance() { return 200; }
private func SeedArea() { return 200; }
private func SeedAmount() { return 5; }
func Construction()
AddTimer("Growing", 80);
// set random rotation so trees don't look alike too much
SetProperty("MeshTransformation", Trans_Rotate(RandomX(-90,90),0,1,0));
// every mushroom is unique!
var len = GetAnimationLength("Rotate1"); // length of all animations is the same
PlayAnimation("Pitch1", 1, Anim_Const(RandomX(0, len)), Anim_Const(500));
PlayAnimation("Pitch2", 2, Anim_Const(RandomX(0, len)), Anim_Const(500));
PlayAnimation("Rotate1", 2, Anim_Const(RandomX(0, len)), Anim_Const(500));
PlayAnimation("Head1", 2, Anim_Const(RandomX(0, len)), Anim_Const(500));
PlayAnimation("Head2", 2, Anim_Const(RandomX(0, len)), Anim_Const(500));
PlayAnimation("Head3", 2, Anim_Const(RandomX(0, len)), Anim_Const(500));
PlayAnimation("Head4", 2, Anim_Const(RandomX(0, len)), Anim_Const(500));
var brightness = Random(25);
SetClrModulation(RGB(200 + brightness + Random(30), 200 + brightness + Random(30), 200 + brightness + Random(30)));
func Growing()
if(GetCon() >= Min(RandomX(80, 500), 100))
if(!Random(4)) return;
var top = ((-36) * GetCon()) / 100;
if(GBackSolid(0, Min(-5, top))) return;
public func ChopDown()
// Use Special Vertex Mode 1 (see documentation) so the removed vertex won't come back when rotating the tree.
SetVertex(0, VTX_Y, 0, 1);
// Remove the bottom vertex
// Stop growing
func Damage()
if (GetDamage() > MaxDamage() && OnFire())
SetClrModulation(RGB(100, 100, 100));
if (GetDamage() > 3 * MaxDamage())
func BurstIntoAshes()
var particles =
Prototype = Particles_Dust(),
R = 50, G = 50, B = 50,
Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 200, PV_Random(2, 10), 1000, 0),
var r = GetR();
var size = GetCon() * 110 / 100;
for(var cnt = 0; cnt < 10; ++cnt)
var distance = Random(size/2);
var x = Sin(r, distance);
var y = -Cos(r, distance);
for(var mirror = -1; mirror <= 1; mirror += 2)
CreateParticle("Dust", x * mirror, y * mirror, PV_Random(-3, 3), PV_Random(-3, -3), PV_Random(18, 1 * 36), particles, 2);
CastPXS("Ashes", 5, 30, x * mirror, y * mirror);
// called from the plant library
func Seed()
if(GetCon() < 20) return;
var size = SeedArea();
var amount = SeedAmount();
var chance = SeedChance();
// Place a plant if we are lucky, in principle there can be more than seed amount.
if (!Random(chance))
// select random angle at which we can throw the seed
var angle = RandomX(100, 140);
if(!Random(2)) angle = 360 - angle;
var okay = false, x, y;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) // three is the magic number of tries
var point = PathFree2(GetX(), GetY() - (25 * GetCon()) / 100, GetX() + Sin(angle, size), GetY() - Cos(angle, size));
if (!point) continue;
x = point[0];
y = point[1];
if (Distance(GetX(), GetY(), x, y) < size/4) continue;
x -= GetX();
y -= GetY();
if (!GBackSolid(x, y + 2)) continue;
if (GetMaterial(x, y) != Material("Tunnel")) continue;
var mat = GetMaterial(x, y + 2);
if (GetMaterialVal("Soil", "Material", mat) != 1) continue;
var neighbour = FindObjects(Find_Distance(size, x, y), Find_ID(GetID()), Find_Exclude(this), Sort_Distance(x, y));
if (GetLength(neighbour) > 0)
var distance = Distance(GetX() + x, GetY() + y, neighbour[0]->GetX(), neighbour[0]->GetY());
var len = GetLength(neighbour);
var c = (size * distance * amount) / (len * len * len);
if (!Random(c))
if (this.Confinement)
if (!IsPointInRectangle({x = x, y = y}, this.Confinement)) continue;
okay = true;
if (!okay) return;
// Place the plant but check if it is not close to another one.
var plant = CreateConstruction(GetID(), x, y, GetOwner(), 3, false, false);
if (plant)
if (this.Confinement)
local Name = "$Name$";
local Touchable = 0;
local BlastIncinerate = 2;
local ContactIncinerate = 6;
local NoBurnDecay = 1;