
376 lines
9.3 KiB

Author: Ringwaul, Clonkonaut
Used for chopping down trees. Can also harvest
wood from fallen trees, but will not yield as
many logs as a sawmill.
#include Library_MeleeWeapon
local swing_anim;
local using;
local carry_bone;
local magic_number;
static const axe_swing_time = 30;
private func Hit(int x, int y)
return 1;
public func GetCarryMode() { return CARRY_HandBack; }
public func GetCarryBone() { return "main"; }
public func GetCarryTransform()
var act = Contained()->GetAction();
if(act != "Walk" && act != "Jump")
return Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(0,4500,0), Trans_Rotate(-90,0,1,0), Trans_Rotate(180,0,0,1) );
return Trans_Rotate(90, 0, 1, 0);
public func GetCarrySpecial(clonk)
if(using == 1)
if(clonk->GetDir() == 1)
return "pos_hand2";
return "pos_hand1";
return carry_bone;
public func ControlUseStart(object clonk, int iX, int iY)
// Can clonk use the axe?
if (!clonk->IsWalking() && !clonk->IsJumping())
return true;
// find tree that is closest to the clonk's axe when swung
var x_offs = 10;
if(clonk->GetDir() == DIR_Left) {
x_offs = -x_offs;
// Chopping
if (clonk->IsWalking()) for (var tree in FindObjects(Find_AtPoint(x_offs,0), Find_Func("IsTree"), Sort_Distance(x_offs, 0), Find_NoContainer()))
//treedist - the x-distance the clonk is from the centre of a tree-trunk
var treedist = Abs(clonk->GetX() + x_offs - tree->GetX());
if(tree->IsStanding() && treedist <= 6)
using = 1;
//The clonk cannot hold other items in hand while swinging an axe
//Update the axe position in the clonk' hands and disable turning while he chops the tree
//Make sure the clonk is holding the axe in the correct position
var hand = "Chop.R";
if((clonk->GetDir() == 0) != (clonk.Plane < tree.Plane)) hand = "Chop.L";
swing_anim = clonk->PlayAnimation(hand, 10, Anim_Linear(0, 0, clonk->GetAnimationLength(hand), axe_swing_time, ANIM_Loop), Anim_Const(1000));
//The timed effect for when the axe actually hits the tree
AddEffect("IntAxe", clonk, 1, 1, this, 0, tree);
return true;
if(! tree->IsStanding())
// Tree has already been felled
using = 1;
//The clonk cannot hold other items in hand while swinging an axe
//Refresh hands
//Make sure the clonk is holding the axe in the correct position
var hand = "Chop.R";
if(clonk->GetDir() == 0) hand = "Chop.L";
swing_anim = clonk->PlayAnimation(hand, 10, Anim_Linear(0, 0, clonk->GetAnimationLength("Chop.R"), axe_swing_time, ANIM_Loop), Anim_Const(1000));
//clonk cannot turn around to face the screen while chopping
//The timed effect for when the axe actually hits the tree
AddEffect("IntSplit", clonk, 1, 1, this, 0, tree);
return true;
// Combat
if (!CanStrikeWithWeapon(clonk)) return true;
// if the clonk doesn't have an action where he can use it's hands do nothing
if (!clonk->HasHandAction())
return true;
var rand = Random(2)+1;
var arm = "R";
var animation = Format("SwordSlash%d.%s", rand, arm);
var length = 15;
carry_bone = "pos_hand2";
if(!GetEffect("AxeStrikeStop", clonk, 0))
AddEffect("AxeStrikeStop", clonk, 2, 50, this);
if(clonk->GetHandPosByItemPos(clonk->GetItemPos(this)) == 1)
arm = "L";
carry_bone = "pos_hand1";
animation = Format("SwordSlash%d.%s", rand, arm);
rand = 1;
if(clonk->GetYDir() < -5) rand = 2;
animation = Format("SwordJump%d.%s",rand,arm);
PlayWeaponAnimation(clonk, animation, 10, Anim_Linear(0, 0, clonk->GetAnimationLength(animation), length, ANIM_Remove), Anim_Const(1000));
magic_number=((magic_number+1)%10) + (ObjectNumber()*10);
StartWeaponHitCheckEffect(clonk, length, 1);
return true;
/* Chopping */
protected func HoldingEnabled() { return GetEffect("IntAxe", this); }
func ControlUseHolding(object clonk, int new_x, int new_y)
// Can clonk use axe?
if (!clonk->IsWalking() || GetXDir() != 0)
return true;
return true;
/* Chopping effect */
func FxIntAxeStart(object clonk, effect, int temp, object target_tree)
if (temp) return;
effect.tree = target_tree;
func FxIntAxeTimer(object clonk, effect, int time)
// What happen...?
if (this->Contained() != clonk) return -1;
// Tree vanished
if (!effect.tree) return -1;
// Tree fell
if (!effect.tree->IsStanding()) return -1;
// Clonk did something
if (!clonk->IsWalking()) return -1;
//This block is executed when the axe hits the tree
if((time + 25) % axe_swing_time == 1)
//Which direction does the clonk face?
var x = 10;
if(clonk->GetDirection() == COMD_Left) x = x * -1;
//Create the woodchip particles
var particles = Particles_WoodChip();
// need to be behind the Clonk?
if (clonk.Plane > effect.tree.Plane)
particles = {Prototype = Particles_WoodChip(), Attach = ATTACH_Back};
clonk->CreateParticle("WoodChip", x, 4, PV_Random(-12, 12), PV_Random(-13, -6), PV_Random(36 * 3, 36 * 10), particles, 10);
// Damage tree
effect.tree->DoDamage(this.ChopStrength, 3, clonk->GetOwner()); // 3 = FX_Call_DmgChop
//Make sure the clonk does not move
func FxIntAxeStop(object clonk, effect, int temp)
if (temp) return;
if (this->Contained() == clonk) Reset(clonk);
/* Splitting effect */
func FxIntSplitStart(object clonk, effect, int temp, object target_tree)
if (temp) return;
effect.tree = target_tree;
func FxIntSplitTimer(object clonk, effect, int time)
// What happen...?
if (this->Contained() != clonk) return -1;
// Tree vanished
if (!effect.tree) return -1;
// Tree moved away
if (ObjectDistance(effect.tree, clonk) > Distance(0,0, effect.tree->GetObjWidth()/2, effect.tree->GetObjHeight()/2)) return -1;
// Clonk did something
if (!clonk->IsWalking()) return -1;
//This block is executed when the axe hits the tree
if ((time + 25) % axe_swing_time == 1)
//Which direction does the clonk face?
var x = 10;
if(clonk->GetDirection() == COMD_Left) x = x * -1;
//Create the woodchip particle
clonk->CreateParticle("WoodChip", x, 4, PV_Random(-12, 12), PV_Random(-13, -6), PV_Random(36 * 3, 36 * 10), Particles_WoodChip(), 10);
// Split tree!
if (!effect.tree) return -1;
//Make sure the clonk does not move
func FxIntSplitStop(object clonk, effect, int temp)
if (temp) return;
if (this->Contained() == clonk) Reset(clonk);
func ControlUseStop(object clonk, int ix, int iy)
return true;
protected func ControlUseCancel(object clonk, int ix, int iy)
return true;
public func Reset(clonk)
//Reset the clonk to normal control
using = 0;
swing_anim = nil;
RemoveEffect("IntAxe", clonk);
RemoveEffect("IntSplit", clonk);
/* Combat */
func CheckStrike(iTime)
var offset_x=7;
var offset_y=0;
if(Contained()->GetDir() == DIR_Left) offset_x*=-1;
if(!(Contained()->GetContact(-1) & CNAT_Bottom))
var width=10;
var height=20;
for(var obj in FindObjects(Find_AtRect(offset_x - width/2, offset_y - height/2, width, height),
if (obj->~IsProjectileTarget(this, Contained()) || obj->GetOCF() & OCF_Alive)
var effect_name=Format("HasBeenHitByAxeEffect%d", magic_number);
var axe_name=Format("HasBeenHitByAxe%d", this->ObjectNumber());
var first=true;
// don't hit objects twice
if(!GetEffect(effect_name, obj))
AddEffect(effect_name, obj, 1, 60 /* arbitrary */, nil, 0);
if(GetEffect(axe_name, obj))
AddEffect(axe_name, obj, 1, 40, nil, 0);
// Reduce damage by shield
var shield=ApplyShieldFactor(Contained(), obj, 0); // damage out of scope?
if(shield == 100)
// fixed damage (3)
var damage=((100-shield)*3*1000 / 100);
ProjectileHit(obj, damage, ProjectileHit_no_query_catch_blow_callback | ProjectileHit_exact_damage | ProjectileHit_no_on_projectile_hit_callback, FX_Call_EngGetPunched);
if (obj)
DoWeaponSlow(obj, 200);
// sound and done. We can only hit one target
Sound("WeaponHit?", false);
func WeaponStrikeExpired()
if(GetEffect("AxeStrikeStop", Contained()))
RemoveEffect("AxeStrikeStop", Contained());
func OnWeaponHitCheckStop(clonk)
carry_bone = nil;
func FxAxeStrikeStopStart(pTarget, effect, iTemp)
if(iTemp) return;
pTarget->PushActionSpeed("Walk", (pTarget.ActMap.Walk.Speed)/100);
func FxAxeStrikeStopStop(pTarget, effect, iCause, iTemp)
if(iTemp) return;
func FxAxeStrikeStopTimer(pTarget, effect)
return 1;
public func IsTool() { return true; }
public func IsToolProduct() { return true; }
local Collectible = 1;
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
local UsageHelp = "$UsageHelp$";
local Rebuy = true;
local ChopStrength = 10;