
457 lines
14 KiB

Pipe Control
Provides the interface for adding pipes (source, drain, air) to an object.
Connecting pipes has to be implemented by the
object. This is controlled with the callbacks
- QueryConnectPipe
- OnPipeConnect
- OnPipeDisconnect
in that structure.
@author Maikel, Marky
/* --- Constants --- */
static const LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Drain = "adddrain";
static const LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Source = "addsource";
static const LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Neutral = "addneutral";
static const LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Drain = "cutdrain";
static const LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Source = "cutsource";
static const LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Neutral = "cutneutral";
static const LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Swap_SourceDrain = "swapsourcedrain";
static const LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Description = "description";
/* --- Properties --- */
local lib_pipe_control; // Proplist for local variables
// Numerical limits for pipe connections, per pipe type; Meaning:
// - nil = unlimited connections allowed
// - 0 = no connections allowed
// - 1 = 1 connection allowed
// - connections > 1 may work, but are not integrated properly yet.
local PipeLimit_Air = nil;
local PipeLimit_Drain = nil;
local PipeLimit_Neutral = nil;
local PipeLimit_Source = nil;
/* --- Callbacks --- */
public func Construction()
lib_pipe_control = {
drain_pipe = nil,
source_pipe = nil,
neutral_pipe = nil,
custom_entry =
Right = "100%", Bottom = "2em",
BackgroundColor = {Std = 0, OnHover = 0x50ff0000},
image = {Right = "2em"},
text = {Left = "2em"}
/* --- Menu Entries --- */
public func HasInteractionMenu() { return true; }
public func GetInteractionMenus(object clonk)
var menus = _inherited(clonk, ...) ?? [];
if (CanConnectPipe())
var pipe_menu =
title = "$MenuPipeControl$",
entries_callback = this.GetPipeControlMenuEntries,
entries_callback_target = this,
callback = "OnPipeControl",
callback_hover = "OnPipeControlHover",
callback_target = this,
BackgroundColor = RGB(0, 50, 50),
Priority = 30
PushBack(menus, pipe_menu);
return menus;
public func GetPipeControlMenuEntries(object clonk)
var menu_entries = [];
// Add info message about pipe control.
PushBack(menu_entries, {symbol = this, extra_data = LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Description,
custom =
Prototype = lib_pipe_control.custom_entry,
Bottom = "1.2em",
Priority = -1,
BackgroundColor = RGB(25, 100, 100),
text = {Prototype = lib_pipe_control.custom_entry.text, Text = "$MenuPipeControl$"},
image = {Prototype = lib_pipe_control.custom_entry.image, Symbol = Pipe}
var source_pipe = FindAvailablePipe(clonk, Find_Func("IsSourcePipe"));
var drain_pipe = FindAvailablePipe(clonk, Find_Func("IsDrainPipe"));
var neutral_pipe = FindAvailablePipe(clonk, Find_Func("IsNeutralPipe"));
if (GetSourcePipe())
if (!GetSourcePipe()->QueryCutLineConnection(this))
PushBack(menu_entries, GetTankMenuEntry(Icon_Cancel, GetConnectedPipeMessage("$MsgCutSource$", GetSourcePipe()), 1, LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Source, RGB(102, 136, 34)));
else if (source_pipe)
PushBack(menu_entries, GetTankMenuEntry(source_pipe, GetConnectedPipeMessage("$MsgConnectSource$", source_pipe), 1, LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Source, RGB(102, 136, 34)));
if (GetDrainPipe())
if (!GetDrainPipe()->QueryCutLineConnection(this))
PushBack(menu_entries, GetTankMenuEntry(Icon_Cancel, GetConnectedPipeMessage("$MsgCutDrain$", GetDrainPipe()), 2, LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Drain, RGB(238, 102, 0)));
else if (drain_pipe)
PushBack(menu_entries, GetTankMenuEntry(drain_pipe, GetConnectedPipeMessage("$MsgConnectDrain$", drain_pipe), 2, LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Drain, RGB(238, 102, 0)));
if (GetNeutralPipe())
if (!GetNeutralPipe()->QueryCutLineConnection(this))
PushBack(menu_entries, GetTankMenuEntry(Icon_Cancel, GetConnectedPipeMessage("$MsgCutNeutral$", GetNeutralPipe()), 3, LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Neutral, RGB(80, 80, 120)));
else if (neutral_pipe)
PushBack(menu_entries, GetTankMenuEntry(neutral_pipe, GetConnectedPipeMessage("$MsgConnectNeutral$", neutral_pipe), 3, LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Neutral, RGB(80, 80, 120)));
if (IsAllowedSwapSourceDrain())
PushBack(menu_entries, GetTankMenuEntry(Icon_Swap, GetConnectedPipeMessage("$MsgSwapSourceDrain$", GetSourcePipe(), GetDrainPipe()), 10, LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Swap_SourceDrain, nil));
return menu_entries;
public func GetTankMenuEntry(symbol, string text, int priority, extra_data, int clr)
return {symbol = symbol, extra_data = extra_data,
custom =
Prototype = lib_pipe_control.custom_entry,
Priority = priority,
text = {Prototype = lib_pipe_control.custom_entry.text, Text = text},
image = {Prototype = lib_pipe_control.custom_entry.image, Symbol = symbol, BackgroundColor = clr},
public func OnPipeControlHover(symbol_or_object, string action, desc_menu_target, menu_id)
var text = "";
if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Drain) text = GetConnectedPipeDescription("$DescConnectDrain$", symbol_or_object);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Drain) text = GetConnectedPipeDescription("$DescCutDrain$", GetDrainPipe());
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Source) text = GetConnectedPipeDescription("$DescConnectSource$", symbol_or_object);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Source) text = GetConnectedPipeDescription("$DescCutSource$", GetSourcePipe());
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Neutral) text = GetConnectedPipeDescription("$DescConnectNeutral$", symbol_or_object);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Neutral) text = GetConnectedPipeDescription("$DescCutNeutral$", GetNeutralPipe());
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Swap_SourceDrain) text = GetConnectedPipeDescription("$DescSwapSourceDrain$", GetSourcePipe(), GetDrainPipe());
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Description) text = this.Description;
GuiUpdateText(text, menu_id, 1, desc_menu_target);
public func OnPipeControl(symbol_or_object, string action, object clonk)
if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Source)
this->DoConnectPipe(symbol_or_object, PIPE_STATE_Source);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Source)
this->DoCutPipe(GetSourcePipe(), clonk);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Drain)
this->DoConnectPipe(symbol_or_object, PIPE_STATE_Drain);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Drain)
this->DoCutPipe(GetDrainPipe(), clonk);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Add_Neutral)
this->DoConnectPipe(symbol_or_object, PIPE_STATE_Neutral);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Cut_Neutral)
this->DoCutPipe(GetNeutralPipe(), clonk);
else if (action == LIBRARY_PIPE_Menu_Action_Swap_SourceDrain)
this->DoSwapSourceDrain(GetSourcePipe(), GetDrainPipe());
public func GetConnectedPipeMessage(string base_msg, object pipe1, object pipe2)
var connected1 = (pipe1->GetConnectedObject(this) ?? pipe1->GetConnectedObject(pipe1)) ?? pipe1;
var msg = Format("%s $MsgConnectedTo$", base_msg, connected1->GetID());
if (pipe2)
var connected2 = (pipe2->GetConnectedObject(this) ?? pipe2->GetConnectedObject(pipe1)) ?? pipe2;
msg = Format("%s $MsgConnectedToMultiple$", base_msg, connected1->GetID(), connected2->GetID());
return msg;
public func GetConnectedPipeDescription(string base_desc, object pipe1, object pipe2)
var connected1 = (pipe1->GetConnectedObject(this) ?? pipe1->GetConnectedObject(pipe1)) ?? pipe1;
var desc = Format("%s $DescConnectedTo$", base_desc, connected1->GetID());
if (pipe2)
var connected2 = (pipe2->GetConnectedObject(this) ?? pipe2->GetConnectedObject(pipe1)) ?? pipe2;
desc = Format("%s $DescConnectedToMultiple$", base_desc, connected1->GetID(), connected2->GetID());
return desc;
/* --- Handle Connections --- */
public func GetAirPipe() { return lib_pipe_control.air_pipe;}
public func GetDrainPipe() { return lib_pipe_control.drain_pipe;}
public func GetSourcePipe() { return lib_pipe_control.source_pipe;}
public func GetNeutralPipe() { return lib_pipe_control.neutral_pipe;}
public func GetConnectedObject(object pipe, bool strict)
if (pipe)
return pipe->GetConnectedObject(this);
if (strict)
return nil;
return this;
public func SetAirPipe(object air_pipe)
lib_pipe_control.air_pipe = air_pipe;
return lib_pipe_control.air_pipe;
public func SetDrainPipe(object drain_pipe)
lib_pipe_control.drain_pipe = drain_pipe;
return lib_pipe_control.drain_pipe;
public func SetSourcePipe(object source_pipe)
lib_pipe_control.source_pipe = source_pipe;
return lib_pipe_control.source_pipe;
public func SetNeutralPipe(object neutral_pipe)
lib_pipe_control.neutral_pipe = neutral_pipe;
return lib_pipe_control.neutral_pipe;
/* --- Menu Callbacks --- */
public func DoConnectPipe(object pipe, string specific_pipe_state)
pipe->ConnectPipeTo(this, specific_pipe_state);
public func DoCutPipe(object pipe, object clonk)
if (pipe)
pipe->CutLineConnection(this, clonk);
public func IsAllowedSwapSourceDrain()
if (!GetSourcePipe() || !GetDrainPipe())
return false;
var source_line = GetSourcePipe()->GetConnectedLine();
var drain_line = GetDrainPipe()->GetConnectedLine();
if (source_line && drain_line)
var source = source_line->GetConnectedObject(this);
var drain = drain_line->GetConnectedObject(this);
// Allow swapping if both ends are pipes.
if (source->GetID() == Pipe && drain->GetID() == Pipe)
return true;
// TODO: Also allow swapping if non pipe objects are on the other end and accept the drain or source.
return false;
public func DoSwapSourceDrain(object source, object drain)
// TODO: Also change the state of the objects on the other end of the pipe.
public func FindAvailablePipe(object container, find_state)
for (var pipe in FindObjects(Find_ID(Pipe), Find_Container(container), find_state))
if (this->~QueryConnectPipe(pipe, false))
// Because of the delayed entrance into the pipeline of 1 frame the pipe may still be considered available.
// Therefore check also there there exists no connection of the line to this object.
var line = pipe->GetConnectedLine();
if (line && line->IsConnectedTo(this, true))
return pipe;
return nil;
/* --- Pipe Callbacks --- */
public func CanConnectPipe(){ return true;}
public func OnPipeDisconnect(object pipe)
// pipe objects have to be reset!
if (pipe == GetDrainPipe()) SetDrainPipe();
if (pipe == GetSourcePipe()) SetSourcePipe();
if (pipe == GetNeutralPipe()) SetNeutralPipe();
public func QueryConnectPipe(object pipe, bool report_message)
// Do not allow connections from this object to itself
if (pipe->~IsConnectedTo(this)
|| pipe->~GetConnectedLine() && pipe->GetConnectedLine()->~IsConnectedTo(this))
if (report_message) pipe->Report(Format("$MsgPipeAlreadyConnected$", this->GetName()));
return true;
// All limits hit?
if (AllPipeLimitsReached())
if (report_message)
var possible_connections;
for (var limit in GetPipeLimits())
if (!limit.HasLimit) continue;
if (possible_connections)
possible_connections = Format("%s, %s", possible_connections, limit.Description);
possible_connections = limit.Description;
pipe->Report(Format("$MsgHasPipes$", this->GetName(), possible_connections));
return true;
// Check limits individually
if (IsPipeLimitReached(pipe, pipe->IsSourcePipe(), this.PipeLimit_Source, GetSourcePipe(), report_message, "$MsgSourcePipeProhibited$")
|| IsPipeLimitReached(pipe, pipe->IsDrainPipe(), this.PipeLimit_Drain, GetDrainPipe(), report_message, "$MsgDrainPipeProhibited$")
|| IsPipeLimitReached(pipe, pipe->IsAirPipe(), this.PipeLimit_Air, GetAirPipe(), report_message, "$MsgAirPipeProhibited$")
|| IsPipeLimitReached(pipe, pipe->IsNeutralPipe(), this.PipeLimit_Neutral, GetNeutralPipe(), report_message, "$MsgNeutralPipeProhibited$"))
return true;
return false;
func IsPipeLimitReached(object pipe, bool apply_limit, int limit, object existing_pipe, bool report_message, string message)
// Limit does not even apply?
if (!apply_limit || nil == limit)
return false;
// Pipes of this type are always prohibited?
if (0 == limit)
if (report_message) pipe->Report(Format("$MsgPipeProhibited$", this->GetName()));
return true;
// Pipes of this type are limited?
if (!!existing_pipe)
if (report_message) pipe->Report(Format(message ?? "$MsgPipeProhibited$", this->GetName()));
return true;
return false;
func AllPipeLimitsReached()
var limits = GetPipeLimits();
var has_limit = false;
for (var limit in limits)
if (!limit.HasLimit)
has_limit = true;
if (!limit.Current)
return false;
return has_limit;
func GetPipeLimits()
return [{HasLimit = this.PipeLimit_Air, Current = GetAirPipe(), Description = "$MsgPipeAir$", },
{HasLimit = this.PipeLimit_Drain, Current = GetDrainPipe(), Description = "$MsgPipeDrain$", },
{HasLimit = this.PipeLimit_Neutral, Current = GetNeutralPipe(), Description = "$MsgPipeNeutral$", },
{HasLimit = this.PipeLimit_Source, Current = GetSourcePipe(), Description = "$MsgPipeSource$", }];
/* --- Scenario Saving --- */
public func SaveScenarioObject(props)
if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false;
if (lib_pipe_control.air_pipe) props->AddCall("AirPipe", this, "SetAirPipe", lib_pipe_control.air_pipe);
if (lib_pipe_control.drain_pipe) props->AddCall("DrainPipe", this, "SetDrainPipe", lib_pipe_control.drain_pipe);
if (lib_pipe_control.source_pipe) props->AddCall("SourcePipe", this, "SetSourcePipe", lib_pipe_control.source_pipe);
if (lib_pipe_control.neutral_pipe) props->AddCall("NeutralPipe", this, "SetNeutralPipe", lib_pipe_control.neutral_pipe);
return true;