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# Dialogue options
MsgNextTutorial=&Next tutorial
MsgNextTutorialDesc=Start the next tutorial scenario.
MsgRepeatRound=&Repeat this round
MsgRepeatRoundDesc=Restart this scenario.
# Tutorial messages
MsgTutWelcome=Welcome, you have been equipped with sword and shield. Use the sword to strike the four straw men, you can strike with the sword while jumping.
MsgTutGateOpened=Not bad, but the next challenge will be a living opponent. Move through the gate up the ledge, be careful when approaching your enemy.
MsgTutFirstEnemy=There is an enemy throwing javelins, use the shield to block his ranged attacks, and strike him with the sword from nearby.
MsgTutOpenGate=No challenge at all, right? Grab the spin wheel and press [Up] to open the gate and advance to the next enemies.
MsgTutTwoEnemies=There are two enemies occupying that tower. Evade or block their ranged attacks and make it into the tower to attack them from behind.
MsgTutMoveOn=Well done! Open the gate with the wheel in tower, and move on to the last enemy.
MsgTutLastEnemy=The last enemy is over there, he is equipped with sword and shield. Eliminate him to complete this tutorial.
#Opponent Name
NameOpponent=Tutorial Opponent