
1761 lines
49 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Peter Wortmann
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006, 2008 Günther Brammer
* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2007 Julian Raschke
* Copyright (c) 2008 Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Herr
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4Network2Res.h>
#include <C4Random.h>
#include <C4Config.h>
#include <C4Log.h>
#include <C4Group.h>
#include <C4Components.h>
#include <C4Game.h>
#include <C4GameControl.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define snprintf _snprintf
#pragma warning (disable : 4355)
// compile debug options
// #define C4NET2RES_LOAD_ALL
// helper
class DirSizeHelper
static uint32_t iSize, iMaxSize;
static bool Helper(const char *szPath)
if (szPath[SLen(szPath)-1] == '.')
return false;
if (iSize > iMaxSize)
return false;
if (DirectoryExists(szPath))
ForEachFile(szPath, &Helper);
else if (FileExists(szPath))
iSize += FileSize(szPath);
return true;
static bool GetDirSize(const char *szPath, uint32_t *pSize, uint32_t inMaxSize = ~0)
// Security
if (!pSize) return false;
// Fold it
iSize = 0; iMaxSize = inMaxSize;
ForEachFile(szPath, &Helper);
// Return
*pSize = iSize;
return true;
uint32_t DirSizeHelper::iSize, DirSizeHelper::iMaxSize;
// *** C4Network2ResCore
: eType(NRT_Null),
iID(-1), iDerID(-1),
iFileSize(~0u), iFileCRC(~0u), iContentsCRC(~0u),
void C4Network2ResCore::Set(C4Network2ResType enType, int32_t iResID, const char *strFileName, uint32_t inContentsCRC)
// Initialize base data
eType = enType; iID = iResID; iDerID = -1;
fLoadable = false;
iFileSize = iFileCRC = ~0; iContentsCRC = inContentsCRC;
iChunkSize = C4NetResChunkSize;
void C4Network2ResCore::SetLoadable(uint32_t iSize, uint32_t iCRC)
fLoadable = true;
iFileSize = iSize;
iFileCRC = iCRC;
void C4Network2ResCore::Clear()
eType = NRT_Null;
iID = iDerID = -1;
fLoadable = false;
iFileSize = iFileCRC = iContentsCRC = ~0;
fHasFileSHA = false;
// C4PacketBase virtuals
void C4Network2ResCore::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkEnumAdaptT<uint8_t>(eType, C4Network2ResType_EnumMap), "Type", NRT_Null));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iID, "ID", -1));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iDerID, "DerID", -1));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fLoadable, "Loadable", true));
if (fLoadable)
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iFileSize, "FileSize", 0U));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iFileCRC, "FileCRC", 0U));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iChunkSize, "ChunkSize", C4NetResChunkSize));
if (!iChunkSize) pComp->excCorrupt("zero chunk size");
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iContentsCRC, "ContentsCRC", 0U));
pComp->Value(mkNamingCountAdapt(fHasFileSHA, "FileSHA"));
if (fHasFileSHA)
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkHexAdapt(FileSHA), "FileSHA"));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkNetFilenameAdapt(FileName), "Filename", ""));
// *** C4Network2ResLoad
C4Network2ResLoad::C4Network2ResLoad(int32_t inChunk, int32_t inByClient)
: iChunk(inChunk), Timestamp(time(NULL)), iByClient(inByClient), pNext(NULL)
bool C4Network2ResLoad::CheckTimeout()
return difftime(time(NULL), Timestamp) >= C4NetResLoadTimeout;
// *** C4Network2ResChunkData
: iChunkCnt(0), iPresentChunkCnt(0),
pChunkRanges(NULL), iChunkRangeCnt(0)
C4Network2ResChunkData::C4Network2ResChunkData(const C4Network2ResChunkData &Data2)
: C4PacketBase(Data2),
iChunkCnt(Data2.getChunkCnt()), iPresentChunkCnt(0),
pChunkRanges(NULL), iChunkRangeCnt(0)
// add ranges
C4Network2ResChunkData &C4Network2ResChunkData::operator =(const C4Network2ResChunkData &Data2)
// clear, merge
return *this;
void C4Network2ResChunkData::SetIncomplete(int32_t inChunkCnt)
// just set total chunk count
iChunkCnt = inChunkCnt;
void C4Network2ResChunkData::SetComplete(int32_t inChunkCnt)
// set total chunk count
iPresentChunkCnt = iChunkCnt = inChunkCnt;
// create one range
ChunkRange *pRange = new ChunkRange;
pRange->Start = 0; pRange->Length = iChunkCnt;
pRange->Next = NULL;
pChunkRanges = pRange;
void C4Network2ResChunkData::AddChunk(int32_t iChunk)
AddChunkRange(iChunk, 1);
void C4Network2ResChunkData::AddChunkRange(int32_t iStart, int32_t iLength)
// security
if (iStart < 0 || iStart + iLength > iChunkCnt || iLength <= 0) return;
// find position
ChunkRange *pRange, *pPrev;
for (pRange = pChunkRanges, pPrev = NULL; pRange; pPrev = pRange, pRange = pRange->Next)
if (pRange->Start >= iStart)
// create new
ChunkRange *pNew = new ChunkRange;
pNew->Start = iStart; pNew->Length = iLength;
// add to list
pNew->Next = pRange;
(pPrev ? pPrev->Next : pChunkRanges) = pNew;
// counts
iPresentChunkCnt += iLength; iChunkRangeCnt++;
// check merges
if (pPrev && MergeRanges(pPrev))
while (MergeRanges(pPrev)) {}
while (MergeRanges(pNew)) {}
void C4Network2ResChunkData::Merge(const C4Network2ResChunkData &Data2)
// must have same basis chunk count
assert(iChunkCnt == Data2.getChunkCnt());
// add ranges
for (ChunkRange *pRange = Data2.pChunkRanges; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next)
AddChunkRange(pRange->Start, pRange->Length);
void C4Network2ResChunkData::Clear()
iChunkCnt = iPresentChunkCnt = iChunkRangeCnt = 0;
// remove all ranges
while (pChunkRanges)
ChunkRange *pDelete = pChunkRanges;
pChunkRanges = pDelete->Next;
delete pDelete;
int32_t C4Network2ResChunkData::GetChunkToRetrieve(const C4Network2ResChunkData &Available, int32_t iLoadingCnt, int32_t *pLoading) const
// (this version is highly calculation-intensitive, yet the most satisfactory
// solution I could find)
// find everything that should not be retrieved
C4Network2ResChunkData ChData; Available.GetNegative(ChData);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLoadingCnt; i++)
// nothing to retrieve?
if (ChData.isComplete()) return -1;
// invert to get everything that should be retrieved
C4Network2ResChunkData ChData2; ChData.GetNegative(ChData2);
// select chunk (random)
int32_t iRetrieveChunk = SafeRandom(ChData2.getPresentChunkCnt());
// return
return ChData2.getPresentChunk(iRetrieveChunk);
bool C4Network2ResChunkData::MergeRanges(ChunkRange *pRange)
// no next entry?
if (!pRange || !pRange->Next) return false;
// do merge?
ChunkRange *pNext = pRange->Next;
if (pRange->Start + pRange->Length < pNext->Start) return false;
// get overlap
int32_t iOverlap = Min((pRange->Start + pRange->Length) - pNext->Start, pNext->Length);
// set new chunk range
pRange->Length += pNext->Length - iOverlap;
// remove range
pRange->Next = pNext->Next;
delete pNext;
// counts
iChunkRangeCnt--; iPresentChunkCnt -= iOverlap;
// ok
return true;
void C4Network2ResChunkData::GetNegative(C4Network2ResChunkData &Target) const
// clear target
// add all ranges that are missing
int32_t iFreeStart = 0;
for (ChunkRange *pRange = pChunkRanges; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next)
// add range
Target.AddChunkRange(iFreeStart, pRange->Start - iFreeStart);
// safe new start
iFreeStart = pRange->Start + pRange->Length;
// add last range
Target.AddChunkRange(iFreeStart, iChunkCnt - iFreeStart);
int32_t C4Network2ResChunkData::getPresentChunk(int32_t iNr) const
for (ChunkRange *pRange = pChunkRanges; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next)
if (iNr < pRange->Length)
return iNr + pRange->Start;
iNr -= pRange->Length;
return -1;
void C4Network2ResChunkData::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
bool fCompiler = pComp->isCompiler();
if (fCompiler) Clear();
// Data
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(iChunkCnt), "ChunkCnt", 0));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(iChunkRangeCnt), "ChunkRangeCnt", 0));
// Ranges
if (!pComp->Name("Ranges"))
pComp->excCorrupt("ResChunk ranges expected!");
ChunkRange *pRange = NULL;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iChunkRangeCnt; i++)
// Create new range / go to next range
if (fCompiler)
pRange = (pRange ? pRange->Next : pChunkRanges) = new ChunkRange;
pRange = pRange ? pRange->Next : pChunkRanges;
// Separate
if (i) pComp->Separator();
// Compile range
// Terminate list
if (fCompiler)
(pRange ? pRange->Next : pChunkRanges) = NULL;
// *** C4Network2Res
C4Network2Res::C4Network2Res(C4Network2ResList *pnParent)
: fDirty(false),
fTempFile(false), fStandaloneFailed(false),
iRefCnt(0), fRemoved(false),
pCChunks(NULL), iDiscoverStartTime(0), pLoads(NULL), iLoadCnt(0),
szFile[0] = szStandalone[0] = '\0';
bool C4Network2Res::SetByFile(const char *strFilePath, bool fTemp, C4Network2ResType eType, int32_t iResID, const char *szResName, bool fSilent)
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// default ressource name: relative path
if (!szResName) szResName = Config.AtRelativePath(strFilePath);
SCopy(strFilePath, szFile, sizeof(szFile)-1);
// group?
C4Group Grp;
if (Reloc.Open(Grp, strFilePath))
return SetByGroup(&Grp, fTemp, eType, iResID, szResName, fSilent);
// so it needs to be a file
StdStrBuf szFullFile;
if (!Reloc.LocateItem(szFile, szFullFile))
{ if (!fSilent) LogF("SetByFile: file %s not found!", strFilePath); return false; }
// calc checksum
uint32_t iCRC32;
if (!C4Group_GetFileCRC(szFullFile.getData(), &iCRC32)) return false;
// log
LogSilentF("Network: Resource: complete %d:%s is file %s (%s)", iResID, szResName, szFile, fTemp ? "temp" : "static");
// set core
Core.Set(eType, iResID, Config.AtRelativePath(szFullFile.getData()), iCRC32);
// set own data
fDirty = true;
fTempFile = fTemp;
fStandaloneFailed = false;
fRemoved = false;
iLastReqTime = time(NULL);
fLoading = false;
// ok
return true;
bool C4Network2Res::SetByGroup(C4Group *pGrp, bool fTemp, C4Network2ResType eType, int32_t iResID, const char *szResName, bool fSilent) // by main thread
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// default ressource name: relative path
StdStrBuf sResName;
if (szResName)
sResName = szResName;
StdStrBuf sFullName = pGrp->GetFullName();
SCopy(pGrp->GetFullName().getData(), szFile, sizeof(szFile)-1);
// set core
Core.Set(eType, iResID, sResName.getData(), pGrp->EntryCRC32());
// log
LogSilentF("Network: Resource: complete %d:%s is file %s (%s)", iResID, sResName.getData(), szFile, fTemp ? "temp" : "static");
// set data
fDirty = true;
fTempFile = fTemp;
fStandaloneFailed = false;
fRemoved = false;
iLastReqTime = time(NULL);
fLoading = false;
// ok
return true;
bool C4Network2Res::SetByCore(const C4Network2ResCore &nCore, bool fSilent, const char *szAsFilename, int32_t iRecursion) // by main thread
StdStrBuf sFilename;
// try open local file
const char *szFilename = szAsFilename ? szAsFilename : GetC4Filename(nCore.getFileName());
if (SetByFile(szFilename, false, nCore.getType(), nCore.getID(), nCore.getFileName(), fSilent))
// check contents checksum
if (Core.getContentsCRC() == nCore.getContentsCRC())
// set core
fDirty = true;
Core = nCore;
// ok then
return true;
// get and search for filename without specified folder (e.g., Castle.c4s when the opened game is Easy.c4f\Castle.c4s)
const char *szFilenameOnly = GetFilename(szFilename);
const char *szFilenameC4 = GetC4Filename(szFilename);
if (szFilenameOnly != szFilenameC4)
sFilename.Copy(szFilename, SLen(szFilename) - SLen(szFilenameC4));
if (SetByCore(nCore, fSilent, szFilenameOnly, Config.Network.MaxResSearchRecursion)) return true;
// if it could still not be set, try within all folders of root (ignoring special folders), and try as file outside the folder
// but do not recurse any deeper than set by config (default: One folder)
if (iRecursion >= Config.Network.MaxResSearchRecursion) return false;
StdStrBuf sSearchPath; const char *szSearchPath;
if (!iRecursion)
szSearchPath = Config.General.ExePath;
sSearchPath.Copy(szFilename, SLen(szFilename) - SLen(szFilenameC4));
szSearchPath = sSearchPath.getData();
StdStrBuf sNetPath; sNetPath.Copy(Config.Network.WorkPath);
char *szNetPath = sNetPath.GrabPointer();
for (DirectoryIterator i(szSearchPath); *i; ++i)
if (DirectoryExists(*i))
if (!*GetExtension(*i)) // directories without extension only
if (!szNetPath || !*szNetPath || !ItemIdentical(*i, szNetPath)) // ignore network path
// search for complete name at subpath (e.g. MyFolder\Easy.c4f\Castle.c4s)
sFilename.Format("%s%c%s", *i, DirectorySeparator, szFilenameC4);
if (SetByCore(nCore, fSilent, sFilename.getData(), iRecursion + 1))
return true;
// file could not be found locally
return false;
bool C4Network2Res::SetLoad(const C4Network2ResCore &nCore) // by main thread
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// must be loadable
if (!nCore.isLoadable()) return false;
// save core, set chunks
Core = nCore;
// create temporary file
if (!pParent->FindTempResFileName(Core.getFileName(), szFile))
return false;
// log
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("Network: Resource: loading %d:%s to file %s", Core.getID(), Core.getFileName(), szFile);
// set standalone (result is going to be binary-compatible)
SCopy(szFile, szStandalone, sizeof(szStandalone) - 1);
// set flags
fDirty = false;
fTempFile = true;
fStandaloneFailed = false;
fRemoved = false;
iLastReqTime = time(NULL);
fLoading = true;
// No discovery yet
iDiscoverStartTime = 0;
return true;
bool C4Network2Res::SetDerived(const char *strName, const char *strFilePath, bool fTemp, C4Network2ResType eType, int32_t iDResID)
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// set core
Core.Set(eType, C4NetResIDAnonymous, strName, ~0);
// save file path
SCopy(strFilePath, szFile, _MAX_PATH);
*szStandalone = '\0';
// set flags
fDirty = false;
fTempFile = fTemp;
fStandaloneFailed = false;
fRemoved = false;
iLastReqTime = time(NULL);
fLoading = false;
// Do not set any chunk data - anonymous ressources are very likely to change.
// Wait for FinishDerived()-call.
return true;
void C4Network2Res::ChangeID(int32_t inID)
bool C4Network2Res::IsBinaryCompatible()
// returns wether the standalone of this ressource is binary compatible
// to the official version (means: matches the file checksum)
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// standalone set? ok then (see GetStandalone)
if (szStandalone[0]) return true;
// is a directory?
if (DirectoryExists(szFile))
// forget it - if the file is packed now, the creation time and author
// won't match.
return false;
// try to create the standalone
return GetStandalone(NULL, 0, false, false, true);
bool C4Network2Res::GetStandalone(char *pTo, int32_t iMaxL, bool fSetOfficial, bool fAllowUnloadable, bool fSilent)
// already set?
if (szStandalone[0])
if (pTo) SCopy(szStandalone, pTo, iMaxL);
return true;
// already tried and failed? No point in retrying
if (fStandaloneFailed) return false;
// not loadable? Wo won't be able to check the standalone as the core will lack the needed information.
// the standalone won't be interesting in this case, anyway.
if (!fSetOfficial && !Core.isLoadable()) return false;
// set flag, so failure below will let future calls fail
fStandaloneFailed = true;
// lock file
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// directory?
SCopy(szFile, szStandalone, sizeof(szStandalone)-1);
if (DirectoryExists(szFile))
// size check for the directory, if allowed
if (fAllowUnloadable)
uint32_t iDirSize;
if (!DirSizeHelper::GetDirSize(szFile, &iDirSize, Config.Network.MaxLoadFileSize))
{ if (!fSilent) LogF("Network: could not get directory size of %s!", szFile); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
if (iDirSize > uint32_t(Config.Network.MaxLoadFileSize))
{ if (!fSilent) LogSilentF("Network: %s over size limit, will be marked unloadable!", szFile); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
// log - this may take a few seconds
if (!fSilent) LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NETPACKING"), GetFilename(szFile));
// pack inplace?
if (!fTempFile)
if (!pParent->FindTempResFileName(szFile, szStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not find free name for temporary file!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
if (!C4Group_PackDirectoryTo(szFile, szStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not pack directory!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
else if (!C4Group_PackDirectory(szStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not pack directory!"); if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) EraseDirectory(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
// make sure directory is packed
if (DirectoryExists(szStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: directory hasn't been packed!"); if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) EraseDirectory(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
// fallthru
// doesn't exist physically?
if (!FileExists(szStandalone))
// try C4Group (might be packed)
if (!pParent->FindTempResFileName(szFile, szStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not find free name for temporary file!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
if (!C4Group_CopyItem(szFile, szStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not copy to temporary file!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
// remains missing? give up.
if (!FileExists(szStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: file not found!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
// do optimizations (delete unneeded entries)
if (!OptimizeStandalone(fSilent))
{ if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) remove(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
// get file size
size_t iSize = FileSize(szStandalone);
// size limit
if (fAllowUnloadable)
if (iSize > uint32_t(Config.Network.MaxLoadFileSize))
{ if (!fSilent) LogSilentF("Network: %s over size limit, will be marked unloadable!", szFile); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
// check
if (!fSetOfficial && iSize != Core.getFileSize())
// remove file
if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) remove(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0';
// sorry, this version isn't good enough :(
return false;
// calc checksum
uint32_t iCRC32;
if (!C4Group_GetFileCRC(szStandalone, &iCRC32))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not calculate checksum!"); return false; }
// set / check
if (!fSetOfficial && iCRC32 != Core.getFileCRC())
// remove file, return
if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) remove(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0';
return false;
// we didn't fail
fStandaloneFailed = false;
// mark resource as loadable and safe file information
Core.SetLoadable(iSize, iCRC32);
// set up chunk data
// ok
return true;
bool C4Network2Res::CalculateSHA()
// already present?
if (Core.hasFileSHA()) return true;
// get the file
char szStandalone[_MAX_PATH + 1];
if (!GetStandalone(szStandalone, _MAX_PATH, false))
SCopy(szFile, szStandalone, _MAX_PATH);
// get the hash
if (!C4Group_GetFileSHA1(szStandalone, hash))
return false;
// save it back
// okay
return true;
C4Network2Res::Ref C4Network2Res::Derive()
// Called before the file is changed. Rescues all files and creates a
// new ressource for the file. This ressource is flagged as "anonymous", as it
// has no official core (no res ID, to be exact).
// The resource gets its final core when FinishDerive() is called.
// For security: This doesn't make much sense if the resource is currently being
// loaded. So better assume the caller doesn't know what he's doing and check.
if (isLoading()) return NULL;
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// Save back original file name
char szOrgFile[_MAX_PATH+1];
SCopy(szFile, szOrgFile, _MAX_PATH);
bool fOrgTempFile = fTempFile;
// Create a copy of the file, if neccessary
if (!*szStandalone || SEqual(szStandalone, szFile))
if (!pParent->FindTempResFileName(szOrgFile, szFile))
{ Log("Derive: could not find free name for temporary file!"); return NULL; }
if (!C4Group_CopyItem(szOrgFile, szFile))
{ Log("Derive: could not copy to temporary file!"); return NULL; }
// set standalone
if (*szStandalone)
SCopy(szFile, szStandalone, _MAX_PATH);
fTempFile = true;
// Standlone exists: Just set szFile to point on the standlone. It's
// assumed that the original file isn't of intrest after this point anyway.
SCopy(szStandalone, szFile, _MAX_PATH);
fTempFile = true;
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("Network: Ressource: deriving from %d:%s, original at %s", getResID(), Core.getFileName(), szFile);
// (note: should remove temp file if something fails after this point)
// create new ressource
C4Network2Res::Ref pDRes = new C4Network2Res(pParent);
if (!pDRes) return NULL;
// initialize
if (!pDRes->SetDerived(Core.getFileName(), szOrgFile, fOrgTempFile, getType(), getResID()))
return NULL;
// add to list
// return new ressource
return pDRes;
bool C4Network2Res::FinishDerive() // by main thread
// All changes have been made. Register this ressource with a new ID.
// security
if (!isAnonymous()) return false;
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// Save back data
int32_t iDerID = Core.getDerID();
char szName[_MAX_PATH+1]; SCopy(Core.getFileName(), szName, _MAX_PATH);
char szFileC[_MAX_PATH+1]; SCopy(szFile, szFileC, _MAX_PATH);
// Set by file
if (!SetByFile(szFileC, fTempFile, getType(), pParent->nextResID(), szName))
return false;
// create standalone
if (!GetStandalone(NULL, 0, true))
return false;
// Set ID
// announce derive
pParent->getIOClass()->BroadcastMsg(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_NetResDerive, Core));
// derivation is dirty bussines
fDirty = true;
// ok
return true;
bool C4Network2Res::FinishDerive(const C4Network2ResCore &nCore)
// security
if (!isAnonymous()) return false;
// Set core
Core = nCore;
// Set chunks (assume the ressource is complete)
// Note that the Contents-CRC is /not/ checked. Derivation needs to be
// synchronized outside of C4Network2Res.
// But note that the ressource /might/ be binary compatible (though very
// unlikely), so do not set fNotBinaryCompatible.
// ok
return true;
C4Group *C4Network2Res::OpenAsGrp() const
C4Group *pnGrp = new C4Group();
if (!pnGrp->Open(szFile))
delete pnGrp;
return NULL;
return pnGrp;
void C4Network2Res::Remove()
// schedule for removal
fRemoved = true;
bool C4Network2Res::SendStatus(C4Network2IOConnection *pTo)
// pack status
C4NetIOPacket Pkt = MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_NetResStat, C4PacketResStatus(Core.getID(), Chunks));
// to one client?
if (pTo)
return pTo->Send(Pkt);
// reset dirty flag
fDirty = false;
// broadcast status
assert(pParent && pParent->getIOClass());
return pParent->getIOClass()->BroadcastMsg(Pkt);
bool C4Network2Res::SendChunk(uint32_t iChunk, int32_t iToClient)
assert(pParent && pParent->getIOClass());
if (!szStandalone[0] || iChunk >= Core.getChunkCnt()) return false;
// find connection for given client (one of the rare uses of the data connection)
C4Network2IOConnection *pConn = pParent->getIOClass()->GetDataConnection(iToClient);
if (!pConn) return false;
// save last request time
iLastReqTime = time(NULL);
// create packet
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
C4Network2ResChunk ResChunk;
ResChunk.Set(this, iChunk);
// send
bool fSuccess = pConn->Send(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_NetResData, ResChunk));
return fSuccess;
void C4Network2Res::AddRef()
void C4Network2Res::DelRef()
if (!InterlockedDecrement(&iRefCnt))
delete this;
void C4Network2Res::OnDiscover(C4Network2IOConnection *pBy)
if (!IsBinaryCompatible()) return;
// discovered
iLastReqTime = time(NULL);
// send status back
void C4Network2Res::OnStatus(const C4Network2ResChunkData &rChunkData, C4Network2IOConnection *pBy)
if (!fLoading) return;
// discovered a source: reset timeout
iDiscoverStartTime = 0;
// check if the chunk data is valid
if (rChunkData.getChunkCnt() != Chunks.getChunkCnt())
// add chunk data
ClientChunks *pChunks;
for (pChunks = pCChunks; pChunks; pChunks = pChunks->Next)
if (pChunks->ClientID == pBy->getClientID())
// not found? add
if (!pChunks)
pChunks = new ClientChunks();
pChunks->Next = pCChunks;
pCChunks = pChunks;
pChunks->ClientID = pBy->getClientID();
pChunks->Chunks = rChunkData;
// check load
if (!StartLoad(pChunks->ClientID, pChunks->Chunks))
void C4Network2Res::OnChunk(const C4Network2ResChunk &rChunk)
if (!fLoading) return;
// correct ressource?
if (rChunk.getResID() != getResID()) return;
// add ressource data
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
bool fSuccess = rChunk.AddTo(this, pParent->getIOClass());
// log
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("Network: Res: %s chunk %d to ressource %s (%s)%s", fSuccess ? "added" : "could not add", rChunk.getChunkNr(), Core.getFileName(), szFile, fSuccess ? "" : "!");
if (fSuccess)
// status changed
fDirty = true;
// remove load waits
for (C4Network2ResLoad *pLoad = pLoads, *pNext, *pPrev = NULL; pLoad; pPrev = pLoad, pLoad = pNext)
pNext = pLoad->Next();
if (static_cast<uint32_t>(pLoad->getChunk()) == rChunk.getChunkNr())
// complete?
if (Chunks.isComplete())
// check: start new loads?
bool C4Network2Res::DoLoad()
if (!fLoading) return true;
// any loads currently active?
if (iLoadCnt)
// check for load timeouts
int32_t iLoadsRemoved = 0;
for (C4Network2ResLoad *pLoad = pLoads, *pNext; pLoad; pLoad = pNext)
pNext = pLoad->Next();
if (pLoad->CheckTimeout())
// start new loads
if (iLoadsRemoved) StartNewLoads();
// discover timeout?
if (iDiscoverStartTime)
if (difftime(time(NULL), iDiscoverStartTime) > C4NetResDiscoverTimeout)
return false;
// ok
return true;
bool C4Network2Res::NeedsDiscover()
// loading, but no active load sources?
if (fLoading && !iLoadCnt)
// set timeout, if this is the first discover
if (!iDiscoverStartTime)
iDiscoverStartTime = time(NULL);
// do discover
return true;
return false;
void C4Network2Res::Clear()
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// delete files
if (fTempFile)
if (FileExists(szFile))
if (remove(szFile))
//Log(_strerror("Network: Could not delete temporary ressource file"));
LogSilentF("Network: Could not delete temporary resource file (%s)", strerror(errno));
if (szStandalone[0] && !SEqual(szFile, szStandalone))
if (FileExists(szStandalone))
if (remove(szStandalone))
//Log(_strerror("Network: Could not delete temporary ressource file"));
LogSilentF("Network: Could not delete temporary resource file (%s)", strerror(errno));
szFile[0] = szStandalone[0] = '\0';
fDirty = false;
fTempFile = false;
fRemoved = false;
int32_t C4Network2Res::OpenFileRead()
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
if (!GetStandalone(NULL, 0, false, false, true)) return -1;
return open(szStandalone, _O_BINARY | O_RDONLY);
int32_t C4Network2Res::OpenFileWrite()
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
return open(szStandalone, _O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
void C4Network2Res::StartNewLoads()
if (!pCChunks) return;
// count clients
int32_t iCChunkCnt = 0; ClientChunks *pChunks;
for (pChunks = pCChunks; pChunks; pChunks = pChunks->Next)
// create array
ClientChunks **pC = new ClientChunks *[iCChunkCnt];
// initialize
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < iCChunkCnt; i++) pC[i] = NULL;
// create shuffled order
for (pChunks = pCChunks, i = 0; i < iCChunkCnt; i++, pChunks = pChunks->Next)
// determine position
int32_t iPos = SafeRandom(iCChunkCnt - i);
// find & set
for (int32_t j = 0; ; j++)
if (!pC[j] && !iPos--)
pC[j] = pChunks;
// start new load until maximum count reached
while (iLoadCnt + 1 <= C4NetResMaxLoad)
int32_t ioLoadCnt = iLoadCnt;
// search someone
for (i = 0; i < iCChunkCnt; i++)
if (pC[i])
// try to start load
if (!StartLoad(pC[i]->ClientID, pC[i]->Chunks))
{ RemoveCChunks(pC[i]); pC[i] = NULL; continue; }
// success?
if (iLoadCnt > ioLoadCnt) break;
// not found?
if (i >= iCChunkCnt)
// clear up
delete [] pC;
bool C4Network2Res::StartLoad(int32_t iFromClient, const C4Network2ResChunkData &Available)
assert(pParent && pParent->getIOClass());
// all slots used? ignore
if (iLoadCnt + 1 >= C4NetResMaxLoad) return true;
// is there already a load by this client? ignore
for (C4Network2ResLoad *pPos = pLoads; pPos; pPos = pPos->Next())
if (pPos->getByClient() == iFromClient)
return true;
// find chunk to retrieve
int32_t iLoads[C4NetResMaxLoad]; int32_t i = 0;
for (C4Network2ResLoad *pLoad = pLoads; pLoad; pLoad = pLoad->Next())
iLoads[i++] = pLoad->getChunk();
int32_t iRetrieveChunk = Chunks.GetChunkToRetrieve(Available, i, iLoads);
// nothing? ignore
if (iRetrieveChunk < 0 || (uint32_t)iRetrieveChunk >= Core.getChunkCnt())
return true;
// search message connection for client
C4Network2IOConnection *pConn = pParent->getIOClass()->GetMsgConnection(iFromClient);
if (!pConn) return false;
// send request
if (!pConn->Send(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_NetResReq, C4PacketResRequest(Core.getID(), iRetrieveChunk))))
{ pConn->DelRef(); return false; }
// log
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("Network: Res: requesting chunk %d of %d:%s (%s) from client %d",
iRetrieveChunk, Core.getID(), Core.getFileName(), szFile, iFromClient);
// create load class
C4Network2ResLoad *pnLoad = new C4Network2ResLoad(iRetrieveChunk, iFromClient);
// add to list
pnLoad->pNext = pLoads;
pLoads = pnLoad;
// ok
return true;
void C4Network2Res::EndLoad()
// clear loading data
// set complete
fLoading = false;
// call handler
void C4Network2Res::ClearLoad()
// remove client chunks and loads
fLoading = false;
while (pCChunks) RemoveCChunks(pCChunks);
while (pLoads) RemoveLoad(pLoads);
iDiscoverStartTime = iLoadCnt = 0;
void C4Network2Res::RemoveLoad(C4Network2ResLoad *pLoad)
if (pLoad == pLoads)
pLoads = pLoad->Next();
// find previous entry
C4Network2ResLoad *pPrev;
for (pPrev = pLoads; pPrev && pPrev->Next() != pLoad; pPrev = pPrev->Next()) {}
// remove
if (pPrev)
pPrev->pNext = pLoad->Next();
// delete
delete pLoad;
void C4Network2Res::RemoveCChunks(ClientChunks *pChunks)
if (pChunks == pCChunks)
pCChunks = pChunks->Next;
// find previous entry
ClientChunks *pPrev;
for (pPrev = pCChunks; pPrev && pPrev->Next != pChunks; pPrev = pPrev->Next) {}
// remove
if (pPrev)
pPrev->Next = pChunks->Next;
// delete
delete pChunks;
bool C4Network2Res::OptimizeStandalone(bool fSilent)
CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
// for now: player files only
if (Core.getType() == NRT_Player)
// log - this may take a few seconds
if (!fSilent) LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NETPREPARING"), GetFilename(szFile));
// copy to temp file, if needed
if (!fTempFile && SEqual(szFile, szStandalone))
char szNewStandalone[_MAX_PATH + 1];
if (!pParent->FindTempResFileName(szStandalone, szNewStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("OptimizeStandalone: could not find free name for temporary file!"); return false; }
if (!C4Group_CopyItem(szStandalone, szNewStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("OptimizeStandalone: could not copy to temporary file!"); return false; } /* TODO: Test failure */
SCopy(szNewStandalone, szStandalone, sizeof(szStandalone) - 1);
// open as group
C4Group Grp;
if (!Grp.Open(szStandalone))
{ if (!fSilent) Log("OptimizeStandalone: could not open player file!"); return false; }
// remove portrais
Grp.Delete(C4CFN_Portraits, true);
// remove bigicon, if the file size is too large
size_t iBigIconSize=0;
if (Grp.FindEntry(C4CFN_BigIcon, NULL, &iBigIconSize))
if (iBigIconSize > C4NetResMaxBigicon*1024)
return true;
// *** C4Network2ResChunk
bool C4Network2ResChunk::Set(C4Network2Res *pRes, uint32_t inChunk)
const C4Network2ResCore &Core = pRes->getCore();
iResID = pRes->getResID();
iChunk = inChunk;
// calculate offset and size
int32_t iOffset = iChunk * Core.getChunkSize(),
iSize = Min<int32_t>(Core.getFileSize() - iOffset, C4NetResChunkSize);
if (iSize < 0) { LogF("Network: could not get chunk from offset %d from resource file %s: File size is only %d!", iOffset, pRes->getFile(), Core.getFileSize()); return false; }
// open file
int32_t f = pRes->OpenFileRead();
if (f == -1) { LogF("Network: could not open resource file %s!", pRes->getFile()); return false; }
// seek
if (iOffset)
if (lseek(f, iOffset, SEEK_SET) != iOffset)
{ close(f); LogF("Network: could not read resource file %s!", pRes->getFile()); return false; }
// read chunk of data
char *pBuf = new char[iSize];
if (read(f, pBuf, iSize) != iSize)
{ delete [] pBuf; close(f); LogF("Network: could not read resource file %s!", pRes->getFile()); return false; }
// set
Data.Take(pBuf, iSize);
// close
// ok
return true;
bool C4Network2ResChunk::AddTo(C4Network2Res *pRes, C4Network2IO *pIO) const
assert(pRes); assert(pIO);
const C4Network2ResCore &Core = pRes->getCore();
// check
if (iResID != pRes->getResID())
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("C4Network2ResChunk(%d)::AddTo(%s [%d]): Ressource ID mismatch!", (int) iResID, (const char *) Core.getFileName(), (int) pRes->getResID());
return false;
// calculate offset and size
int32_t iOffset = iChunk * Core.getChunkSize();
if (iOffset + Data.getSize() > Core.getFileSize())
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("C4Network2ResChunk(%d)::AddTo(%s [%d]): Adding %d bytes at offset %d exceeds expected file size of %d!", (int) iResID, (const char *) Core.getFileName(), (int) pRes->getResID(), (int) Data.getSize(), (int) iOffset, (int) Core.getFileSize());
return false;
// open file
int32_t f = pRes->OpenFileWrite();
if (f == -1)
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("C4Network2ResChunk(%d)::AddTo(%s [%d]): Open write file error: %s!", (int) iResID, (const char *) Core.getFileName(), (int) pRes->getResID(), strerror(errno));
return false;
// seek
if (iOffset)
if (lseek(f, iOffset, SEEK_SET) != iOffset)
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("C4Network2ResChunk(%d)::AddTo(%s [%d]): lseek file error: %s!", (int) iResID, (const char *) Core.getFileName(), (int) pRes->getResID(), strerror(errno));
return false;
// write
if (write(f, Data.getData(), Data.getSize()) != int32_t(Data.getSize()))
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("C4Network2ResChunk(%d)::AddTo(%s [%d]): write error: %s!", (int) iResID, (const char *) Core.getFileName(), (int) pRes->getResID(), strerror(errno));
return false;
// ok, add chunks
return true;
void C4Network2ResChunk::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
// pack header
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iResID, "ResID", -1));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iChunk, "Chunk", ~0U));
// Data
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(Data, "Data"));
// *** C4Network2ResList
: pFirst(NULL),
iNextResID((-1) << 16),
iLastDiscover(0), iLastStatus(0),
bool C4Network2ResList::Init(int32_t inClientID, C4Network2IO *pIOClass) // by main thread
// clear old list
// safe IO class
pIO = pIOClass;
// set client id
iNextResID = iClientID = 0;
// create network path
if (!CreateNetworkFolder()) return false;
// ok
return true;
void C4Network2ResList::SetLocalID(int32_t inClientID)
CStdLock ResIDLock(&ResIDCSec);
int32_t iOldClientID = iClientID;
int32_t iIDDiff = (inClientID - iClientID) << 16;
// set new counter
iClientID = inClientID;
iNextResID += iIDDiff;
// change ressource ids
CStdLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
for (C4Network2Res *pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
if (pRes->getResClient() == iOldClientID)
pRes->ChangeID(pRes->getResID() + iIDDiff);
int32_t C4Network2ResList::nextResID() // by main thread
CStdLock ResIDLock(&ResIDCSec);
assert(iNextResID >= (iClientID << 16));
if (iNextResID >= ((iClientID+1) << 16) - 1)
iNextResID = Max<int32_t>(0, iClientID) << 16;
// find free
while (getRes(iNextResID))
return iNextResID++;
C4Network2Res *C4Network2ResList::getRes(int32_t iResID)
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
for (C4Network2Res *pCur = pFirst; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext)
if (pCur->getResID() == iResID)
return pCur;
return NULL;
C4Network2Res *C4Network2ResList::getRes(const char *szFile, bool fLocalOnly)
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
for (C4Network2Res *pCur = pFirst; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext)
if (!pCur->isAnonymous())
if (SEqual(pCur->getFile(), szFile))
if (!fLocalOnly || pCur->getResClient()==iClientID)
return pCur;
return NULL;
C4Network2Res::Ref C4Network2ResList::getRefRes(int32_t iResID)
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
return getRes(iResID);
C4Network2Res::Ref C4Network2ResList::getRefRes(const char *szFile, bool fLocalOnly)
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
return getRes(szFile, fLocalOnly);
C4Network2Res::Ref C4Network2ResList::getRefNextRes(int32_t iResID)
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
C4Network2Res *pRes = NULL;
for (C4Network2Res *pCur = pFirst; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext)
if (!pCur->isRemoved() && pCur->getResID() >= iResID)
if (!pRes || pRes->getResID() > pCur->getResID())
pRes = pCur;
return pRes;
void C4Network2ResList::Add(C4Network2Res *pRes)
// get locks
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
CStdLock ResListAddLock(&ResListAddCSec);
// reference
// add
pRes->pNext = pFirst;
pFirst = pRes;
C4Network2Res::Ref C4Network2ResList::AddByFile(const char *strFilePath, bool fTemp, C4Network2ResType eType, int32_t iResID, const char *szResName, bool fAllowUnloadable)
// already in list?
C4Network2Res::Ref pRes = getRefRes(strFilePath);
if (pRes) return pRes;
// get ressource ID
if (iResID < 0) iResID = nextResID();
if (iResID < 0) { Log("AddByFile: no more ressource IDs available!"); return NULL; }
// create new
pRes = new C4Network2Res(this);
// initialize
if (!pRes->SetByFile(strFilePath, fTemp, eType, iResID, szResName)) { return NULL; }
// create standalone for non-system files
// system files shouldn't create a standalone; they should never be marked loadable!
if (eType != NRT_System)
if (!pRes->GetStandalone(NULL, 0, true, fAllowUnloadable))
if (!fAllowUnloadable)
delete pRes;
return NULL;
// add to list
return pRes;
C4Network2Res::Ref C4Network2ResList::AddByGroup(C4Group *pGrp, bool fTemp, C4Network2ResType eType, int32_t iResID, const char *szResName, bool fAllowUnloadable)
// get ressource ID
if (iResID < 0) iResID = nextResID();
if (iResID < 0) { Log("AddByGroup: no more ressource IDs available!"); return NULL; }
// create new
C4Network2Res::Ref pRes = new C4Network2Res(this);
// initialize
if (!pRes->SetByGroup(pGrp, fTemp, eType, iResID, szResName))
delete pRes;
return NULL;
// create standalone
if (!pRes->GetStandalone(NULL, 0, true, fAllowUnloadable))
if (!fAllowUnloadable)
delete pRes;
return NULL;
// add to list
return pRes;
C4Network2Res::Ref C4Network2ResList::AddByCore(const C4Network2ResCore &Core, bool fLoad) // by main thread
// already in list?
C4Network2Res::Ref pRes = getRefRes(Core.getID());
if (pRes) return pRes;
// load without check (if possible)
if (Core.isLoadable()) return AddLoad(Core);
// create new
pRes = new C4Network2Res(this);
// try set by core
if (!pRes->SetByCore(Core, true))
// try load (if specified)
return fLoad ? AddLoad(Core) : NULL;
// log
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("Network: Found identical %s. Not loading.", pRes->getCore().getFileName());
// add to list
// ok
return pRes;
C4Network2Res::Ref C4Network2ResList::AddLoad(const C4Network2ResCore &Core) // by main thread
// marked unloadable by creator?
if (!Core.isLoadable())
// show error msg
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLog("Network: Cannot load %s (marked unloadable)", Core.getFileName());
return NULL;
// create new
C4Network2Res::Ref pRes = new C4Network2Res(this);
// initialize
// log
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("Network: loading %s...", Core.getFileName());
// add to list
return pRes;
void C4Network2ResList::RemoveAtClient(int32_t iClientID) // by main thread
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
for (C4Network2Res *pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
if (pRes->getResClient() == iClientID)
void C4Network2ResList::Clear()
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
for (C4Network2Res *pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
pRes->iLastReqTime = 0;
iClientID = C4ClientIDUnknown;
iLastDiscover = iLastStatus = 0;
void C4Network2ResList::OnClientConnect(C4Network2IOConnection *pConn) // by main thread
// discover ressources
void C4Network2ResList::HandlePacket(char cStatus, const C4PacketBase *pPacket, C4Network2IOConnection *pConn)
// security
if (!pConn) return;
#define GETPKT(type, name) \
assert(pPacket); const type &name = \
/*dynamic_cast*/ static_cast<const type &>(*pPacket);
switch (cStatus)
case PID_NetResDis: // ressource discover
if (!pConn->isOpen()) break;
GETPKT(C4PacketResDiscover, Pkt);
// search matching ressources
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
for (C4Network2Res *pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
if (Pkt.isIDPresent(pRes->getResID()))
// must be binary compatible
if (pRes->IsBinaryCompatible())
case PID_NetResStat: // ressource status
if (!pConn->isOpen()) break;
GETPKT(C4PacketResStatus, Pkt);
// matching ressource?
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
C4Network2Res *pRes = getRes(Pkt.getResID());
// present / being loaded? call handler
if (pRes)
pRes->OnStatus(Pkt.getChunks(), pConn);
case PID_NetResDerive: // ressource derive
GETPKT(C4Network2ResCore, Core);
if (Core.getDerID() < 0) break;
// Check if there is a anonymous derived ressource with matching parent.
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
for (C4Network2Res *pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
if (pRes->isAnonymous() && pRes->getCore().getDerID() == Core.getDerID())
case PID_NetResReq: // ressource request
GETPKT(C4PacketResRequest, Pkt);
// find ressource
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
C4Network2Res *pRes = getRes(Pkt.getReqID());
// send requested chunk
if (pRes && pRes->IsBinaryCompatible()) pRes->SendChunk(Pkt.getReqChunk(), pConn->getClientID());
case PID_NetResData: // a chunk of data is coming in
GETPKT(C4Network2ResChunk, Chunk);
// find ressource
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
C4Network2Res *pRes = getRes(Chunk.getResID());
// send requested chunk
if (pRes) pRes->OnChunk(Chunk);
#undef GETPKT
void C4Network2ResList::OnTimer()
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
C4Network2Res *pRes;
// do loads, check timeouts
for (pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
if (pRes->isLoading() && !pRes->isRemoved())
if (!pRes->DoLoad())
// discovery time?
if (!iLastDiscover || difftime(time(NULL), iLastDiscover) >= C4NetResDiscoverInterval)
// needed?
bool fSendDiscover = false;
for (C4Network2Res *pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
if (pRes->isLoading() && !pRes->isRemoved())
fSendDiscover |= pRes->NeedsDiscover();
// send
if (fSendDiscover)
// status update?
if (!iLastStatus || difftime(time(NULL), iLastStatus) >= C4NetResStatusInterval)
// any?
bool fStatusUpdates = false;
for (pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
if (pRes->isDirty() && !pRes->isRemoved())
fStatusUpdates |= pRes->SendStatus();
// set time accordingly
iLastStatus = fStatusUpdates ? time(NULL) : 0;
void C4Network2ResList::OnShareFree(CStdCSecEx *pCSec)
if (pCSec == &ResListCSec)
// remove entries
for (C4Network2Res *pRes = pFirst, *pNext, *pPrev = NULL; pRes; pRes = pNext)
pNext = pRes->pNext;
if (pRes->isRemoved() && (!pRes->getLastReqTime() || difftime(time(NULL), pRes->getLastReqTime()) > C4NetResDeleteTime))
// unlink
(pPrev ? pPrev->pNext : pFirst) = pNext;
// remove
pRes->pNext = NULL;
pPrev = pRes;
bool C4Network2ResList::SendDiscover(C4Network2IOConnection *pTo) // by both
// make packet
C4PacketResDiscover Pkt;
// add special retrieves
CStdShareLock ResListLock(&ResListCSec);
for (C4Network2Res *pRes = pFirst; pRes; pRes = pRes->pNext)
if (!pRes->isRemoved())
if (pRes->isLoading())
// empty?
if (!Pkt.getDisIDCnt()) return false;
// broadcast?
if (!pTo)
// save time
iLastDiscover = time(NULL);
// send
return pIO->BroadcastMsg(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_NetResDis, Pkt));
return pTo->Send(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_NetResDis, Pkt));
void C4Network2ResList::OnResComplete(C4Network2Res *pRes)
// log (network thread -> ThreadLog)
Application.InteractiveThread.ThreadLogS("Network: %s received.", pRes->getCore().getFileName());
// call handler (ctrl might wait for this ressource)
bool C4Network2ResList::CreateNetworkFolder()
// get network path without trailing backslash
char szNetworkPath[_MAX_PATH+1];
SCopy(Config.AtNetworkPath(""), szNetworkPath, _MAX_PATH);
// but make sure that the configured path has one
// does not exist?
if (access(szNetworkPath, 00))
if (!CreatePath(szNetworkPath))
{ LogFatal("Network: could not create network path!"); return false; }
return true;
// stat
struct stat s;
if (stat(szNetworkPath, &s))
{ LogFatal("Network: could not stat network path!"); return false; }
// not a subdir?
if (!(s.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
{ LogFatal("Network: could not create network path: blocked by a file!"); return false; }
// ok
return true;
bool C4Network2ResList::FindTempResFileName(const char *szFilename, char *pTarget)
char safeFilename[_MAX_PATH];
char* safePos = safeFilename;
while (*szFilename)
if ((*szFilename >= 'a' && *szFilename <= 'z') ||
(*szFilename >= 'A' && *szFilename <= 'Z') ||
(*szFilename >= '0' && *szFilename <= '9') ||
(*szFilename == '.') || (*szFilename == '/'))
*safePos = *szFilename;
*safePos = '_';
*safePos = 0;
szFilename = safeFilename;
// create temporary file
SCopy(Config.AtNetworkPath(GetFilename(szFilename)), pTarget, _MAX_PATH);
// file name is free?
if (access(pTarget, F_OK)) return true;
// find another file name
char szFileMask[_MAX_PATH+1];
SCopy(pTarget, szFileMask, GetExtension(pTarget)-1-pTarget);
SAppend("_%d", szFileMask, _MAX_PATH);
SAppend(GetExtension(pTarget)-1, szFileMask, _MAX_PATH);
for (int32_t i = 2; i < 1000; i++)
snprintf(pTarget, _MAX_PATH, szFileMask, i);
// doesn't exist?
if (access(pTarget, F_OK))
return true;
// not found
return false;