
97 lines
3.1 KiB

; Defines functions for extra music pack download:
; MusicPackChoice - shows page with checkbox to download music pack
; MusicPackDownload - downloads music pack
; MusicPackInstall - copies downloaded music pack into game folder
!include nsDialogs.nsh
!include LogicLib.nsh
!define MUSICPACK_URL ""
; !define MUSICPACK_URL ""
Var Dialog
Var Label
Var MusicCheckbox
Var MusicCheckbox_State
Var TempMusicFn
!macro MusicPackChoice
Page custom nsMusicPage nsMusicPageDone
Function nsMusicPage
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $Dialog
${If} $Dialog == error
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Additional music package" "Download additional music package"
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 24u "Do you want to download and install an additional music package by David Oerther?"
Pop $Label
${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 24u 100% 10u "&Download and install music (130MB)"
Pop $MusicCheckbox
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 48u 100% 24u "License: Music by David Oerther © Copyright 2015. All rights reserved, note that the soundtrack does not use the creative common or similar licenses."
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 72u 100% 36u "The game Open Clonk ( and all derived works may use and distribute the soundtrack, as long as credit is given. Open Clonk modifications and ingame-videos don't require credits."
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 108u 100% 24u "For all other usage (f.e. commercial) please contact:"
${If} $MusicCheckbox_State == ${BST_CHECKED}
${NSD_Check} $MusicCheckbox
Function nsMusicPageDone
${NSD_GetState} $MusicCheckbox $MusicCheckbox_State
Function MusicPackDownload
; Skip download if user didn't tick the check box
${If} $MusicCheckbox_State != ${BST_CHECKED}
StrCpy $TempMusicFn "none"
DetailPrint "Extra music pack installation skipped."
Goto musicdldone
DetailPrint "Downloading extra music pack from ${MUSICPACK_URL}..."
; Use a nice temp file name so user knows what is being downloaded.
; GetTempFileName $TempMusicFn
StrCpy $TempMusicFn "$TEMP\OpenClonkSoundtrack"
; Inetc plugin has better dialogs and progress bars, but the license is unclear
; inetc::get /caption "Music package download" /popup "" "${MUSICPACK_URL}" "$TempMusicFn" /end
; Download using builtin NSISdl plugin
NSISdl::download "${MUSICPACK_URL}" "$TempMusicFn"
Pop $0
StrCmp $0 "success" musicdlok
StrCpy $TempMusicFn "none"
DetailPrint "Download error: $0"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Download error $0. You can also get the music pack directly from the OpenClonk website." /SD IDOK
Goto musicdldone
DetailPrint "Music pack download done."
; Install music pack if it had been downloaded
Function MusicPackInstall
; Check successful download
StrCmp $TempMusicFn "none" musicinstdone
; Install pack using copy+delete
DetailPrint "Installing extra music pack..."
CopyFiles /SILENT "$TempMusicFn" "$INSTDIR\Music.ocg"
Delete "$TempMusicFn"