
161 lines
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A certain amount of the map must be claimed by constructing flags.
This is tested by a Monte Carlo simulation over the whole map,
checking whether the point is covered by a flagpole.
@author Maikel
#include Library_Goal
local expansion_goal;
local mc_data;
protected func Initialize()
expansion_goal = 0;
// Start running the monte carlo simulation.
mc_data = [];
AddEffect("IntAreaMonteCarlo", this, 100, 1, this);
return inherited(...);
// Set the expansion goal in promillage of the total map.
public func SetExpansionGoal(int exp_area)
expansion_goal = exp_area;
// Returns the expansion goal in promillage of the total map.
public func GetExpansionGoal()
return expansion_goal;
// Scenario saving
public func SaveScenarioObject(props)
if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false;
if (expansion_goal) props->AddCall("Goal", this, "SetExpansionGoal", expansion_goal);
return true;
/*-- Goal interface --*/
// The goal is fulfilled if the expansion goal is covered by flags.
public func IsFulfilled()
// Check if goal is fulfilled.
if (GetExpansionArea() >= GetExpansionGoal())
return true;
// Not yet fulfilled.
return false;
// Returns the promillage of the total map covered by flags.
private func GetExpansionArea()
// Evaluate mc simulation.
var area = 0, cnt = 0;
for (var mc in mc_data)
if (mc != nil)
area += mc;
if (!cnt)
return 0;
return area / cnt;
private func FxIntAreaMonteCarloStart(object target, proplist effect, int temporary)
if (temporary)
return 1;
// Control the amount of storing.
effect.store_index = 0;
effect.store_amount = 2000;
// Monte Carlo simulation to determine the area covered by flagpoles.
// There is thin balance between the accuracy of the simulation, the
// number of simulations per frame and the refresh rate of the data,
// or equivalently how long past data is stored.
private func FxIntAreaMonteCarloTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
// Perform simulations and store them.
var cnt = 10; // Perform 10 simulations per frame.
var rate = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
var x = Random(LandscapeWidth());
var y = Random(LandscapeHeight());
if (GetFlagpoleForPosition(x, y))
var promille = 1000 * rate / cnt;
// Add new montecarlo data to the data list and remove old entry.
mc_data[effect.store_index] = promille;
if (effect.store_index >= effect.store_amount)
effect.store_index = 0;
return 1;
// Return the description of this goal.
public func GetDescription(int plr)
var message;
if (GetExpansionArea() >= GetExpansionGoal() || GetExpansionGoal() == 0)
message = Format("$MsgGoalFulfilled$");
message = Format("$MsgGoalUnFulfilled$", 100 * GetExpansionArea() / GetExpansionGoal());
return message;
// Shows or hides a message window with information.
public func Activate(int plr)
// If goal message open -> hide it.
if (GetEffect("GoalMessage", this))
CustomMessage("", nil, plr, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, MSG_HCenter);
RemoveEffect("GoalMessage", this);
// Otherwise open a new message.
AddEffect("GoalMessage", this, 100, 0, this);
var message;
if (GetExpansionArea() >= GetExpansionGoal() || GetExpansionGoal() == 0)
message = Format("@$MsgGoalFulfilled$");
message = Format("@$MsgGoalUnFulfilled$", 100 * GetExpansionArea() / GetExpansionGoal());
CustomMessage(message, nil, plr, 0, 16 + 64, 0xffffff, GUI_MenuDeco, this, MSG_HCenter);
protected func FxGoalMessageStart() {}
public func GetShortDescription(int plr)
// Show expansion percentage.
var perc = 0;
if (GetExpansionGoal())
perc = Min(100, 100 * GetExpansionArea() / GetExpansionGoal());
var clr = RGB(255, 0, 0);
if (perc >= 100)
clr = RGB(0, 255, 0);
var msg = Format("<c %x>%d%</c>", clr, perc);
return msg;
/*-- Proplist --*/
local Name = "$Name$";