
173 lines
4.9 KiB

/* Flint Brawl */
local team_spawn_positions = nil;
local spawn_item_particles;
func Initialize()
spawn_item_particles =
Size = PV_Linear(2, 0),
Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 300, 255, 1000, 0),
Rotation = PV_Random(0, 360),
R = 255, G = 200, B = 50,
Stretch = PV_Random(10000, 15000),
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive
local SpawnItem = new Effect
Timer = func(int time)
if (Random(time / 38))
CreateParticle("StarSpark", this.x + RandomX(-2, 2), this.y + RandomX(-2, 2), 0, 0, PV_Random(1, 7), Scenario.spawn_item_particles, 10);
if (time > 38 * 4)
var obj = CreateObject(this.ID, this.x, this.y, NO_OWNER);
return FX_Execute_Kill;
return FX_OK;
local SpawnEffect = new Effect
Timer = func(int time)
var location = FindLocation(Loc_Material("Earth"));
if (!location) return FX_OK;
var fx = Scenario->CreateEffect(Scenario.SpawnItem, 1, 2);
fx.x = location.x;
fx.y = location.y;
var items = [Dynamite, Firestone, Bouncy, QuickSandBomb, IronBomb];
if (!Random(4) && ((FrameCounter() - this.round_start_time) > 38 * 60))
items = [Lantern, ChippyFlint, Boompack, SmokeBomb, GrenadeLauncher];
var item = items[Random(GetLength(items))];
fx.ID = item;
func GetTeamSpawnPosition(int team_id)
if ((team_id >= GetLength(team_spawn_positions)) || (team_spawn_positions[team_id] == nil))
var location = FindLocation(Loc_Wall(CNAT_Bottom), Loc_Space(25, CNAT_Top));
team_spawn_positions[team_id] = location;
if (location)
Fireworks(GetTeamColor(team_id), location.x, location.y - 20);
return team_spawn_positions[team_id];
func InitializeRound()
team_spawn_positions = []; // reset team spawns.
var i, pos;
var ls_wdt = LandscapeWidth(), ls_hgt = LandscapeHeight();
// Materials: Firestones
for (i=0; i<30; ++i)
var pos = FindLocation(Loc_InRect(0,ls_hgt/2,ls_wdt,ls_hgt/3), Loc_Solid());
if (pos && IsFirestoneSpot(pos.x,pos.y))
// Some firestones and bombs in lower half. For ap type 1, more firestones in lower than upper half.
var items = [Firestone,IronBomb, Dynamite, Loam, PowderKeg];
var item_count = GetLength(items);
for (i=0; i<30; ++i)
var pos = FindLocation(Loc_InRect(0,0,ls_wdt,ls_hgt), Loc_Solid());
if (pos && IsFirestoneSpot(pos.x,pos.y))
var item_idx = Random(item_count);
if (Random(3)) item_idx = Random(item_idx);
var trees = [];
for (var ID in [Tree_Coniferous, Tree_Coniferous2, Tree_Coniferous3, Tree_Coniferous4])
for (var tree in ID->Place(Random(3))) PushBack(trees, tree);
for (var tree in trees)
Stalactite->Place(5, Shape->Rectangle(0, 0, ls_wdt, ls_hgt/2));
var location = FindLocation(Loc_Tunnel(), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Bottom), Loc_Space(20, CNAT_Top));
if (location)
var obj = CreateObjectAbove(Cannon, location.x, location.y, NO_OWNER);
if (!FindObject(Find_ID(Time)))
Time->SetTime(24 * 60);
Meteor->SetChance(10, Chippie_Egg, 10);
var spawn_fx = CreateEffect(this.SpawnEffect, 1, (38 * 3) / SCENPAR_ItemAmount);
spawn_fx.round_start_time = FrameCounter();
return true;
func InitPlayerRound(int plr, object crew)
// everything visible
SetFoW(false, plr);
// Player positioning.
var ls_wdt = LandscapeWidth(), ls_hgt = LandscapeHeight();
var start_pos = nil;
if (SCENPAR_TeamsTogether == 1)
start_pos = GetTeamSpawnPosition(GetPlayerTeam(plr));
if (start_pos == nil)
// Start positions not defined or exhausted: Spawn in lower area for both maps becuase starting high is an an advantage.
start_pos = FindLocation(Loc_InRect(ls_wdt/5,ls_hgt/2,ls_wdt*3/5,ls_hgt/3), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Bottom), Loc_Func(Scenario.IsStartSpot));
if (!start_pos) start_pos = FindLocation(Loc_InRect(ls_wdt/10,0,ls_wdt*8/10,ls_hgt*4/5), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Bottom), Loc_Func(Scenario.IsStartSpot));
if (!start_pos) start_pos = {x=Random(ls_wdt*6/10)+ls_wdt*2/10, y=ls_hgt*58/100};
crew->SetPosition(start_pos.x, start_pos.y-10);
// initial material
crew.MaxEnergy = 50000;
// Horizontal Loc_Space doesn't work with Loc_Wall because it checks inside the ground.
func IsStartSpot(int x, int y)
// Don't spawn just at the border of an island.
if (!GBackSolid(x-3,y+2)) return false;
if (!GBackSolid(x+3,y+2)) return false;
if (GBackSemiSolid(x, y)) return false;
// Spawn with some space.
return PathFree(x-5, y, x+5, y) && PathFree(x, y-21, x, y-1);
func IsFirestoneSpot(int x, int y)
// Very thorough material surrounding check so they don't explode right away or when the first layer of ice melts
return GBackSolid(x,y-1) && GBackSolid(x,y+4) && GBackSolid(x-2,y) && GBackSolid(x+2,y);