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<text>It is possible to directly use 3D models (meshes) as object graphics. To do so they need to be in OGRE format. For most modeling tools there exist exporter tools, a list can be found on the <a href="">OGRE Wiki</a>. Both the OGRE binary format (*.mesh) and the OGRE XML format(*.mesh.xml) are supported, however it is recommended to always use the binary format whenever possible since it is smaller in size and can be loaded more quickly by the engine. The tool <a href="">OgreXMLConverter</a> can convert between the two formats.</text>
<text>The exporter normally creates a mesh file (*.mesh or *.mesh.xml), a skeleton file (*.skeleton or *.skeleton.xml) if the mesh contains bones, a material script (*.material) and potentially used textures. To use the mesh as a Clonk object all generated files need to be copied into the <emlink href="definition/index.html">object definition</emlink> and the mesh file needs to be renamed to Graphics.mesh or Graphics.mesh.xml, respectively. Textures are supported in PNG, JPG and BMP format.</text>
<text>The mesh is not automatically scaled to the shape (i.e. the width and height values specified in <emlink href="definition/defcore.html">DefCore.txt</emlink>) of the object. Instead one unit in the modeling tool corresponds to one pixel in Clonk. This simplifies using the same magnitude of object sizes for all objects which is especially helpful for attaching meshes (see below). Also pay attention to the coordinate frame: The X axis in the mesh coordinate frame points out of the screen in Clonk, the Y axis points to the right and the Z axis points upwards.</text>
<h id="MaterialScripts">Material scripts</h>
<text>All material scripts (*.material files) are loaded by the engine before the mesh in the same directory is loaded. Material scripts are simple text files which specify the material properties (material colors, textures, etc.) that can be used by meshes. Each material is assigned a name that can normally be specified in the modeling tool. It should be taken care that names are unique (for example by prefixing all material names with the object name of the object they are supposed to be used with) since all loaded materials can directly be used by any mesh so otherwise they could be naming conflicts.</text>
<text>Material scripts can also be crafted or edited by hand. The format is described in the <a href="">OGRE manual</a>. However not all of the features described there are supported (yet): Especially usage of LOD (Level of Detail) is not yet possible. The usage of pixel, vertex and geometry shaders has some restrictions, as discussed in the section below. For the source1 and source2 fields in the colour_op_ex field in texture units the additional value src_player_colour can be specified to refer to the player color of the object's owner. This can be used to colorize objects (partly) by the player color.</text>
<text>At runtime the material script can be changed using the C4Script function <funclink>SetMeshMaterial</funclink>.</text>
<h id="Shaders">Shaders</h>
<text>Pixel, vertex and geometry Shaders can be used to customize the appearance of an object beyond what is possible by the declarations in OGRE passes and texture units. The <a href="">OGRE manual</a> should be consulted to learn how shaders can be used, however, there are some restrictions in OpenClonk.</text>
<text>First and foremost, only shaders written in the GLSL are supported at the moment. None of the <a href="">automatic parameters</a> are available for shaders, however, some of these are implicitly available as GLSL variables. Instead, the following <em>additional</em> automatic parameters are available:</text>
<caption id="OCAutoParameters">Additional automatic shader parameters</caption>
<col>Parameter name</col>
<col>The player color of the object being rendered</col>
<col>The color modulation of the object being rendered</col>
<col>1 if the Mod2 drawing mode is activated, see <emlink href="script/fn/SetObjectBlitMode.html">SetObjectBlitMode</emlink>. 0 otherwise.</col>
<col>1 if the object drawing should take into account the light texture (FoW), or 0 otherwise. If 0, a single directional light from the front (0,0,1) should be assumed.</col>
<col>Texture containing the light map. The red component of the map corresponds to the halfed light intensity, and the green and blue components the light direction in x-y, scaled by 1/3 and shifted by +1 in both directions. The fragment coordinates (<code>gl_FragCoord</code>) can be used as texture coordinates to look up the light information when transformed with the texture matrix of 1 plus the last texture unit. Therefore, if the pass uses one texture unit, the second texture unit will be used for the light texture, and the lookup can be performed with <code>texture2D(oc_Light, (gl_TextureMatrix[2] * gl_FragCoord).xy)</code>.</col>
<col>Texture containing the ambient light map. The red component of the map corresponds to the intensity of ambient light. The texture contains only the red channel. The fragment coordinates (<code>gl_FragCoord</code>) can be used as texture coordinates to look up the ambient light information when transformed with the texture matrix of 2 plus the last texture unit. Therefore, if the pass uses one texture unit, the third texture unit will be used for the light texture, and the lookup can be performed with <code>texture2D(oc_Light, (gl_TextureMatrix[3] * gl_FragCoord).xy)</code>.</col>
<text>When a custom fragment shader is used, then that shader is responsible for applying the player color and color modulation to the object, since in that case the engine cannot take care of that. The additional parameters mentioned above can be used for that purpose. Also, when a custom fragment shader is used, the colour_op, colour_op_ex, alpha_op and alpha_op_ex directives in all texture units are ignored.</text>
<text>When a fragment shader or a vertex shader (or both) are not specified, then standard shaders are generated. The standard shaders expect certain GLSL varying variables to be propagated from the vertex shader to the fragment shader, so if you implement a vertex shader but not a fragment shader, make sure to create the following varying variables:</text>
<caption id="OCStandardVaryings">Varying variables used by the standard shader</caption>
<col>Variable name</col>
<col>The interpolated normal vector for lighting calculations.</col>
<col>The interpolated texture coordinate, based on the texture coordinates specified in the mesh.</col>
<text>The standard fragment shader uses these values and possibly processes them with what is specified in the texture units declarations. The standard vertex shader creates these values from the GL state, and is independent of the texture units or other declarations. If no custom vertex shader is provided, the following shader is used:</text>
<code>varying vec3 normal;
varying vec2 texcoord;
void main()
normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
<h id="Animations">Animations</h>
<text>As for bitmap based graphics an object can play an animation while executing an action. To do so first a rig for the model and then an animation needs to be created. When exporting it is saved in the *.skeleton (or *.skeleton.xml for the OGRE XML format) file. To play it during an action the Animation field of the action needs to be set in the <emlink href="definition/actmap.html">ActMap</emlink>. The Facet fields are ignored for mesh graphics.</text>
<text>It is also possible, via script, to play multiple animations at the same time or to specify transitions between animations. To learn more about this possibility see <emlink href="definition/animations.html">Animations</emlink>.</text>
<h id="Attachment">Attachment of meshes</h>
<text>Meshes can be attached to each other so that they always move together. This allows the clonk to carry objects or to aim with the bow. To attach two meshes the C4Script function <funclink>AttachMesh</funclink> can be used, or <funclink>DetachMesh</funclink> to detach them again. When attaching a bone of both meshes needs to be specified. The attached mesh is then aligned so that its bone has always the same position and orientation as the one to which it is attached.</text>
<text>However it needs to be taken care of the fact that only the meshes, that is the graphics of the objects, are attached. The real position of the attached object (so what is returned by the functions <funclink>GetX</funclink> and <funclink>GetY</funclink> or the area in which the object is found by the functions <funclink>Find_AtPoint</funclink>, <funclink>Find_InRect</funclink> oder <funclink>Find_AtRect</funclink>) is <em>not</em> affected.</text>
<h id="Picture">Picture graphics.</h>
<text>If an object uses a mesh then the Picture entry of the <emlink href="definition/defcore.html">DefCore.txt</emlink> remains without effect. Instead a perspective projection of the mesh will be used. The camera will be placed in the front of the object at a distance so that the mesh is totally covered.</text>
<text>The position and orientation of the mesh with respect to the camera can be changed by making use of the "PictureTransformation" property. This way it can be shown displaced, rotated or scaled. The property should be assigned an array with 12 integer entries which make up a 3x4 matrix. The first four values specify the first row, the next four values specify the second row and the last four entries specify the third one. Those matrices can be conveniently created using the script functions <funclink>Trans_Identity</funclink>, <funclink>Trans_Translate</funclink>, <funclink>Trans_Rotate</funclink>, <funclink>Trans_Scale</funclink> and <funclink>Trans_Mul</funclink>.</text>
<text>As with <funclink>SetObjDrawTransform</funclink> the individual matrix elements are specified in per thousand (1000 = 100%) since there are no floating point numbers in Clonk.</text>
<text>As an example we show the transformation of the tool workshop:</text>
<code><funclink>SetProperty</funclink>(&quot;PictureTransformation&quot;, <funclink>Trans_Mul</funclink>(<funclink>Trans_Translate</funclink>(0,0,7000), <funclink>Trans_Rotate</funclink>(-20,1,0,0), <funclink>Trans_Rotate</funclink>(30,0,1,0)), def);</code>
<text>First the workshop is rotated by 30 degrees counter-clockwise around the Y axis, then by 20 degrees clockwise around the X axis. Finally it is moved 7 units in positive Z direction so that it is nearer to the camera.</text>
<h id="Transformation">MeshTransformation</h>
<text>The same way the "PictureTransformation" property affects the presentation of the picture graphics the "MeshTransformation" property is applied for ingame graphics. The results are very similar to what can be done with <funclink>SetObjDrawTransform</funclink>, however there are a few subtle differences:</text>
<li>With the "MeshTransformation" property the Z coordinate can be influenced. So for example the mesh can be rotated around the X or Y axis.</li>
<li><funclink>SetObjDrawTransform</funclink> is applied after lighting. The transformed coordinates have no influence on the lighting anymore. So for example if the mesh is illuminated from below and then is turned upside down by <funclink>SetObjDrawTransform</funclink> then the illuminated spot is at the same position on the mesh, that is it is also rotated. When using the "MeshTransformation" property however the lighting is applied after the transformation so that the mesh is always illuminated from below, no matter how it is oriented.</li>
<li>If both "MeshTransformation" and <funclink>SetObjDrawTransform</funclink> are set then first the "MeshTransformation" is applied to the mesh and then <funclink>SetObjDrawTransform</funclink>.</li>