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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* Handles viewport editing in console mode */
#ifndef INC_C4EditCursor
#define INC_C4EditCursor
#include "object/C4ObjectList.h"
#include "control/C4Control.h"
#include "lib/C4Rect.h"
#include "script/C4Value.h"
#include <vector>
#include "object/C4DefGraphics.h"
#ifdef USE_GTK
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
// Currently selected elements in editcursor. May be objects and other prop lists.
class C4EditCursorSelection : public std::list<C4Value>
StdStrBuf GetDataString() const; // Return a string like "n objects".
C4Object *GetObject(int32_t index=0) const; // Get indexed C4Object * in list
C4Object *GetLastObject() const;
void ConsolidateEmpty(); // remove NULLed entries that may happen because objects got deleted
bool ClearPointers(C4Object *obj);
bool IsContained(C4PropList *obj) const;
int32_t ObjectCount() const; // count only C4Object *
class C4EditCursor
bool fAltWasDown;
bool fShiftWasDown;
bool has_mouse_hover;
int32_t Mode;
float X,Y,X2,Y2;
bool Hold,DragFrame,DragLine,DragShape;
C4Object *Target,*DropTarget;
class C4Def *creator_def;
std::unique_ptr<C4GraphicsOverlay> creator_overlay;
struct ObjselItemDt {
C4EditCursor* EditCursor;
C4Object* Object;
StdCopyStrBuf Command;
#if defined(USE_WIN32_WINDOWS)
#elif defined(USE_GTK)
GtkWidget* MenuItem;
std::vector<ObjselItemDt> itemsObjselect;
HMENU hMenu;
#elif defined(USE_GTK)
GtkWidget* menuContext;
GtkWidget* itemDelete;
GtkWidget* itemDuplicate;
GtkWidget* itemGrabContents;
GtkWidget* itemProperties;
// Selection may either be any number of objects or a single non-object prop list
C4EditCursorSelection selection;
std::unique_ptr<class C4ConsoleQtShapes> shapes;
void Default();
void Clear();
void Execute();
void ClearPointers(C4Object *pObj);
bool ToggleMode();
void Draw(C4TargetFacet &cgo);
int32_t GetMode();
C4Object* GetTarget();
bool SetMode(int32_t iMode);
bool In(const char *szText);
bool Duplicate();
bool OpenPropTools();
bool Delete();
void GrabContents();
bool LeftButtonUp(DWORD dwKeyState);
bool LeftButtonDown(DWORD dwKeyState);
bool RightButtonUp(DWORD dwKeyState);
bool RightButtonDown(DWORD dwKeyState);
bool KeyDown(C4KeyCode KeyCode, DWORD dwKeyState);
bool KeyUp(C4KeyCode KeyCode, DWORD dwKeyState);
bool Move(float iX, float iY, DWORD dwKeyState);
bool Init();
bool EditingOK(bool for_landscape_drawing=false);
C4EditCursorSelection &GetSelection() { return selection; }
void SetHold(bool fToState) { Hold = fToState; }
void OnSelectionChanged(bool by_objectlist=false);
bool AltDown();
bool AltUp();
void SetMouseHover(bool h) { has_mouse_hover = h; }
class C4ConsoleQtShapes *GetShapes() const { return shapes.get(); }
void UpdateStatusBar();
void ApplyCreateObject(bool contained);
void ApplyToolPicker();
void ToolFailure();
void PutContents();
void UpdateDropTarget(DWORD dwKeyState);
void AppendMenuItem(int num, const StdStrBuf & label);
bool DoContextMenu(DWORD dwKeyState);
void ApplyToolFill();
void ApplyToolRect();
void ApplyToolLine();
void ApplyToolBrush();
void DrawSelectMark(C4Facet &cgo, FLOAT_RECT r, float width);
void FrameSelection();
void MoveSelection(C4Real iXOff, C4Real iYOff);
void EMMoveObject(enum C4ControlEMObjectAction eAction, C4Real tx, C4Real ty, C4Object *pTargetObj, const C4EditCursorSelection *pObjs = NULL, const char *szScript = NULL);
void EMControl(enum C4PacketType eCtrlType, class C4ControlPacket *pCtrl);
void DoContextObjsel(C4Object *, bool clear);
void DoContextObjCommand(C4Object *, const char *cmd);
void ObjselectDelItems();
#ifdef USE_GTK
static void OnDelete(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data);
static void OnDuplicate(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data);
static void OnGrabContents(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data);
static void OnObjselect(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data);
void AddToSelection(C4PropList *add_obj); // add object to selection and do script callback. Doesn't do OnSelectionChanged().
bool RemoveFromSelection(C4PropList *remove_obj); // remove object from selection and do script callback. return true if object was in selection before. Doesn't do OnSelectionChanged().
void ClearSelection(C4PropList *next_selection=NULL); // remove all objects from selection and do script callback. if next_selection is non-null, passes that to the deselection callbacks. Doesn't do OnSelectionChanged().
// Type of object to create in object creation mode
void SetCreatorDef(C4Def *new_def) { creator_def = new_def; creator_overlay.reset(NULL); }
C4Def *GetCreatorDef() { return creator_def; }