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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2008 Günther Brammer
* Copyright (c) 2005-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
// Startup screen for non-parameterized engine start
#ifndef INC_C4Startup
#define INC_C4Startup
#include "C4Gui.h"
#define C4CFN_StartupBackgroundMain "StartupMainMenuBG"
// special colors for startup designs
const int32_t C4StartupFontClr = 0xff000000,
C4StartupFontClrDisabled = 0xff7f7f7f,
C4StartupEditBGColor = 0xff000000,
C4StartupEditBorderColor = 0x00a4947a,
C4StartupBtnFontClr = 0xff202020,
C4StartupBtnBorderColor1 = 0x00ccc3b4,
C4StartupBtnBorderColor2 = 0x0094846a;
// graphics needed only by startup
class C4StartupGraphics
bool LoadFile(C4FacetID &rToFct, const char *szFilename);
// backgrounds
C4FacetID fctScenSelBG; // for scenario selection screen
C4FacetID fctPlrSelBG; // for player selection screen
C4FacetID fctPlrPropBG; // for player property subpage
C4FacetID fctNetBG; // for network screen
C4FacetID fctAboutBG; // for about screen
// big buttons used in main menu
C4FacetID fctMainButtons,fctMainButtonsDown;
C4GUI::DynBarFacet barMainButtons,barMainButtonsDown;
// scroll bars in book
C4FacetID fctBookScroll;
C4GUI::ScrollBarFacets sfctBookScroll, sfctBookScrollR, sfctBookScrollG, sfctBookScrollB;
// color preview
C4FacetID fctCrew, fctCrewClr; // ColorByOwner-surface of fctCrew
// scenario selection: Scenario and folder icons
C4FacetID fctScenSelIcons;
// scenario selection: Title overlay
C4FacetID fctScenSelTitleOverlay;
// scenario selection and player selection book fonts
CStdFont BookFontCapt, BookFont, BookFontTitle, BookSmallFont;
// context button for combo boxes on white
C4FacetID fctContext;
// player selection: player property control type buttons
C4FacetID fctPlrCtrlType;
// options dlg gfx
C4FacetID fctOptionsDlgPaper, fctOptionsIcons, fctOptionsTabClip;
// net dlg gfx
C4FacetID fctNetGetRef;
bool Init();
bool InitFonts();
CStdFont &GetBlackFontByHeight(int32_t iHgt, float *pfZoom); // get optimal font for given control size
// base class for all startup dialogs
class C4StartupDlg : public C4GUI::FullscreenDialog
C4StartupDlg(const char *szTitle) : C4GUI::FullscreenDialog(szTitle, NULL) {}
class C4Startup
C4StartupGraphics Graphics;
enum DialogID { SDID_Main=0, SDID_ScenSel, SDID_ScenSelNetwork, SDID_NetJoin, SDID_Options, SDID_About, SDID_PlrSel, SDID_Back };
bool fInStartup, fAborted, fLastDlgWasBack;
static C4Startup *pInstance; // singleton instance
static DialogID eLastDlgID;
static bool fFirstRun;
C4StartupDlg *pLastDlg, *pCurrDlg; // startup dlg that is currently shown, and dialog that was last shown
// break modal loop and...
void Start(); // ...start game
void Exit(); // ...quit to system
bool DoStartup(); // run main dlg
class C4StartupDlg *SwitchDialog(DialogID eToDlg, bool fFade=true); // do transition to another dialog
friend class C4StartupMainDlg;
friend class C4StartupNetDlg;
friend class C4StartupScenSelDlg;
friend class C4StartupOptionsDlg;
friend class C4StartupAboutDlg;
friend class C4StartupPlrSelDlg;
static C4Startup *EnsureLoaded(); // create and load startup data if not done yet
static void Unload(); // make sure startup data is destroyed
static bool Execute(); // run startup - return false if game is to be closed
static bool SetStartScreen(const char *szScreen); // set screen that is shown first by case insensitive identifier
static C4Startup *Get() { assert(pInstance); return pInstance; }
static bool WasFirstRun() { return fFirstRun; }
#endif // INC_C4Startup