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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2008 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
// file selection dialogs
#ifndef INC_C4FileSelDlg
#define INC_C4FileSelDlg
#include <C4Gui.h>
// callback handler for file selection dialog
class C4FileSel_BaseCB
C4FileSel_BaseCB() {}
virtual ~C4FileSel_BaseCB() {}
virtual void OnFileSelected(const char *szFilename) = 0;
template <class CB> class C4FileSel_CBEx : public C4FileSel_BaseCB
typedef void (CB::*FileSelFunc)(const char *szFilename, int32_t idToken);
CB *pCBClass;
FileSelFunc SelFunc;
int32_t idToken;
virtual void OnFileSelected(const char *szFilename)
{ if (pCBClass && SelFunc) (pCBClass->*SelFunc)(szFilename, idToken); }
C4FileSel_CBEx(CB * pCBClass, FileSelFunc SelFunc, int32_t idToken) : pCBClass(pCBClass), SelFunc(SelFunc), idToken(idToken) { }
// dialog to select one or more files
class C4FileSelDlg : public C4GUI::Dialog
class ListItem : public C4GUI::Control
StdStrBuf sFilename; // full path to file
virtual bool IsFocusOnClick() { return false; } // do not focus; keep focus on listbox
ListItem(const char *szFilename);
virtual ~ListItem();
const char *GetFilename() { return sFilename.getData(); }
// multisel-checkbox-options
virtual bool IsChecked() const { return false; }
virtual void SetChecked(bool fChecked) {}
virtual bool IsGrayed() const { return false; }
virtual bool UserToggleCheck() { return false; }
class DefaultListItem : public ListItem
typedef ListItem BaseClass;
class C4GUI::Icon *pIco; class C4GUI::Label *pLbl;
class C4GUI::CheckBox *pCheck;
class C4KeyBinding *pKeyCheck; // space activates/deactivates selected file
bool fGrayed;
void UpdateOwnPos();
DefaultListItem(const char *szFilename, bool fTruncateExtension, bool fCheckbox, bool fGrayed, C4GUI::Icons eIcon);
virtual ~DefaultListItem();
virtual bool IsChecked() const;
virtual void SetChecked(bool fChecked);
virtual bool IsGrayed() const { return fGrayed; }
virtual bool UserToggleCheck();
typedef C4GUI::Dialog BaseClass;
C4KeyBinding *pKeyRefresh, *pKeyEnterOverride;
C4GUI::ComboBox *pLocationComboBox;
C4GUI::ListBox *pFileListBox;
C4GUI::TextWindow *pSelectionInfoBox;
C4GUI::Button *btnOK;
StdCopyStrBuf sTitle; // dlg title
StdCopyStrBuf sPath; // current path
struct Location
StdCopyStrBuf sName;
StdCopyStrBuf sPath;
Location *pLocations;
int32_t iLocationCount;
int32_t iCurrentLocationIndex;
ListItem *pSelection;
C4FileSel_BaseCB *pSelCallback;
void UpdateFileList(); // rebuild file listbox from sPath
virtual void OnShown();
virtual void UserClose(bool fOK); // allow OK only if something is sth is selected
virtual void OnClosed(bool fOK); // callback when dlg got closed
virtual const char *GetFileMask() const { return NULL; }
virtual bool IsMultiSelection() const { return false; } // if true, files are checked/unchecked using checkboxes
virtual bool IsItemGrayed(const char *szFilename) const { return false; }
virtual void UpdateSelection();
virtual bool HasNoneItem() const { return false; } // if true, an empty item can be selected
virtual bool HasPreviewArea() const { return true; }
virtual bool HasExtraOptions() const { return false; }
virtual void AddExtraOptions(const C4Rect &rcOptionsRect) {}
virtual C4GUI::Icons GetFileItemIcon() const { return C4GUI::Ico_None; }
virtual int32_t GetFileSelColWidth() const { return 0; } // width of each file selection element; 0 for default all listbox
void OnSelChange(class C4GUI::Element *pEl) { UpdateSelection(); }
void OnSelDblClick(class C4GUI::Element *pEl);
bool KeyRefresh() { UpdateFileList(); return true; }
void OnLocationComboFill(C4GUI::ComboBox_FillCB *pFiller);
bool OnLocationComboSelChange(C4GUI::ComboBox *pForCombo, int32_t idNewSelection);
void AddLocation(const char *szName, const char *szPath); // add location to be shown in dropdown list
void AddCheckedLocation(const char *szName, const char *szPath); // add location to be shown in dropdown list, only if path exists and isn't added yet
int32_t GetCurrentLocationIndex() const;
void SetCurrentLocation(int32_t idx, bool fRefresh);
virtual ListItem *CreateListItem(const char *szFilename);
virtual void BeginFileListUpdate() {}
virtual void EndFileListUpdate() {}
C4FileSelDlg(const char *szRootPath, const char *szTitle, C4FileSel_BaseCB *pSelCallback, bool fInitElements=true);
virtual ~C4FileSelDlg();
void InitElements();
void SetPath(const char *szNewPath, bool fRefresh=true);
void SetSelection(const char *szNewSelection, bool fFilenameOnly);
StdStrBuf GetSelection(const char *szFixedSelection, bool fFilenameOnly) const; // get single selected file for single selection dlg ';'-seperated list for multi selection dlg
// dialog to select a player file
class C4PlayerSelDlg : public C4FileSelDlg
virtual const char *GetFileMask() const { return C4CFN_PlayerFiles; }
virtual C4GUI::Icons GetFileItemIcon() const { return C4GUI::Ico_Player; }
C4PlayerSelDlg(C4FileSel_BaseCB *pSelCallback);
// dialog to select definition files
class C4DefinitionSelDlg : public C4FileSelDlg
StdStrBuf sFixedSelection; // initial selection which cannot be deselected
virtual void OnShown();
virtual const char *GetFileMask() const { return C4CFN_DefFiles; }
virtual bool IsMultiSelection() const { return true; }
virtual bool IsItemGrayed(const char *szFilename) const;
virtual C4GUI::Icons GetFileItemIcon() const { return C4GUI::Ico_Definition; }
C4DefinitionSelDlg(C4FileSel_BaseCB *pSelCallback, const char *szFixedSelection);
static bool SelectDefinitions(C4GUI::Screen *pOnScreen, StdStrBuf *pSelection);
// dialog to select portrait files
class C4PortraitSelDlg : public C4FileSelDlg
enum { ImagePreviewSize = 100 };
class ListItem : public C4FileSelDlg::ListItem
bool fError; // loading error
bool fLoaded; // image loaded but not yet scaled
C4FacetSurface fctImage; // portrait, if loaded
C4FacetSurface fctLoadedImage; // image as loaded by background thread. Must be scaled by main thread
StdCopyStrBuf sFilenameLabelText;
void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo);
ListItem(const char *szFilename);
void Load();
// portrait loader thread
class LoaderThread : public StdThread
std::list<ListItem *> LoadItems; // items to be loaded by this thread
LoaderThread() {}
virtual ~LoaderThread() { Stop(); }
void ClearLoadItems(); // stops thread
void AddLoadItem(ListItem *pItem); // not to be called when thread is running!
virtual void Execute();
C4GUI::CheckBox *pCheckSetPicture, *pCheckSetBigIcon;
bool fDefSetPicture, fDefSetBigIcon;
LoaderThread ImageLoader;
void OnClosed(bool fOK);
virtual const char *GetFileMask() const { return C4CFN_ImageFiles; }
virtual bool HasNoneItem() const { return true; } // if true, a special <none> item can be selected
virtual bool HasPreviewArea() const { return false; } // no preview area. Preview images directly
virtual bool HasExtraOptions() const { return true; }
virtual void AddExtraOptions(const C4Rect &rcOptionsRect);
virtual int32_t GetFileSelColWidth() const { return ImagePreviewSize; } // width of each file selection element
virtual C4FileSelDlg::ListItem *CreateListItem(const char *szFilename);
virtual void BeginFileListUpdate();
virtual void EndFileListUpdate();
virtual void OnIdle();
C4PortraitSelDlg(C4FileSel_BaseCB *pSelCallback, bool fSetPicture, bool fSetBigIcon);
bool IsSetPicture() const { return pCheckSetPicture ? pCheckSetPicture->GetChecked() : fDefSetPicture; }
bool IsSetBigIcon() const { return pCheckSetBigIcon ? pCheckSetBigIcon->GetChecked() : fDefSetBigIcon; }
static bool SelectPortrait(C4GUI::Screen *pOnScreen, StdStrBuf *pSelection, bool *pfSetPicture, bool *pfSetBigIcon);
#endif // INC_C4FileSelDlg