
404 lines
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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Wortmann
* Copyright (c) 2006 Günther Brammer
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
/* Object definition */
#ifndef INC_C4Def
#define INC_C4Def
#include <C4Shape.h>
#include <C4InfoCore.h>
#include <C4IDList.h>
#include <C4ValueMap.h>
#include <C4Facet.h>
#include <C4Surface.h>
#include <C4ComponentHost.h>
#include <C4PropList.h>
#include <C4ScriptHost.h>
#include <C4DefGraphics.h>
#include "C4LangStringTable.h"
const int32_t C4D_None = 0,
C4D_All = ~C4D_None,
C4D_StaticBack = 1<<0,
C4D_Structure = 1<<1,
C4D_Vehicle = 1<<2,
C4D_Living = 1<<3,
C4D_Object = 1<<4,
C4D_SortLimit = C4D_StaticBack | C4D_Structure | C4D_Vehicle | C4D_Living | C4D_Object,
C4D_Goal = 1<<5,
C4D_Environment = 1<<6,
C4D_SelectBuilding = 1<<7,
C4D_SelectVehicle = 1<<8,
C4D_SelectMaterial = 1<<9,
C4D_SelectKnowledge = 1<<10,
C4D_SelectHomebase = 1<<11,
C4D_SelectAnimal = 1<<12,
C4D_SelectNest = 1<<13,
C4D_SelectInEarth = 1<<14,
C4D_SelectVegetation = 1<<15,
C4D_TradeLiving = 1<<16,
C4D_Magic = 1<<17,
C4D_CrewMember = 1<<18,
C4D_Rule = 1<<19,
C4D_Background = 1<<20,
C4D_Parallax = 1<<21,
C4D_MouseSelect = 1<<22,
C4D_Foreground = 1<<23,
C4D_MouseIgnore = 1<<24,
C4D_IgnoreFoW = 1<<25,
C4D_BackgroundOrForeground = (C4D_Background | C4D_Foreground);
const int32_t C4D_Grab_Put = 1,
C4D_Grab_Get = 2,
C4D_Border_Sides = 1,
C4D_Border_Top = 2,
C4D_Border_Bottom = 4,
C4D_Border_Layer = 8,
C4D_Line_Power = 1,
C4D_Line_Source = 2,
C4D_Line_Drain = 3,
C4D_Line_Lightning = 4,
C4D_Line_Volcano = 5,
C4D_Line_Rope = 6,
C4D_Line_Colored = 7,
C4D_Line_Vertex = 8,
C4D_Power_Input = 1,
C4D_Power_Output = 2,
C4D_Liquid_Input = 4,
C4D_Liquid_Output = 8,
C4D_Power_Generator = 16,
C4D_Power_Consumer = 32,
C4D_Liquid_Pump = 64,
C4D_Connect_Rope = 128,
C4D_EnergyHolder = 256,
C4D_Place_Surface = 0,
C4D_Place_Liquid = 1,
C4D_Place_Air = 2;
const int32_t C4D_VehicleControl_None = 0,
C4D_VehicleControl_Outside = 1,
C4D_VehicleControl_Inside = 2;
const int32_t C4D_Sell = C4D_StaticBack | C4D_Structure | C4D_Vehicle | C4D_Object | C4D_TradeLiving,
C4D_Get = C4D_Sell,
C4D_Take = C4D_Get,
C4D_Activate = C4D_Get;
const DWORD C4D_Load_None = 0,
C4D_Load_Picture = 1,
C4D_Load_Bitmap = 2,
C4D_Load_Script = 4,
C4D_Load_Desc = 8,
C4D_Load_Image = 32,
C4D_Load_Sounds = 64,
C4D_Load_ClonkNames= 128,
C4D_Load_RankNames = 256,
C4D_Load_RankFaces = 512,
C4D_Load_FE = C4D_Load_Image | C4D_Load_Desc,
C4D_Load_RX = C4D_Load_Bitmap | C4D_Load_Script | C4D_Load_ClonkNames | C4D_Load_Desc | C4D_Load_Sounds | C4D_Load_RankNames | C4D_Load_RankFaces,
C4D_Load_Temporary = 1024;
#define C4D_Blit_Normal 0
#define C4D_Blit_Additive 1
#define C4D_Blit_ModAdd 2
class C4Def: public C4PropList
C4ID id;
int32_t rC4XVer[4];
C4IDList RequireDef;
C4PhysicalInfo Physical;
C4Shape Shape;
C4Rect Entrance;
C4Rect Collection;
C4Rect PictureRect;
C4TargetRect SolidMask;
C4TargetRect TopFace;
C4IDList Component;
C4ID BurnTurnTo;
C4ID BuildTurnTo;
int32_t GrowthType;
int32_t Basement;
int32_t CanBeBase;
int32_t CrewMember;
int32_t NativeCrew;
int32_t Mass;
int32_t Value;
int32_t Exclusive;
int32_t Category;
int32_t Growth;
int32_t Rebuyable;
int32_t ContactIncinerate; // 0 off 1 high - 5 low
int32_t BlastIncinerate; // 0 off 1 - x if > damage
int32_t Constructable;
int32_t Grab; // 0 not 1 push 2 grab only
int32_t Carryable;
int32_t Rotateable;
int32_t Chopable;
int32_t Float;
int32_t ColorByOwner;
int32_t NoHorizontalMove;
int32_t BorderBound;
int32_t LiftTop;
int32_t CollectionLimit;
int32_t GrabPutGet;
int32_t ContainBlast;
int32_t UprightAttach;
int32_t ContactFunctionCalls;
int32_t MaxUserSelect;
int32_t Line;
int32_t LineConnect;
int32_t LineIntersect;
int32_t NoBurnDecay;
int32_t IncompleteActivity;
int32_t Placement;
int32_t Prey;
int32_t Edible;
int32_t AttractLightning;
int32_t Oversize;
int32_t Fragile;
int32_t Projectile;
int32_t Explosive;
int32_t NoPushEnter;
int32_t DragImagePicture;
int32_t VehicleControl;
int32_t Pathfinder;
int32_t MoveToRange;
int32_t Timer;
int32_t NoComponentMass;
int32_t NoStabilize;
char STimerCall[C4D_MaxIDLen];
char ColorByMaterial[C4M_MaxName+1];
int32_t ClosedContainer; // if set, contained objects are not damaged by lava/acid etc. 1: Contained objects can't view out; 2: They can
int32_t SilentCommands; // if set, no command failure messages are printed
int32_t NoBurnDamage; // if set, the object won't take damage when burning
int32_t TemporaryCrew; // if set, info objects are not written into regular player files
int32_t SmokeRate; // amount of smoke produced when on fire. 100 is default
int32_t BlitMode; // special blit mode for objects of this def. C4D_Blit_X
int32_t NoBreath; // object does not need to breath, although it's living
int32_t ConSizeOff; // number of pixels to be subtracted from the needed height for this building
int32_t NoSell; // if set, object can't be sold (doesn't even appear in sell-menu)
int32_t NoGet; // if set, object can't be taken out of a containers manually (doesn't appear in get/activate-menus)
int32_t NoFight; // if set, object is never OCF_FightReady
int32_t RotatedSolidmasks;// if set, solidmasks can be rotated
int32_t NeededGfxMode; // if set, the def will only be loaded in given gfx mode
int32_t RotatedEntrance; // 0 entrance not rotateable, 1 entrance always, 2-360 entrance within this rotation
int32_t NoTransferZones;
int32_t AutoContextMenu; // automatically open context menu for this object
int32_t AllowPictureStack; // allow stacking of multiple items in menus even if some attributes do not match. APS_*-values
void DefaultDefCore();
BOOL LoadDefCore(C4Group &hGroup);
BOOL Save(C4Group &hGroup);
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
BOOL Compile(const char *szSource, const char *szName);
BOOL Decompile(StdStrBuf *pOut, const char *szName);
// Here begins the C4Def
friend class C4DefList;
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(C4ENGINE) && !defined(C4GROUP)
HBITMAP Picture;
char Maker[C4MaxName+1];
char Filename[_MAX_FNAME+1];
int32_t Creation;
int32_t Count; // number of instanciations
C4AulScriptFunc *TimerCall;
C4ComponentHost Desc;
// Currently cannot have script host in frontend because that
// would need C4Script, C4AulScript, and all that as well...
C4DefScriptHost Script;
C4LangStringTable StringTable;
// clonknames are simply not needed in frontend
C4ComponentHost *pClonkNames; bool fClonkNamesOwned;
// neither are ranknames nor the symbols...yet!
C4RankSystem *pRankNames; bool fRankNamesOwned;
C4FacetSurface *pRankSymbols; bool fRankSymbolsOwned;
int32_t iNumRankSymbols; // number of rank symbols available, if loaded
C4DefGraphics Graphics; // base graphics. points to additional graphics
int32_t PortraitCount;
C4PortraitGraphics *Portraits; // Portraits (linked list of C4AdditionalDefGraphics)
// copy of the physical info used in FairCrew-mode
C4PhysicalInfo *pFairCrewPhysical;
C4Facet MainFace;
C4Def *Next;
BOOL Temporary;
void Clear();
void Default();
BOOL Load(C4Group &hGroup,
DWORD dwLoadWhat, const char *szLanguage,
class C4SoundSystem *pSoundSystem = NULL);
void Draw(C4Facet &cgo, BOOL fSelected=FALSE, DWORD iColor=0, C4Object *pObj=NULL, int32_t iPhaseX=0, int32_t iPhaseY=0);
inline C4Facet &GetMainFace(C4DefGraphics *pGraphics, DWORD dwClr=0) { MainFace.Surface=pGraphics->GetBitmap(dwClr); return MainFace; }
int32_t GetValue(C4Object *pInBase, int32_t iBuyPlayer); // get value of def; calling script functions if defined
C4PhysicalInfo *GetFairCrewPhysicals(); // get fair crew physicals at current fair crew strength
void ClearFairCrewPhysicals(); // remove cached fair crew physicals, will be created fresh on demand
void Synchronize();
const char *GetDesc() { return Desc.GetData(); }
virtual C4Def* GetDef() { return this; }
bool LoadPortraits(C4Group &hGroup);
BOOL ColorizeByMaterial(class C4MaterialMap &rMats, BYTE bGBM);
BOOL LoadActMap(C4Group &hGroup);
void CrossMapActMap();
C4ValueArray *GetCustomComponents(C4Value *pvArrayHolder, C4Object *pBuilder, C4Object *pObjInstance=NULL);
// return def components - may be overloaded by script callback
int32_t GetComponentCount(C4ID idComponent, C4Object *pBuilder=NULL);
C4ID GetIndexedComponent(int32_t idx, C4Object *pBuilder=NULL);
void GetComponents(C4IDList *pOutList, C4Object *pObjInstance=NULL, C4Object *pBuilder=NULL);
void IncludeDefinition(C4Def *pIncludeDef); // inherit components from other definition
void ResetIncludeDependencies(); // resets all pointers into foreign definitions caused by include chains
class C4DefList
: public CStdFont::CustomImages
virtual ~C4DefList();
BOOL LoadFailure;
C4Def **Table[64]; // From space to _; some minor waste of mem
bool fTable;
C4Def *FirstDef;
void Default();
void Clear();
int32_t Load(C4Group &hGroup,
DWORD dwLoadWhat, const char *szLanguage,
C4SoundSystem *pSoundSystem = NULL,
BOOL fOverload = FALSE,
BOOL fSearchMessage = FALSE, int32_t iMinProgress=0, int32_t iMaxProgress=0, bool fLoadSysGroups = true);
int32_t Load(const char *szSearch,
DWORD dwLoadWhat, const char *szLanguage,
C4SoundSystem *pSoundSystem = NULL,
BOOL fOverload = FALSE, int32_t iMinProgress=0, int32_t iMaxProgress=0);
int32_t LoadFolderLocal(const char *szPath,
DWORD dwLoadWhat, const char *szLanguage,
C4SoundSystem *pSoundSystem = NULL,
BOOL fOverload = FALSE, char *szStoreName=NULL, int32_t iMinProgress=0, int32_t iMaxProgress=0);
int32_t LoadForScenario(const char *szScenario,
const char *szSpecified,
DWORD dwLoadWhat, const char *szLanguage,
C4SoundSystem *pSoundSystem = NULL,
BOOL fOverload = FALSE, int32_t iMinProgress=0, int32_t iMaxProgress=0);
C4Def *ID2Def(C4ID id);
C4Def *GetDef(int32_t Index, DWORD dwCategory = C4D_All);
C4Def *GetByPath(const char *szPath);
int32_t GetDefCount(DWORD dwCategory = C4D_All);
int32_t GetIndex(C4ID id);
int32_t RemoveTemporary();
int32_t ColorizeByMaterial(C4MaterialMap &rMats, BYTE bGBM);
int32_t CheckEngineVersion(int32_t ver1, int32_t ver2, int32_t ver3, int32_t ver4);
int32_t CheckRequireDef();
void Draw(C4ID id, C4Facet &cgo, BOOL fSelected, int32_t iColor);
void Remove(C4Def *def);
BOOL Remove(C4ID id);
BOOL Reload(C4Def *pDef, DWORD dwLoadWhat, const char *szLanguage, C4SoundSystem *pSoundSystem = NULL);
BOOL Add(C4Def *ndef, BOOL fOverload);
void BuildTable(); // build quick access table
void ResetIncludeDependencies(); // resets all pointers into foreign definitions caused by include chains
void CallEveryDefinition();
void Synchronize();
// callback from font renderer: get ID image
virtual bool GetFontImage(const char *szImageTag, CFacet &rOutImgFacet);
void SortByID(); // sorts list by quick access table
extern C4DefList Definitions;
inline C4Def *C4Id2Def(C4ID id)
return ::Definitions.ID2Def(id);
// Default Action Procedures
#define DFA_NONE -1
#define DFA_WALK 0
#define DFA_FLIGHT 1
#define DFA_KNEEL 2
#define DFA_SCALE 3
#define DFA_HANGLE 4
#define DFA_DIG 5
#define DFA_SWIM 6
#define DFA_THROW 7
#define DFA_BRIDGE 8
#define DFA_BUILD 9
#define DFA_PUSH 10
#define DFA_CHOP 11
#define DFA_LIFT 12
#define DFA_FLOAT 13
#define DFA_ATTACH 14
#define DFA_FIGHT 15
#define DFA_CONNECT 16
#define DFA_PULL 17
#define C4D_MaxDFA 18
// procedure name table
extern const char *ProcedureName[C4D_MaxDFA];