
751 lines
28 KiB

Scenario saving functionality
@author Sven2
// Defines script function SaveScenarioObjects, which is called by the
// engine to generate the Objects.c file for scenario saving
// Also called for object duplication in the editor
// Temp variables used by MakeScenarioSaveName()
// These variables could be passed as a parameter through all saving functions instead.
// But that would include every single SaveScenarioObject call and associated functions and would be easy for scripters to forget.
static save_scenario_obj_dependencies; // Dependency graph to ensure objects are saved in proper order
static save_scenario_def_indices; // Used to generate unique indices in variable names
static save_scenario_dup_objects; // Objects to duplicate if SaveScenarioObjects is called for object duplication.
// Propert identifier of object creation
static const SAVEOBJ_Creation = "Creation";
static const SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation = "ContentsCreation";
static const SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx = "ContentsCreationEx";
global func SaveScenarioObjects(f, duplicate_objects)
// f is a handle to the Objects.c file
// If called for object duplication, duplicate_objects is an array of objects to duplicate
save_scenario_dup_objects = duplicate_objects;
// Prepare props saving object
var props_prototype = {
Add = Global.SaveScenP_Add,
AddSet = Global.SaveScenP_AddSet,
AddCall = Global.SaveScenP_AddCall,
Remove = Global.SaveScenP_Remove,
RemoveCreation = Global.SaveScenP_RemoveCreation,
Clear = Global.SaveScenP_Clear,
Buffer2File = Global.SaveScenP_Buffer2File,
HasData = Global.SaveScenP_HasData,
HasCreation = Global.SaveScenP_HasCreation,
HasProps = Global.SaveScenP_HasProps,
HasProp = Global.SaveScenP_HasProp,
TakeProps = Global.SaveScenP_TakeProps
// Write all (scenario) or specified (duplication) objects!
var objs = duplicate_objects, obj, i;
if (!objs) objs = FindObjects(Find_And());
var n = GetLength(objs);
var obj_type, any_written, do_write_file = false;
save_scenario_def_indices = nil;
// In reverse order (background to foreground)
for (i=0; i<n/2; ++i) { obj = objs[i]; objs[i] = objs[n-i-1]; objs[n-i-1] = obj; }
// ...Except player crew
var ignore_objs = [];
if (!save_scenario_dup_objects)
for (var iplr = 0; iplr < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++iplr)
for (var icrew = 0, crew; crew = GetCrew(GetPlayerByIndex(iplr, C4PT_User), icrew); ++icrew)
ignore_objs[GetLength(ignore_objs)] = crew;
// Ignore objects tagged with a no-save effect
for (obj in objs)
if (GetEffect("IntNoScenarioSave", obj))
ignore_objs[GetLength(ignore_objs)] = obj;
// Write creation data and properties
var obj_data = SaveScen_Objects(objs, ignore_objs, props_prototype);
// Resolve dependencies
obj_data = SaveScen_ResolveDepends(objs, obj_data);
// Write scripts to force containers
obj_data = SaveScen_SetContainers(obj_data);
// Write header
FileWrite(f, "/* Automatically created objects file */\n\n");
// Declare static variables for objects that wish to have them
for (obj in objs)
if (obj.StaticSaveVar && !save_scenario_dup_objects)
if (!any_written) FileWrite(f, "static "); else FileWrite(f, ", ");
FileWrite(f, obj.StaticSaveVar);
any_written = true;
if (any_written)
FileWrite(f, ";\n\n");
any_written = false;
// Write all the creation data
FileWrite(f, "func InitializeObjects()\n{\n");
any_written = false;
for (obj in obj_data)
var spacing = " ";
if (obj_type != obj.o->GetID())
if (any_written) spacing = "\n "; // Extra spacing between different object types
obj_type = obj.o->GetID();
any_written = false;
if (obj.o.StaticSaveVar && !save_scenario_dup_objects)
if (obj.props->HasCreation()) FileWrite(f, Format("%s%s = ", spacing, obj.o.StaticSaveVar));
else if (obj.write_label)
FileWrite(f, Format("%svar %s", spacing, obj.o->MakeScenarioSaveName()));
if (obj.props->HasCreation()) FileWrite(f, " = "); else FileWrite(f, ";\n");
else if (obj.props->HasCreation())
FileWrite(f, spacing);
if (obj.props->~Buffer2File(f)) do_write_file = any_written = true;
// Write global effects
if (!save_scenario_dup_objects)
any_written = false;
var fx; i=0;
while (fx = GetEffect("*", nil, i++))
var fx_buffer = {Prototype=props_prototype};
EffectCall(nil, fx, "SaveScen", fx_buffer);
if (fx_buffer->HasData())
if (!any_written && do_write_file) FileWrite(f, " \n");
any_written = do_write_file = true;
// Cleanup
save_scenario_def_indices = save_scenario_obj_dependencies = save_scenario_dup_objects = nil;
// Write footer
FileWrite(f, " return true;\n}\n");
// Done; success. Return true if any objects or effects were written to the file.
return do_write_file;
global func SaveScen_Objects(array objs, array ignore_objs, proplist props_prototype)
// Write all object data into buffers
var n = GetLength(objs);
var obj_data = CreateArray(n), obj;
for (var i=0; i<n; ++i)
obj = objs[i];
obj_data[i] = { o=obj, props={Prototype=props_prototype} };
obj._save_scen_objdata = obj_data[i];
for (var i=0; i<n; ++i)
obj = objs[i];
// Skip objects on ignore list (check for all objects up the containment chain)
var is_ignored = false;
var container_obj = obj;
while (container_obj)
if (GetIndexOf(ignore_objs, container_obj) >= 0) is_ignored = true;
if (WildcardMatch(Format("%i", container_obj->GetID()), "GUI_*")) is_ignored = true; // big bunch of objects that should not be stored.
container_obj = container_obj->Contained();
if (is_ignored) continue;
// Generate object creation and property strings
save_scenario_obj_dependencies = [];
if (!obj->SaveScenarioObject(obj_data[i].props))
if (obj->Contained()) obj->Contained()->MakeScenarioSaveName(); // force container dependency
if (obj_data[i].props->HasProps()) obj_data[i].write_label = true;
obj_data[i].dependencies = save_scenario_obj_dependencies;
obj_data[i].n_dependencies = GetLength(save_scenario_obj_dependencies);
save_scenario_obj_dependencies = nil;
return obj_data;
global func SaveScen_ResolveDepends(array objs, array obj_data)
// Dependency pointer from obj to obj_data
var i,j,k,n=GetLength(objs),od;
for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
for (j=0; j<obj_data[i].n_dependencies; ++j)
k = GetIndexOf(objs, obj_data[i].dependencies[j]);
if (k < 0 || obj_data[i].dependencies[j] == obj_data[i].o) obj_data[i].dependencies[j] = nil; else obj_data[i].dependencies[j] = obj_data[k];
if (objs[i]->Contained())
k = GetIndexOf(objs, objs[i]->Contained());
if (k >= 0) obj_data[i].co = obj_data[k];
// Resolve dependencies
k = 0;
for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
k = Max(k, i);
od = obj_data[i];
while (od.i_dep_resolved < od.n_dependencies)
var dep = od.dependencies[od.i_dep_resolved++];
if (dep)
j = GetIndexOf(obj_data, dep);
if (j > i)
// The dependent object is behind us in the list. This is bad!
if (!od.props->HasCreation())
// This is just object properties. Move them behind dependent object creation
var obj_data_new = CreateArray(n);
obj_data_new[0:i] = obj_data[0:i];
obj_data_new[i:j] = obj_data[i+1:j+1];
obj_data_new[j] = obj_data[i];
if (j<n-1) obj_data_new[j+1:n] = obj_data[j+1:n];
obj_data = obj_data_new;
if (j <= k) --k;
--i; break;
else if (j <= k)
// Circular dependency. Detach object property setting from object creation.
var obj_data_new = CreateArray(++n);
obj_data_new[0:j+1] = obj_data[0:j+1];
obj_data_new[j+1] = { o=od.o,, dependencies=od.dependencies, n_dependencies=od.n_dependencies, i_dep_resolved=od.i_dep_resolved, props=od.props->TakeProps() };
od.n_dependencies = 0; od.props_detached = true;
if (j<n-1) obj_data_new[j+2:n] = obj_data[j+1:n];
obj_data = obj_data_new;
++k; break;
// No circular dependency. Just move object we depend on in front of us and process its dependencies.
var obj_data_new = CreateArray(n);
if (i) obj_data_new[0:i] = obj_data[0:i];
obj_data_new[i] = obj_data[j];
obj_data_new[i+1:j+1] = obj_data[i:j];
if (j<n-1) obj_data_new[j+1:n] = obj_data[j+1:n];
obj_data = obj_data_new;
++k; --i; break;
// Free up all dependency data
for (od in obj_data)
od.dependencies = nil;
od.o._save_scen_objdata = nil;
return obj_data;
global func SaveScen_SetContainers(array obj_data)
// Ensure that objects are in proper container
// Replace calls to CreateObjectAbove with CreateContents.
for (var obj in obj_data) if (obj.o->Contained())
// ignore if container object was not saved
if ( &&>HasCreation())
// creation and props? Then turn into CreateContents
if (obj.props->HasProp(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation) && !obj.props_detached)
// Adjust owner if necessery
if (obj.o->GetOwner() != obj.o->Contained()->GetOwner())
obj.props->AddCall("Owner", obj.o, "SetOwner", obj.o->GetOwner());
else if (obj.props.origin)
// props detached from creation. Use Enter() call to enter container
// the label must have been written because something depended on the object.
obj.props->AddCall("Container", obj.o, "Enter", obj.o->Contained());
// Ensure layer is written for detached contents if it is the same as the container
var o_layer = obj.o->GetObjectLayer();
if (o_layer && o_layer ==>GetObjectLayer()) obj.props->AddCall("Layer", obj.o, "SetObjectLayer", o_layer);
// unsaved container - just create object outside
// Concatenate multiple contents creations
var cont;
for (var obj in obj_data) if ((cont = obj.o->Contained())) if (obj.props->HasProp(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx))
var num_contents_concat = 1;
if ((!obj.o.StaticSaveVar || save_scenario_dup_objects) && !obj.write_label)
for (var obj2 in obj_data) if (obj2 != obj && obj2.o->Contained() == cont && obj.o->GetID() == obj2.o->GetID() && obj2.props->HasProp(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx))
if (num_contents_concat > 1)
var creation_prop = obj.props->HasProp(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx);
creation_prop.s = Format(creation_prop.s, num_contents_concat);
return obj_data;
global func AddScenarioSaveDependency()
// Remember this object in the list of dependencies for the currently processed object
if (save_scenario_obj_dependencies && GetIndexOf(save_scenario_obj_dependencies, this)<0) save_scenario_obj_dependencies[GetLength(save_scenario_obj_dependencies)] = this;
// documented in /docs/sdk/script/fn
global func MakeScenarioSaveName()
// Get name to be used to store this object in a scenario
if (!this) FatalError("MakeScenarioSaveName needs definition or object context!");
// Definitions may just use their regular name
if (this.Prototype == Global) return Format("%i", this);
// Duplication mode: If this is an object that is not being duplicated, just reference it as Object(number)
if (save_scenario_dup_objects && GetIndexOf(save_scenario_dup_objects, this)<0) return Format("%v", this);
// When the name is queried while properties are built, it means that there is a dependency. Store it.
// Write name if it had been used elsewhere
if (this._save_scen_objdata) this._save_scen_objdata.write_label = true;
// Build actual name using unique number (unless there's a static save variable name for us)
if (this.StaticSaveVar && !save_scenario_dup_objects) return this.StaticSaveVar;
if (!save_scenario_def_indices) save_scenario_def_indices = {};
var base_name = Format("%i", GetID());
if (base_name == "") base_name = "Unknown";
// save_scenario_def_indices is a proplist containing arrays of all objects sorted by type
// the saved name is <ID><index>, where index is the 1-based index into the array
var def_indices = save_scenario_def_indices[base_name];
var idx;
if (!def_indices)
save_scenario_def_indices[base_name] = def_indices = [this];
idx = 0;
idx = GetIndexOf(def_indices, this);
if (idx<0)
idx = GetLength(def_indices);
def_indices[idx] = this;
return Format("%s%03d", base_name, idx+1);
global func SaveScenarioObject(props)
// Called in object context: Default object writing procedure
// Overwrite this method and return false for objects that should not be saved
// Overwrite and call inherited for objects that add/remove/alter default creation/properties
var owner_string = "", i;
if (GetOwner() != NO_OWNER) owner_string = Format(", %d", GetOwner());
// Object creation: Default is to create above bottom center point
// This usually works well with stuff like buildings that may change size in updated versions
// The center point is usually what's of interest for rotated objects, contained objects and InEarth material as well as some objects that explicitely state different creation
var is_centered_creation = (!this.SaveScenarioCreateFromBottom) && (GetR() || Contained() || GBackSolid() || (GetCategory() & (C4D_Rule | C4D_Goal | C4D_Environment)) || this.SaveScenarioCreateCentered);
if (is_centered_creation)
if (!GetX() && !GetY() && (owner_string == ""))
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_Creation, "CreateObject(%i)", GetID()); // super-short version for e.g. goals/rules at position 0/0
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_Creation, "CreateObject(%i, %d, %d%s)", GetID(), GetX(), GetY(), owner_string);
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_Creation, "CreateObjectAbove(%i, %d, %d%s)", GetID(), GetX(), GetDefBottom(), owner_string);
// Contained creation is added alongside regular creation because it is not yet known if CreateObject+Enter or CreateContents can be used due to dependencies.
// func SaveScen_SetContainers will take care of removing one of the two creation strings after dependencies have been resolved.
if (Contained())
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation, "%s->CreateContents(%i)", Contained()->MakeScenarioSaveName(), GetID());
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx, "%s->CreateContents(%i, %%d)", Contained()->MakeScenarioSaveName(), GetID());
// Write some default props every object should save
var v, is_static = (GetCategory() & C4D_StaticBack) || Contained(), def = GetID();
v = GetAlive(); if (!v && (GetCategory()&C4D_Living)) props->AddCall("Alive", this, "Kill", this, true);
v = GetDir(); if (v) props->AddCall("Dir", this, "SetDir", GetConstantNameByValueSafe(v,"DIR_"));
v = GetComDir(); if (v) props->AddCall("ComDir", this, "SetComDir", GetConstantNameByValueSafe(v,"COMD_"));
v = GetCon(); if (v != 100) props->AddCall("Con", this, "SetCon", Max(v,1));
v = GetCategory(); if (v != def->GetCategory()) props->AddCall("Category", this, "SetCategory", GetBitmaskNameByValue(v, "C4D_"));
v = GetR(); if (v && !Contained()) props->AddCall("R", this, "SetR", v);
v = GetXDir(); if (v && !is_static) props->AddCall("XDir", this, "SetXDir", v);
v = GetYDir(); if (v && !is_static) if (!Inside(v, 1,12) || !GetContact(-1, CNAT_Bottom))
props->AddCall("YDir", this, "SetYDir", v); // consolidate small YDir for standing objects
v = GetRDir(); if (v && !is_static) props->AddCall("RDir", this, "SetRDir", v);
var default_color = 0xffffffff;
if (GetDefColorByOwner()) if (GetOwner() == NO_OWNER) default_color = 0xff; else default_color = GetPlayerColor(GetOwner());
v = GetColor(); if (v && v != default_color) props->AddCall("Color", this, "SetColor", Format("0x%x", v));
v = GetClrModulation(); if (v && v != 0xffffffff) props->AddCall("ClrModulation", this, "SetClrModulation", Format("0x%08x", v));
v = GetObjectBlitMode();if (v) props->AddCall("BlitMode", this, "SetObjectBlitMode", GetBitmaskNameByValue(v & ~GFX_BLIT_Custom, "GFX_BLIT_"));
for (i=0; v=def->GetMeshMaterial(i); ++i)
if (GetMeshMaterial(i) != v) props->AddCall("MeshMaterial", this, "SetMeshMaterial", Format("%v", GetMeshMaterial(i)), i);
v = this.Name; if (v != def.Name) props->AddCall("Name", this, "SetName", SaveScenarioValue2String(v));
v = this.MaxEnergy; if (v != def.MaxEnergy) props->AddSet ("MaxEnergy", this, "MaxEnergy", this.MaxEnergy);
v = GetEnergy(); if (v != def.MaxEnergy/1000) props->AddCall("Energy", this, "DoEnergy", v-def.MaxEnergy/1000);
v = this.Visibility; if (v != def.Visibility) props->AddSet ("Visibility", this, "Visibility", SaveScenarioValue2String(v, "VIS_", true));
v = this.Plane; if (v != def.Plane) props->AddSet ("Plane", this, "Plane", v);
v = GetObjectLayer(); var def_layer=nil; if (Contained()) def_layer = Contained()->GetObjectLayer();
if (v != def_layer) props->AddCall("Layer", this, "SetObjectLayer", v);
v = this.LineColors; if (v != def.LineColors) props->AddSet ("LineColors", this, "LineColors", v);
v = this.StaticSaveVar; if (v && !save_scenario_dup_objects) props->AddSet ("StaticSaveVar", this, "StaticSaveVar", Format("%v", v)); // do not duplicate StaticSaveVar because it needs to be unique
// Commands: Could store the whole command stack using AppendCommand.
// However, usually there is one base command and the rest is derived
// (e.g.: A Get command may lead to multiple MoveTo commands to the
// target object). So just store the topmost command.
var command, last_command; i=0;
while (command = GetCommand(0, i++)) last_command = command;
if (last_command)
props->AddCall("Command", this, "SetCommand", Format("%v", last_command),
SaveScenarioValue2String(GetCommand(1,i)), // target
SaveScenarioValue2String(GetCommand(2,i)), // x
SaveScenarioValue2String(GetCommand(3,i)), // y
SaveScenarioValue2String(GetCommand(4,i)), // target2
SaveScenarioValue2String(GetCommand(5,i))); // data
// Effects
var fx; i=0;
while (fx = GetEffect("*", this, i++)) EffectCall(this, fx, "SaveScen", props);
// EditorProps
if (this.EditorProps)
var all_prop_names = GetProperties(this.EditorProps), prop_name, prop;
for (prop_name in all_prop_names)
if ((prop=this.EditorProps[prop_name]))
if (GetType(prop) == C4V_PropList)
if (prop.Save)
v = this[prop_name];
var default_v = GetID()[prop_name];
if (!DeepEqual(v, default_v))
if (prop.Set)
// Save as call
props->AddCall(prop.Save, this, prop.Set, SaveScenarioValue2String(v));
// Save as direct value setting
props->AddSet(prop.Save, this, prop_name, SaveScenarioValue2String(v));
// A con of != 100 and a non-zero rotation may have moved the object, if so re-center it after setting the con and rotation.
if (is_centered_creation && (GetCon != 100 || (GetR() && !Contained())))
props->AddCall("SetPosition", this, "SetPosition", GetX(), GetY());
// Automatic unsticking for items lying on the ground and for animals / clonks
// Do this after Con/Rotation and other calls that may affect the shape
// (Note: If someone loads a game in paused mode and immediately saves without unpausing, most unstick calls for items will be lost)
if (!Contained() && !this.SaveScenarioCreateCentered && !this.SaveScenarioCreateFromBottom && !Stuck() && (GetAlive() || (this.Collectible && GetContact(-1, CNAT_Left | CNAT_Right | CNAT_Top | CNAT_Bottom))))
var unstick_range = 7; // GetScenMapZoom() - 1; // Unfortunately, this would not be sync save for network clients doing runtime join on editor sessions [end then reloading from a runtime save]
props->AddCall("Unstick", this, "Unstick", unstick_range);
// Initialization function as late as possible
v = this.CustomInitializationScript; if (v) props->AddCall("CustomInitialization", this, "CustomInitialize", Format("%v", v));
return true;
// documented in /docs/sdk/script/fn
global func SaveScenarioObjectAction(props)
// Helper function to store action properties
var v;
props->AddCall("Action", this, "SetAction", Format("%v", GetAction() ?? "Idle"), GetActionTarget(), GetActionTarget(1));
if (v = GetPhase()) props->AddCall("Phase", this, "SetPhase", v);
return true;
global func FxFireSaveScen(object obj, proplist fx, proplist props)
// this is burning. Save incineration to scenario.
props->AddCall("Fire", obj, "Incinerate", fx.strength, fx.caused_by, fx.blasted, fx.incinerating_object);
return true;
/* Helper functions for value formatting */
// Helper function to turn values of several types into a strings to be written to Objects.c
global func SaveScenarioValue2String(v, string constant_prefix, bool allow_bitmask)
var rval, vt = GetType(v);
if (vt == C4V_C4Object) return v->MakeScenarioSaveName();
if (vt == C4V_Array) // save procedure for arrays: recurse into contents (cannot save arrays pointing into itself that way)
for (var el in v)
if (rval) rval = Format("%s,%s", rval, SaveScenarioValue2String(el, constant_prefix, allow_bitmask));
else rval = SaveScenarioValue2String(el, constant_prefix, allow_bitmask);
constant_prefix = nil; // Only first element is actual bitmask (at least or VIS_, and that's the only user for this case)
if (rval) rval = Format("[%s]", rval); else rval = "[]";
return rval;
// custom save procedure for some prop lists or definitions
if (vt == C4V_PropList || vt == C4V_Def)
rval = v->~ToString();
if (rval) return rval;
// proplist saving
if (vt == C4V_PropList)
var props = GetProperties(v);
for (var el in props)
if (GetChar(el) == GetChar("_")) continue; // props starting with underscore are not to be saved
if (rval) rval = Format("%s,%s=%s", rval, el, SaveScenarioValue2String(v[el]));
else rval = Format("%s=%s", el, SaveScenarioValue2String(v[el]));
if (rval) rval = Format("{%s}", rval); else rval = "{}";
return rval;
// int as constant? (treat nil as 0 in this case)
if (constant_prefix)
if (allow_bitmask)
return GetBitmaskNameByValue(v, constant_prefix);
return GetConstantNameByValueSafe(v, constant_prefix);
// Strings need to be quoted and escaped
if (vt == C4V_String)
return Format("\"%s\"", ReplaceString(ReplaceString(v, "\\", "\\\\"), "\"", "\\\""));
// Otherwise, rely on the default %v formatting
return Format("%v", v);
global func GetBitmaskNameByValue(v, prefix)
// Compose bitmask of names of individual bits
// e.g. GetBitmaskNameByValue(3, "C4D_") == "C4D_StaticBack|C4D_Structure"
var s, n=0;
for (var i=0; i<31 && v; ++i)
var v2 = 1<<i;
if (v & v2)
v &= ~v2;
var s2 = GetConstantNameByValue(v2, prefix);
if (s2) s2 = Format("%s%s", prefix, s2); else s2 = Format("%x", v2);
if (s) s = Format("%s|%s", s, s2); else s = s2;
return s ?? GetConstantNameByValueSafe(0, prefix);
global func GetConstantNameByValueSafe(v, prefix)
// Get constant name by value including prefix. If not found, return number as string
var s = GetConstantNameByValue(v, prefix);
if (s) return Format("%s%s", prefix, s); else return Format("%d", v);
/* SaveScen_PropList functions */
// I would like to use non-global here, but how can I take a pointer then?
global func SaveScenP_Add(string name, string s, ...)
// apply format parametrers
s = Format(s, ...);
// just append to array of strings
// could build a string using data=Format("%s%s",data,s); here - however, then we'd be limited to some internal buffer sizes
var new_data = {name=name, s=s};
if (![new_data]; else[GetLength(] = new_data;
return true;
global func SaveScenP_Remove(string name)
// return all lines identified by name. return number of lines removed
var idx, n=0, n_data;
if (
n_data = GetLength(;
while (true)
idx = -1;
while (++idx<n_data) if ([idx].name == name) break;
if (idx == n_data) break;
if (!--n_data) {; break; }
if (idx < n_data)[idx] =[n_data];
SetLength(, n_data);
return n;
global func SaveScenP_RemoveCreation()
// Remove any creation strings
return this->Remove(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation) + this->Remove(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx) + this->Remove(SAVEOBJ_Creation);
global func SaveScenP_Clear()
// Remove all property and creation data = nil;
return true;
global func SaveScenP_AddCall(string name, proplist obj, string set_fn, ...)
// add string of style Obj123->SetFoo(bar, baz, ...)
// string parameters will not be quoted, so the caller can do some parameter formatting
// compose parameter string
var max_pars = 10, last_written = 2, set_pars = "", n_pars = 0;
for (var i=3; i<max_pars; ++i)
var par = Par(i);
var par_type = GetType(par);
if (par_type)
while (++last_written < i)
if (n_pars++)
set_pars = Format("%s%s", set_pars, ", nil");
set_pars = "nil";
if (par_type != C4V_String) par = SaveScenarioValue2String(par);
if (n_pars++)
set_pars = Format("%s, %s", set_pars, par);
set_pars = par;
// add setter
return this->Add(name, "%s->%s(%s)", obj->MakeScenarioSaveName(), set_fn, set_pars);
global func SaveScenP_AddSet(string name, object obj, string local_name, value)
// add string of style Obj123->local_name = value
// string parameters will not be quoted, so the caller can do some parameter formatting
if (GetType(value) != C4V_String) value = SaveScenarioValue2String(value);
return this->Add(name, "%s.%s = %s", obj->MakeScenarioSaveName(), local_name, value);
global func SaveScenP_Buffer2File(f)
// is an array of strings to be written to file f
if (! return false;
var i=0, indent = "";
for (var creation in [true, false])
for (var v in
var v_is_creation = (( == SAVEOBJ_Creation) || ( == SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation) || ( == SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx));
if (v_is_creation != creation) continue;
if (i || !creation) indent = " ";
FileWrite(f, Format("%s%s;\n", indent, v.s));
return i;
global func SaveScenP_HasData()
// Anything added to data array?
return !!;
global func SaveScenP_HasCreation()
// Functions to test whether any creation data has been added
if (! return false;
for (var v in if (( == SAVEOBJ_Creation) || ( == SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation) || ( == SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx)) return true;
return false;
global func SaveScenP_HasProps()
// Functions to test whether any property data has been added
if (! return false;
for (var v in if (( != SAVEOBJ_Creation) && ( != SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation) && ( != SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx)) return true;
return false;
global func SaveScenP_HasProp(string prop)
// Test if specific prop is present
if (! return nil;
for (var v in if ( == prop) return v;
return nil;
global func SaveScenP_TakeProps()
// Remove all props from this data and add them to a copy of this
var result = { Prototype = this.Prototype };
if (
var creation = nil, props = nil;
for (var v in
if (( != SAVEOBJ_Creation) && ( != SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation) && ( != SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreationEx))
if (!props) props = [v]; else props[GetLength(props)] = v;
if (!creation) creation = [v]; else creation[GetLength(creation)] = v; = creation; = props;
result.origin = this;
return result;
global func CustomInitialize(string script)
// run a custom object initialization and
return eval(this.CustomInitializationScript = script);