
254 lines
5.8 KiB

Author: Clonkonaut
A small annoying being.
#include Library_InsectSwarm
local lib_swarm_standard = 20;
local lib_insect_max_dist = 50;
local lib_insect_nocturnal = true;
private func Initialize()
private func Death()
private func MissionComplete()
if (Time->IsDay()) return;
// Mosquitos are very active
// Little dipshits
private func Sleep()
if (lib_insect_sleeping) return;
if (lib_insect_going2sleep)
lib_insect_sleeping = true;
// One last trip, then become invisible
lib_insect_going2sleep = true;
private func SleepComplete()
private func WakeUp()
// Array: [object lovely_object, int x, int y]
local lovely_place;
// How many times I tried to get to the lovely place
local lovely_tries = 0;
// Mosquitos always look for a lovely place to hang out
private func GetAttraction(proplist coordinates)
// GetAttraction will only be called for the swarm master, perfect to have just one being make sound
Sound("Animals::MosquitoBuzz", nil,nil,nil,nil, 200);
if (!lovely_place) lovely_place = CreateArray(3);
if (!lovely_place[1])
if (lovely_tries < 35) lovely_tries++;
if (lovely_tries > 15 + Random(30))
// Should not be called too often.
if (!lovely_place[1])
return false; // No lovely place found. Default behaviour (just fly around)
// Occasionally check if lovely place still qualifies
if (!Random(100) && !CheckLovelyPlace())
return false;
// Lovely is an object (plant or corpse): Stay close
if (lovely_place[0])
// Too far away from lovely place. Maybe I can't reach it?
if (Distance(GetX(), GetY(), lovely_place[1], lovely_place[2]) > 50)
coordinates.x = lovely_place[1] + Random(60) - 30;
// This might fail with *very* high plants in respect of the next distance check. That's okay, I guess.
coordinates.y = lovely_place[2] + Random(50) - 25;
} else { // Lovely place is water: Fly around a bit
// Too far away from lovely place. Maybe I can't reach it?
if (Distance(GetX(), GetY(), lovely_place[1], lovely_place[2]) > 250)
coordinates.x = lovely_place[1] + Random(300) - 150;
coordinates.y = GetHorizonHeight(coordinates.x);
if (!GBackLiquid(AbsX(coordinates.x), AbsY(coordinates.y))) // Stay on water
coordinates.x = lovely_place[1];
coordinates.y = lovely_place[2];
coordinates.y -= 25 - Random(20);
// Tried to reach that place for far too long
// Or maybe I've got enough of that place!
if (lovely_tries >= 10 || !Random(1000))
return RemoveLovelyPlace();
return true;
private func LookForLovelyPlace()
lovely_tries = 0;
// Corpses are first priority places
var corpse = FindObject(Find_Distance(200), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Category(C4D_Living), Find_Not(Find_OCF(OCF_Alive)), Find_Exclude(lovely_place[0]));
if (corpse && Random(15))
lovely_place[0] = corpse;
lovely_place[1] = corpse->GetX();
lovely_place[2] = GetHorizonHeight(corpse->GetY()) - 30;
// Water is second best place
var water = FindLocation(Loc_InRect(-100,-50,200,100), Loc_Material("Water"), Loc_MaxTries(80));
if (water)
// Try to find the surface
while (!GBackSky(water.x, water.y) && AbsY(water.y) > 0)
if (water.y > 0)
lovely_place[0] = nil;
lovely_place[1] = water.x;
lovely_place[2] = water.y;
// Dense vegetation is third best place
var plants = FindObjects(Find_Distance(200), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Func("IsPlant"), Find_Exclude(lovely_place[0]));
if (GetLength(plants) >= 10)
var plant = plants[Random(GetLength(plants))];
lovely_place[0] = plant;
lovely_place[1] = plant->GetX();
lovely_place[2] = GetHorizonHeight(plant->GetY()) - 30;
private func CheckLovelyPlace()
if (lovely_place[0]) // Corpse or plant
if (lovely_place[0]->~IsPlant())
// Vegetation is not so dense anymore?
if (lovely_place[0]->ObjectCount(Find_Distance(200), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Func("IsPlant"), Find_Exclude(lovely_place[0])) < 5)
return RemoveLovelyPlace();
// Place has moved?
if (Distance(lovely_place[0]->GetX(), lovely_place[0]->GetY(), lovely_place[1], lovely_place[2]) > 100)
return RemoveLovelyPlace();
} else {
// Water is gone?
if (!GBackLiquid(AbsX(lovely_place[1]), AbsY(lovely_place[2])))
return RemoveLovelyPlace();
return true;
private func RemoveLovelyPlace()
lovely_tries = 0;
// Don't delete lovely_place[0]
// It will be ignored in future searches
lovely_place[1] = nil;
lovely_place[2] = nil;
return false;
private func CheckTurn()
if (GetXDir() < 0)
if (GetXDir() > 0)
/*-- Saving --*/
public func SaveScenarioObject(proplist props)
if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false;
// Ignore some fast-changing stuff
return true;
/* Definition */
local ActMap = {
Fly = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Fly",
Procedure = DFA_FLOAT,
Speed = 200,
Accel = 32,
Decel = 32,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 3,
Delay = 2,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 2,
Hgt = 2,
NextAction = "Fly",
EndCall = "CheckTurn",
Sleep = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Sleep",
Procedure = DFA_FLOAT,
Speed = 0,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 1,
Delay = 1,
X = 6,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 2,
Hgt = 2,
NextAction = "Hold",
local Name = "$Name$";
local MaxEnergy = 20000;
local MaxBreath = 250;
local Placement = 2;
local NoBurnDecay = true;
local BorderBound = C4D_Border_Sides | C4D_Border_Top | C4D_Border_Bottom;
local ContactCalls = true;