
410 lines
13 KiB

local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
local storm_debug = false;
local streams, n_streams;
local execution_index = 0, n_exec_per_loop = 1;
local max_stream_len = 1000; // maximum number of intervals to be calculated for each stream of this storm
local exec_interval = 10; // exec every n frames
local find_mask; // Find_-condition for objects to be flung by wind
local strength; // storm strength
local stream_density = 20;
local stream_border_dist = 20;
local map, map_res1, map_res2, map_size1, map_size2, map_off1, map_off2;
//local debug_map;
local storm_particles; // storm particle definition, for pretty visuals
local StormStream;
static g_storm;
func Initialize()
// singleton
g_storm = this;
// defaults
storm_particles =
Size = 1,
Stretch = PV_Speed(PV_Linear(4000, 0), 0),
Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 100, 255, 1000, 255),
Rotation = PV_Direction(),
CollisionVertex = 1000,
OnCollision = PC_Die()
StormStream = {
max_segment_stretch = 100, // maximum number of pixels per segment that can be deviated from dir in either direction
max_segment_stretch_want = 5, // maximum movement back into original position that is preferred (i.e.: speed at which gaps behind sky islands close)
search_steps = 10, // steps in pixels in which to search for holes to blow through
search_steps_mult = 200, // multiplyer, in percent, by which search steps get larger with each iteration
find_mask = Find_And(Find_Category(C4D_Vehicle | C4D_Living | C4D_Object), Find_Not(Find_Func("IsEnvironment")));
SetStorm(20,0, 2000);
func Clear()
// timer
RemoveEffect("IntExecute", this);
// helper objects
for (var i=0; i<n_streams; ++i)
if (streams[i].debug) streams[i].debug->RemoveObject();
streams = nil;
n_streams = 0;
map = nil;
private func InitMap()
// init empty wind map according to parameters
// determine coordinate borders
var wdt=LandscapeWidth()-1, hgt = LandscapeHeight()-1;
var w1_min = Min(Min(MapXYToW1(0,0),MapXYToW1(0,hgt)),Min(MapXYToW1(wdt,0),MapXYToW1(wdt,hgt)));
var w1_max = Max(Max(MapXYToW1(0,0),MapXYToW1(0,hgt)),Max(MapXYToW1(wdt,0),MapXYToW1(wdt,hgt)));
var w2_min = Min(Min(MapXYToW2(0,0),MapXYToW2(0,hgt)),Min(MapXYToW2(wdt,0),MapXYToW2(wdt,hgt)));
var w2_max = Max(Max(MapXYToW2(0,0),MapXYToW2(0,hgt)),Max(MapXYToW2(wdt,0),MapXYToW2(wdt,hgt)));
// implement to cover complete border range
map_res1 = StormStream.dir_len;
map_res2 = stream_density;
map_off1 = w1_min - map_res1/2;
map_off2 = w2_min - map_res2/2;
map_size1 = (w1_max - map_off1) / map_res1 + 1;
map_size2 = (w2_max - map_off2) / map_res2 + 1;
// allocate map
map = CreateArray(map_size1 * map_size2);
//debug_map = CreateArray(map_size1 * map_size2);
return true;
private func MapXYToIdx(int x, int y)
if (x<0 || x>=LandscapeWidth() || y<0 || y>=LandscapeHeight()) return -1;
return (MapXYToW1(x, y)-map_off1)/map_res1 + ((MapXYToW2(x, y)-map_off2)/map_res2) * map_size1;
private func MapXYToW1(int x, int y)
// coordinate transform from x/y space to in-wind-direction coordinate
return (x*StormStream.dir_x + y*StormStream.dir_y) / StormStream.dir_len;
private func MapXYToW2(int x, int y)
// coordinate transform from x/y space to perpendicular-to-wind-direction coordinate
return (x*StormStream.dir_y - y*StormStream.dir_x) / StormStream.dir_len;
// dir_*: vector pointing in storm direction. vector length is equal to segment intervals.
// strength: how much to fling objects
func SetStorm(int dir_x, int dir_y, int astrength)
// clear old
// add new
var d = Distance(dir_x, dir_y);
if (!astrength || !d) return;
strength = astrength;
StormStream.dir_x = dir_x;
StormStream.dir_y = dir_y;
StormStream.dir_len = d;
// init map
// create streams
n_streams = ((Abs(LandscapeWidth()*dir_y) + Abs(LandscapeHeight()*dir_x))/d - 2*stream_border_dist) / stream_density;
streams = CreateArray(n_streams);
var i_stream = 0, s, x0, y0, sgn_x=1, sgn_y=1;
var wdt = LandscapeWidth()-1, hgt = LandscapeHeight()-1;
if (dir_y<0) { y0 = hgt; sgn_y = -1; }
if (dir_x<0) { x0 = wdt; sgn_x = -1; }
//Log("creating %d streams", n_streams);
for (var i = 0; i<n_streams; ++i)
var pos = stream_border_dist + i * stream_density;
var x0,y0;
if (dir_y)
var dpos=Abs(pos*d/dir_y);
if (dpos<=wdt)
// streams from horizontal border of landscape
if (s=CreateStream(wdt-x0-dpos*sgn_x, y0)) streams[i_stream++] = s;
pos -= Abs(wdt*dir_y/d);
// streams from vertical border of landscape
//Log("@%d", pos);
if (s=CreateStream(x0, y0+pos*sgn_y)) streams[i_stream++] = s;
//Log("%d total", n_streams);
streams = streams[0:n_streams];
// create timer for stream execution
n_exec_per_loop = n_streams;
AddEffect("IntExecute", this, 1, exec_interval, this);
func FxIntExecuteTimer()
for (var i_exec=0; i_exec<n_exec_per_loop; ++i_exec)
// exec current stream
//Log("exec %d", execution_index);
// next stream (++execution_index %= n_streams may or may not work)
execution_index %= n_streams;
private func CreateStream(int x0, int y0)
//Log("stream at %d/%d", x0,y0);
// Not in earth
if (GBackSolid(x0, y0)) return nil;
// Determine length
var len_x = max_stream_len, len_y = max_stream_len;
if (StormStream.dir_x < 0)
len_x = -(x0-1) / StormStream.dir_x + 1;
else if (StormStream.dir_x)
len_x = (LandscapeWidth()-x0-1) / StormStream.dir_x + 1;
if (StormStream.dir_y < 0)
len_y = -(y0-1) / StormStream.dir_y + 1;
else if (StormStream.dir_y)
len_y = (LandscapeHeight()-y0-1) / StormStream.dir_y + 1;
var len = Min(len_x, len_y);
// Initialize as laminar stream along desired path
var x = CreateArray(len), y = CreateArray(len);
var is_blocked = CreateArray(len);
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i)
x[i] = x0+i*StormStream.dir_x;
y[i] = y0+i*StormStream.dir_y;
is_blocked[i] = (i>0); // initial stream is blocked and will be unblocked on first execution
// Create stream data struct
var stream_debug;
if (storm_debug) stream_debug = CreateObjectAbove(Storm_DebugDisplay,0,0,NO_OWNER);
var new_stream = {
Prototype = StormStream,
"x0" = x0, "y0" = y0, // "a"=a because Guenther said so
"len" = len,
"x" = x, "y" = y,
"is_blocked" = is_blocked,
"debug" = stream_debug,
return new_stream;
private func ExecuteStream(proplist s)
//Log("ExecStream %v", s);
// Execute stream against wind direction, so changes dont propagate immediately but only segment-by-segment
var do_particles = !Random(3);
for (var i_segment = s.len-2; i_segment>=0; --i_segment)
// propagate block
if (s.is_blocked[i_segment])
//Log("segment %d", i_segment);
if (!s.is_blocked[i_segment+1]) StreamBlockVertex(s, i_segment+1);
if (storm_debug)
CreateParticle("SphereSpark", s.x[i_segment], s.y[i_segment], 0, 0, 36, {Size = 12});
// current segment base point
var x = s.x[i_segment], y = s.y[i_segment];
var tx = s.x[i_segment+1], ty = s.y[i_segment+1];
// determine direction of current segment
var vx = tx - x;
var vy = ty - y;
// determine where we want to go
var want_vx = s.x0+(i_segment+1)*s.dir_x - x;
var want_vy = s.y0+(i_segment+1)*s.dir_y - y;
var want_stretch = (s.dir_x*want_vy-s.dir_y*want_vx) / s.dir_len;
//if (i_segment==8) Log("%v", want_stretch);
// can turn?
if (Abs(want_stretch) > s.max_segment_stretch_want)
// We cannot go all the way...turn as much as we can
var stretch_dir = Abs(want_stretch)/want_stretch; // sign of direction
want_stretch = s.max_segment_stretch_want * stretch_dir;
// check from want_v alternating in both directions for a free path
var search_range = (Abs(want_stretch) + s.max_segment_stretch);
var search_off, has_found = false;
for (var search_offset = 0; search_offset <= search_range; search_offset = search_offset * s.search_steps_mult/100 + s.search_steps)
// search up
search_off = want_stretch - search_offset;
if (search_off >= -s.max_segment_stretch)
if (StreamCheckPathFree(s,x,y,search_off)) { has_found=true; break; }
if (!search_offset) continue; // don't check direction -0 and +0 twice
// search down
search_off = want_stretch + search_offset;
if (search_off <= s.max_segment_stretch)
if (StreamCheckPathFree(s,x,y,search_off)) { has_found=true; break; }
// did we find a path?
if (has_found)
// path found
if (s.is_blocked[i_segment+1]) StreamUnblockVertex(s, i_segment+1);
var new_tx = x + s.dir_x - search_off * s.dir_y / s.dir_len;
var new_ty = y + s.dir_y + search_off * s.dir_x / s.dir_len;
if (new_tx != tx || new_ty != ty) StreamMoveVertex(s, i_segment+1, tx, ty, new_tx, new_ty);
tx = new_tx; ty = new_ty;
// determine storm density at this position
var map_idx = MapXYToIdx(tx, ty), local_strength;
if (map_idx>=0) local_strength = map[map_idx]; else local_strength=1;
// fling objects along path
vx = vx * strength / s.dir_len;
vy = vy * strength / s.dir_len; // - 20;
var fling_objs = FindObjects(find_mask, Find_OnLine(x,y,new_tx,new_ty)), obj;
for (obj in fling_objs) if (obj->GetID()==ElevatorCase) { fling_objs = []; break; } // do not fling stuff in elevator case
for (obj in fling_objs)
// check if object can be pushed
if (obj->Stuck()) continue;
if (!PathFree(x,y,obj->GetX(),obj->GetY())) continue; // don't push through solid
// determine push strength. subsequent pushes of overlapping storm pathes stack diminishingly
var push_strength = strength/20,pushfx;
if (pushfx=GetEffect("StormPush",obj))
push_strength /= pushfx.count++;
if (!push_strength) continue;
pushfx=AddEffect("StormPush", obj, 1, 5, this);
if (pushfx) pushfx.count = 1;
// now push
var ovx = obj->GetXDir(100);
var ovy = obj->GetYDir(100);
// check max speed
if (Distance(ovx,ovy,vx,vy) > push_strength*6)
if (Distance(ovx,ovy) > 500)
// Gfx
if (do_particles && map_idx>=0)
if (local_strength >= 1)
// Two streams coincide here. Gfx!
vx = tx-x; vy = ty-y;
var v = Distance(vx,vy);
vx = vx * s.dir_len / v;
vy = vy * s.dir_len / v / 2;
CreateParticle("Dust", PV_Random(x - 10, x + 10), PV_Random(y - 10, y + 10), PV_Random(vx * 80 / 100, vx * 120 / 100), PV_Random(vy, vy * 140 / 100), PV_Random(20, 40), storm_particles,local_strength);
// path not found. segment blocked.
if (!s.is_blocked[i_segment+1]) StreamBlockVertex(s, i_segment+1);
if (s.debug) s.debug->ShowData(s.x, s.y);
private func StreamCheckPathFree(proplist s, int x, int y, int offset)
// determine target coordinates
var tx = x + s.dir_x - offset * s.dir_y / s.dir_len;
var ty = y + s.dir_y + offset * s.dir_x / s.dir_len;
// check path
return PathFree(x,y,tx,ty);
private func StreamMoveVertex(proplist s, int i, int old_x, int old_y, int new_x, int new_y)
//Log("moving %d/%d to %d/%d", old_x, old_y, new_x, new_y);
// adjust vertex
s.x[i] = new_x; s.y[i] = new_y;
// adjust map
var idx = MapXYToIdx(old_x, old_y);
if (idx>=0) --map[idx];
//DebugMapAdd(idx, Format("m%d.%d", s.y0, i));
idx = MapXYToIdx(new_x, new_y);
if (idx>=0) ++map[idx];
//DebugMapAdd(idx, Format("M%d.%d", s.y0, i));
return true;
private func StreamBlockVertex(proplist s, int i)
//Log("blocking at %d/%d", s.x[i], s.y[i]);
// adjust vertex
s.is_blocked[i] = true;
// adjust map
var idx = MapXYToIdx(s.x[i], s.y[i]);
if (idx>=0) --map[idx];
//DebugMapAdd(idx, Format("X%d.%d", s.y0, i));
return true;
private func StreamUnblockVertex(proplist s, int i)
//Log("unblocking at %d/%d", s.x[i], s.y[i]);
// adjust vertex
s.is_blocked[i] = false;
// adjust map
var idx = MapXYToIdx(s.x[i], s.y[i]);
if (idx>=0) ++map[idx];
//DebugMapAdd(idx, Format("O%d.%d", s.y0, i));
return true;
private func DumpStreamInfo(int i)
var s = streams[i], q=[], idcs = [];
for (var j=0; j<s.len; ++j)
var idx = MapXYToIdx(s.x[j], s.y[j]);
if (idx<0) q[j] = []; else q[j] = map[idx];
idcs[j] = idx;
Log("%v", idcs);
return q;
/*private func DebugMapAdd(int i, string s)
if (i<0) return;
if (debug_map[i]) debug_map[i] = Format("%s %s", debug_map[i], s); else debug_map[i] = s;
return true;
func GetWindEx(int x, int y)
if (!map) return 0; // not initialized or zero storm
var idx = MapXYToIdx(x, y);
if (idx<0) return 0; // outside landscape
// check storm density map
return -BoundBy(map[idx]*strength/10, 0,100);
global func GetWind(int x, int y)
if (g_storm) return g_storm->GetWindEx(x+GetX(),y+GetY());
return _inherited(x,y,...);