
187 lines
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Lightning Bolt
Launch a single bolt of lightning which splits up into smaller branches.
@author Maikel
local xdir, ydir;
local xdev, ydev;
local strength;
local launcher;
// Creates a lightning bolt at the specified location.
// x: X coordinate, always global.
// y: Y coordinate, always global.
// strength: Strength of the bolt, 0 - 100.
// xdir: Average horizontal speed of the bolt.
// ydir: Average vertical speed of the bolt.
// xdev: Maximum deviation from the average horizontal speed.
// ydev: Maximum deviation from the average vertical speed.
// no_sound: Whether to not play a sound.
global func LaunchLightning(int x, int y, int strength, int xdir, int ydir, int xdev, int ydev, bool no_sound)
var lightning = CreateObject(Lightning, x - GetX(), y - GetY());
// Ignore the launching object if not called from effect, scenario, etc..
var launching_object = nil;
if (this && GetType(this) == C4V_C4Object)
launching_object = this;
return lightning && lightning->Launch(x, y, strength, xdir, ydir, xdev, ydev, no_sound, launching_object);
public func Launch(int x, int y, int to_strength, int to_xdir, int to_ydir, int to_xdev, int to_ydev, bool no_sound, to_launcher)
xdir = to_xdir; ydir = to_ydir;
xdev = to_xdev; ydev = to_ydev;
strength = to_strength ?? 20;
launcher = to_launcher;
AddVertex(x - GetX(), y - GetY());
AddEffect("LightningMove", this, 1, 1, this, nil, !no_sound);
return true;
protected func FxLightningMoveStart(object target, effect fx, int temp, bool play_sound)
if (temp)
return FX_OK;
fx.play_sound = play_sound;
if (play_sound && strength > 30)
Sound("Environment::Lightning::Thunder?", false, strength);
return FX_OK;
protected func FxLightningMoveTimer(object target, effect fx, int time)
// Calculate new coordinates to move to.
var vertices = GetVertexNum();
var oldx = GetVertex(vertices - 1, 0);
var oldy = GetVertex(vertices - 1, 1);
var newx = oldx + xdir + xdev - Random(2 * xdev);
var newy = oldy + ydir + ydev - Random(2 * ydev);
// Check if a lightning attractor is in range.
var range = Distance(0, 0, xdir, ydir);
var cone_angle = Angle(0, 0, xdir, ydir);
var cone_width = 30 + Distance(0, 0, xdev, ydev);
var attractor = FindObject(Find_Cone(3 * range / 2, cone_angle, cone_width, oldx, oldy), Find_Property("IsLightningAttractor"), Find_Exclude(launcher), Find_NoContainer(), Sort_Distance(oldx, oldy));
if (attractor)
// Move to lightning attractor.
newx = attractor->GetX() - GetX();
newy = attractor->GetY() - GetY();
// Check if lightning hits landscape, and adapt new coordinates.
// Open question: should it penetrate liquids?
var strike_solid = PathFree2(oldx + GetX(), oldy + GetY(), newx + GetX(), newy + GetY());
if (strike_solid)
newx = strike_solid[0] - GetX();
newy = strike_solid[1] - GetY();
AddVertex(newx, newy);
// Draw the new line with lightning particles.
DrawLightningLine(oldx, oldy, newx, newy, strength / 10, Min(16, strength / 3));
// Update the light range for this strike, it is set at the new position with the given strength.
SetLightRange(strength / 2, strength);
SetLightColor(RGB(60, 60, 192));
this.LightOffset = [newx, newy];
// Strike objects on the line: only objects that are vehicle, items, alive or structures.
for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_OnLine(oldx, oldy, newx, newy), Find_Or(Find_Category(C4D_Object | C4D_Living | C4D_Vehicle | C4D_Structure), Find_Func("IsLightningStrikable", this)), Find_Exclude(launcher), Find_NoContainer()))
var damage = 3 + strength / 10;
// Check if the object rejects a lightning strike, also check if object still exists because an object
// at the same location may have been struck first and have removed nearby objects.
if (obj && !obj->~RejectLightningStrike(this, damage))
var is_attractor = obj.IsLightningAttractor;
// Perform the strike on the object.
PerformLightningStrike(obj, damage);
// Reduce strength of the lightning if an object is struck.
strength -= damage;
// Remove lightning if too weak or an attractor has been struck.
if (strength <= 0 || is_attractor)
return FX_OK;
// Remove lightning, if struck landscape or if strength is too low.
if (strike_solid || (strength < 50 && !Random(strength / 4)))
return FX_OK;
// Branch with chance inversely proportional to strength.
if (strength > 24 && Random(Sqrt(10 * strength)) > 12)
var branch_strength = (strength + Random(strength)) / 4;
var lightning = CreateObject(Lightning, newx, newy);
if (lightning)
lightning->Launch(newx + GetX(), newy + GetY(), branch_strength, xdir, ydir, xdev, ydev, !fx.play_sound);
strength -= branch_strength / 3;
return FX_OK;
private func DrawLightningLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int distance, int size)
// Need at least two particles: start and end.
distance = Max(distance, 1);
var angle = Angle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
var count = Max(2, Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) / distance);
var deltax = x2 - x1, deltay = y2 - y1;
// Create a set of blue particles and smaller white particles on the line.
var particle_blue =
R = 0,
G = 0,
B = 240,
Alpha = PV_Linear(128, 0),
Size = size,
Rotation = angle,
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive
var particle_white =
R = 240,
G = 240,
B = 240,
Alpha = PV_Linear(192, 0),
Size = 3 * size / 4,
Rotation = angle,
BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive
for (var i = 1; i <= count; i++)
CreateParticle("LightningBolt", x1 + deltax * i / (count + 1), y1 + deltay * i / (count + 1), 0, 0, 20, particle_blue);
CreateParticle("LightningBolt", x1 + deltax * i / (count + 1), y1 + deltay * i / (count + 1), 0, 0, 20, particle_white);
private func PerformLightningStrike(object target, int damage)
// Do a callback notifying the object that it has been struck by lightning.
target->~OnLightningStrike(this, damage);
// Damage or hurt objects. Lightning strikes may have a controller, thus pass this for kill tracing.
if (target)
if (target->GetOCF() & OCF_Alive)
Punch(target, damage);
target->DoDamage(damage, FX_Call_DmgScript, GetController());
// Don't save in scenarios.
func SaveScenarioObject() { return false; }
local Name = "$Name$";