
2131 lines
43 KiB

#appendto Clonk
local idHudSandbox;
local idHudOS;
local idGuiHudOS_catselect = 100;
local idGuiHudOS_objectselect = 101;
local idGuiHudOS_switchspawndest = 102;
protected func Death(int killed_by)
return _inherited(killed_by, ...);
func ShowSandboxUI()
var SandboxUI =
Player = GetOwner(),
Style = GUI_Multiple,
ButtonBar =
Left = "10em",
Top = "0.5em",
Bottom = "2.5em",
Right = "20em",
BtnObjectspawn =
Top = "0em",
Bottom = "2em",
Left = "0em",
Right = "2em",
Symbol = Hammer,
Tooltip = "$TooltipObjectspawn$",
BackgroundColor = { Std = RGBa(128, 128, 128, 128), Hover = RGBa(128, 255, 128, 128) },
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BtnObjectSpawnClick"),
BtnLandscapeBrush =
Top = "0em",
Bottom = "2em",
Left = "2em",
Right = "4em",
Symbol = SprayCan,
Tooltip = "$TooltipLandscapeBrush$",
BackgroundColor = { Std = RGBa(128, 128, 128, 128), Hover = RGBa(128, 255, 128, 128) },
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BtnLandscapeBrushClick"),
BtnMarker =
Top = "0em",
Bottom = "2em",
Left = "4em",
Right = "6em",
Symbol = ParkourFlag,
Tooltip = "$TooltipMarker$",
BackgroundColor = { Std = RGBa(128, 128, 128, 128), Hover = RGBa(128, 255, 128, 128) },
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BtnMarkerClick"),
BtnMapGen =
Top = "0em",
Bottom = "2em",
Left = "6em",
Right = "8em",
Symbol = Icon_World,
Tooltip = "$TooltipMapGen$",
BackgroundColor = { Std = RGBa(128, 128, 128, 128), Hover = RGBa(128, 255, 128, 128) },
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BtnMapGenClick"),
BtnTweaks =
Top = "0em",
Bottom = "2em",
Left = "8em",
Right = "10em",
Symbol = Icon_Lightbulb,
Tooltip = "$TooltipTweaks$",
BackgroundColor = { Std = RGBa(128, 128, 128, 128), Hover = RGBa(128, 255, 128, 128) },
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BtnTweaksClick"),
GodsHandDisplay =
Top = "2.5em",
Left = "10em",
Right = "20em",
Bottom = "3.5em",
BackgroundColor = RGBa(96,96,96,96),
Tooltip = "$GodsHandDisplayTT$",
icon =
Symbol = GodsHand,
Right = "1em",
icon2 =
Symbol = ObjectSpawnDefinition,
Left = "1.5em",
Right = "2.5em",
text =
Text = ObjectSpawnDefinition.Name,
Left = "2.75em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
idHudSandbox = GuiOpen(SandboxUI);
return idHudSandbox;
func UpdateGodsHandDisplay()
var update =
GodsHandDisplay =
icon2 =
Symbol = ObjectSpawnDefinition
text =
Text = ObjectSpawnDefinition.Name
GuiUpdate(update, idHudSandbox);
func HideSandboxUI()
if (idHudSandbox)
idHudSandbox = nil;
func BtnObjectSpawnClick()
func BtnLandscapeBrushClick()
func BtnMarkerClick()
func BtnMapGenClick()
func BtnTweaksClick()
local ObjectSpawnTarget = 1; // 1 = Spawn on Clonk/Inventory, 2 = God's Hand
local ObjectSpawnDefinition = Wood; // Definition to spawn by God's Hand
local ObjectSpawnMenuOpts =
ProductionResources =
Priority = 2,
Caption = "$OSCatProductionResources$",
Icon = Ore,
Items = [Rock, Ore, Coal, Firestone, Nugget, Metal, Wood, Moss, Ruby, Amethyst, GoldBar, Firestone, Ice]
Foodstuff =
Priority = 3,
Caption = "$OSCatFoodstuff$",
Icon = Bread,
Items = [Bread, Mushroom, CookedMushroom, Sproutberry, Coconut]
Liquids =
Priority = 4,
Caption = "$OSCatLiquids$",
Icon = Water,
Items = [Water, Acid, Lava, DuroLava, Oil, Concrete]
Tools =
Priority = 5,
Caption = "$OSCatTools$",
Icon = Hammer,
Items = [Hammer, Shovel, Axe, Pickaxe, Sickle, TeleGlove, Torch, WallKit, Ropeladder, Ropebridge, GrappleBow, Balloon, Boompack, WindBag, Lantern, Bucket, Barrel, MetalBarrel, Pipe, Crate, Dynamite, DynamiteBox, Lorry]
Weapons =
Priority = 6,
Caption = "$OSCatWeapons$",
Icon = Sword,
Items = [Shield, Helmet, Sword, Club, Bow, Arrow, FireArrow, BombArrow, Blunderbuss, LeadBullet, Javelin, GrenadeLauncher, IronBomb, SmokeBomb, Boompack, Lantern, Cannon, Catapult]
Explosives =
Priority = 7,
Caption = "$OSCatExplosives$",
Icon = Dynamite,
Items = [Firestone, Dynamite, DynamiteBox, IronBomb, PowderKeg, Lantern]
Vehicles =
Priority = 8,
Caption = "$OSCatVehicles$",
Icon = Airship,
Items = [Airship, Airplane]
Animals =
Priority = 9,
Caption = "$OSCatAnimals$",
Icon = Wipf,
Items = [Wipf, Bat, Butterfly, Chippie, Firefly, Fish, Piranha, Puka, Mooq, Shark, Squid, Zap, Mosquito]
Plants =
Priority = 10,
Caption = "$OSCatPlants$",
Icon = Flower,
Items = [Tree_Coniferous, Tree_Coniferous2, Tree_Coniferous3, Tree_Coniferous4, Tree_Deciduous, Tree_Coconut, LargeCaveMushroom, Cotton_Branch, Coral, Seaweed, SproutBerryBush, Lichen, Fern, Grass, Branch, Trunk, Vine, Wheat]
GodTools =
Priority = 99,
Caption = "$OSCatGodTools$",
Icon = GodsHand,
Items = [GodsHand, DevilsHand, SprayCan, Teleporter, Marker]
func ShowObjectSpawnUI()
var SpawnUI =
Decoration = GUI_MenuDeco,
Player = GetOwner(),
CatSelect =
ID = idGuiHudOS_catselect,
Left = "0%",
Right = "25%",
Top = "2em",
Bottom = "100% - 2em",
BackgroundColor = RGBa(32,32,32,224),
Style = GUI_VerticalLayout,
SwitchSpawnDest =
ID = idGuiHudOS_switchspawndest,
Top = "100% - 2em",
Right = "25%",
BackgroundColor = { Std = RGBa(32,32,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Tooltip = GetObjectSpawnDestTooltip(),
icon =
Symbol = GetObjectSpawnDestSymbol(),
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = GetObjectSpawnDest(),
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SwitchObjectSpawnDest"),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
ObjectSelect =
ID = idGuiHudOS_objectselect,
Left = "25%",
Right = "100%",
Top = "2em",
Bottom = "100% - 2em",
BackgroundColor = RGBa(64,64,64,224),
HintTarget =
Left = "25%",
Top = "100% - 2em",
BackgroundColor = RGBa(128,128,128,224),
icon =
Symbol = Icon_Arrow,
GraphicsName = "Left",
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$OSHintTarget$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
var index = 0;
for (var property in GetProperties(ObjectSpawnMenuOpts))
var entry = ObjectSpawnMenuOpts[property];
var catentry =
ID = 1000 + index,
Priority = entry.Priority,
Bottom = "+2em",
Right = "100% - 1em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = entry.Icon,
Right = "2em"
text =
Text = entry.Caption,
Left = "+2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "ObjectSpawnSelectCat", [entry]),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std")
GuiAddSubwindow(catentry, SpawnUI.CatSelect);
GuiAddCloseButton(SpawnUI, this, "HideObjectSpawnUI");
idHudOS = GuiOpen(SpawnUI);
return idHudOS;
func HideObjectSpawnUI()
if (idHudOS)
idHudOS = nil;
func GetObjectSpawnDest()
if (ObjectSpawnTarget == 1) return "$OSTargetClonk$";
if (ObjectSpawnTarget == 2) return "$OSTargetGodsHand$";
func GetObjectSpawnDestSymbol()
if (ObjectSpawnTarget == 1) return Clonk;
if (ObjectSpawnTarget == 2) return GodsHand;
func GetObjectSpawnDestTooltip()
if (ObjectSpawnTarget == 1) return "$OSTargetClonkTT$";
if (ObjectSpawnTarget == 2) return "$OSTargetGodsHandTT$";
func SwitchObjectSpawnDest()
if (ObjectSpawnTarget > 2) ObjectSpawnTarget = 1;
var update =
SwitchSpawnDest =
ID = idGuiHudOS_switchspawndest,
Top = "100% - 2em",
Right = "25%",
BackgroundColor = { Std = RGBa(32,32,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Tooltip = GetObjectSpawnDestTooltip(),
icon =
Symbol = GetObjectSpawnDestSymbol(),
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = GetObjectSpawnDest(),
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SwitchObjectSpawnDest"),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiClose(idHudOS, idGuiHudOS_switchspawndest);
GuiUpdate(update, idHudOS);
func ObjectSpawnSelectCat(data, int player, int ID, int subwindowID, object target)
GuiClose(idHudOS, idGuiHudOS_objectselect);
var objectselect =
ID = idGuiHudOS_objectselect,
Left = "25%",
Right = "100%",
Top = "2em",
BackgroundColor = RGBa(64,64,64,224),
Style = GUI_GridLayout,
GuiUpdate({ ObjectSelect = objectselect }, idHudOS);
var cat = data[0];
var index = 0;
for (var item in cat.Items)
var objentry =
ID = 2000 + index,
Priority = index,
Bottom = "+2em",
Right = "+8em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Tooltip = item.Description,
icon =
Symbol = item,
Right = "+2em"
text =
Text = item.Name,
Left = "+2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "ObjectSpawnSelectObject", [item]),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddSubwindow(objentry, objectselect);
GuiUpdate(objectselect, idHudOS, idGuiHudOS_objectselect);
func ObjectSpawnSelectObject(data, int player, int ID, int subwindowID, object target)
var clonk = GetCursor(player);
var obj = data[0];
if (ObjectSpawnTarget == 1)
// Spawn in Clonk Inventory
if (obj == Marker)
var spawnlocation = 2; // 1 = Inventory, 2 = Outside, 3 = Outside Above
// Normal objects can spawn in Inventory
if (obj->GetCategory() & C4D_Object)
spawnlocation = 1;
// Livings spawn outside the clonk
if (obj->GetCategory() & C4D_Living)
spawnlocation = 2;
// Vehicles spawn above to avoid being stuck
if (obj->GetCategory() & C4D_Vehicle)
spawnlocation = 3;
//if (spawnlocation == 1) clonk->CreateContents(obj);
if (spawnlocation == 1) clonk->Collect(CreateObject(obj));
if (spawnlocation == 2) clonk->CreateObject(obj);
if (spawnlocation == 3) clonk->CreateObjectAbove(obj, 0, 0);
else if (ObjectSpawnTarget == 2)
// Select for God's Hand
clonk.ObjectSpawnDefinition = obj;
// TODO: Prüfung wo das Objekt erzeugt werden soll (Inventar/Aussen)
// TODO: Prüfen, was mit dem ausgewählten Objekt passieren soll (Spawn/Hand of god)
local SelectedBrushMaterial = "Earth-earth";
local SelectedBrushBgMaterial = "Tunnel-tunnel";
local SelectedBrushSize = 8;
local SelectedBrushMode = 1; // 1 = Draw Brush, 2 = Quad Brush, 3 = Eraser
local BrushMaterials =
Earth = { Icon = Earth, Caption = "$MatEarth$", Material = "Earth-earth" },
EarthSpongy = { Icon = Earth, Caption = "$MatEarthSpongy$", Material = "Earth-earth_spongy" },
EarthRoot = { Icon = Earth, Caption = "$MatEarthRoot$", Material = "Earth-earth_root" },
Sand = { Icon = Sand, Caption = "$MatSand$", Material = "Sand-sand" },
SandDry = { Icon = Sand, Caption = "$MatSandDry$", Material = "SandDry-sand" },
Ice = { Icon = Ice, Caption = "$MatIce$", Material = "Ice-ice" },
Ice2 = { Icon = Ice, Caption = "$MatIce2$", Material = "Ice-ice2" },
Snow = { Icon = Snow, Caption = "$MatSnow$", Material = "Snow-snow1" },
Rock = { Icon = Rock, Caption = "$MatRock$", Material = "Rock-rock" },
RockSmooth = { Icon = Rock, Caption = "$MatRockSmooth$", Material = "Rock-rock_smooth" },
Granite = { Icon = Rock, Caption = "$MatGranite$", Material = "Granite-granite" },
Ore = { Icon = Ore, Caption = "$MatOre$", Material = "Ore-ore" },
Gold = { Icon = Nugget, Caption = "$MatGold$", Material = "Gold-gold" },
Coal = { Icon = Coal, Caption = "$MatCoal$", Material = "Coal-coal" },
Firestone = { Icon = Firestone, Caption = "$MatFirestone$", Material = "Firestone-firestone" },
Ruby = { Icon = Ruby, Caption = "$MatRuby$", Material = "Ruby-ruby" },
Amethyst = { Icon = Amethyst, Caption = "$MatAmethyst$", Material = "Amethyst-amethyst" },
Ashes = { Icon = Ashes, Caption = "$MatAshes$", Material = "Ashes-ashes" },
Brick = { Icon = WallKit, Caption = "$MatBrick$", Material = "Brick-brick" },
BrickSoft = { Icon = WallKit, Caption = "$MatBrickSoft$", Material = "BrickSoft-brick" },
Everrock = { Icon = Metal, Caption = "$MatEverrock$", Material = "Everrock-everrock" },
Water = { Icon = Water, Caption = "$MatWater$", Material = "Water-water" },
Acid = { Icon = Acid, Caption = "$MatAcid$", Material = "Acid-acid" },
Lava = { Icon = Lava, Caption = "$MatLava$", Material = "Lava-lava_red" },
DuroLava = { Icon = DuroLava, Caption = "$MatDuroLava$", Material = "DuroLava-lava_red" },
Oil = { Icon = Oil, Caption = "$MatOil$", Material = "Oil-oil" },
Tunnel = { Icon = Earth, Caption = "$MatTunnel$", Material = "Tunnel-tunnel" },
Backwall = { Icon = Earth, Caption = "$MatTunnelBrick$", Material = "Tunnel-brickback" }
local BrushBackgroundMaterials =
Sky = { Icon = Earth, Caption = "$MatBgSky$", Material = DMQ_Sky },
Tunnel = { Icon = Earth, Caption = "$MatBgTunnel$", Material = "Tunnel-tunnel" },
Bricks = { Icon = Earth, Caption = "$MatBgBricks$", Material = "Tunnel-brickback" }
local idHudMB;
local idGuiHudMB_MatSelect = 300;
local idGuiHudMB_MatBgSelect = 301;
local idGuiHudMB_SizeSelect = 302;
local idGuiHudMB_ModeSelect = 303;
func ShowMaterialBrushUI()
var bgBrush = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
var bgQuad = bgBrush;
var bgErase = bgBrush;
if (SelectedBrushMode == 1) bgBrush = { Std = RGBa(128,192,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
if (SelectedBrushMode == 2) bgQuad = { Std = RGBa(128,192,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
if (SelectedBrushMode == 3) bgErase = { Std = RGBa(128,192,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
var BrushUI =
Decoration = GUI_MenuDeco,
Player = GetOwner(),
OptionList =
Style = GUI_VerticalLayout,
Top = "2em",
OptMaterial =
Index = 50,
Priority = 1,
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Caption =
Text = "$MBMaterialFg$",
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMB_MatSelect,
Style = GUI_FitChildren | GUI_GridLayout,
Left = "10em"
Spacer1 =
Bottom = "1em",
Priority = 2,
OptMaterialBg =
Index = 51,
Priority = 3,
Bottom = "4em",
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Caption =
Text = "$MBMaterialBg$",
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMB_MatBgSelect,
Style = GUI_FitChildren | GUI_GridLayout,
Left = "10em",
Spacer2 =
Bottom = "1em",
Priority = 4,
OptBrushSize =
Index = 52,
Priority = 5,
Bottom = "4em",
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Caption =
Text = "$MBBrushSize$",
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMB_SizeSelect,
Style = GUI_FitChildren | GUI_GridLayout,
Left = "10em",
Minus10 =
Priority = 1,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Minus",
Text = "10",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BrushSizeChange", -10),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Minus1 =
Priority = 2,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Minus",
Text = "1",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BrushSizeChange", -1),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Value =
Priority = 3,
Style = GUI_TextHCenter | GUI_TextVCenter,
Text = Format("<c ffff00>%d</c>", SelectedBrushSize),
Right = "4em",
Bottom = "2em",
Plus1 =
Priority = 4,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Plus",
Text = "1",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BrushSizeChange", 1),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Plus10 =
Priority = 5,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Plus",
Text = "10",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "BrushSizeChange", 10),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Spacer3 =
Bottom = "1em",
Priority = 6,
OptBrushMode =
Index = 53,
Priority = 7,
Bottom = "4em",
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Caption =
Text = "$MBBrushMode$",
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMB_ModeSelect,
Style = GUI_FitChildren | GUI_GridLayout,
Left = "10em",
ModeBrush =
Priority = 1,
BackgroundColor = bgBrush,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
icon =
Symbol = SprayCan,
Right = "2em"
text =
Text = "$MBBrushModeBrush$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SelectBrushMode", 1),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
ModeQuad =
Priority = 2,
BackgroundColor = bgQuad,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
icon =
Symbol = SprayCan,
Right = "2em"
text =
Text = "$MBBrushModeQuad$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SelectBrushMode", 2),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
ModeErase =
Priority = 3,
BackgroundColor = bgErase,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
icon =
Symbol = SprayCan,
Right = "2em"
text =
Text = "$MBBrushModeErase$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SelectBrushMode", 3),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddCloseButton(BrushUI, this, "HideMaterialBrushUI");
var index = 0;
for (var property in GetProperties(BrushMaterials))
var entry = BrushMaterials[property];
var stdcolor = 0;
if (entry.Material == SelectedBrushMaterial) stdcolor = RGBa(128,192,128,128);
var matentry =
ID = 2000 + index,
Priority = index,
BackgroundColor = { Std = stdcolor, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
icon =
Symbol = entry.Icon,
Right = "2em"
text =
Text = entry.Caption,
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SelectBrushMaterial", entry.Material),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddSubwindow(matentry, BrushUI.OptionList.OptMaterial.Selection);
index = 0;
for (var property in GetProperties(BrushBackgroundMaterials))
var entry = BrushBackgroundMaterials[property];
var stdcolor = 0;
if (entry.Material == SelectedBrushBgMaterial) stdcolor = RGBa(128,192,128,128);
var matentry =
ID = 3000 + index,
Priority = index,
BackgroundColor = { Std = stdcolor, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
icon =
Symbol = entry.Icon,
Right = "2em"
text =
Text = entry.Caption,
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SelectBrushBackgroundMaterial", entry.Material),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddSubwindow(matentry, BrushUI.OptionList.OptMaterialBg.Selection);
idHudMB = GuiOpen(BrushUI);
return idHudMB;
func HideMaterialBrushUI()
if (idHudMB)
idHudMB = nil;
func SelectBrushMaterial(data)
SelectedBrushMaterial = data;
var update =
OptionList =
OptMaterial =
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMB_MatSelect,
Style = GUI_FitChildren | GUI_GridLayout,
Left = "10em"
var index = 0;
for (var property in GetProperties(BrushMaterials))
var entry = BrushMaterials[property];
var stdcolor = 0;
if (entry.Material == SelectedBrushMaterial) stdcolor = RGBa(128,192,128,128);
var matentry =
ID = 2000 + index,
Priority = index,
BackgroundColor = { Std = stdcolor, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
icon =
Symbol = entry.Icon,
Right = "2em"
text =
Text = entry.Caption,
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SelectBrushMaterial", entry.Material),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddSubwindow(matentry, update.OptionList.OptMaterial.Selection);
GuiClose(idHudMB, idGuiHudMB_MatSelect);
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMB);
func SelectBrushBackgroundMaterial(data)
SelectedBrushBgMaterial = data;
var update =
OptionList =
OptMaterialBg =
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMB_MatBgSelect,
Style = GUI_FitChildren | GUI_GridLayout,
Left = "10em"
var index = 0;
for (var property in GetProperties(BrushBackgroundMaterials))
var entry = BrushBackgroundMaterials[property];
var stdcolor = 0;
if (entry.Material == SelectedBrushBgMaterial) stdcolor = RGBa(128,192,128,128);
var matentry =
ID = 2000 + index,
Priority = index,
BackgroundColor = { Std = stdcolor, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
icon =
Symbol = entry.Icon,
Right = "2em"
text =
Text = entry.Caption,
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SelectBrushBackgroundMaterial", entry.Material),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddSubwindow(matentry, update.OptionList.OptMaterialBg.Selection);
GuiClose(idHudMB, idGuiHudMB_MatBgSelect);
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMB);
func BrushSizeChange(valuechange)
SelectedBrushSize += valuechange;
if (SelectedBrushSize < 1) SelectedBrushSize = 1;
var update =
OptionList =
OptBrushSize =
Selection =
Value =
Text = Format("<c ffff00>%d</c>", SelectedBrushSize)
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMB);
func SelectBrushMode(data)
SelectedBrushMode = data;
var bgBrush = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
var bgQuad = bgBrush;
var bgErase = bgBrush;
if (SelectedBrushMode == 1) bgBrush = { Std = RGBa(128,192,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
if (SelectedBrushMode == 2) bgQuad = { Std = RGBa(128,192,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
if (SelectedBrushMode == 3) bgErase = { Std = RGBa(128,192,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
var update =
OptionList =
OptBrushMode =
Selection =
ModeBrush =
BackgroundColor = bgBrush
ModeQuad =
BackgroundColor = bgQuad
ModeErase =
BackgroundColor = bgErase
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMB);
local idHudTW;
func ShowTweaksUI()
var TweaksUI =
Player = GetOwner(),
Decoration = GUI_MenuDeco,
OptionList =
Top = "2em",
Style = GUI_VerticalLayout,
OptInvincible =
ID = 50,
Priority = 1,
Bottom = "2em",
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Caption =
Right = "12em",
Text = "$TweakInvincible$",
Selection =
Style = GUI_GridLayout | GUI_FitChildren,
Left = "12em",
BtnEnable =
Priority = 1,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = Icon_Ok,
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$OptActivate$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "TweaksUI_SetInvincibility", true),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
BtnDisable =
Priority = 2,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = Icon_Cancel,
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$OptDeactivate$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "TweaksUI_SetInvincibility", false),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OptSkinChoose =
ID = 51,
Priority = 2,
Bottom = "2em",
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Caption =
Right = "12em",
Text = "$TweakSkinChoose$",
Selection =
Style = GUI_GridLayout | GUI_FitChildren,
Left = "12em",
BtnSkin1 =
Priority = 1,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = Clonk,
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$OptSkin1$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SetSkin", 0),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
BtnSkin2 =
Priority = 2,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = Clonk,
GraphicsName = "Steampunk",
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$OptSkin2$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SetSkin", 1),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
BtnSkin3 =
Priority = 3,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = Clonk,
GraphicsName = "Alchemist",
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$OptSkin3$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SetSkin", 2),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
BtnSkin4 =
Priority = 4,
Bottom = "2em",
Right = "10em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = Clonk,
GraphicsName = "Farmer",
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$OptSkin4$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "SetSkin", 3),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddCloseButton(TweaksUI, this, "HideTweaksUI");
idHudTW = GuiOpen(TweaksUI);
return idHudTW;
func HideTweaksUI()
if (idHudTW)
idHudTW = nil;
local idHudMG;
static MapGenSizeWidth;
static MapGenSizeHeight;
static MapGenPreset;
static MapGenTreesAmount;
local idGuiHudMG_SizeSelectWidth = 400;
local idGuiHudMG_SizeSelectHeight = 401;
local idGuiHudMG_TypePresetList = 402;
local MapGenTypePresetOpts =
// Custom =
// {
// Priority = 1,
// Caption = "$MapGenTPCustom$",
// Icon = Hammer,
// Value = "Custom"
// },
FlatLand =
Priority = 2,
Caption = "$MapGenTPFlatLand$",
Icon = Earth,
Value = "FlatLand"
Skylands =
Priority = 3,
Caption = "$MapGenTPSkylands$",
Icon = Earth,
Value = "Skylands"
Caves =
Priority = 4,
Caption = "$MapGenTPCaves$",
Icon = Earth,
Value = "Caves"
func ShowMapGenUI()
var MapGenUI =
Player = GetOwner(),
Decoration = GUI_MenuDeco,
OptionList =
Top = "2em",
Bottom = "100% - 2em",
Style = GUI_VerticalLayout,
OptMapSizeWidth =
Priority = 1,
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Bottom = "2em",
Caption =
Text = "$MapGenSizeWidth$",
Right = "12em",
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMG_SizeSelectWidth,
Style = GUI_GridLayout | GUI_FitChildren,
Left = "12em",
Minus10 =
Priority = 1,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Minus",
Text = "10",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSizeWidthChange", -10),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Minus1 =
Priority = 2,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Minus",
Text = "1",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSizeWidthChange", -1),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Value =
Priority = 3,
Style = GUI_TextHCenter | GUI_TextVCenter,
Text = Format("<c ffff00>%d</c>", MapGenSizeWidth),
Right = "4em",
Bottom = "2em",
Plus1 =
Priority = 4,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Plus",
Text = "1",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSizeWidthChange", 1),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Plus10 =
Priority = 5,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Plus",
Text = "10",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSizeWidthChange", 10),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OptMapSizeHeight =
Priority = 2,
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Bottom = "2em",
Caption =
Text = "$MapGenSizeHeight$",
Right = "12em",
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMG_SizeSelectWidth,
Style = GUI_GridLayout | GUI_FitChildren,
Left = "12em",
Minus10 =
Priority = 1,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Minus",
Text = "10",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSizeHeightChange", -10),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Minus1 =
Priority = 2,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Minus",
Text = "1",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSizeHeightChange", -1),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Value =
Priority = 3,
Style = GUI_TextHCenter | GUI_TextVCenter,
Text = Format("<c ffff00>%d</c>", MapGenSizeHeight),
Right = "4em",
Bottom = "2em",
Plus1 =
Priority = 4,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Plus",
Text = "1",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSizeHeightChange", 1),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
Plus10 =
Priority = 5,
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = "Plus",
Text = "10",
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextRight,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
Right = "2em",
Bottom = "2em",
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSizeHeightChange", 10),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OptPreset =
Priority = 3,
Bottom = "2em",
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Caption =
Text = "$MapGenMapType$",
Right = "12em",
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMG_TypePresetList,
BtnGenerate =
Top = "100% - 2em",
Text = "$MapGenButtonGenerate$",
Style = GUI_TextHCenter | GUI_TextVCenter,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MakeNewMap"),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddCloseButton(MapGenUI, this, "HideMapGenUI");
idHudMG = GuiOpen(MapGenUI);
return idHudMG;
func HideMapGenUI()
if (idHudMG)
idHudMG = nil;
func UpdateMapGenPresetOptionList()
GuiClose(idHudMG, idGuiHudMG_TypePresetList);
var update =
OptionList =
OptPreset =
Selection =
ID = idGuiHudMG_TypePresetList,
Left = "12em",
Style = GUI_GridLayout | GUI_FitChildren,
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMG);
for (var property in GetProperties(MapGenTypePresetOpts))
var entry = MapGenTypePresetOpts[property];
var bgcolor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
if (MapGenPreset == entry.Value) bgcolor = { Std = RGBa(128,192,128,128), Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) };
var subentry =
Right = "10em",
Bottom = "2em",
Priority = entry.Priority,
BackgroundColor = bgcolor,
icon =
Symbol = entry.Icon,
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = entry.Caption,
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "MapGenSelectPreset", entry.Value),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddSubwindow(subentry, update.OptionList.OptPreset.Selection);
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMG);
func MapGenSelectPreset(data)
MapGenPreset = data;
func MapGenSizeWidthChange(valuechange)
MapGenSizeWidth += valuechange;
if (MapGenSizeWidth < 1) MapGenSizeWidth = 1;
if (MapGenSizeWidth > 1000) MapGenSizeWidth = 1000;
var update =
OptionList =
OptMapSizeWidth =
Selection =
Value =
Text = Format("<c ffff00>%d</c>", MapGenSizeWidth)
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMG);
func MapGenSizeHeightChange(valuechange)
MapGenSizeHeight += valuechange;
if (MapGenSizeHeight < 1) MapGenSizeHeight = 1;
if (MapGenSizeHeight > 1000) MapGenSizeHeight = 1000;
var update =
OptionList =
OptMapSizeHeight =
Selection =
Value =
Text = Format("<c ffff00>%d</c>", MapGenSizeHeight)
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMG);
func MakeNewMap()
var clonks = [];
for (var clonk in FindObjects(Find_OCF(OCF_CrewMember)))
var container = clonk->Contained();
if (container)
// Players not waiting for a relaunch get a new Clonk to prevent
// status effects from carrying over to the next round.
var new_clonk = CreateObject(clonk->GetID(), 0, 0, clonk->GetOwner());
clonk = new_clonk;
PushBack(clonks, clonk);
for (var clonk in clonks)
SetCursor(clonk->GetOwner(), clonk);
clonk->SetPosition(LandscapeWidth() / 2, LandscapeHeight() / 2);
for(var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++)
GameCall("InitializePlayer", GetPlayerByIndex(i));
// Things to do after the Clonks have respawned on new map
local idHudMK;
local idGuiHudMK_MarkerList = 610;
func ShowMarkerUI()
var MarkerUI =
Player = GetOwner(),
Decoration = GUI_MenuDeco,
OptionList =
ID = idGuiHudMK_MarkerList,
Top = "2em",
Bottom = "100% - 2em",
Style = GUI_VerticalLayout,
BtnPlaceMarker =
Top = "100% - 2em",
Text = "$PlaceMarker$",
Style = GUI_TextHCenter | GUI_TextVCenter,
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "PlaceNewMarker"),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
GuiAddCloseButton(MarkerUI, this, "HideMarkerUI");
idHudMK = GuiOpen(MarkerUI);
return idHudMK;
func HideMarkerUI()
if (idHudMK)
idHudMK = nil;
func UpdateMarkerList()
if (!idHudMK) return;
GuiClose(idHudMK, idGuiHudMK_MarkerList);
var update =
ID = idGuiHudMK_MarkerList,
Top = "2em",
Bottom = "100% - 2em",
Style = GUI_VerticalLayout,
GuiUpdate({ OptionList = update }, idHudMK);
for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
var marker = GetMarkerForIndex(i, GetOwner());
var submarker;
if (marker)
submarker =
Priority = i + 1,
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Bottom = "2em",
Caption =
Right = "4em",
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = Format("%d", i),
Selection =
Bottom = "2em",
Left = "4em",
Style = GUI_GridLayout,
BtnTeleport =
Priority = 1,
Right = "10em",
Bottom = "2em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = Teleporter,
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$GoToMarker$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "GoToMarker", marker),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
BtnRemove =
Priority = 2,
Right = "10em",
Bottom = "2em",
BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Hover = RGBa(128,128,192,128) },
icon =
Symbol = Icon_Cancel,
Right = "2em",
text =
Text = "$RemoveMarker$",
Left = "2.5em",
Style = GUI_TextVCenter,
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "RemoveMarker", marker),
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
submarker =
Priority = i + 1,
Style = GUI_FitChildren,
Bottom = "2em",
BackgroundColor = RGBa(192,0,0,128),
Caption =
Right = "4em",
Symbol = Icon_Number,
GraphicsName = Format("%d", i),
Selection =
Bottom = "2em",
Text = "$MarkerNotSet$",
Style = GUI_TextHCenter | GUI_TextVCenter,
GuiAddSubwindow(submarker, update);
GuiUpdate(update, idHudMK, idGuiHudMK_MarkerList);
func PlaceNewMarker()
var newindex = GetNextFreeMarkerIndex(GetOwner());
if (newindex != nil)
var marker = this->CreateObject(Marker);
return marker;
return nil;
func RemoveMarker(marker)
func GoToMarker(marker)
this->SetPosition(marker->GetX(), marker->GetY());