
1591 lines
57 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2008 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2008 Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nicolas Hake
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
// player listbox used in lobby and game over dlg
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4PlayerInfoListBox.h>
#include <C4PlayerInfo.h>
#include <C4Network2Dialogs.h>
#include <C4GameDialogs.h>
#include <C4Teams.h>
#include <C4Game.h>
#include <C4FileSelDlg.h>
#include <C4GraphicsResource.h>
#include <C4MouseControl.h>
DWORD GenerateRandomPlayerColor(int32_t iTry); // in C4PlayerInfoConflicts.cpp
// ----------- ListItem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// helper
C4GameLobby::MainDlg *C4PlayerInfoListBox::ListItem::GetLobby() const
return ::Network.GetLobby();
bool C4PlayerInfoListBox::ListItem::CanLocalChooseTeams(int32_t idPlayer) const
// whether the local client can change any teams
// only if teams are available
if (!Game.Teams.IsMultiTeams()) return false;
// only if global change allowed
C4GameLobby::MainDlg *pLobby = GetLobby();
if (!pLobby) return false;
if (pLobby->IsCountdown()) return false;
// only for unjoined players
if (idPlayer)
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoByID(idPlayer);
if (pInfo && pInfo->HasJoined()) return false;
// finally, only if team settings permit
return Game.Teams.CanLocalChooseTeam(idPlayer);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ListItem::DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo)
if (dwBackground) lpDDraw->DrawBoxDw(cgo.Surface, cgo.TargetX+rcBounds.x, cgo.TargetY+rcBounds.y, cgo.TargetX+rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt-1, cgo.TargetY+rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt-1, dwBackground);
typedef C4GUI::Window BaseClass;
// ----------- PlayerListItem -----------------------------------------------------------------------
C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::PlayerListItem(C4PlayerInfoListBox *pForListBox, int32_t idClient,
int32_t idPlayer, bool fSavegamePlayer, C4GUI::Element *pInsertBeforeElement)
: ListItem(pForListBox), pTeamCombo(NULL), fIconSet(false), fJoinedInfoSet(false), dwJoinClr(0), dwPlrClr(0),
idClient(idClient), idPlayer(idPlayer), fFreeSavegamePlayer(fSavegamePlayer),
pScoreLabel(NULL), pRankIcon(NULL), pTimeLabel(NULL), pTeamPic(NULL), pExtraLabel(NULL)
bool fIsEvaluation = pForListBox->IsEvaluation(), fIsLobby = pForListBox->IsLobby();
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = GetPlayerInfo(); assert(pInfo);
uint32_t dwTextColor = pForListBox->GetTextColor();
CStdFont *pCustomFont = pForListBox->GetCustomFont();
uint32_t dwPlayerColor;
if (fIsEvaluation)
dwPlayerColor = dwTextColor;
dwPlayerColor = pInfo->GetLobbyColor() | C4GUI_MessageFontAlpha;
// league account name? Overwrite the shown name
StdStrBuf sPlayerName(pInfo->GetLobbyName());
// calc height
int32_t iHeight = C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight() + C4GUI::ComboBox::GetDefaultHeight() + 3 * IconLabelSpacing;
// create subcomponents
pIcon = new C4GUI::Icon(C4Rect(0, 0, iHeight, iHeight), C4GUI::Ico_UnknownPlayer);
if (Game.Parameters.isLeague())
pRankIcon = new C4GUI::Icon(C4Rect(0, 0, C4GUI::ComboBox::GetDefaultHeight(), C4GUI::ComboBox::GetDefaultHeight()), C4GUI::Ico_None);
if (Game.Teams.IsMultiTeams() && !(fIsEvaluation && pList->IsTeamFilter()))
// will be moved when the item is added to the list, and the position moved
pTeamCombo = new C4GUI::ComboBox(C4Rect(0,0,10,10));
pTeamCombo->SetComboCB(new C4GUI::ComboBox_FillCallback<PlayerListItem>(this, &PlayerListItem::OnTeamComboFill, &PlayerListItem::OnTeamComboSelChange));
if (pCustomFont)
pTeamCombo->SetColors(dwTextColor, C4GUI_StandardBGColor, 0);
// Evaluation
if (fIsEvaluation)
// Team image if known and if not placed on top of box anyway
if (!pList->IsTeamFilter())
C4Team *pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(pInfo->GetTeam());
if (pTeam && pTeam->GetIconSpec() && *pTeam->GetIconSpec())
pTeamPic = new C4GUI::Picture(C4Rect(iHeight + IconLabelSpacing, 0, iHeight, iHeight), true);
Game.DrawTextSpecImage(pTeamPic->GetMFacet(), pTeam->GetIconSpec(), pTeam->GetColor());
// Total playing time (not in team filter because then the second line is taken by the score label)
if (!pList->IsTeamFilter())
StdStrBuf sTimeLabelText;
C4RoundResultsPlayer *pRoundResultsPlr = Game.RoundResults.GetPlayers().GetByID(idPlayer);
uint32_t iTimeTotal = pRoundResultsPlr ? pRoundResultsPlr->GetTotalPlayingTime() : 0 /* unknown - should not happen */;
sTimeLabelText.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_CTL_TOTALPLAYINGTIME"), iTimeTotal/3600, (iTimeTotal/60)%60, iTimeTotal%60);
pTimeLabel = new C4GUI::Label(sTimeLabelText.getData(), 0, 0, ARight, dwTextColor, pForListBox->GetCustomFont(), false, true);
// Extra info set by script
C4RoundResultsPlayer *pEvaluationPlayer = Game.RoundResults.GetPlayers().GetByID(idPlayer);;
if (pEvaluationPlayer)
const char *szCustomEval = pEvaluationPlayer->GetCustomEvaluationStrings();
if (szCustomEval && *szCustomEval)
pExtraLabel = new C4GUI::Label(szCustomEval, 0,0, ARight); // positioned later
iHeight += C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight();
pNameLabel = new C4GUI::Label(sPlayerName.getData(), (iHeight + IconLabelSpacing) * (1+!!pTeamPic), IconLabelSpacing, ALeft, dwPlayerColor, pCustomFont, !fIsEvaluation, true);
// calc own bounds - list box needs height only; width and pos will be moved by list
// add components
AddElement(pIcon); AddElement(pNameLabel);
if (pTeamPic) AddElement(pTeamPic);
if (pTimeLabel) AddElement(pTimeLabel);
if (pTeamCombo) AddElement(pTeamCombo);
if (pRankIcon) AddElement(pRankIcon);
if (pExtraLabel) AddElement(pExtraLabel);
// tooltip? (same for all components for now. seperate tooltip for status icon later?)
//SetToolTip(FormatString("%s %s", LoadResStr("IDS_CTL_PLAYER"), sPlayerName.getData()).getData()); hat so keine nennenswerte Aussage...
// add to listbox (will get resized horizontally and moved)
pForListBox->InsertElement(this, pInsertBeforeElement, PlayerListBoxIndent);
// league score update
// set ID
if (fFreeSavegamePlayer)
idListItemID.idType = ListItem::ID::PLI_SAVEGAMEPLR;
idListItemID.idType = ListItem::ID::PLI_PLAYER; = idPlayer;
UpdateIcon(pInfo, GetJoinedInfo());
// context menu for list item
if (fIsLobby) SetContextHandler(new C4GUI::CBContextHandler<PlayerListItem>(this, &PlayerListItem::OnContext));
// update collapsed/not collapsed
fShownCollapsed = false;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::UpdateOwnPos()
// parent for client rect
typedef C4GUI::Window ParentClass;
C4GUI::ComponentAligner caBounds(GetContainedClientRect(), IconLabelSpacing, IconLabelSpacing);
// subtract icon(s)
if (pTeamPic) caBounds.GetFromLeft(pTeamPic->GetBounds().Wdt - IconLabelSpacing);
C4Rect rcExtraDataRect;
// extra data label area
if (pExtraLabel) rcExtraDataRect = caBounds.GetFromBottom(C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight());
// second line (team+rank)
C4GUI::ComponentAligner caTeamArea(caBounds.GetFromBottom(C4GUI::ComboBox::GetDefaultHeight()), 0,0);
C4Rect rcRankIcon;
if (pList->IsEvaluation())
if (pRankIcon)
rcRankIcon = caBounds.GetFromRight(caBounds.GetInnerHeight());
if (pExtraLabel) rcExtraDataRect.Wdt = caBounds.GetInnerWidth(); // In evaluation view, rank icon has its own coloumn
if (pRankIcon) rcRankIcon = caTeamArea.GetFromRight(caTeamArea.GetInnerHeight());
C4Rect rcTeam = caTeamArea.GetAll();
// item to positions: team combo box
if (pTeamCombo)
// rank icon
if (pRankIcon)
// time label
if (pTimeLabel)
C4Rect rcUpperBounds = caBounds.GetAll();
pTimeLabel->SetX0(rcUpperBounds.x + rcUpperBounds.Wdt);
// extra label
if (pExtraLabel) pExtraLabel->SetBounds(rcExtraDataRect);
int32_t C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::GetListItemTopSpacing()
int32_t iSpacing = C4GUI_DefaultListSpacing;
// evaluation: Add some extra spacing between players of different teams
if (pList->IsEvaluation())
C4GUI::Element *pPrevItem = GetPrev();
if (pPrevItem)
C4PlayerInfoListBox::ListItem *pPrevListItem = static_cast<C4PlayerInfoListBox::ListItem *>(pPrevItem);
if (pPrevListItem->idListItemID.idType == ListItem::ID::PLI_PLAYER)
PlayerListItem *pPrevPlayerListItem = static_cast<C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem *>(pPrevListItem);
C4PlayerInfo *pThisInfo = GetPlayerInfo();
C4PlayerInfo *pPrevInfo = pPrevPlayerListItem->GetPlayerInfo();
if (pThisInfo && pPrevInfo)
if (pPrevInfo->GetTeam() != pThisInfo->GetTeam())
iSpacing += 10;
return iSpacing;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::UpdateIcon(C4PlayerInfo *pInfo, C4PlayerInfo *pJoinedInfo)
// check whether icon is known
bool fResPresent = false;
C4Network2Res *pRes = NULL;
if (pInfo)
if (pRes = pInfo->GetRes())
fResPresent = pRes->isComplete();
C4RoundResultsPlayer *pEvaluationPlayer = NULL;
if (pList->IsEvaluation()) pEvaluationPlayer = Game.RoundResults.GetPlayers().GetByID(idPlayer);
bool fHasIcon = fResPresent || pEvaluationPlayer || (!::Network.isEnabled() && pInfo);
// check whether joined info is present
bool fHasJoinedInfo = !!pJoinedInfo;
DWORD dwJoinedInfoClr = pJoinedInfo ? pJoinedInfo->GetLobbyColor() : 0;
DWORD dwPlayerClr = pInfo ? pInfo->GetLobbyColor() : 0;
// already up-to-date?
if (fHasIcon == fIconSet && fJoinedInfoSet == fHasJoinedInfo && dwJoinedInfoClr == dwJoinClr && dwPlayerClr == dwPlrClr) return;
// update then
// redraw player icon
if (fHasIcon)
// custom icon?
if (pEvaluationPlayer && pEvaluationPlayer->GetBigIcon().Surface)
fIconSet = true;
fIconSet = pInfo->LoadBigIcon(pIcon->GetMFacet());
if (!fIconSet)
// no custom icon: create default by player color
::GraphicsResource.fctPlayerClr.DrawClr(pIcon->GetMFacet(), TRUE, dwPlayerClr);
fIconSet = true;
// unreg icon? Grayscale and stamp!
bool fUnreg = false;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClientPlrInfos = Game.PlayerInfos.GetClientInfoByPlayerID(pInfo->GetID());
if (pClientPlrInfos)
int32_t idClient = pClientPlrInfos->GetClientID();
C4Client *pClient = Game.Clients.getClientByID(idClient);
if (pClient) fUnreg = !pClient->isRegistered();
if (fUnreg)
C4FacetSurface &rPlrImg = pIcon->GetMFacet();
// no player info known - either res not retrieved yet or script player
pIcon->SetIcon((pInfo && pInfo->GetType() == C4PT_Script) ? C4GUI::Ico_Host : C4GUI::Ico_UnknownPlayer);
// join
if (fHasJoinedInfo)
// make sure we're not drawing on GraphicsRessource
if (!pIcon->EnsureOwnSurface()) return;
// draw join info
C4Facet fctDraw = pIcon->GetFacet();
int32_t iSizeMax = Max<int32_t>(fctDraw.Wdt, fctDraw.Hgt);
int32_t iCrewClrHgt = iSizeMax/2;
fctDraw.Hgt -= iCrewClrHgt; fctDraw.Y += iCrewClrHgt;
fctDraw.Wdt = iSizeMax/2;
fctDraw.X = 2;
// shadow
DWORD dwPrevMod; bool fPrevMod = lpDDraw->GetBlitModulation(dwPrevMod);
::GraphicsResource.fctCrewClr.DrawClr(fctDraw, TRUE, dwJoinedInfoClr);
if (fPrevMod) lpDDraw->ActivateBlitModulation(dwPrevMod); else lpDDraw->DeactivateBlitModulation();
fctDraw.X = 0;
// gfx
::GraphicsResource.fctCrewClr.DrawClr(fctDraw, TRUE, dwJoinedInfoClr);
fJoinedInfoSet = fHasJoinedInfo;
dwJoinClr = dwJoinedInfoClr;
dwPlrClr = dwPlayerClr;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::UpdateTeam()
if (!pTeamCombo) return; // unassigned for no teams
const char *szTeamName = ""; bool fReadOnly = true;
fReadOnly = !CanLocalChooseTeam();
int32_t idTeam; C4Team *pTeam;
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = GetPlayerInfo();
if (!Game.Teams.CanLocalSeeTeam())
szTeamName = LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_RNDTEAM");
else if (pInfo)
if (idTeam = pInfo->GetTeam())
if (pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(idTeam))
szTeamName = pTeam->GetName();
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::UpdateScoreLabel(C4PlayerInfo *pInfo)
C4RoundResultsPlayer *pRoundResultsPlr = NULL;
if (pList->IsEvaluation()) pRoundResultsPlr = Game.RoundResults.GetPlayers().GetByID(idPlayer);
if (pInfo->getLeagueScore() || pInfo->IsLeagueProjectedGainValid() || pRoundResultsPlr)
int32_t iScoreRightPos = ((pRankIcon && pList->IsEvaluation()) ? pRankIcon->GetBounds().x : GetBounds().Wdt) - IconLabelSpacing;
int32_t iScoreYPos = IconLabelSpacing;
// if evaluation and team lists, move score label into second line - TODO: some hack only, still needs to be done right
if (pList->IsEvaluation() && pList->IsTeamFilter())
iScoreYPos = GetBounds().Hgt - C4GUI::ComboBox::GetDefaultHeight() - IconLabelSpacing;
// score label visible
if (!pScoreLabel)
AddElement(pScoreLabel = new C4GUI::Label("", iScoreRightPos, iScoreYPos, ARight, pList->GetTextColor(), pList->GetCustomFont(), false));
if (pList->IsEvaluation())
StdStrBuf sText;
// Evaluation (GameOver)
if (pList->IsEvaluation())
if (pInfo->getLeagueScore() || pInfo->IsLeagueProjectedGainValid() || (pRoundResultsPlr && pRoundResultsPlr->IsLeagueScoreNewValid()))
if (pRoundResultsPlr && pRoundResultsPlr->IsLeagueScoreNewValid())
// Show old league score, gain, and new league score
// Normally, the league server should make sure that [Old score] + [Gain] == [New score]
int32_t iOldScore = pInfo->getLeagueScore(), iScoreGain = pRoundResultsPlr->GetLeagueScoreGain(), iNewScore = pRoundResultsPlr->GetLeagueScoreNew();
int32_t iDiscrepancy = iNewScore - (iOldScore + iScoreGain);
if (!iDiscrepancy)
sText.Format("{{Ico:League}}<c afafaf>%d (%+d)</c> %d %s", (int)iOldScore, (int)iScoreGain, (int)iNewScore, LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SCORE"));
// If there's a discrepancy, there must have been some kind of admin intervention during the game - display it in red!
sText.Format("{{Ico:League}}<c afafaf>%d (%+d)</c><c ff0000>(%+d)</c> %d %s", (int)iOldScore, (int)iScoreGain, (int)iDiscrepancy, (int)iNewScore, LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SCORE"));
// Show old league score only
sText.Format("{{Ico:League}}<c afafaf>(%d)</c> %s", (int)pInfo->getLeagueScore(), LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SCORE"));
else if (pRoundResultsPlr && pRoundResultsPlr->IsScoreNewValid())
// new score known
sText.Format("{{Ico:Settlement}}<c afafaf>%d (%+d)</c> %d %s", (int)pRoundResultsPlr->GetScoreOld(), (int)(pRoundResultsPlr->GetScoreNew()-pRoundResultsPlr->GetScoreOld()), (int)pRoundResultsPlr->GetScoreNew(), LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SCORE"));
else if (pRoundResultsPlr && pRoundResultsPlr->IsScoreNewValid())
// only old score known (e.g., player disconnected)
sText.Format("{{Ico:Settlement}}<c afafaf>(%d)</c> %s", (int)pRoundResultsPlr->GetScoreOld(), LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SCORE"));
// nothing known. Shouldn't really happen.
// Pre-evaluation (Lobby)
// Show current league score and projected gain
// Don't show if team invisible, so random surprise teams don't get spoiled
if (pInfo->IsLeagueProjectedGainValid() && Game.Teams.IsTeamVisible())
sText.Format("%d (%+d)", (int)pInfo->getLeagueScore(), (int)pInfo->GetLeagueProjectedGain());
// Show current league score only
sText.Format("%d", (int)pInfo->getLeagueScore());
pScoreLabel->SetText(sText.getData(), false);
else if (pScoreLabel)
// score label invisible
delete pScoreLabel;
pScoreLabel = NULL;
if (pRankIcon)
int32_t iSym = 0;
if (pRoundResultsPlr && pRoundResultsPlr->IsLeagueScoreNewValid())
iSym = pRoundResultsPlr->GetLeagueRankSymbolNew();
if (!iSym)
iSym = pInfo->getLeagueRankSymbol();
if (iSym && !fShownCollapsed)
C4GUI::Icons eRankIcon = (C4GUI::Icons) (C4GUI::Ico_Rank1 + BoundBy<int32_t>(iSym-1, 0, C4GUI::Ico_Rank9-C4GUI::Ico_Rank1));
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::UpdateCollapsed()
bool fShouldBeCollapsed = pList->IsPlayerItemCollapsed(this);
if (fShouldBeCollapsed == fShownCollapsed) return;
// so update collapsed state
int32_t iHeight; int32_t iNameLblX0;
if (fShownCollapsed = fShouldBeCollapsed)
// calc height
iHeight = C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight() + 2 * IconLabelSpacing;
// teamcombo not visible if collapsed
if (pTeamCombo) pTeamCombo->SetVisibility(false);
// calc height
iHeight = C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight() + C4GUI::ComboBox::GetDefaultHeight() + 3 * IconLabelSpacing;
// teamcombo visible if not collapsed
if (pTeamCombo) pTeamCombo->SetVisibility(true);
// update subcomponents
iNameLblX0 = iHeight + IconLabelSpacing;
pIcon->GetBounds() = C4Rect(0, 0, iHeight, iHeight);
// calc own bounds - use icon bounds only, because only the height is used when the item is added
// update positions
pList->UpdateElementPosition(this, PlayerListBoxIndent);
C4GUI::ContextMenu *C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::OnContext(C4GUI::Element *pListItem, int32_t iX, int32_t iY)
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = GetPlayerInfo();
// no context menu for evaluation
if (!GetLobby()) return NULL;
// create context menu
C4GUI::ContextMenu *pMenu = new C4GUI::ContextMenu();
// if this is a free player, add an option to take it over
if (fFreeSavegamePlayer)
if (pInfo->GetType() != C4PT_Script)
StdCopyStrBuf strTakeOver(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TAKEOVERPLR"));
pMenu->AddItem(strTakeOver.getData(), LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TAKEOVERPLR_DESC"), C4GUI::Ico_Player, NULL,
new C4GUI::CBContextHandler<PlayerListItem>(this, &PlayerListItem::OnContextTakeOver));
// owned players or host can manipulate players
if (::Network.isHost() || IsLocalClientPlayer())
// player removal (except for joined script players)
if (pInfo->GetType() != C4PT_Script || !pInfo->GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID())
StdCopyStrBuf strRemove(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_REMOVEPLR"));
pMenu->AddItem(strRemove.getData(), LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_REMOVEPLR_DESC"), C4GUI::Ico_Close,
new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler<PlayerListItem>(this, &PlayerListItem::OnCtxRemove), NULL);
// color was changed: Add option to assign a new color
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = GetPlayerInfo();
assert (pInfo);
if (pInfo && pInfo->HasAutoGeneratedColor() && (!Game.Teams.IsTeamColors() || !pInfo->GetTeam()))
StdCopyStrBuf strNewColor(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_NEWPLRCOLOR"));
pMenu->AddItem(strNewColor.getData(), LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_NEWPLRCOLOR_DESC"), C4GUI::Ico_Player,
new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler<PlayerListItem>(this, &PlayerListItem::OnCtxNewColor), NULL);
// open it
return pMenu;
C4GUI::ContextMenu *C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::OnContextTakeOver(C4GUI::Element *pListItem, int32_t iX, int32_t iY)
// create context menu
C4GUI::ContextMenu *pMenu = new C4GUI::ContextMenu();
// add options for all own, unassigned players
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pkInfo = ::Network.Players.GetLocalPlayerInfoPacket();
if (pkInfo)
int32_t i=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while (pInfo = pkInfo->GetPlayerInfo(i++))
if (!pInfo->HasJoinIssued())
if (!pInfo->GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID())
pMenu->AddItem(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_USINGPLR"), pInfo->GetName()).getData(),
LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_USINGPLR_DESC"), C4GUI::Ico_Player,
new C4GUI::CBMenuHandlerEx<PlayerListItem, int32_t>(this, &PlayerListItem::OnCtxTakeOver, pInfo->GetID()));
// add option to use a new one... 2do
//pMenu->AddItem("[.!]From &File...", "Select another player file", C4GUI::Ico_Player, new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler<PlayerListItem>(this, OnCtxTest2));
// add option to take over from savegame player 2do
//pMenu->AddItem("[.!]From &Savegame", "Use savegame player file", C4GUI::Ico_Player, new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler<PlayerListItem>(this, OnCtxTest2));
// open it
return pMenu;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::OnCtxTakeOver(C4GUI::Element *pListItem, const int32_t &idPlayer)
// use player idPlayer to take over this one
// this must be processed as a request by the host
// some safety first...
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pLocalInfo = ::Network.Players.GetLocalPlayerInfoPacket();
if (!fFreeSavegamePlayer || !idPlayer || !pLocalInfo) return;
C4ClientPlayerInfos LocalInfoRequest(*pLocalInfo);
C4PlayerInfo *pGrabbingInfo = LocalInfoRequest.GetPlayerInfoByID(idPlayer);
if (!pGrabbingInfo) return;
// now adjust info packet
// and request this update (host processes it directly)
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::OnCtxRemove(C4GUI::Element *pListItem)
// only host or own player
if (!::Network.isEnabled() || (!::Network.isHost() && !IsLocalClientPlayer())) return;
// remove the player
// this must be processed as a request by the host
// now change it in its own request packet
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pChangeInfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetInfoByClientID(idClient);
if (!pChangeInfo || !idPlayer) return;
C4ClientPlayerInfos LocalInfoRequest(*pChangeInfo);
if (!LocalInfoRequest.GetPlayerInfoByID(idPlayer)) return;
// and request this update (host processes it directly)
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::OnCtxNewColor(C4GUI::Element *pListItem)
// only host or own player
if (!::Network.isEnabled() || (!::Network.isHost() && !IsLocalClientPlayer())) return;
// just send a request to reclaim the original color to the host
// the host will deny this and decide on a new color
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pChangeInfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetInfoByClientID(idClient);
if (!pChangeInfo || !idPlayer) return;
C4ClientPlayerInfos LocalInfoRequest(*pChangeInfo);
C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo = LocalInfoRequest.GetPlayerInfoByID(idPlayer);
if (!pPlrInfo) return;
// and request this update (host processes it directly)
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::OnTeamComboFill(C4GUI::ComboBox_FillCB *pFiller)
// add all possible teams
C4Team *pTeam; int32_t i=0;
while (pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByIndex(i++))
if (!pTeam->IsFull() || GetPlayerInfo()->GetTeam() == pTeam->GetID())
pFiller->AddEntry(pTeam->GetName(), pTeam->GetID());
bool C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::OnTeamComboSelChange(C4GUI::ComboBox *pForCombo, int32_t idNewSelection)
// always return true to mark combo sel as processed, so the GUI won't change the team text
// get new team id by name
C4Team *pNewTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(idNewSelection);
// some safety first...
if (!CanLocalChooseTeam() || !pNewTeam) return true;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pChangeInfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetInfoByClientID(idClient);
if (!pChangeInfo || !idPlayer) return true;
// this must be processed as a request by the host
// now change it in its own request packet
C4ClientPlayerInfos LocalInfoRequest(*pChangeInfo);
C4PlayerInfo *pChangedInfo = LocalInfoRequest.GetPlayerInfoByID(idPlayer);
if (!pChangedInfo) return true;
// and request this update (host processes it directly)
// next update will change the combo box text
return true;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::Update()
UpdateIcon(GetPlayerInfo(), GetJoinedInfo());
C4PlayerInfo *pNfo = GetPlayerInfo();
if (pNfo)
// update name + color
StdStrBuf sShowName(pNfo->GetLobbyName());
if (pList->IsEvaluation())
bool fShowWinners = (pList->GetMode() != PILBM_EvaluationNoWinners);
bool fHasWon = fShowWinners && pNfo->HasTeamWon();
// Append "winner" or "loser" to player name
if (fShowWinners)
sShowName.Take(FormatString("%s (%s)", sShowName.getData(), LoadResStr(fHasWon ? "IDS_CTL_WON" : "IDS_CTL_LOST")));
// evaluation: Golden color+background for winners; gray for losers or no winner show
if (fHasWon)
pNameLabel->SetColor(C4GUI_WinningTextColor, false);
dwBackground = C4GUI_WinningBackgroundColor;
pNameLabel->SetColor(C4GUI_LosingTextColor, false);
dwBackground = C4GUI_LosingBackgroundColor;
// lobby: Label color by player color
pNameLabel->SetText(sShowName.getData(), false);
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::GetPlayerInfo() const
return fFreeSavegamePlayer ? Game.RestorePlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoByID(idPlayer) : Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoByID(idPlayer);
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::GetJoinedInfo() const
// safety
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = GetPlayerInfo();
if (!pInfo) return NULL;
// is it a joined savegame player?
if (fFreeSavegamePlayer)
// then this is the joined player
return pInfo;
// otherwise, does it have a savegame association?
int32_t idSavegameInfo;
if (idSavegameInfo = pInfo->GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID())
// then return the respective info from savegame recreation list
return Game.RestorePlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoByID(idSavegameInfo);
// not joined
return NULL;
bool C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::CanLocalChooseTeam() const
// never on savegame players
if (fFreeSavegamePlayer || GetJoinedInfo()) return false;
// only host or own player
if (!::Network.isHost() && !IsLocalClientPlayer()) return false;
// finally, only if team settings permit
return CanLocalChooseTeams(idPlayer);
bool C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::IsLocalClientPlayer() const
// check whether client is local
// if no client can be found, assume network disconnect and everythign local then
C4Network2Client *pClient = GetNetClient();
return !pClient || pClient->isLocal();
C4Network2Client *C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlayerListItem::GetNetClient() const
return ::Network.Clients.GetClientByID(idClient);
// ----------- ClientListItem -----------------------------------------------------------------
C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::ClientListItem(C4PlayerInfoListBox *pForListBox, const C4ClientCore &rClientInfo, ListItem *pInsertBefore) // ctor
: ListItem(pForListBox), idClient(rClientInfo.getID()), dwClientClr(0xffffff), tLastSoundTime(0)
// set current active-flag (not really needed until player info is retrieved)
fIsShownActive = rClientInfo.isActivated();
// set ID
idListItemID.idType = ListItem::ID::PLI_CLIENT; = idClient;
// get height
int32_t iIconSize = C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight();
// create subcomponents
pStatusIcon = new C4GUI::Icon(C4Rect(0, 0, iIconSize, iIconSize), GetCurrentStatusIcon());
pNameLabel = new C4GUI::Label(rClientInfo.getName(), iIconSize + IconLabelSpacing,0, ALeft, dwClientClr | C4GUI_MessageFontAlpha, NULL, true, false);
pPingLabel = NULL;
C4GUI::CallbackButton<ClientListItem, C4GUI::IconButton> *btnAddPlayer = NULL;
if (IsLocalClientPlayer())
// this computer: add player button
btnAddPlayer = new C4GUI::CallbackButton<ClientListItem, C4GUI::IconButton>(C4GUI::Ico_AddPlr, C4Rect(0, 0, iIconSize, iIconSize), 'P' /* 2do TODO */, &ClientListItem::OnBtnAddPlr, this);
// calc own bounds
C4Rect rcOwnBounds = pNameLabel->GetBounds();
rcOwnBounds.Wdt += rcOwnBounds.x; rcOwnBounds.x = 0;
rcOwnBounds.Hgt += rcOwnBounds.y; rcOwnBounds.y = 0;
// add components
AddElement(pStatusIcon); AddElement(pNameLabel);
if (btnAddPlayer) AddElement(btnAddPlayer);
// tooltip (same for all components for now. seperate tooltip for status icon later?)
SetToolTip(FormatString("Client %s (%s)", rClientInfo.getName(), rClientInfo.getNick()).getData());
// insert into listbox at correct order
// (will eventually get resized horizontally and moved)
pForListBox->InsertElement(this, pInsertBefore);
// after move: update add player button pos
if (btnAddPlayer)
int32_t iHgt = GetClientRect().Hgt;
btnAddPlayer->GetBounds() = GetToprightCornerRect(iHgt,iHgt,2,0);
// context menu for list item
SetContextHandler(new C4GUI::CBContextHandler<ClientListItem>(this, &ClientListItem::OnContext));
// update (also sets color)
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::SetPing(int32_t iToPing)
// no ping?
if (iToPing == -1)
// remove any ping label
if (pPingLabel) { delete pPingLabel; pPingLabel = NULL; }
// get ping as text
StdStrBuf ping;
ping.Format("%d ms", iToPing);
// create ping label if necessary
if (!pPingLabel)
pPingLabel = new C4GUI::Label(ping.getData(), GetBounds().Wdt, 0, ARight, C4GUI_MessageFontClr);
// or just set updated text
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::UpdateInfo()
// update color (always, because it can change silently)
SetColor(::Network.Players.GetClientChatColor(idClient, true));
// update activation status
fIsShownActive = GetClient() && GetClient()->isActivated();
// update status icon
C4Client *C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::GetClient() const
// search (let's hope it exists)
return Game.Clients.getClientByID(idClient);
bool C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::IsLocalClientPlayer() const
// check whether client is local
// if no client can be found, something is wrong - assume network disconnect and everything local then
C4Network2Client *pClient = GetNetClient();
return !pClient || pClient->isLocal();
C4Network2Client *C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::GetNetClient() const
return ::Network.Clients.GetClientByID(idClient);
bool C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::IsLocal() const
// it's local if client ID matches local ID
return idClient == Game.Clients.getLocalID();
C4GUI::Icons C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::GetCurrentStatusIcon()
// sound icon?
if (tLastSoundTime)
time_t dt = time(NULL) - tLastSoundTime;
if (dt >= SoundIconShowTime)
// stop showing sound icon
tLastSoundTime = 0;
// time not up yet: show sound icon
return C4GUI::Ico_Sound;
// info present?
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pInfoPacket = Game.PlayerInfos.GetInfoByClientID(idClient);
if (!pInfoPacket || !GetClient())
// unknown status
return C4GUI::Ico_UnknownClient;
// host?
if (GetClient()->isHost()) return C4GUI::Ico_Host;
// active client?
if (GetClient()->isActivated()) return C4GUI::Ico_Client;
// observer
return C4GUI::Ico_ObserverClient;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::UpdatePing()
// safety for removed clients
if (!GetClient()) return;
// default value indicating no ping
int32_t iPing = -1;
C4Network2Client *pClient = GetNetClient();
C4Network2IOConnection *pConn;
// must be a remote client
if (pClient && !pClient->isLocal())
// must have a connection
if (pConn = pClient->getMsgConn())
// get ping of that connection
iPing = pConn->getLag();
// check data connection if msg conn gave no value
// what's the meaning of those two connections anyway? o_O
if (iPing<=0)
if (pConn = pClient->getDataConn())
iPing = pConn->getLag();
// set that ping in label
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::SetSoundIcon()
// remember time for reset
tLastSoundTime = time(NULL);
// force icon
C4GUI::ContextMenu *C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::OnContext(C4GUI::Element *pListItem, int32_t iX, int32_t iY)
// safety
if (!::Network.isEnabled()) return NULL;
// get associated client
C4Client *pClient = GetClient();
// create context menu
C4GUI::ContextMenu *pMenu = new C4GUI::ContextMenu();
// host options
if (::Network.isHost() && GetNetClient())
StdCopyStrBuf strKickDesc(LoadResStr("IDS_NET_KICKCLIENT_DESC"));
pMenu->AddItem(LoadResStr("IDS_NET_KICKCLIENT"), strKickDesc.getData(), C4GUI::Ico_None,
new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler<ClientListItem>(this, &ClientListItem::OnCtxKick));
StdCopyStrBuf strActivateDesc(LoadResStr("IDS_NET_ACTIVATECLIENT_DESC"));
pMenu->AddItem(LoadResStr(pClient->isActivated() ? "IDS_NET_DEACTIVATECLIENT" : "IDS_NET_ACTIVATECLIENT"),
strActivateDesc.getData(), C4GUI::Ico_None,
new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler<ClientListItem>(this, &ClientListItem::OnCtxActivate));
// info
StdCopyStrBuf strClientInfoDesc(LoadResStr("IDS_NET_CLIENTINFO_DESC"));
pMenu->AddItem(LoadResStr("IDS_NET_CLIENTINFO"), strClientInfoDesc.getData(), C4GUI::Ico_None,
new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler<ClientListItem>(this, &ClientListItem::OnCtxInfo));
// open it
return pMenu;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::OnCtxKick(C4GUI::Element *pListItem)
// host only
if (!::Network.isEnabled() || !::Network.isHost()) return;
// add control
Game.Clients.CtrlRemove(GetClient(), LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_KICKFROMLOBBY"));
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::OnCtxActivate(C4GUI::Element *pListItem)
// host only
C4Client *pClient = GetClient();
if (!::Network.isEnabled() || !::Network.isHost() || !pClient) return;
// add control
Game.Control.DoInput(CID_ClientUpdate, new C4ControlClientUpdate(idClient, CUT_Activate, !pClient->isActivated()), CDT_Sync);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::OnCtxInfo(C4GUI::Element *pListItem)
// show client info dialog
::pGUI->ShowRemoveDlg(new C4Network2ClientDlg(idClient));
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ClientListItem::OnBtnAddPlr(C4GUI::Control *btn)
// show player add dialog
GetScreen()->ShowRemoveDlg(new C4PlayerSelDlg(new C4FileSel_CBEx<C4GameLobby::MainDlg>(GetLobby(), &C4GameLobby::MainDlg::OnClientAddPlayer, idClient)));
// ----------- TeamListItem ---------------------------------------------
C4PlayerInfoListBox::TeamListItem::TeamListItem(C4PlayerInfoListBox *pForListBox, int32_t idTeam, ListItem *pInsertBefore)
: ListItem(pForListBox), idTeam(idTeam)
bool fEvaluation = pList->IsEvaluation();
// get team data
const char *szTeamName;
C4Team *pTeam = NULL;
if (idTeam == TEAMID_Unknown)
szTeamName = LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_RNDTEAM");
pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(idTeam); assert(pTeam);
if (pTeam) szTeamName = pTeam->GetName(); else szTeamName = "INTERNAL TEAM ERROR";
// set ID
idListItemID.idType = ListItem::ID::PLI_TEAM; = idTeam;
// get height
int32_t iIconSize; CStdFont *pFont;
if (!fEvaluation)
pFont = &C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont;
iIconSize = pFont->GetLineHeight();
pFont = &C4GUI::GetRes()->TitleFont;
iIconSize = C4SymbolSize; // C4PictureSize doesn't fit...
// create subcomponents
pIcon = new C4GUI::Icon(C4Rect(0, 0, iIconSize, iIconSize), C4GUI::Ico_Team);
pNameLabel = new C4GUI::Label(szTeamName, iIconSize + IconLabelSpacing, (iIconSize - pFont->GetLineHeight())/2, ALeft, pList->GetTextColor(), pFont, false);
if (fEvaluation && pTeam && pTeam->GetIconSpec() && *pTeam->GetIconSpec())
Game.DrawTextSpecImage(pIcon->GetMFacet(), pTeam->GetIconSpec(), pTeam->GetColor());
// calc own bounds
C4Rect rcOwnBounds = pNameLabel->GetBounds();
rcOwnBounds.Wdt += rcOwnBounds.x; rcOwnBounds.x = 0;
rcOwnBounds.Hgt += rcOwnBounds.y; rcOwnBounds.y = 0;
// add components
AddElement(pIcon); AddElement(pNameLabel);
// tooltip
SetToolTip(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_TEAM"), szTeamName).getData());
// insert into listbox at correct order
// (will eventually get resized horizontally and moved)
pForListBox->InsertElement(this, pInsertBefore);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::TeamListItem::MouseInput(C4GUI::CMouse &rMouse, int32_t iButton, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam)
// double click on team to enter it with all local players
if (iButton == C4MC_Button_LeftDouble)
ListItem::MouseInput(rMouse, iButton, iX, iY, dwKeyParam);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::TeamListItem::UpdateOwnPos()
// parent for client rect
typedef C4GUI::Window ParentClass;
// evaluation: Center team label
if (pList->IsEvaluation())
int32_t iTotalWdt = pIcon->GetBounds().Wdt + IconLabelSpacing + C4GUI::GetRes()->TitleFont.GetTextWidth(pNameLabel->GetText());
C4GUI::ComponentAligner caAll(GetContainedClientRect(), 0,0);
C4GUI::ComponentAligner caBounds(caAll.GetCentered(iTotalWdt, caAll.GetInnerHeight()), 0,0);
pIcon->SetBounds(caBounds.GetFromLeft(pIcon->GetBounds().Wdt, pIcon->GetBounds().Hgt));
pNameLabel->SetBounds(caBounds.GetCentered(caBounds.GetInnerWidth(), C4GUI::GetRes()->TitleFont.GetLineHeight()));
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::TeamListItem::MoveLocalPlayersIntoTeam()
// check if changing teams is allowed
if (!CanLocalChooseTeams()) return;
// safety: Clicked team must exist
if (!Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(idTeam)) return;
// get local client to change teams of
bool fAnyChange = false;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pChangeInfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetInfoByClientID(Game.Clients.getLocalID());
if (!pChangeInfo) return;
// this must be processed as a request by the host
// now change it in its own request packet
C4ClientPlayerInfos LocalInfoRequest(*pChangeInfo);
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo; int32_t i=0;
while (pInfo = LocalInfoRequest.GetPlayerInfo(i++))
if (pInfo->GetTeam() != idTeam)
if (pInfo->GetType() == C4PT_User)
fAnyChange = true;
if (!fAnyChange) return;
// and request this update (host processes it directly)
// next update will move the player labels
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::TeamListItem::Update()
// evaluation: update color by team winning status
if (pList->IsEvaluation())
C4Team *pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(idTeam);
if (pTeam && pTeam->HasWon())
pNameLabel->SetColor(C4GUI_WinningTextColor, false);
//dwBackground = C4GUI_WinningBackgroundColor;
pNameLabel->SetColor(C4GUI_LosingTextColor, false);
//dwBackground = C4GUI_LosingBackgroundColor;
// ----------- FreeSavegamePlayersListItem ---------------------------------------------
C4PlayerInfoListBox::FreeSavegamePlayersListItem::FreeSavegamePlayersListItem(C4PlayerInfoListBox *pForListBox, ListItem *pInsertBefore)
: ListItem(pForListBox)
// set ID
idListItemID.idType = ListItem::ID::PLI_SAVEGAMEPLR; = 0;
// get height
int32_t iIconSize = C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight();
// create subcomponents
pIcon = new C4GUI::Icon(C4Rect(0, 0, iIconSize, iIconSize), C4GUI::Ico_SavegamePlayer);
pNameLabel = new C4GUI::Label(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_FREESAVEGAMEPLRS"), iIconSize + IconLabelSpacing,0, ALeft);
// calc own bounds
C4Rect rcOwnBounds = pNameLabel->GetBounds();
rcOwnBounds.Wdt += rcOwnBounds.x; rcOwnBounds.x = 0;
rcOwnBounds.Hgt += rcOwnBounds.y; rcOwnBounds.y = 0;
// add components
AddElement(pIcon); AddElement(pNameLabel);
// tooltip
// insert into listbox at correct order
// (will eventually get resized horizontally and moved)
pForListBox->InsertElement(this, pInsertBefore);
// initial update
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::FreeSavegamePlayersListItem::Update()
// 2do: none-label
// ----------- ScriptPlayersListItem ---------------------------------------------
C4PlayerInfoListBox::ScriptPlayersListItem::ScriptPlayersListItem(C4PlayerInfoListBox *pForListBox, ListItem *pInsertBefore)
: ListItem(pForListBox)
// set ID
idListItemID.idType = ListItem::ID::PLI_SCRIPTPLR; = 0;
// get height
int32_t iIconSize = C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight();
// create subcomponents
pIcon = new C4GUI::Icon(C4Rect(0, 0, iIconSize, iIconSize), C4GUI::Ico_Record);
pNameLabel = new C4GUI::Label(LoadResStr("IDS_CTL_SCRIPTPLAYERS"), iIconSize + IconLabelSpacing,0, ALeft);
btnAddPlayer = NULL;
if (Game.Control.isCtrlHost())
btnAddPlayer = new C4GUI::CallbackButton<ScriptPlayersListItem, C4GUI::IconButton>(C4GUI::Ico_AddPlr, C4Rect(0, 0, iIconSize, iIconSize), 'A' /* 2do TODO */, &ScriptPlayersListItem::OnBtnAddPlr, this);
// calc own bounds
C4Rect rcOwnBounds = pNameLabel->GetBounds();
rcOwnBounds.Wdt += rcOwnBounds.x; rcOwnBounds.x = 0;
rcOwnBounds.Hgt += rcOwnBounds.y; rcOwnBounds.y = 0;
// add components
AddElement(pIcon); AddElement(pNameLabel);
if (btnAddPlayer) AddElement(btnAddPlayer);
// tooltip
// insert into listbox at correct order
// (will eventually get resized horizontally and moved)
pForListBox->InsertElement(this, pInsertBefore);
// after move: update add player button pos
if (btnAddPlayer)
int32_t iHgt = GetClientRect().Hgt;
btnAddPlayer->GetBounds() = GetToprightCornerRect(iHgt,iHgt,2,0);
// initial update
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ScriptPlayersListItem::Update()
// player join button: Visible if there's still some room for script players
if (btnAddPlayer)
bool fCanJoinScriptPlayers = (Game.Teams.GetMaxScriptPlayers() - Game.PlayerInfos.GetActiveScriptPlayerCount(true, true) > 0);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::ScriptPlayersListItem::OnBtnAddPlr(C4GUI::Control *btn)
// safety
int32_t iCurrScriptPlrCount = Game.PlayerInfos.GetActiveScriptPlayerCount(true, true);
bool fCanJoinScriptPlayers = (Game.Teams.GetMaxScriptPlayers() - iCurrScriptPlrCount > 0);
if (!fCanJoinScriptPlayers) return;
if (!Game.Control.isCtrlHost()) return;
// request a script player join
C4PlayerInfo *pScriptPlrInfo = new C4PlayerInfo();
pScriptPlrInfo->SetAsScriptPlayer(Game.Teams.GetScriptPlayerName().getData(), GenerateRandomPlayerColor(iCurrScriptPlrCount), 0, C4ID_None);
C4ClientPlayerInfos JoinPkt(NULL, true, pScriptPlrInfo);
// add to queue!
// ----------- ReplayPlayersListItem ---------------------------------------------
C4PlayerInfoListBox::ReplayPlayersListItem::ReplayPlayersListItem(C4PlayerInfoListBox *pForListBox, ListItem *pInsertBefore)
: ListItem(pForListBox)
// set ID
idListItemID.idType = ListItem::ID::PLI_REPLAY; = 0;
// get height
int32_t iIconSize = C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetLineHeight();
// create subcomponents
pIcon = new C4GUI::Icon(C4Rect(0, 0, iIconSize, iIconSize), C4GUI::Ico_Record);
pNameLabel = new C4GUI::Label(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_REPLAYPLRS"), iIconSize + IconLabelSpacing,0, ALeft);
// calc own bounds
C4Rect rcOwnBounds = pNameLabel->GetBounds();
rcOwnBounds.Wdt += rcOwnBounds.x; rcOwnBounds.x = 0;
rcOwnBounds.Hgt += rcOwnBounds.y; rcOwnBounds.y = 0;
// add components
AddElement(pIcon); AddElement(pNameLabel);
// tooltip
// insert into listbox at correct order
// (will eventually get resized horizontally and moved)
pForListBox->InsertElement(this, pInsertBefore);
// ------------------- C4PlayerInfoListBox ------------------------
C4PlayerInfoListBox::C4PlayerInfoListBox(const C4Rect &rcBounds, Mode eMode, int32_t iTeamFilter)
: C4GUI::ListBox(rcBounds), fIsCollapsed(false), iMaxUncollapsedPlayers(10), eMode(eMode), iTeamFilter(iTeamFilter), dwTextColor(C4GUI_MessageFontClr), pCustomFont(NULL)
// update if client listbox selection changes
SetSelectionChangeCallbackFn(new C4GUI::CallbackHandler<C4PlayerInfoListBox>(this, &C4PlayerInfoListBox::OnPlrListSelChange));
// initial update
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::SetClientSoundIcon(int32_t iForClientID)
// get client element
ListItem *pItem = GetPlayerListItem(ListItem::ID::PLI_CLIENT, iForClientID);
if (pItem)
ClientListItem *pClientItem = static_cast<ClientListItem *>(pItem);
C4PlayerInfoListBox::ListItem *C4PlayerInfoListBox::GetPlayerListItem(ListItem::ID::IDType eType, int32_t id)
// safety
if (!C4GUI::IsGUIValid()) return NULL;
ListItem::ID idSearch(eType, id);
// search through listbox
for (C4GUI::Element *pEItem = GetFirst(); pEItem; pEItem = pEItem->GetNext())
// only playerlistitems in this box
ListItem *pItem = static_cast<ListItem *>(pEItem);
if (pItem->idListItemID == idSearch) return pItem;
// nothing found
return NULL;
bool C4PlayerInfoListBox::PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::IDType eType, int32_t id, class ListItem **pEnsurePos)
// search item
ListItem *pItem = GetPlayerListItem(eType, id);
if (!pItem) return false;
// ensure its position is correct
if (pItem != *pEnsurePos)
InsertElement(pItem, *pEnsurePos);
// pos correct; advance past it
*pEnsurePos = static_cast<ListItem *>(pItem->GetNext());
// update item
// done, success
return true;
// static safety var to prevent recusive updates
static bool fPlayerListUpdating=false;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::Update()
// safety
if (!C4GUI::IsGUIValid()) return;
if (fPlayerListUpdating) return;
fPlayerListUpdating = true;
// synchronize current list with what it should be
// call update on all other list items
ListItem *pCurrInList = static_cast<ListItem *>(GetFirst()); // list item being compared with the searched item
// free savegame players first
// next comes the regular players, sorted either by clients or teams, or special sort for evaluation mode
switch (eMode)
case PILBM_LobbyTeamSort:
// sort by team
if (Game.Teams.CanLocalSeeTeam())
case PILBM_LobbyClientSort:
// sort by client
// replay players first?
if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay) UpdateReplayPlayers(&pCurrInList);
// script controlled players from the main list
// regular players
case PILBM_Evaluation:
case PILBM_EvaluationNoWinners:
UpdatePlayersByEvaluation(&pCurrInList, eMode == PILBM_Evaluation);
// finally: remove any remaining list items at the end
while (pCurrInList)
ListItem *pDel = pCurrInList;
pCurrInList = static_cast<ListItem *>(pCurrInList->GetNext());
delete pDel;
// update done
fPlayerListUpdating = false;
// check whether view needs to be collapsed
if (!fIsCollapsed && IsScrollingActive() && !IsEvaluation())
// then collapse it, and update window
iMaxUncollapsedPlayers = Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerCount()-1;
fIsCollapsed = true;
Update(); // recursive call!
else if (fIsCollapsed && Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerCount() <= iMaxUncollapsedPlayers)
// player count dropped below collapse-limit: uncollapse
// note that this may again cause a collapse after that update, if scrolling was still necessary
// however, it will then not recurse any further, because iMaxUncollapsedPlayers will have been updated
fIsCollapsed = false;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::UpdateSavegamePlayers(ListItem **ppCurrInList)
// add unassociated savegame players (script players excluded)
if (Game.RestorePlayerInfos.GetActivePlayerCount(true) - Game.RestorePlayerInfos.GetActiveScriptPlayerCount(true, true))
// caption
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_SAVEGAMEPLR, 0, ppCurrInList))
new FreeSavegamePlayersListItem(this, *ppCurrInList);
// the players
bool fAnyPlayers = false;
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo; int32_t iInfoID=0;
while (pInfo = Game.RestorePlayerInfos.GetNextPlayerInfoByID(iInfoID))
iInfoID = pInfo->GetID();
// skip assigned
if (Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoBySavegameID(iInfoID)) continue;
// skip script controlled - those are put into the script controlled player list
if (pInfo->GetType() == C4PT_Script) continue;
// players are in the list
fAnyPlayers = true;
// show them
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_SAVEGAMEPLR, iInfoID, ppCurrInList))
new PlayerListItem(this, -1, iInfoID, true, *ppCurrInList);
// 2do: none-label
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::UpdateReplayPlayers(ListItem **ppCurrInList)
// header
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_REPLAY, 0, ppCurrInList))
new ReplayPlayersListItem(this, *ppCurrInList);
// players
bool fAnyPlayers = false;
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo; int32_t iInfoID=0;
while (pInfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetNextPlayerInfoByID(iInfoID))
if (pInfo->IsInvisible()) continue;
iInfoID = pInfo->GetID();
// players are in the list
fAnyPlayers = true;
// show them
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_PLAYER, iInfoID, ppCurrInList))
new PlayerListItem(this, -1, iInfoID, false, *ppCurrInList);
// 2do: none-label
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::UpdateScriptPlayers(ListItem **ppCurrInList)
// script controlled players from the main list
// processing the restore list would be redundant, because all script players should have been taken over by a new script player join automatically
// also show the label if script players can be joined
if (Game.Teams.GetMaxScriptPlayers() || Game.PlayerInfos.GetActiveScriptPlayerCount(true, false))
// header
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_SCRIPTPLR, 0, ppCurrInList))
new ScriptPlayersListItem(this, *ppCurrInList);
// players
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo; int32_t iClientIdx=0; C4ClientPlayerInfos *pInfos;
while (pInfos = Game.PlayerInfos.GetIndexedInfo(iClientIdx++))
int32_t iInfoIdx=0;
while (pInfo = pInfos->GetPlayerInfo(iInfoIdx++))
if (pInfo->GetType() != C4PT_Script) continue;
if (pInfo->IsRemoved()) continue;
if (pInfo->IsInvisible()) continue;
// show them
int32_t iInfoID = pInfo->GetID();
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_PLAYER, iInfoID, ppCurrInList))
new PlayerListItem(this, pInfos->GetClientID(), iInfoID, false, *ppCurrInList);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::UpdatePlayersByTeam(ListItem **ppCurrInList)
// sort by team
C4Team *pTeam; int32_t i=0;
while (pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByIndex(i++))
// no empty teams that are not used
if (Game.Teams.IsAutoGenerateTeams() && !pTeam->GetPlayerCount()) continue;
// the team label
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_TEAM, pTeam->GetID(), ppCurrInList))
new TeamListItem(this, pTeam->GetID(), *ppCurrInList);
// players for this team
int32_t idPlr, j=0; int32_t idClient; C4Client *pClient; C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo;
while (idPlr = pTeam->GetIndexedPlayer(j++))
if (pPlrInfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoByID(idPlr, &idClient))
if (!pPlrInfo->IsInvisible())
if ((pClient=Game.Clients.getClientByID(idClient)) && pClient->isActivated())
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_PLAYER, idPlr, ppCurrInList))
new PlayerListItem(this, idClient, idPlr, false, *ppCurrInList);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::UpdatePlayersByRandomTeam(ListItem **ppCurrInList)
// team sort but teams set to random and invisible: Show all players within one "Random Team"-label
bool fTeamLabelPut = false;
C4Client *pClient = NULL;
while (pClient = Game.Clients.getClient(pClient))
// player infos for this client - not for deactivated, and never in replays
if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay || !pClient->isActivated()) continue;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pInfoPacket = Game.PlayerInfos.GetInfoByClientID(pClient->getID());
if (pInfoPacket)
C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo; int32_t i=0;
while (pPlrInfo = pInfoPacket->GetPlayerInfo(i++))
if (pPlrInfo->IsInvisible()) continue;
if (!fTeamLabelPut)
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_TEAM, TEAMID_Unknown, ppCurrInList))
new TeamListItem(this, TEAMID_Unknown, *ppCurrInList);
fTeamLabelPut = true;
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_PLAYER, pPlrInfo->GetID(), ppCurrInList))
new PlayerListItem(this, pClient->getID(), pPlrInfo->GetID(), false, *ppCurrInList);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::UpdatePlayersByClient(ListItem **ppCurrInList)
// regular players
C4Client *pClient = NULL;
while (pClient = Game.Clients.getClient(pClient))
// the client label
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_CLIENT, pClient->getID(), ppCurrInList))
new ClientListItem(this, pClient->getCore(), *ppCurrInList);
// player infos for this client - not for observers, and never in replays
// could also check for activated here. However, non-observers will usually be activated later and thus be using their players
if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay || pClient->isObserver()) continue;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pInfoPacket = Game.PlayerInfos.GetInfoByClientID(pClient->getID());
if (pInfoPacket)
C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo; int32_t i=0;
while (pPlrInfo = pInfoPacket->GetPlayerInfo(i++))
if (pPlrInfo->GetType() == C4PT_Script) continue;
if (pPlrInfo->IsRemoved()) continue;
if (pPlrInfo->IsInvisible()) continue;
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_PLAYER, pPlrInfo->GetID(), ppCurrInList))
new PlayerListItem(this, pClient->getID(), pPlrInfo->GetID(), false, *ppCurrInList);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::UpdatePlayersByEvaluation(ListItem **ppCurrInList, bool fShowWinners)
// if a team filter is provided, add team label first
if (iTeamFilter)
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_TEAM, iTeamFilter, ppCurrInList))
new TeamListItem(this, iTeamFilter, *ppCurrInList);
// Add by teams: In show-winner-mode winning teams first
// Otherwise, just add all
AddMode pShowWinnersAddModes[] = { AM_Winners, AM_Losers };
AddMode pHideWinnersAddModes[] = { AM_All };
AddMode *pAddModes; int32_t iAddModeCount;
if (fShowWinners)
pAddModes = pShowWinnersAddModes; iAddModeCount = 2;
pAddModes = pHideWinnersAddModes; iAddModeCount = 1;
for (int32_t iAddMode = 0; iAddMode < iAddModeCount; ++iAddMode)
AddMode eAddMode = pAddModes[iAddMode];
if (iTeamFilter)
// Team filter mode: Add only players of specified team
UpdatePlayersByEvaluation(ppCurrInList, Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(iTeamFilter), eAddMode);
// Normal mode: Add all teams of winning status
C4Team *pTeam; int32_t i=0;
while (pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByIndex(i++))
UpdatePlayersByEvaluation(ppCurrInList, pTeam, eAddMode);
// Add teamless players of winning status
UpdatePlayersByEvaluation(ppCurrInList, NULL, eAddMode);
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::UpdatePlayersByEvaluation(ListItem **ppCurrInList, C4Team *pTeam, C4PlayerInfoListBox::AddMode eWinMode)
// check winning status of team first
if (pTeam && eWinMode != AM_All) if (pTeam->HasWon() != (eWinMode == AM_Winners)) return;
// now add all matching players
int32_t iTeamID = pTeam ? pTeam->GetID() : 0;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pInfoPacket; int32_t iClient=0;
while (pInfoPacket = Game.PlayerInfos.GetIndexedInfo(iClient++))
C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo; int32_t i=0;
while (pPlrInfo = pInfoPacket->GetPlayerInfo(i++))
if (!pPlrInfo->HasJoined()) continue;
if (pPlrInfo->GetTeam() != iTeamID) continue;
if (pPlrInfo->IsInvisible()) continue;
if (!pTeam && eWinMode != AM_All && pPlrInfo->HasWon() != (eWinMode == AM_Winners)) continue;
if (!PlrListItemUpdate(ListItem::ID::PLI_PLAYER, pPlrInfo->GetID(), ppCurrInList))
new PlayerListItem(this, pInfoPacket->GetClientID(), pPlrInfo->GetID(), false, *ppCurrInList);
bool C4PlayerInfoListBox::IsPlayerItemCollapsed(PlayerListItem *pItem)
// never if view is not collapsed
if (!fIsCollapsed) return false;
// collapsed if not selected
return GetSelectedItem() != pItem;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::SetMode(Mode eNewMode)
if (eMode != eNewMode)
eMode = eNewMode;
void C4PlayerInfoListBox::SetCustomFont(CStdFont *pNewFont, uint32_t dwTextColor)
pCustomFont = pNewFont;
this->dwTextColor = dwTextColor;
// update done later by caller anyway