
820 lines
26 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Peter Wortmann
* Copyright (c) 2006 Florian Groß
* Copyright (c) 2006 Günther Brammer
* Copyright (c) 2008 Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2005-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
// handles input dialogs, last-message-buffer, MessageBoard-commands
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4MessageInput.h>
#include <C4Game.h>
#include <C4Object.h>
#include <C4Script.h>
#include <C4Gui.h>
#include <C4Console.h>
#include <C4Application.h>
#include <C4Network2Dialogs.h>
#include <C4Log.h>
#include <C4Player.h>
#include <C4GameLobby.h>
#include <C4GraphicsSystem.h>
#include <cctype>
// --------------------------------------------------
// C4ChatInputDialog
// singleton
C4ChatInputDialog *C4ChatInputDialog::pInstance = NULL;
// helper func: Determine whether input text is good for a chat-style-layout dialog
bool IsSmallInputQuery(const char *szInputQuery)
if (!szInputQuery) return true;
int32_t w,h;
if (SCharCount('|', szInputQuery)) return false;
if (!C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont.GetTextExtent(szInputQuery, w,h, true))
return false; // ???
return w<C4GUI::GetScreenWdt()/5;
C4ChatInputDialog::C4ChatInputDialog(bool fObjInput, C4Object *pScriptTarget, bool fUppercase, bool fTeam, int32_t iPlr, const StdStrBuf &rsInputQuery)
: C4GUI::InputDialog(fObjInput ? rsInputQuery.getData() : LoadResStrNoAmp("IDS_CTL_CHAT"), NULL, C4GUI::Ico_None, NULL, !fObjInput || IsSmallInputQuery(rsInputQuery.getData())),
fObjInput(fObjInput), fUppercase(fUppercase), pTarget(pScriptTarget), BackIndex(-1), iPlr(iPlr), fProcessed(false)
// singleton-var
pInstance = this;
// set custom edit control
SetCustomEdit(new C4GUI::CallbackEdit<C4ChatInputDialog>(C4Rect(0,0,10,10), this, &C4ChatInputDialog::OnChatInput, &C4ChatInputDialog::OnChatCancel));
// key bindings
pKeyHistoryUp = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(K_UP ), "ChatHistoryUp" , KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCBEx<C4ChatInputDialog, bool>(*this, true , &C4ChatInputDialog::KeyHistoryUpDown), C4CustomKey::PRIO_CtrlOverride);
pKeyHistoryDown= new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(K_DOWN), "ChatHistoryDown", KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCBEx<C4ChatInputDialog, bool>(*this, false, &C4ChatInputDialog::KeyHistoryUpDown), C4CustomKey::PRIO_CtrlOverride);
pKeyAbort = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(K_F2), "ChatAbort", KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCB<C4GUI::Dialog>(*this, &C4GUI::Dialog::KeyEscape), C4CustomKey::PRIO_CtrlOverride);
pKeyNickComplete = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(K_TAB), "ChatNickComplete", KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCB<C4ChatInputDialog>(*this, &C4ChatInputDialog::KeyCompleteNick), C4CustomKey::PRIO_CtrlOverride);
pKeyPlrControl = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(KEY_Any, KEYS_Control), "ChatForwardPlrCtrl", KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCBPassKey<C4ChatInputDialog>(*this, &C4ChatInputDialog::KeyPlrControl), C4CustomKey::PRIO_Dlg);
pKeyGamepadControl = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(KEY_Any), "ChatForwardGamepadCtrl", KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCBPassKey<C4ChatInputDialog>(*this, &C4ChatInputDialog::KeyGamepadControlDown, &C4ChatInputDialog::KeyGamepadControlUp, &C4ChatInputDialog::KeyGamepadControlPressed), C4CustomKey::PRIO_PlrControl);
pKeyBackClose = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(K_BACK), "ChatBackspaceClose", KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCB<C4ChatInputDialog>(*this, &C4ChatInputDialog::KeyBackspaceClose), C4CustomKey::PRIO_CtrlOverride);
// free when closed...
// initial team text
if (fTeam) pEdit->InsertText("/team ", true);
delete pKeyHistoryUp;
delete pKeyHistoryDown;
delete pKeyAbort;
delete pKeyNickComplete;
delete pKeyPlrControl;
delete pKeyGamepadControl;
delete pKeyBackClose;
if (this==pInstance) pInstance=NULL;
void C4ChatInputDialog::OnChatCancel()
// abort chat: Make sure msg board query is aborted
fProcessed = true;
if (fObjInput)
// check if the target input is still valid
C4Player *pPlr = Game.Players.Get(iPlr);
if (!pPlr) return;
if (pPlr->MarkMessageBoardQueryAnswered(pTarget))
// there was an associated query - it must be removed on all clients synchronized via queue
// do this by calling OnMessageBoardAnswer without an answer
Game.Control.DoInput(CID_Script, new C4ControlScript(FormatString("OnMessageBoardAnswer(Object(%d), %d, 0)", pTarget ? pTarget->Number : 0, iPlr).getData()), CDT_Decide);
void C4ChatInputDialog::OnClosed(bool fOK)
// make sure chat input is processed, even if closed by other means than Enter on edit
if (!fProcessed)
if (fOK)
OnChatInput(pEdit, false, false); else OnChatCancel();
typedef C4GUI::InputDialog BaseDlg;
C4GUI::Edit::InputResult C4ChatInputDialog::OnChatInput(C4GUI::Edit *edt, bool fPasting, bool fPastingMore)
// no double processing
if (fProcessed) return C4GUI::Edit::IR_CloseDlg;
// get edit text
C4GUI::Edit *pEdt = reinterpret_cast<C4GUI::Edit *>(edt);
char *szInputText = const_cast<char *>(pEdt->GetText());
// Store to back buffer
// check confidential data - even for object input (script triggered), webcode should not be pasted here
if (C4InVal::IsConfidentialData(szInputText, true))
szInputText = "";
// script queried input?
if (fObjInput)
fProcessed = true;
// check if the target input is still valid
C4Player *pPlr = Game.Players.Get(iPlr);
if (!pPlr) return C4GUI::Edit::IR_CloseDlg;
if (!pPlr->MarkMessageBoardQueryAnswered(pTarget))
// there was no associated query!
return C4GUI::Edit::IR_CloseDlg;
// then do a script callback, incorporating the input into the answer
if (fUppercase) SCapitalize(szInputText);
StdStrBuf sInput;
Game.Control.DoInput(CID_Script, new C4ControlScript(FormatString("OnMessageBoardAnswer(Object(%d), %d, \"%s\")", pTarget ? pTarget->Number : 0, iPlr, sInput.getData()).getData()), CDT_Decide);
return C4GUI::Edit::IR_CloseDlg;
// reroute to message input class
// safety: message board commands may do strange things
if (!C4GUI::IsGUIValid() || this!=pInstance) return C4GUI::Edit::IR_Abort;
// select all text to be removed with next keypress
// just for pasting mode; usually the dlg will be closed now anyway
// avoid dlg close, if more content is to be pasted
if (fPastingMore) return C4GUI::Edit::IR_None;
fProcessed = true;
return C4GUI::Edit::IR_CloseDlg;
bool C4ChatInputDialog::KeyHistoryUpDown(bool fUp)
// browse chat history
pEdit->SelectAll(); pEdit->DeleteSelection();
const char *szPrevInput = ::MessageInput.GetBackBuffer(fUp ? (++BackIndex) : (--BackIndex));
if (!szPrevInput || !*szPrevInput)
BackIndex = -1;
pEdit->InsertText(szPrevInput, true);
return true;
bool C4ChatInputDialog::KeyPlrControl(C4KeyCodeEx key)
// Control pressed while doing this key: Reroute this key as a player-control
Game.DoKeyboardInput(WORD(key.Key), KEYEV_Down, !!(key.dwShift & KEYS_Alt), false, !!(key.dwShift & KEYS_Shift), key.IsRepeated(), NULL, true);
// mark as processed, so it won't get any double processing
return true;
bool C4ChatInputDialog::KeyGamepadControlDown(C4KeyCodeEx key)
// filter gamepad control
if (!Key_IsGamepad(key.Key)) return false;
// forward it
Game.DoKeyboardInput(key.Key, KEYEV_Down, false, false, false, key.IsRepeated(), NULL, true);
return true;
bool C4ChatInputDialog::KeyGamepadControlUp(C4KeyCodeEx key)
// filter gamepad control
if (!Key_IsGamepad(key.Key)) return false;
// forward it
Game.DoKeyboardInput(key.Key, KEYEV_Up, false, false, false, key.IsRepeated(), NULL, true);
return true;
bool C4ChatInputDialog::KeyGamepadControlPressed(C4KeyCodeEx key)
// filter gamepad control
if (!Key_IsGamepad(key.Key)) return false;
// forward it
Game.DoKeyboardInput(key.Key, KEYEV_Pressed, false, false, false, key.IsRepeated(), NULL, true);
return true;
bool C4ChatInputDialog::KeyBackspaceClose()
// close if chat text box is empty (on backspace)
if (pEdit->GetText() && *pEdit->GetText()) return false;
return true;
bool C4ChatInputDialog::KeyCompleteNick()
if (!pEdit) return false;
char IncompleteNick[256+1];
// get current word in edit
if (!pEdit->GetCurrentWord(IncompleteNick, 256)) return false;
if (!*IncompleteNick) return false;
C4Player *plr = Game.Players.First;
while (plr)
// Compare name and input
if(SEqualNoCase(plr->GetName(), IncompleteNick, SLen(IncompleteNick)))
pEdit->InsertText(plr->GetName() + SLen(IncompleteNick), true);
return true;
plr = plr->Next;
// no match found
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------
// C4MessageInput
bool C4MessageInput::Init()
// add default commands
if (!pCommands)
AddCommand("speed", "SetGameSpeed(%d)");
return true;
void C4MessageInput::Default()
// clear backlog
for (int32_t cnt=0; cnt<C4MSGB_BackBufferMax; cnt++) BackBuffer[cnt][0]=0;
void C4MessageInput::Clear()
// close any dialog
// free messageboard-commands
C4MessageBoardCommand *pCmd;
while(pCmd = pCommands)
pCommands = pCmd->Next;
delete pCmd;
bool C4MessageInput::CloseTypeIn()
// close dialog if present and valid
C4ChatInputDialog *pDlg = GetTypeIn();
if (!pDlg || !C4GUI::IsGUIValid()) return false;
return true;
bool C4MessageInput::StartTypeIn(bool fObjInput, C4Object *pObj, bool fUpperCase, bool fTeam, int32_t iPlr, const StdStrBuf &rsInputQuery)
if (!C4GUI::IsGUIValid()) return false;
//if (!Application.isFullScreen) return false;
// close any previous
if (IsTypeIn()) CloseTypeIn();
// start new
return ::pGUI->ShowRemoveDlg(new C4ChatInputDialog(fObjInput, pObj, fUpperCase, fTeam, iPlr, rsInputQuery));
bool C4MessageInput::KeyStartTypeIn(bool fTeam)
// fullscreen only
if (!Application.isFullScreen) return false;
// OK, start typing
return StartTypeIn(false, NULL, false, fTeam);
bool C4MessageInput::ToggleTypeIn()
// safety
if (!C4GUI::IsGUIValid()) return false;
// toggle off?
if (IsTypeIn())
// no accidental close of script queried dlgs by chat request
if (GetTypeIn()->IsScriptQueried()) return false;
return CloseTypeIn();
// toggle on!
return StartTypeIn();
bool C4MessageInput::IsTypeIn()
// check GUI and dialog
return C4GUI::IsGUIValid() && C4ChatInputDialog::IsShown();
bool C4MessageInput::ProcessInput(const char *szText)
// helper variables
char OSTR[402]; // cba
C4ControlMessageType eMsgType;
const char *szMsg = NULL;
int32_t iToPlayer = -1;
// Starts with '^', "team:" or "/team ": Team message
if(szText[0] == '^' || SEqual2NoCase(szText, "team:") || SEqual2NoCase(szText, "/team "))
if (!Game.Teams.IsTeamVisible())
// team not known; can't send!
return FALSE;
eMsgType = C4CMT_Team;
szMsg = szText[0] == '^' ? szText+1 :
szText[0] == '/' ? szText+6 : szText+5;
// Starts with "/private ": Private message (running game only)
else if(Game.IsRunning && SEqual2NoCase(szText, "/private "))
// get target name
char szTargetPlr[C4MaxName + 1];
SCopyUntil(szText + 9, szTargetPlr, ' ', C4MaxName);
// search player
C4Player *pToPlr = Game.Players.GetByName(szTargetPlr);
if(!pToPlr) return FALSE;
// set
eMsgType = C4CMT_Private;
iToPlayer = pToPlr->Number;
szMsg = szText + 10 + SLen(szText);
if(szMsg > szText + SLen(szText)) return FALSE;
// Starts with "/me ": Me-Message
else if(SEqual2NoCase(szText, "/me "))
eMsgType = C4CMT_Me;
szMsg = szText+4;
// Starts with "/sound ": Sound-Message
else if(SEqual2NoCase(szText, "/sound "))
eMsgType = C4CMT_Sound;
szMsg = szText+7;
// Starts with "/alert": Taskbar flash (message optional)
else if(SEqual2NoCase(szText, "/alert ") || SEqualNoCase(szText, "/alert"))
eMsgType = C4CMT_Alert;
szMsg = szText+6;
if (*szMsg) ++szMsg;
// Starts with '"': Let the clonk say it
else if(Game.IsRunning && szText[0] == '"')
eMsgType = C4CMT_Say;
// Append '"', if neccessary
StdStrBuf text(szText);
SCopy(szText, OSTR, 400);
char *pEnd = OSTR + SLen(OSTR) - 1;
if(*pEnd != '"') { *++pEnd = '"'; *++pEnd = 0; }
szMsg = OSTR;
// Starts with '/': Command
else if(szText[0] == '/')
return ProcessCommand(szText);
// Regular message
eMsgType = C4CMT_Normal;
szMsg = szText;
// message?
char szMessage[C4MaxMessage + 1];
// go over whitespaces, check empty message
while(IsWhiteSpace(*szMsg)) szMsg++;
if (eMsgType != C4CMT_Alert) return TRUE;
*szMessage = '\0';
// trim right
const char *szEnd = szMsg + SLen(szMsg) - 1;
while(IsWhiteSpace(*szEnd) && szEnd >= szMsg) szEnd--;
// Say: Strip quotation marks in cinematic film mode
if (Game.C4S.Head.Film == C4SFilm_Cinematic)
if(eMsgType == C4CMT_Say) { ++szMsg; szEnd--; }
// get message
SCopy(szMsg, szMessage, Min<unsigned long>(C4MaxMessage, szEnd - szMsg + 1));
// get sending player (if any)
C4Player *pPlr = Game.IsRunning ? Game.Players.GetLocalByIndex(0) : NULL;
// send
new C4ControlMessage(eMsgType, szMessage, pPlr ? pPlr->Number : -1, iToPlayer),
return TRUE;
bool C4MessageInput::ProcessCommand(const char *szCommand)
C4GameLobby::MainDlg *pLobby = ::Network.GetLobby();
// command
char szCmdName[C4MaxName + 1];
SCopyUntil(szCommand + 1, szCmdName, ' ', C4MaxName);
// parameter
const char *pCmdPar = SSearch(szCommand, " ");
if(!pCmdPar) pCmdPar = "";
// dev-scripts
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "help"))
LogF("/private [player] [message] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_SENDAPRIVATEMESSAGETOTHES"));
LogF("/team [message] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_SENDAPRIVATEMESSAGETOYOUR"));
LogF("/me [action] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_PERFORMANACTIONINYOURNAME"));
LogF("/sound [sound] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_PLAYASOUNDFROMTHEGLOBALSO"));
LogF("/kick [client] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_KICKTHESPECIFIEDCLIENT"));
LogF("/observer [client] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETTHESPECIFIEDCLIENTTOOB"));
LogF("/slow - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETTONORMALSPEEDMODE"));
LogF("/set comment [comment] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETANEWNETWORKCOMMENT"));
LogF("/set password [password] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETANEWNETWORKPASSWORD"));
LogF("/set faircrew [on/off] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_ENABLEORDISABLEFAIRCREW"));
LogF("/set maxplayer [4] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETANEWMAXIMUMNUMBEROFPLA"));
LogF("/script [script] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_EXECUTEASCRIPTCOMMAND"));
LogF("/clear - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CLEARTHEMESSAGEBOARD"));
return TRUE;
// dev-scripts
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "script"))
if (!Game.IsRunning) return FALSE;
if (!Game.DebugMode) return FALSE;
if (!::Network.isEnabled() && !SEqual(Game.ScenarioFile.GetMaker(), Config.General.Name) && Game.ScenarioFile.GetStatus() != GRPF_Folder) return FALSE;
if (::Network.isEnabled() && !::Network.isHost()) return FALSE;
Game.Control.DoInput(CID_Script, new C4ControlScript(pCmdPar, C4ControlScript::SCOPE_Console, false), CDT_Decide);
return TRUE;
// set runtimte properties
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "set"))
if(SEqual2(pCmdPar, "maxplayer "))
if (Game.Control.isCtrlHost())
if(atoi(pCmdPar+10) == 0 && !SEqual(pCmdPar+10, "0"))
Log("Syntax: /set maxplayer count");
return FALSE;
new C4ControlSet(C4CVT_MaxPlayer, atoi(pCmdPar+10)),
return TRUE;
if(SEqual2(pCmdPar, "comment ") || SEqual(pCmdPar, "comment"))
if(!::Network.isEnabled() || !::Network.isHost()) return FALSE;
// Set in configuration, update reference
Config.Network.Comment.CopyValidated(pCmdPar[7] ? (pCmdPar+8) : "");
return TRUE;
if(SEqual2(pCmdPar, "password ") || SEqual(pCmdPar, "password"))
if(!::Network.isEnabled() || !::Network.isHost()) return FALSE;
::Network.SetPassword(pCmdPar[8] ? (pCmdPar+9) : NULL);
if (pLobby) pLobby->UpdatePassword();
return TRUE;
if(SEqual2(pCmdPar, "faircrew "))
C4ControlSet *pSet = NULL;
if(SEqual(pCmdPar + 9, "on"))
pSet = new C4ControlSet(C4CVT_FairCrew, Config.General.FairCrewStrength);
else if(SEqual(pCmdPar + 9, "off"))
pSet = new C4ControlSet(C4CVT_FairCrew, -1);
else if(isdigit((unsigned char)pCmdPar[9]))
pSet = new C4ControlSet(C4CVT_FairCrew, atoi(pCmdPar + 9));
return FALSE;
Game.Control.DoInput(CID_Set, pSet, CDT_Decide);
return TRUE;
// unknown property
return FALSE;
// get szen from network folder - not in lobby; use res tab there
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "netgetscen"))
if (::Network.isEnabled() && !::Network.isHost() && !pLobby)
const C4Network2ResCore *pResCoreScen = Game.Parameters.Scenario.getResCore();
if (pResCoreScen)
C4Network2Res::Ref pScenario = ::Network.ResList.getRefRes(pResCoreScen->getID());
if (pScenario)
if (C4Group_CopyItem(pScenario->getFile(), Config.AtUserDataPath(GetFilename(Game.ScenarioFilename))))
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_NETGETSCEN_SAVED"), Config.AtUserDataPath(GetFilename(Game.ScenarioFilename)));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// clear message board
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "clear"))
// lobby
if (pLobby)
// fullscreen
else if (::GraphicsSystem.MessageBoard.Active)
// EM mode
return TRUE;
// kick client
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "kick"))
if (::Network.isEnabled() && ::Network.isHost())
// find client
C4Client *pClient = Game.Clients.getClientByName(pCmdPar);
if (!pClient)
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_NOCLIENT"), pCmdPar);
return FALSE;
// league: Kick needs voting
if(Game.Parameters.isLeague() && Game.Players.GetAtClient(pClient->getID()))
::Network.Vote(VT_Kick, true, pClient->getID());
// add control
Game.Clients.CtrlRemove(pClient, LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_KICKFROMMSGBOARD"));
return TRUE;
// set fast mode
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "fast"))
if (!Game.IsRunning) return FALSE;
int32_t iFS;
if((iFS=atoi(pCmdPar)) == 0) return FALSE;
// set frameskip and fullspeed flag
// start calculation immediatly
return TRUE;
// reset fast mode
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "slow"))
if (!Game.IsRunning) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if (SEqual(szCmdName, "nodebug"))
if (!Game.IsRunning) return FALSE;
Game.Control.DoInput(CID_Set, new C4ControlSet(C4CVT_AllowDebug, false), CDT_Decide);
return TRUE;
if (SEqual(szCmdName, "msgboard"))
if (!Game.IsRunning) return FALSE;
// get line cnt
int32_t iLineCnt = BoundBy(atoi(pCmdPar), 0, 20);
if(iLineCnt == 0)
else if(iLineCnt == 1)
::GraphicsSystem.MessageBoard.iLines = iLineCnt;
return TRUE;
// kick/activate/deactivate/observer
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "activate") || SEqual(szCmdName, "deactivate") || SEqual(szCmdName, "observer"))
if (!::Network.isEnabled() || !::Network.isHost())
{ Log(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_HOSTONLY")); return FALSE; }
// search for client
C4Client *pClient = Game.Clients.getClientByName(pCmdPar);
if (!pClient)
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_NOCLIENT"), pCmdPar);
return FALSE;
// what to do?
C4ControlClientUpdate *pCtrl = NULL;
if(szCmdName[0] == 'a') // activate
pCtrl = new C4ControlClientUpdate(pClient->getID(), CUT_Activate, true);
else if(szCmdName[0] == 'd' && !Game.Parameters.isLeague()) // deactivate
pCtrl = new C4ControlClientUpdate(pClient->getID(), CUT_Activate, false);
else if(szCmdName[0] == 'o' && !Game.Parameters.isLeague()) // observer
pCtrl = new C4ControlClientUpdate(pClient->getID(), CUT_SetObserver);
// perform it
if (pCtrl)
Game.Control.DoInput(CID_ClientUpdate, pCtrl, CDT_Sync);
return TRUE;
// control mode
if(SEqual(szCmdName, "centralctrl") || SEqual(szCmdName, "decentralctrl") || SEqual(szCmdName, "asyncctrl"))
if (!::Network.isEnabled() || !::Network.isHost())
{ Log(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_HOSTONLY")); return FALSE; }
::Network.SetCtrlMode(*szCmdName == 'c' ? CNM_Central : *szCmdName == 'd' ? CNM_Decentral : CNM_Async);
return TRUE;
// show chart
if (Game.IsRunning) if (SEqual(szCmdName, "chart"))
return Game.ToggleChart();
// custom command
C4MessageBoardCommand *pCmd;
if (Game.IsRunning) if(pCmd = GetCommand(szCmdName))
StdStrBuf Script;
// insert parameters
if (SSearch(pCmd->Script, "%d"))
// make sure it's a number by converting
Script.Format(pCmd->Script, (int) atoi(pCmdPar));
else if (SSearch(pCmd->Script, "%s"))
// Unrestricted parameters?
// That's kind of a security risk as it will allow anyone to execute code
switch (pCmd->eRestriction)
case C4MessageBoardCommand::C4MSGCMDR_Escaped:
// escape strings
StdStrBuf Par;
// compose script
Script.Format(pCmd->Script, Par.getData());
case C4MessageBoardCommand::C4MSGCMDR_Plain:
// unescaped
Script.Format(pCmd->Script, pCmdPar);
case C4MessageBoardCommand::C4MSGCMDR_Identifier:
// only allow identifier-characters
StdStrBuf Par;
while(IsIdentifier(*pCmdPar) || isspace((unsigned char)*pCmdPar))
// compose script
Script.Format(pCmd->Script, Par.getData());
Script = pCmd->Script;
// add script
Game.Control.DoInput(CID_Script, new C4ControlScript(Script.getData()), CDT_Decide);
// ok
return TRUE;
// unknown command
StdStrBuf sErr; sErr.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_UNKNOWNCMD"), szCmdName);
if (pLobby) pLobby->OnError(sErr.getData()); else Log(sErr.getData());
return FALSE;
void C4MessageInput::AddCommand(const char *strCommand, const char *strScript, C4MessageBoardCommand::Restriction eRestriction)
if(GetCommand(strCommand)) return;
// create entry
C4MessageBoardCommand *pCmd = new C4MessageBoardCommand();
SCopy(strCommand, pCmd->Name, C4MaxName);
SCopy(strScript, pCmd->Script, _MAX_FNAME+30);
pCmd->eRestriction = eRestriction;
// add to list
pCmd->Next = pCommands; pCommands = pCmd;
C4MessageBoardCommand *C4MessageInput::GetCommand(const char *strName)
for(C4MessageBoardCommand *pCmd = pCommands; pCmd; pCmd = pCmd->Next)
if(SEqual(pCmd->Name, strName))
return pCmd;
return NULL;
void C4MessageInput::ClearPointers(C4Object *pObj)
// target object loose? stop input
C4ChatInputDialog *pDlg = GetTypeIn();
if (pDlg && pDlg->GetScriptTargetObject() == pObj) CloseTypeIn();
void C4MessageInput::AbortMsgBoardQuery(C4Object *pObj, int32_t iPlr)
// close typein if it is used for the given parameters
C4ChatInputDialog *pDlg = GetTypeIn();
if (pDlg && pDlg->IsScriptQueried() && pDlg->GetScriptTargetObject() == pObj && pDlg->GetScriptTargetPlayer() == iPlr) CloseTypeIn();
void C4MessageInput::StoreBackBuffer(const char *szMessage)
if (!szMessage || !szMessage[0]) return;
int32_t i,cnt;
// Check: Remove doubled buffer
for (i=0; i<C4MSGB_BackBufferMax-1; ++i)
if (SEqual(BackBuffer[i], szMessage))
// Move up buffers
for (cnt=i; cnt>0; cnt--) SCopy(BackBuffer[cnt-1],BackBuffer[cnt]);
// Add message
SCopy(szMessage,BackBuffer[0], C4MaxMessage);
const char *C4MessageInput::GetBackBuffer(int32_t iIndex)
if (!Inside<int32_t>(iIndex, 0, C4MSGB_BackBufferMax-1)) return NULL;
return BackBuffer[iIndex];
Name[0] = '\0'; Script[0] = '\0'; Next = NULL;
void C4MessageBoardQuery::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
// note that this CompileFunc does not save the fAnswered-flag, so pending message board queries will be re-asked when resuming SaveGames
pComp->Seperator(StdCompiler::SEP_START); // '('
// callback object number
pComp->Value(nCallbackObj); pComp->Seperator();
// input query string
pComp->Value(sInputQuery); pComp->Seperator();
// options
// list end
pComp->Seperator(StdCompiler::SEP_END); // ')'
C4MessageInput MessageInput;