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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* A viewport to each player */
#ifndef INC_C4Viewport
#define INC_C4Viewport
#include <C4FacetEx.h>
class C4Viewport
friend class C4MouseControl;
// "display" coordinates
int32_t ViewWdt,ViewHgt;
// position of landscape border (left,top,right, bottom) in viewport. 0 if there is not border
float BorderLeft, BorderTop, BorderRight, BorderBottom;
int32_t DrawX,DrawY;
// facets used for last drawing operations
C4TargetFacet last_game_draw_cgo, last_gui_draw_cgo;
// factor between "landscape" and "display"
bool fIsNoOwnerViewport; // this viewport is found for searches of NO_OWNER-viewports; even if it has a player assigned (for network obs)
float GetZoom() { return Zoom; }
void SetZoom(float zoomValue);
float GetGUIZoom() const { return Clamp<float>(float(ViewWdt)/1280,0.5f,1.0f); }
void Default();
void Clear();
void Execute();
void ClearPointers(C4Object *pObj);
void SetOutputSize(int32_t iDrawX, int32_t iDrawY, int32_t iOutX, int32_t iOutY, int32_t iOutWdt, int32_t iOutHgt);
void CalculateZoom();
void ChangeZoom(float by_factor);
void SetZoom(float to_zoom, bool direct=false);
void SetZoomLimits(float to_min_zoom, float to_max_zoom);
float GetZoomByViewRange(int32_t size_x, int32_t size_y) const; // set zoom such that the supplied size is visible in the viewport
float GetZoomLimitMin() const { return ZoomLimitMin; }
float GetZoomLimitMax() const { return ZoomLimitMax; }
float GetZoomTarget() const { return ZoomTarget; }
bool Init(int32_t iPlayer, bool fSetTempOnly);
void DropFile(const char* fileName, float x, float y);
bool TogglePlayerLock();
bool GetPlayerLock() { return PlayerLock; }
void NextPlayer();
C4Rect GetOutputRect() { return C4Rect(OutX, OutY, ViewWdt, ViewHgt); }
bool IsViewportMenu(class C4Menu *pMenu);
C4Viewport *GetNext() { return Next; }
int32_t GetPlayer() { return Player; }
void CenterPosition();
void DisableFoW();
void EnableFoW();
/** Return x-position of upper left corner of viewport in landscape coordinates */
float GetViewX() { return viewX; }
/** Return y-position of upper left corner of viewport in landscape coordinates */
float GetViewY() { return viewY; }
/** Return x-position of the center of viewport in landscape coordinates */
float GetViewCenterX() { return viewX + ViewWdt/Zoom/2; }
/** Return y-position of the center of viewport in landscape coordinates */
float GetViewCenterY() { return viewY + ViewHgt/Zoom/2; }
/** Scroll the viewport by x,y */
void ScrollView(float byX, float byY);
/** Set the view position. */
void SetViewX(float x);
void SetViewY(float y);
/** Set the view offset of the normal viewport center. Used by C4Script function SetViewOffset. */
void SetViewOffset(int32_t x, int32_t y) { viewOffsX = x; viewOffsY = y; }
float viewX,viewY; // current view position in landscape coordinates (upper left corner)
float targetViewX, targetViewY; // target view position for smooth scrolling
int32_t viewOffsX, viewOffsY; // desired view offset in landscape coordinates
void UpdateBordersX();
void UpdateBordersY();
float Zoom;
float ZoomTarget;
float ZoomLimitMin,ZoomLimitMax;
bool ZoomInitialized;
int32_t Player;
bool PlayerLock;
int32_t OutX,OutY;
bool ResetMenuPositions;
C4Viewport *Next;
class C4ViewportWindow * pWindow;
class C4FoWRegion *pFoW;
void DrawPlayerStartup(C4TargetFacet &cgo);
void Draw(C4TargetFacet &cgo, bool fDrawOverlay);
void DrawOverlay(C4TargetFacet &cgo, const ZoomData &GameZoom);
void DrawMenu(C4TargetFacet &cgo);
void DrawPlayerInfo(C4TargetFacet &cgo);
void InitZoom();
void BlitOutput();
void AdjustPosition();
C4ViewportWindow* GetWindow() {return pWindow;}
bool UpdateOutputSize();
bool ViewPositionByScrollBars();
bool ScrollBarsByViewPosition();
#ifdef _WIN32
friend LRESULT APIENTRY ViewportWinProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
friend class C4ViewportWindow;
friend class C4ViewportList;
friend class C4GraphicsSystem;
friend class C4Video;
class C4ViewportList {
void Clear();
void ClearPointers(C4Object *pObj);
void Execute(bool DrawBackground);
void SortViewportsByPlayerControl();
void RecalculateViewports();
void DisableFoW();
void EnableFoW();
bool CreateViewport(int32_t iPlayer, bool fSilent=false);
bool CloseViewport(int32_t iPlayer, bool fSilent);
int32_t GetViewportCount();
C4Viewport* GetViewport(int32_t iPlayer, C4Viewport* pPrev = NULL);
C4Viewport* GetFirstViewport() { return FirstViewport; }
bool CloseViewport(C4Viewport * cvp);
C4Viewport* GetViewport(HWND hwnd);
int32_t GetAudibility(int32_t iX, int32_t iY, int32_t *iPan, int32_t iAudibilityRadius = 0, int32_t *outPlayer = NULL);
bool ViewportNextPlayer();
bool FreeScroll(C4Vec2D vScrollBy); // key callback: Scroll ownerless viewport by some offset
bool ViewportZoomOut();
bool ViewportZoomIn();
void MouseMoveToViewport(int32_t iButton, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam);
void DrawFullscreenBackground();
C4Viewport *FirstViewport;
C4Facet ViewportArea;
C4RectList BackgroundAreas; // rectangles covering background without viewports in fullscreen
friend class C4GUI::Screen;
friend class C4GraphicsSystem;
extern C4ViewportList Viewports;