
438 lines
11 KiB

Authors: Newton
Everything about the explosion.
TODO: documentation.
/*-- Explosion --*/
global func Explode(int level)
if(!this) FatalError("Function Explode must be called from object context");
// Shake the viewport.
ShakeViewPort(level, GetX(), GetY());
// Sound must be created before object removal, for it to be played at the right position.
var grade = BoundBy(level / 10 - 1, 1, 3);
Sound(Format("Blast%d", grade));
// Explosion parameters.
var x = GetX(), y = GetY();
var cause_plr = GetController();
var container = Contained();
var exploding_id = GetID();
var layer = GetObjectLayer();
// Explosion parameters saved: Remove object now, since it should not be involved in the explosion.
// Execute the explosion in global context.
// There is no possibility to interact with the global context, apart from GameCall.
// So at least remove the object context.
exploding_id->DoExplosion(x, y, level, container, cause_plr, layer);
global func DoExplosion(int x, int y, int level, object inobj, int cause_plr, object layer)
// Container to ContainBlast
var container = inobj;
while (container)
if (container->GetID()->GetDefContainBlast())
container = container->Contained();
// Explosion outside: Explosion effects.
if (!container)
// Incinerate oil.
if (!IncinerateLandscape(x, y))
if (!IncinerateLandscape(x, y - 10))
if (!IncinerateLandscape(x - 5, y - 5))
IncinerateLandscape(x + 5, y - 5);
// Graphic effects.
ExplosionEffect(level, x, y);
// Damage in the objects, and outside.
BlastObjects(x + GetX(), y + GetY(), level, inobj, cause_plr, layer);
if (inobj != container)
BlastObjects(x + GetX(), y + GetY(), level, container, cause_plr, layer);
// Landschaft zerstören. Nach BlastObjects, damit neu freigesprengte Materialien nicht betroffen sind
if (!container)
BlastFree(x, y, level, cause_plr);
return true;
global func ExplosionEffect(int level, int x, int y)
// Blast particle.
CreateParticle("Blast", x, y, 0, 0, level * 10, RGBa(255, 255, 255, 100));
if(!GBackLiquid(x,y)) CastParticles("Spark", 10, 80 + level, x, y, 35, 40, RGB(255, 200, 0), RGB(255, 255, 150));
if(GBackLiquid(x,y)) CastObjects(Fx_Bubble, level * 7 / 10, level, x, y);
//CastParticles("FSpark", level/5+1, level, x,y, level*5+10,level*10+10, 0x00ef0000,0xffff1010));
// Smoke trails.
var i = 0, count = 3 + level / 8, angle = Random(360);
while (count > 0 && ++i < count * 10)
angle += RandomX(40, 80);
var smokex = Sin(angle, RandomX(level / 4, level / 2));
var smokey = -Cos(angle, RandomX(level / 4, level / 2));
if (GBackSolid(x + smokex, y + smokey))
var lvl = 16 * level / 10;
CreateSmokeTrail(lvl, angle, x + smokex, y + smokey);
/*-- Blast objects & shockwaves --*/
// Damage and hurl objects away.
global func BlastObjects(int x, int y, int level, object container, int cause_plr, object layer)
var obj;
// Coordinates are always supplied globally, convert to local coordinates.
var l_x = x - GetX(), l_y = y - GetY();
// caused by: if not specified, controller of calling object
if(cause_plr == nil)
cause_plr = GetController();
// In a container?
if (container)
if (container->GetObjectLayer() == layer)
container->BlastObject(level, cause_plr);
if (!container)
return true; // Container could be removed in the meanwhile.
for (obj in FindObjects(Find_Container(container), Find_Layer(layer)))
if (obj)
obj->BlastObject(level, cause_plr);
// Object is outside.
// Damage objects at point of explosion.
for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_AtRect(l_x - 5, l_y - 5, 10,10), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Layer(layer)))
if (obj) obj->BlastObject(level, cause_plr);
// TODO: -> Shockwave in own global func(?)
// Hurl objects in explosion radius.
var shockwave_objs = FindObjects(Find_Distance(level, l_x, l_y), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Layer(layer),
Find_Or(Find_Category(C4D_Object|C4D_Living|C4D_Vehicle), Find_Func("CanBeHitByShockwaves")), Find_Func("BlastObjectsShockwaveCheck", x, y));
var cnt = GetLength(shockwave_objs);
if (cnt)
// The hurl energy is distributed over the objects.
//Log("Shockwave objs %v (%d)", shockwave_objs, cnt);
var shock_speed = Sqrt(2 * level * level / BoundBy(cnt, 2, 12));
for (var obj in shockwave_objs)
if (obj) // Test obj, cause OnShockwaveHit could have removed objects.
// Object has special reaction on shockwave?
if (obj->~OnShockwaveHit(level, x, y))
// Living beings are hurt more.
var cat = obj->GetCategory();
if (cat & C4D_Living)
obj->DoEnergy(level / -2, false, FX_Call_EngBlast, cause_plr);
obj->DoDamage(level / 2, FX_Call_DmgBlast, cause_plr);
// Killtracing for projectiles.
if (cat & C4D_Object)
// Shockwave.
var mass_fact = 20, mass_mul = 100;
if (cat & C4D_Living)
mass_fact = 8;
mass_mul = 80;
mass_fact = BoundBy(obj->GetMass() * mass_mul / 1000, 4, mass_fact);
var dx = 100 * (obj->GetX() - x) + Random(51) - 25;
var dy = 100 * (obj->GetY() - y) + Random(51) - 25;
var vx, vy;
if (dx)
vx = Abs(dx) / dx * (100 * level - Abs(dx)) * shock_speed / level / mass_fact;
vy = (Abs(dy) - 100 * level) * shock_speed / level / mass_fact;
if (cat & C4D_Object)
// Objects shouldn't move too fast.
var ovx = obj->GetXDir(100), ovy = obj->GetYDir(100);
if (ovx * vx > 0)
vx = (Sqrt(vx * vx + ovx * ovx) - Abs(vx)) * Abs(vx) / vx;
if (ovy * vy > 0)
vy = (Sqrt(vy * vy + ovy * ovy) - Abs(vy)) * Abs(vy) / vy;
//Log("%v v(%v %v) d(%v %v) m=%v l=%v s=%v", obj, vx,vy, dx,dy, mass_fact, level, shock_speed);
obj->Fling(vx, vy, 100, true);
// Done.
return true;
global func BlastObjectsShockwaveCheck(int x, int y)
var def = GetID();
// Some special cases, which won't go into FindObjects.
if (def->GetDefHorizontalFix())
return false;
if (def->GetDefGrab() != 1)
if (GetCategory() & C4D_Vehicle)
return false;
if (GetProcedure() == "FLOAT")
return false;
// Projectiles not when they fly downwards or are exactly in the explosion point.
// This will catch the most cases in which multiple clonks throw flints at the same time.
if (GetCategory() & C4D_Object)
if (GetX() == x && GetY() == y) return false;
if (GetYDir() > 5) return false;
// No stuck objects.
if (Stuck())
return false;
return true;
/*-- Shake view port --*/
global func ShakeViewPort(int level, int x_off, int y_off)
if (level <= 0)
return false;
var eff = GetEffect("ShakeEffect", this);
if (eff)
eff.level += level;
return true;
eff = AddEffect("ShakeEffect", this, 200, 1);
if (!eff)
return false;
eff.level = level;
if (x_off || y_off)
eff.x = x_off;
eff.y = y_off;
eff.x = GetX();
eff.y = GetY();
return true;
// Duration of the effect: as soon as strength==0
// Strength of the effect: strength=level/(1.5*fxtime+3)-fxtime^2/400
global func FxShakeEffectTimer(object target, effect, int fxtime)
var strength;
var str = effect.level;
var xpos = effect.x;
var ypos = effect.y;
for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i);
var cursor = GetCursor(plr);
if (!cursor)
var distance = Distance(cursor->GetX(), cursor->GetY(), xpos, ypos);
// Shake effect lowers as a function of the distance.
var level = (300 * str) / Max(300, distance);
if ((strength = level / ((3 * fxtime) / 2 + 3) - fxtime**2 / 400) <= 0)
// FixME: Use GetViewOffset, make this relative, not absolute
SetViewOffset(plr, Sin(fxtime * 100, strength), Cos(fxtime * 100, strength));
if (str / ((3 * fxtime) / 2 + 3) - fxtime**2 / 400 <= 0)
return -1;
global func FxShakeEffectStart(object target, effect)
FxShakeEffectTimer(target, effect, effect.Time);
global func FxShakeEffectStop()
for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++)
// FxME: Return the offset to the previous value, not zero
SetViewOffset(GetPlayerByIndex(i), 0, 0);
/*-- Smoke trails --*/
global func CreateSmokeTrail(int strength, int angle, int x, int y, int color, bool noblast) {
x += GetX();
y += GetY();
var effect = AddEffect("SmokeTrail", nil, 300, 1, nil, nil, strength, angle, x, y);
if (!color)
color = RGBa(130, 130, 130, 70);
effect.color = color;
effect.noblast = noblast;
global func FxSmokeTrailStart(object target, proplist effect, int temp, strength, angle, x, y)
if (temp)
if (angle % 90 == 1)
angle += 1;
strength = Max(strength, 5);
effect.strength = strength;
effect.curr_strength = strength;
effect.x = x;
effect.y = y;
effect.xdir = Sin(angle, strength * 40);
effect.ydir = -Cos(angle, strength * 40);
global func FxSmokeTrailTimer(object target, proplist effect, int fxtime)
var strength = effect.strength;
var str = effect.curr_strength;
var x = effect.x;
var y = effect.y;
var x_dir = effect.xdir;
var y_dir = effect.ydir;
str = Max(1, str - str / 5);
y_dir += GetGravity() * 2 / 3;
var x_dir = x_dir * str / strength;
var y_dir = y_dir * str / strength;
// new: random
x += RandomX(-3,3);
y += RandomX(-3,3);
// draw
CreateParticle("ExploSmoke", x, y, RandomX(-2, 2), RandomX(-2, 4), 150 + str * 12, effect.color);
if (!effect.noblast)
CreateParticle("Blast", x, y, 0, 0, 10 + str * 8, RGBa(255, 100, 50, 150));
// then calc next position
x += x_dir / 100;
y += y_dir / 100;
if (GBackSemiSolid(x, y))
return -1;
if (str <= 3)
return -1;
effect.curr_strength = str;
effect.x = x;
effect.y = y;
effect.ydir = y_dir;
/*-- Fireworks --*/
global func Fireworks(int color, int x, int y)
if (!color)
color = HSL(Random(8) * 32, 255, 127);
var speed = 12;
for (var i = 0; i < 36; ++i)
var oangle = Random(70);
var eff = AddEffect("Firework", nil, 300, 1, nil, nil, Cos(oangle,speed), i * 10 + Random(5), x + GetX(), y + GetY());
eff.color = color;
for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
CreateParticle("ExploSmoke", RandomX(-80, 80), RandomX(-80, 80), 0, 0, RandomX(500, 700), RGBa(255, 255, 255, 90));
CastParticles("Spark", 60, 190, 0, 0, 40, 70, color, color);
CreateParticle("Flash", 0, 0, 0, 0, 3500, color | (200 & 255) << 24);
global func FxFireworkStart(object target, effect, int tmp, speed, angle, x, y, color)
if (tmp)
effect.speed = speed * 100;
effect.angle = angle;
effect.x = x * 100;
effect.y = y * 100;
global func FxFireworkTimer(object target, effect, int time)
var speed = effect.speed;
var angle = effect.angle;
var x = effect.x;
var y = effect.y;
if (time > 65) return -1;
if (GBackSemiSolid(x / 100, y / 100))
return -1;
// loose speed
speed = 25 * speed / 26;
var x_dir = Sin(angle, speed);
var y_dir = -Cos(angle, speed);
CreateParticle("Flash", x / 100, y / 100, x_dir / 100, y_dir / 100, 50, effect.color | (200 & 255) << 24);
// gravity
y_dir += GetGravity() * 18 / 100;
effect.speed = speed;
effect.angle = Angle(0, 0, x_dir, y_dir);
effect.x = x + x_dir;
effect.y = y + y_dir;