
459 lines
13 KiB

Defense Enemy
Defines standard enemies which attack the player or its base. The enemy is a list of properties, the main ones are:
* Type (id) - The type of enemy (defaults to Clonk).
* Amount (int) - The amount of this type of enemy (use to create large groups).
* Interval (int) - Spawn an enemy every X frames.
* Bounty (int) - The amount of clunkers received for killing the enemy.
* Score (int) - The amount of points obtained for beating this enemy.
* Position (proplist) - The position where the enemy should be spawned {X = ??, Y = ??, Exact = true/false}.
Secondary properties are:
* Energy - Alternative amount of hitpoints of the clonk.
* Skin - Alternative skin for the clonk.
* Inventory - Items for the clonk, either ID or list of IDs.
* Vehicle - Vehicle the enemy is controlling or riding.
* VehicleHP - Hitpoints for the enemy vehicle, can be made stronger.
* VehicleInventory - Items for the vehicle, either ID or list of IDs.
* IsCrew - Is part of a crew of the AI that is controlling the vehicle.
This also defines standard waves which attack the player or its base. The wave is a list of properties, the main ones are:
* Name (string) - The name of the attack wave.
* Duration (int) - Duration of the wave in seconds, if nil the next wave is only launched when this is fully eliminated.
* Bounty (int) - The amount of clunkers received for beating the wave.
* Score (int) - The amount of points obtained for beating this wave.
* Enemies (array) - Array of enemies, see DefenseEnemy for more information.
@author Maikel
/*-- Enemy Launching --*/
// Definition call which can be used to launch an enemy.
public func LaunchEnemy(proplist prop_enemy, int wave_nr, int enemy_plr)
if (GetType(this) != C4V_Def)
Log("WARNING: LaunchEnemy(%v, %d, %d) not called from definition context but from %v.", prop_enemy, wave_nr, enemy_plr, this);
// Don't launch the enemy when amount equals zero.
if (!prop_enemy || prop_enemy.Amount <= 0)
// Determine enemy size.
var def = prop_enemy.Type ?? prop_enemy.Vehicle;
if (!def)
def = Clonk;
var width = def->GetDefWidth();
var height = def->GetDefWidth();
// If no position spawn at the top of the map and log a warning.
var pos = prop_enemy.Position;
if (!pos)
pos = {X = Random(LandscapeWidth()), Y = 0};
Log("WARNING: launching enemy %v, but has no position specified and will be created at (%d, %d).", prop_enemy, pos.X, pos.Y);
// Determine where to spawn the enemy with some variation.
var xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
var variation = 100;
if (pos.Exact)
variation = 0;
xmin = BoundBy(pos.X - variation, 0 + width / 2, LandscapeWidth() - width / 2);
xmax = BoundBy(pos.X + variation, 0 + width / 2, LandscapeWidth() - width / 2);
ymin = BoundBy(pos.Y - variation, 0 + height / 2, LandscapeHeight() - height / 2);
ymax = BoundBy(pos.Y + variation, 0 + height / 2, LandscapeHeight() - height / 2);
var rect = Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
// Show an arrow for the enemy position.
CreateArrowForPlayers((xmin + xmax) / 2, (ymin + ymax) / 2);
// Schedule spawning of enemy definition for the given amount.
var interval = Max(prop_enemy.Interval, 1);
var amount = prop_enemy.Amount;
ScheduleCall(nil, DefenseEnemy.LaunchEnemyAt, interval, amount, prop_enemy, wave_nr, enemy_plr, rect);
private func LaunchEnemyAt(proplist prop_enemy, int wave_nr, int enemy_plr, proplist rect)
// Create enemy (per default a Clonk) at the given location.
var x = rect.x + Random(rect.wdt);
var y = rect.y + Random(rect.hgt);
var enemy = CreateObjectAbove(prop_enemy.Type ?? Clonk, x, y, enemy_plr);
if (!enemy)
return nil;
GameCallEx("OnEnemyCreation", enemy, wave_nr);
// Enemy visuals.
UpdateEnemyVisuals(enemy, prop_enemy);
// Update physical properties.
UpdateEnemyPhysicals(enemy, prop_enemy);
// Reward for killing enemy: clunker bounty and points.
enemy.Bounty = prop_enemy.Bounty;
enemy.Score = prop_enemy.Score;
// Vehicles for enemies that are not a crew of a vehicle.
var vehicle;
if (prop_enemy.Vehicle && !prop_enemy.IsCrew)
if (prop_enemy.Vehicle == Balloon)
var balloon = enemy->CreateContents(Balloon);
else if (prop_enemy.Vehicle == DefenseBoomAttack)
vehicle = CreateObjectAbove(prop_enemy.Vehicle, x, y + 10, enemy_plr);
enemy->SetAction("Ride", vehicle);
// Add boom attack to enemy list.
GameCallEx("OnEnemyCreation", vehicle, wave_nr);
else if (prop_enemy.Vehicle == Airplane)
vehicle = CreateObjectAbove(prop_enemy.Vehicle, x, y + 10, enemy_plr);
// Assume the plane is at one landscape side and wants to fly to the opposite side.
if (vehicle->GetX() > LandscapeWidth() / 2)
vehicle->StartInstantFlight(vehicle->GetR(), 15);
vehicle = CreateObjectAbove(prop_enemy.Vehicle, x, y + 10, enemy_plr);
enemy->SetAction("Push", vehicle);
vehicle.pilot = enemy;
// Give the vehicle more hitpoints.
if (prop_enemy.VehicleHP)
vehicle.HitPoints = prop_enemy.VehicleHP;
// Add the enemy vehicle to no friendly fire rule (must be done by hand, noFF rule is for crew only be default).
if (vehicle)
GameCallEx("OnCreationRuleNoFF", vehicle);
// Move crew members onto their vehicles.
if (prop_enemy.Vehicle && prop_enemy.IsCrew)
var crew_vehicle = enemy->FindObject(Find_Distance(50), Find_ID(prop_enemy.Vehicle), Sort_Distance());
if (crew_vehicle)
// Set commander for crew.
enemy.commander = crew_vehicle.pilot;
// Vehicle inventory.
if (vehicle && prop_enemy.VehicleInventory)
for (var inv in ForceToInventoryArray(prop_enemy.VehicleInventory))
var inv_obj = vehicle->CreateContents(inv);
// Infinite ammo.
if (inv_obj)
// Enemy inventory.
if (prop_enemy.Inventory)
for (var inv in ForceToInventoryArray(prop_enemy.Inventory))
// Special way to pick up carry heavy objects instantly.
if (inv->~IsCarryHeavy() && (enemy->GetOCF() & OCF_CrewMember))
inv_obj = enemy->CreateCarryHeavyContents(inv);
inv_obj = enemy->CreateContents(inv);
// Infinite ammo.
if (inv_obj)
// Add AI.
if (!enemy->~HasNoNeedForAI())
DefenseAI->SetMaxAggroDistance(enemy, LandscapeWidth());
DefenseAI->SetGuardRange(enemy, 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight());
// Add vehicle to AI.
if (vehicle)
DefenseAI->SetVehicle(enemy, vehicle);
return enemy;
private func UpdateEnemyVisuals(object enemy, proplist prop_enemy)
if (prop_enemy.Skin)
if (GetType(prop_enemy.Skin) == C4V_Array)
if (GetType(prop_enemy.Backpack)) enemy->~RemoveBackpack();
if (prop_enemy.Scale) enemy->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(prop_enemy.Scale[0], prop_enemy.Scale[1], prop_enemy.Scale[2]), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Scale);
if (prop_enemy.Name) enemy->SetName(prop_enemy.Name);
private func UpdateEnemyPhysicals(object enemy, proplist prop_enemy)
enemy.MaxEnergy = (prop_enemy.Energy ?? 50) * 1000;
enemy->DoEnergy(enemy.MaxEnergy / 1000);
if (prop_enemy.Speed)
// Speed: Modify Speed in all ActMap entries
if (enemy.ActMap == enemy.Prototype.ActMap) enemy.ActMap = new enemy.ActMap {};
for (var action in /*obj.ActMap->GetProperties()*/ ["Walk", "Scale", "Dig", "Swim", "Hangle", "Jump", "WallJump", "Dive", "Push"]) // obj.ActMap->GetProperties() doesn't work :(
if (action == "Prototype") continue;
if (enemy.ActMap[action] == enemy.Prototype.ActMap[action]) enemy.ActMap[action] = new enemy.ActMap[action] {};
enemy.ActMap[action].Speed = enemy.ActMap[action].Speed * enemy.Speed / 100;
enemy.JumpSpeed = enemy.JumpSpeed * prop_enemy.Speed / 100;
enemy.FlySpeed = enemy.FlySpeed * prop_enemy.Speed / 100;
private func ForceToInventoryArray(/*any*/ list)
// Convert single ID to array.
if (GetType(list) != C4V_Array)
return [list];
// Check in array if entries of the form [ID, amount] appear and convert them.
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(list); )
var element = list[i];
if (GetType(element) == C4V_Array)
for (var j = 0; j < element[1]; j++)
PushBack(list, element[0]);
RemoveArrayValue(list, element);
return list;
// Create an arrow which show the direction the enemy is coming from.
private func CreateArrowForPlayers(int x, int y)
for (var plr in GetPlayers(C4PT_User))
var cursor = GetCursor(plr);
if (!cursor)
var arrow = CreateObject(GUI_GoalArrow, cursor->GetX(), cursor->GetY(), plr);
if (!arrow)
arrow->SetAction("Show", cursor);
arrow->SetR(Angle(cursor->GetX(), cursor->GetY(), x, y));
arrow->SetClrModulation(RGBa(255, 50, 0, 128));
Schedule(arrow, "RemoveObject()", 8 * 36);
/*-- Enemies --*/
static const CSKIN_Default = 0,
CSKIN_Steampunk = 1,
CSKIN_Alchemist = 2,
CSKIN_Farmer = 3;
// Default enemy, all other enemies inherit from this.
local DefaultEnemy =
Type = nil,
Inventory = nil,
Energy = nil,
Amount = 1,
Interval = 1,
Bounty = 0,
Score = 0,
Position = nil
// A clonk with a sword.
local Swordsman = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemySwordsman$",
Inventory = Sword,
Energy = 30,
Bounty = 20,
// A clonk with bow and arrow.
local Archer = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyArcher$",
Inventory = [Bow, Arrow],
Energy = 10,
Bounty = 5,
Color = 0xff00ff00,
Skin = CSKIN_Farmer
// A clonk with javelins.
local Spearman = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemySpearman$",
Inventory = Javelin,
Energy = 15,
Bounty = 5,
Color = 0xff0000ff,
Skin = CSKIN_Steampunk
// A clonk with a grenade launcher.
local Grenadier = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyGrenadier$",
Inventory = [GrenadeLauncher, [IronBomb, 8]],
Energy = 25,
Bounty = 5,
Color = 0xffa0a0ff,
Skin = CSKIN_Alchemist
// A rocket which moves to a target.
local BoomAttack = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyBoomAttack$",
Type = DefenseBoomAttack,
Bounty = 2
// A faster rocket which moves to a target.
local RapidBoomAttack = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyRapidBoomAttack$",
Type = DefenseBoomAttack,
Bounty = 2,
Speed = 300
// A parachutist coming from above with a balloon.
local Ballooner = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyBallooner$",
Inventory = Sword,
Energy = 30,
Bounty = 15,
Color = 0xff008000,
Skin = CSKIN_Default,
Vehicle = Balloon
// An archer riding a boom attack.
local Rocketeer = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyRocketeer$",
Inventory = [Bow, Arrow],
Energy = 15,
Bounty = 15,
Color = 0xffffffff,
Skin = CSKIN_Steampunk,
Vehicle = DefenseBoomAttack
// An archer riding a boom attack.
local Bomber = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyBomber$",
Inventory = PowderKeg,
Energy = 50,
Bounty = 10,
Color = 0xff55aaff,
Skin = CSKIN_Default
// Commander of the airship.
local AirshipPilot = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyAirshipPilot$",
Inventory = [[Rock, 5]],
Energy = 35,
Bounty = 15,
Color = 0xffff00ff,
Skin = CSKIN_Alchemist,
Vehicle = Airship,
VehilceHP = 100
// Crew of the airship.
local AirshipCrew = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyAirshipCrew$",
Inventory = [Sword, Shield],
Energy = 35,
Bounty = 5,
Color = 0xff0000aa,
Skin = CSKIN_Farmer,
Vehicle = Airship,
IsCrew = true
// A pilot and a bomber plane.
local BomberPlane = new DefaultEnemy
Name = "$EnemyBomberPlane$",
Inventory = [],
Energy = 35,
Bounty = 20,
Color = 0xffaaddff,
Skin = CSKIN_Alchemist,
Vehicle = Airplane,
VehicleHP = 50,
VehicleInventory = [[IronBomb, 8], [Dynamite, 4]]
/*-- Wave Launching --*/
// Definition call which can be used to launch an attack wave.
public func LaunchWave(proplist prop_wave, int wave_nr, int enemy_plr)
if (GetType(this) != C4V_Def)
Log("WARNING: LaunchWave(%v, %d, %d) not called from definition context but from %v.", prop_wave, wave_nr, enemy_plr, this);
// Create count down until next wave and play wave start sound.
CustomMessage(Format("$MsgWave$", wave_nr, prop_wave.Name));
// Launch enemies.
if (prop_wave.Enemies)
for (var enemy in prop_wave.Enemies)
this->LaunchEnemy(enemy, wave_nr, enemy_plr);
/*-- Waves --*/
// Default wave, all other waves inherit from this.
local DefaultWave =
Name = nil,
Duration = nil,
Bounty = nil,
Score = nil,
Enemies = nil
// A wave with no enemies: either at the start or to allow for a short break.
local BreakWave = new DefaultWave
Name = "$WaveBreak$",
Duration = 60