
1009 lines
33 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#include "lib/Standard.h"
#include "lib/StdCompiler.h"
// * Wrappers for C4Compiler-types
// Whole-line string, automatic size deduction (C4Compiler-String)
#define toC4CStr(szString) mkStringAdaptMA(szString)
#define toC4CStrBuf(rBuf) mkParAdapt(rBuf, StdCompiler::RCT_All)
// Integer-array with default 0, automatic size deduction
#define toC4CArr(rArr) mkArrayAdaptDM(rArr, 0)
#define toC4CArrU(rArr) mkArrayAdaptDM(rArr, 0u)
// * Null Adaptor
// Doesn't compile anything
struct StdNullAdapt
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const { }
// * Defaulting Adaptor
// Sets default if CompileFunc fails with a Exception of type NotFoundException
template <class T, class D>
struct StdDefaultAdapt
T &rValue; const D &rDefault;
StdDefaultAdapt(T &rValue, const D &rDefault) : rValue(rValue), rDefault(rDefault) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
if (!pComp->ValueSafe(rValue))
rValue = rDefault;
catch (StdCompiler::NotFoundException *pEx)
rValue = rDefault;
delete pEx;
template <class T, class D>
inline StdDefaultAdapt<T, D> mkDefaultAdapt(T &&rValue, const D &rDefault) { return StdDefaultAdapt<T, D>(rValue, rDefault); }
// * Naming Adaptor
// Embeds a value into a named section, failsafe
// (use for values that do defaulting themselves - e.g. objects using naming)
template <class T>
struct StdNamingAdapt
T &rValue; const char *szName;
StdNamingAdapt(T &rValue, const char *szName) : rValue(rValue), szName(szName) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
catch (StdCompiler::Exception *)
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rValue == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdNamingAdapt &operator = (const D &nValue) { rValue = nValue; return *this; }
template <class T>
inline StdNamingAdapt<T> mkNamingAdapt(T &&rValue, const char *szName) { return StdNamingAdapt<T>(rValue, szName); }
// * Naming Adaptor (defaulting)
// Embeds a value into a named section, sets default on fail
template <class T, class D>
struct StdNamingDefaultAdapt
T &rValue; const char *szName; const D &rDefault; bool fPrefillDefault; bool fStoreDefault;
StdNamingDefaultAdapt(T &rValue, const char *szName, const D &rDefault, bool fPrefillDefault, bool fStoreDefault) : rValue(rValue), szName(szName), rDefault(rDefault), fPrefillDefault(fPrefillDefault), fStoreDefault(fStoreDefault) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
// Default check
if (pComp->hasNaming() && pComp->isDecompiler() && rValue == rDefault && !fStoreDefault)
if (pComp->Default(szName)) return;
// Search named section, set default if not found
if (pComp->Name(szName))
if (fPrefillDefault && pComp->isCompiler()) rValue = rDefault; // default prefill if desired
pComp->Value(mkDefaultAdapt(rValue, rDefault));
rValue = rDefault;
catch (StdCompiler::Exception *)
// End section
template <class T, class D>
inline StdNamingDefaultAdapt<T,D> mkNamingAdapt(T &&rValue, const char *szName, const D &rDefault, bool fPrefillDefault=false, bool fStoreDefault=false) { return StdNamingDefaultAdapt<T,D>(rValue, szName, rDefault, fPrefillDefault, fStoreDefault); }
// * Decompiling Adaptor
// Allows to use const objects if the compiler won't change the targets
template <class T>
struct StdDecompileAdapt
const T &rValue;
explicit StdDecompileAdapt(const T &rValue) : rValue(rValue) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
pComp->Value(const_cast<T &>(rValue));
// make this work with in combination with StdParameterAdapt
template<typename ... P>
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler* pComp, P && ... pars) const
pComp->Value(mkParAdapt(const_cast<T &>(rValue), std::forward<P>(pars)...));
template <class T>
inline StdDecompileAdapt<T> mkDecompileAdapt(const T& rValue) { return StdDecompileAdapt<T>(rValue); }
// * Runtime value Adaptor
// Allows the C4ValueSetCompiler to set the value
template <class T>
struct StdRuntimeValueAdapt
T &rValue;
explicit StdRuntimeValueAdapt(T &rValue) : rValue(rValue) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rValue == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdRuntimeValueAdapt<T> &operator = (const D &nValue) { rValue = nValue; return *this; }
template <class T>
inline StdRuntimeValueAdapt<T> mkRuntimeValueAdapt(T &&rValue) { return StdRuntimeValueAdapt<T>(rValue); }
// * String adaptor
struct StdStringAdapt
char *szString; int iMaxLength; StdCompiler::RawCompileType eRawType;
StdStringAdapt(char *szString, int iMaxLength, StdCompiler::RawCompileType eRawType = StdCompiler::RCT_Escaped)
: szString(szString), iMaxLength(iMaxLength), eRawType(eRawType) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
pComp->String(szString, iMaxLength, eRawType);
inline bool operator == (const char *szDefault) const { return SEqual(szString, szDefault); }
inline StdStringAdapt &operator = (const char *szDefault) { SCopy(szDefault, szString, iMaxLength); return *this; }
inline StdStringAdapt mkStringAdapt(char *szString, int iMaxLength, StdCompiler::RawCompileType eRawType = StdCompiler::RCT_Escaped)
{ return StdStringAdapt(szString, iMaxLength, eRawType); }
#define mkStringAdaptM(szString) mkStringAdapt(szString, (sizeof(szString) / sizeof(*szString)) - 1)
#define mkStringAdaptMA(szString) mkStringAdapt(szString, (sizeof(szString) / sizeof(*szString)) - 1, StdCompiler::RCT_All)
#define mkStringAdaptMI(szString) mkStringAdapt(szString, (sizeof(szString) / sizeof(*szString)) - 1, StdCompiler::RCT_Idtf)
#define mkStringAdaptMIE(szString) mkStringAdapt(szString, (sizeof(szString) / sizeof(*szString)) - 1, StdCompiler::RCT_IdtfAllowEmpty)
// * Raw adaptor
struct StdRawAdapt
void *pData; size_t iSize; StdCompiler::RawCompileType eRawType;
StdRawAdapt(void *pData, size_t iSize, StdCompiler::RawCompileType eRawType = StdCompiler::RCT_Escaped)
: pData(pData), iSize(iSize), eRawType(eRawType) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
pComp->Raw(pData, iSize, eRawType);
inline bool operator == (const void *pDefault) const { return !memcmp(pDefault, pData, iSize); }
inline StdRawAdapt &operator = (const void *pDefault) { memcpy(pData, pDefault, iSize); return *this; }
inline StdRawAdapt mkRawAdapt(void *pData, size_t iSize, StdCompiler::RawCompileType eRawType = StdCompiler::RCT_Escaped)
{ return StdRawAdapt(pData, iSize, eRawType); }
#define mkRawAdaptM(X) mkRawAdapt(&X, sizeof(X))
// * Integer Adaptor
// Stores Integer-like datatypes (Enumerations)
template <class T, class int_t = int32_t>
struct StdIntAdapt
T &rValue;
explicit StdIntAdapt(T &rValue) : rValue(rValue) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
// Cast
int_t iVal = int_t(rValue);
rValue = T(iVal);
// Operators for default checking/setting
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rValue == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdIntAdapt &operator = (const D &nValue) { rValue = nValue; return *this; }
template <class T> inline StdIntAdapt<T> mkIntAdapt(T &rValue) { return StdIntAdapt<T>(rValue); }
template <class int_t, class T> StdIntAdapt<T, int_t> mkIntAdaptT(T &rValue) { return StdIntAdapt<T, int_t>(rValue); }
// * Casting Adaptor
// Does a reinterprete_cast
template <class T, class to_t>
struct StdCastAdapt
T &rValue;
explicit StdCastAdapt(T &rValue) : rValue(rValue) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
// Cast
assert(sizeof(to_t) == sizeof(T));
to_t vVal = *reinterpret_cast<to_t *>(&rValue);
rValue = *reinterpret_cast<T *>(&vVal);
// Operators for default checking/setting
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rValue == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdCastAdapt &operator = (const D &nValue) { rValue = nValue; return *this; }
template <class to_t, class T> StdCastAdapt<T, to_t> mkCastAdapt(T &rValue) { return StdCastAdapt<T, to_t>(rValue); }
template <class T> StdCastAdapt<T, int32_t> mkCastIntAdapt(T &rValue) { return StdCastAdapt<T, int32_t>(rValue); }
// Helper: Identity function class
template <class T>
struct _IdFuncClass
T &operator ()(T &rValue) const { return rValue; }
// * Array Adaptor
// Stores a separated list
template <class T, class M = _IdFuncClass<T> >
struct StdArrayAdapt
StdArrayAdapt(T *pArray, int iSize, M && map = M())
: pArray(pArray), iSize(iSize), map(std::forward<M>(map))
{ }
T *pArray; int iSize; M && map;
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
if (i) pComp->Separator(StdCompiler::SEP_SEP);
// Operators for default checking/setting
inline bool operator == (const T &rDefault) const
for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
if (pArray[i] != rDefault)
return false;
return true;
inline StdArrayAdapt &operator = (const T &rDefault)
for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
pArray[i] = rDefault;
return *this;
inline bool operator == (const T *pDefaults) const
for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
if (pArray[i] != pDefaults[i])
return false;
return true;
inline StdArrayAdapt &operator = (const T *pDefaults)
for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
pArray[i] = pDefaults[i];
return *this;
template <class T>
inline StdArrayAdapt<T> mkArrayAdapt(T *pArray, int iSize) { return StdArrayAdapt<T>(pArray, iSize); }
#define mkArrayAdaptM(A) mkArrayAdapt(A, sizeof(A) / sizeof(*(A)))
template <class T, class M>
inline StdArrayAdapt<T, M> mkArrayAdaptMap(T *pArray, int iSize, M && map) { return StdArrayAdapt<T, M>(pArray, iSize, std::forward<M>(map)); }
#define mkArrayAdaptMapM(A, M) mkArrayAdaptMap(A, sizeof(A) / sizeof(*(A)), M)
// * Array Adaptor (defaulting)
// Stores a separated list, sets defaults if a value or separator is missing.
template <class T, class D, class M = _IdFuncClass<T> >
struct StdArrayDefaultAdapt
StdArrayDefaultAdapt(T *pArray, size_t iSize, const D &rDefault, const M &map = M())
: pArray(pArray), iSize(iSize), rDefault(rDefault), map(map)
{ }
T *pArray; size_t iSize; const D &rDefault; const M map;
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
size_t i, iWrite = iSize;
bool fCompiler = pComp->isCompiler();
// Decompiling: Omit defaults
if (!fCompiler && pComp->hasNaming())
while (iWrite > 0 && pArray[iWrite - 1] == rDefault)
// Read/write values
for (i = 0; i < iWrite; i++)
// Separator?
if (i) if (!pComp->Separator(StdCompiler::SEP_SEP)) break;
// Expect a value. Default if not found.
pComp->Value(mkDefaultAdapt(map(pArray[i]), rDefault));
// Fill rest of array
if (fCompiler)
for (; i < iSize; i++)
pArray[i] = rDefault;
// Additional defaulting (whole array)
inline bool operator == (const T *pDefaults) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
if (pArray[i] != pDefaults[i])
return false;
return true;
inline StdArrayDefaultAdapt &operator = (const T *pDefaults)
for (size_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
pArray[i] = pDefaults[i];
return *this;
template <class T, class D>
inline StdArrayDefaultAdapt<T, D> mkArrayAdapt(T *pArray, size_t iSize, const D &rDefault) { return StdArrayDefaultAdapt<T, D>(pArray, iSize, rDefault); }
#define mkArrayAdaptDM(A, D) mkArrayAdapt(A, sizeof(A) / sizeof(*(A)), D)
template <class T, class D, class M>
inline StdArrayDefaultAdapt<T, D, M> mkArrayAdaptMap(T *pArray, size_t iSize, const D &rDefault, M map) { return StdArrayDefaultAdapt<T, D, M>(pArray, iSize, rDefault, map); }
#define mkArrayAdaptMapDM(A, D, M) mkArrayAdaptMap(A, sizeof(A) / sizeof(*(A)), D, M)
// * Array Adaptor (defaulting to another array)
// Stores a separated list, sets defaults if a value or separator is missing.
template <class T, class D, class M = _IdFuncClass<T> >
struct StdArrayDefaultArrayAdapt
StdArrayDefaultArrayAdapt(T *pArray, size_t iSize, const D &rDefault, const M &map = M())
: pArray(pArray), iSize(iSize), rDefault(rDefault), map(map)
{ }
T *pArray; size_t iSize; const D &rDefault; const M map;
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
size_t i, iWrite = iSize;
bool fCompiler = pComp->isCompiler();
// Decompiling: Omit defaults
if (!fCompiler && pComp->hasNaming())
while (iWrite > 0 && pArray[iWrite - 1] == rDefault[iWrite - 1])
// Read/write values
for (i = 0; i < iWrite; i++)
// Separator?
if (i) if (!pComp->Separator(StdCompiler::SEP_SEP)) break;
// Expect a value. Default if not found.
pComp->Value(mkDefaultAdapt(map(pArray[i]), rDefault[i]));
// Fill rest of array
if (fCompiler)
for (; i < iSize; i++)
pArray[i] = rDefault[i];
// Additional defaulting (whole array)
inline bool operator == (const T *pDefaults) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
if (pArray[i] != pDefaults[i])
return false;
return true;
inline StdArrayDefaultArrayAdapt &operator = (const T *pDefaults)
for (size_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
pArray[i] = pDefaults[i];
return *this;
template <class T, class D>
inline StdArrayDefaultArrayAdapt<T, D> mkArrayAdaptDefArr(T *pArray, size_t iSize, const D &rDefault) { return StdArrayDefaultArrayAdapt<T, D>(pArray, iSize, rDefault); }
#define mkArrayAdaptDMA(A, D) mkArrayAdaptDefArr(A, sizeof(A) / sizeof(*(A)), D)
template <class T, class D, class M>
inline StdArrayDefaultArrayAdapt<T, D, M> mkArrayAdaptDefArrMap(T *pArray, size_t iSize, const D &rDefault, const M &map) { return StdArrayDefaultArrayAdapt<T, D, M>(pArray, iSize, rDefault, map); }
#define mkArrayAdaptDMAM(A, D, M) mkArrayAdaptDefArrMap(A, sizeof(A) / sizeof(*(A)), D, M)
// * Insertion Adaptor
// Compile a value before / after another
template <class T, class I>
struct StdInsertAdapt
StdInsertAdapt(T &rObj, I &rIns, bool fBefore = true)
: rObj(rObj), rIns(rIns), fBefore(fBefore)
{ }
T &rObj; I &rIns; bool fBefore;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
if (fBefore) pComp->Value(rIns);
if (!fBefore) pComp->Value(rIns);
template <class T, class I>
inline StdInsertAdapt<T, I> mkInsertAdapt(T &&rObj, I &&rIns, bool fBefore = true) { return StdInsertAdapt<T,I>(rObj, rIns, fBefore); }
// * Parameter Adaptor
// Specify a second parameter for the CompileFunc
template <class T, class P>
struct StdParameterAdapt
StdParameterAdapt(T && rObj, P && rPar) : rObj(std::forward<T>(rObj)), Par(std::forward<P>(rPar)) { }
T && rObj; P && Par;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
std::forward<T>(rObj).CompileFunc(pComp, std::forward<P>(Par));
// Operators for default checking/setting
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rObj == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdParameterAdapt &operator = (const D &nValue) { rObj = nValue; return *this; }
// getting value
inline T && GetObj() { return std::forward<T>(rObj); }
template <class T, class P>
inline StdParameterAdapt<T, P> mkParAdapt(T && rObj, P && rPar)
{ return StdParameterAdapt<T, P>(std::forward<T>(rObj), std::forward<P>(rPar)); }
// for mkArrayAdaptMap
template <class P>
struct StdParameterAdaptMaker
P && Par;
StdParameterAdaptMaker(P && rPar) : Par(std::forward<P>(rPar)) { }
template <class T>
StdParameterAdapt<T, P> operator ()(T && rObj) const { return StdParameterAdapt<T, P>(std::forward<T>(rObj), std::forward<P>(Par)); }
template <class P>
inline StdParameterAdaptMaker<P> mkParAdaptMaker(P && rPar) { return StdParameterAdaptMaker<P>(std::forward<P>(rPar)); }
// * Parameter Adaptor 2
// Specify a second and a third parameter for the CompileFunc
template <class T, class P1, class P2>
struct StdParameter2Adapt
StdParameter2Adapt(T && rObj, P1 && rPar1, P2 && rPar2) :
rObj(std::forward<T>(rObj)), rPar1(std::forward<P1>(rPar1)), rPar2(std::forward<P2>(rPar2)) { }
T && rObj; P1 && rPar1; P2 && rPar2;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
std::forward<T>(rObj).CompileFunc(pComp, std::forward<P1>(rPar1), std::forward<P2>(rPar2));
// Operators for default checking/setting
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rObj == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdParameter2Adapt &operator = (const D &nValue) { rObj = nValue; return *this; }
template <class T, class P1, class P2>
inline StdParameter2Adapt<T, P1, P2> mkParAdapt(T && rObj, P1 && rPar1, P2 && rPar2)
{ return StdParameter2Adapt<T, P1, P2>(std::forward<T>(rObj), std::forward<P1>(rPar1), std::forward<P2>(rPar2)); }
template <class T>
struct StdBasicPtrAdapt
StdBasicPtrAdapt(T *&rpObj, bool fAllowNull = true, const char *szNaming = "Data")
: rpObj(rpObj), fAllowNull(fAllowNull), szNaming(szNaming) {}
T *&rpObj; bool fAllowNull; const char *szNaming;
// Operators for default checking/setting
inline bool operator == (const T &nValue) const { return rpObj && *rpObj == nValue; }
inline StdBasicPtrAdapt &operator = (const T &nValue) { delete rpObj; rpObj = new T(nValue); return *this; }
inline bool operator == (const T *pValue) const { return rpObj == pValue; }
inline StdBasicPtrAdapt &operator = (const T *pValue) { delete rpObj; rpObj = pValue; return *this; }
// * Store pointer (contents)
// Defaults to null
template <class T>
struct StdPtrAdapt: StdBasicPtrAdapt<T>
StdPtrAdapt(T *&rpObj, bool fAllowNull = true, const char *szNaming = "Data")
: StdBasicPtrAdapt<T>(rpObj, fAllowNull, szNaming)
{ }
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
StdPtrAdaptCompileFunc(pComp, *this);
// For use with StdParAdapt
template<typename ... P>
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp, P &&
StdPtrAdaptCompileFunc(pComp, *this, std::forward<P>(pars)...);
template <class T, class ContextT>
struct StdContextPtrAdapt: StdBasicPtrAdapt<T>
StdContextPtrAdapt(T *&rpObj, const ContextT& rCtx, bool fAllowNull = true, const char *szNaming = "Data")
: StdBasicPtrAdapt<T>(rpObj, fAllowNull, szNaming), pCtx(&rCtx)
{ }
const ContextT* pCtx;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
StdPtrAdaptCompileFunc(pComp, *this);
// For use with StdParAdapt
template<class P>
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp, const P& p)
StdPtrAdaptCompileFunc(pComp, *this, p);
template <class T, typename ... P>
void StdPtrAdaptCompileFunc(StdCompiler* pComp, const T& adapt, P &&
bool fCompiler = pComp->isCompiler(),
fNaming = pComp->hasNaming();
// Compiling? Clear object before
if(fCompiler) { delete adapt.rpObj; adapt.rpObj = nullptr; }
// Null checks - different with naming support.
// Null check: just omit when writing
if(!fCompiler && !adapt.rpObj) return;
// Set up naming
if(!pComp->Name(adapt.szNaming)) { assert(fCompiler); pComp->NameEnd(); return; }
bool fNull = !! adapt.rpObj;
// Null? Nothing further to do
if(fNull) return;
else if(!fCompiler)
// Compile value
StdPtrAdaptCompileNewFunc(adapt, pComp, std::forward<P>(pars)...);
StdPtrAdaptDecompileNewFunc(adapt, pComp, std::forward<P>(pars)...);
// Close naming
if(adapt.fAllowNull && fNaming) pComp->NameEnd();
template <class T, typename ... P>
void StdPtrAdaptCompileNewFunc(const StdPtrAdapt<T>& adapt, StdCompiler* pComp, P && { CompileNewFunc(adapt.rpObj, pComp, std::forward<P>(pars)...); }
template <class T, class ContextT, typename ... P>
void StdPtrAdaptCompileNewFunc(const StdContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT>& adapt, StdCompiler* pComp, P && { CompileNewFuncCtx(adapt.rpObj, pComp, *adapt.pCtx, std::forward<P>(pars)...); }
template <class T>
void StdPtrAdaptDecompileNewFunc(const StdPtrAdapt<T>& adapt, StdCompiler* pComp) { pComp->Value(mkDecompileAdapt(*adapt.rpObj)); }
template <class T, class ContextT>
void StdPtrAdaptDecompileNewFunc(const StdContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT>& adapt, StdCompiler* pComp) { pComp->Value(mkDecompileAdapt(*adapt.rpObj)); }
template <class T, typename ... P>
void StdPtrAdaptDecompileNewFunc(const StdPtrAdapt<T>& adapt, StdCompiler* pComp, P && { pComp->Value(mkParAdapt(mkDecompileAdapt(*adapt.rpObj), std::forward<P>(pars)...)); }
template <class T, class ContextT, typename ... P>
void StdPtrAdaptDecompileNewFunc(const StdContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT>& adapt, StdCompiler* pComp, P && { pComp->Value(mkParAdapt(mkDecompileAdapt(*adapt.rpObj), std::forward<P>(pars)...)); }
template <class T>
inline StdPtrAdapt<T> mkPtrAdapt(T *&rpObj, bool fAllowNull = true) { return StdPtrAdapt<T>(rpObj, fAllowNull); }
template <class T>
inline StdPtrAdapt<T> mkNamingPtrAdapt(T *&rpObj, const char *szNaming) { return StdPtrAdapt<T>(rpObj, true, szNaming); }
template <class T>
inline StdPtrAdapt<T> mkPtrAdaptNoNull(T *&rpObj) { return mkPtrAdapt<T>(rpObj, false); }
template <class T, class ContextT>
inline StdContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT> mkContextPtrAdapt(T *&rpObj, const ContextT& ctx, bool fAllowNull = true) { return StdContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT>(rpObj, ctx, fAllowNull); }
template <class T, class ContextT>
inline StdContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT> mkNamingContextPtrAdapt(T *&rpObj, const ContextT& ctx, const char* szNaming) { return StdContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT>(rpObj, ctx, true, szNaming); }
template <class T, class ContextT>
inline StdContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT> mkContextPtrAdaptNoNull(T *&rpObj, const ContextT& ctx) { return mkContextPtrAdapt<T, ContextT>(rpObj, ctx, false); }
// * Adaptor for STL containers
// Writes a comma-separated list for compilers that support it. Otherwise, the size is calculated and safed.
// The defaulting uses the standard STL operators (full match)
template <class C>
struct StdSTLContainerAdapt
StdSTLContainerAdapt(C &rStruct, StdCompiler::Sep eSep = StdCompiler::SEP_SEP)
: rStruct(rStruct), eSep(eSep) { }
C &rStruct; const StdCompiler::Sep eSep;
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
typedef typename C::value_type T;
// Get compiler specs
bool fCompiler = pComp->isCompiler();
bool fNaming = pComp->hasNaming();
// Decompiling?
if (!fCompiler)
// Write size (binary only)
if (!fNaming)
int32_t iSize = rStruct.size();
// Write all entries
for (typename C::const_iterator i = rStruct.begin(); i != rStruct.end(); ++i)
if (i != rStruct.begin() && eSep) pComp->Separator(eSep);
pComp->Value(const_cast<T &>(*i));
// Compiling: Empty previous
// Read size (binary only)
uint32_t iSize;
if (!fNaming) pComp->Value(iSize);
// Read new
// No entries left to read?
if (!fNaming && !iSize--)
// Read entries
T val;
catch (StdCompiler::NotFoundException *pEx)
// No value found: Stop reading loop
delete pEx;
while (!eSep || pComp->Separator(eSep));
// Operators for default checking/setting
inline bool operator == (const C &nValue) const { return rStruct == nValue; }
inline StdSTLContainerAdapt &operator = (const C &nValue) { rStruct = nValue; return *this; }
template <class C>
inline StdSTLContainerAdapt<C> mkSTLContainerAdapt(C &rTarget, StdCompiler::Sep eSep = StdCompiler::SEP_SEP) { return StdSTLContainerAdapt<C>(rTarget, eSep); }
// Write an integer that is supposed to be small most of the time. The adaptor writes it in
// 7-bit-pieces, bit 8 being a continuation marker: If it's set, more data is following, if not,
// all following bits are 0.
// Code lengths for uint32_t:
// 0x00000000 (0) - 0x0000007F (127) : 1 byte
// 0x00000080 (128) - 0x00003FFF (16383) : 2 byte
// 0x00004000 (16384) - 0x001FFFFF (2097151) : 3 byte
// 0x00200000 (2097152) - 0x0FFFFFFF (268435456) : 4 byte
// 0x10000000 (268435456) - 0xFFFFFFFF (4294967295) : 5 byte
// So this sort of packing is always useful when the integer in question is almost impossible to
// grow bigger than 2,097,151.
template <class T>
struct StdIntPackAdapt
StdIntPackAdapt(T &rVal) : rVal(rVal) { }
T &rVal;
inline T clearUpper(T x) const
const int CLEARBITS = 8 * sizeof(T) - 7;
return (x << CLEARBITS) >> CLEARBITS;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
// simply write for textual compilers
if (pComp->hasNaming())
T val; uint8_t tmp;
// writing?
if (!pComp->isCompiler())
val = rVal;
for (;;)
tmp = uint8_t(clearUpper(val));
// last byte?
if (clearUpper(val) == val)
// write byte
tmp ^= 0x80; pComp->Value(tmp);
// advance
val >>= 7;
// write last byte
// reading?
// read first byte
val = clearUpper(T(tmp));
// read remaining bytes
int i = 7; T data = val;
while ( uint8_t(data) != tmp )
// read byte
// add to value
data = clearUpper(T(tmp));
val = (data << i) | (val & ((1 << i) - 1));
// next byte
// write
rVal = val;
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rVal == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdIntPackAdapt &operator = (const D &nValue) { rVal = nValue; return *this; }
template <class T>
StdIntPackAdapt<T> mkIntPackAdapt(T &rVal) { return StdIntPackAdapt<T>(rVal); }
template <class T>
struct StdEnumEntry
const char *Name;
T Val;
// Enumeration: For text compilers, write a given name for a value.
// For everything else, just write an integer of given type.
template <class T, class int_t = int32_t>
struct StdEnumAdapt
typedef StdEnumEntry<T> Entry;
StdEnumAdapt(T &rVal, const Entry *pNames) : rVal(rVal), pNames(pNames) { assert(pNames); }
T &rVal; const Entry *pNames;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
// Write as int
if (!pComp->isVerbose())
// writing?
if (!pComp->isCompiler())
// Find value
const Entry *pName = pNames;
for (; pName->Name; pName++)
if (pName->Val == rVal)
// Put name
pComp->String(const_cast<char **>(&pName->Name), StdCompiler::RCT_Idtf);
// No name found?
if (!pName->Name)
// Put value as integer
// reading?
int_t val = 0;
// Try to read as number
if (!pComp->ValueSafe(val))
rVal = T(val);
// Try to read as number
rVal = T(val);
catch (StdCompiler::NotFoundException *pEx)
delete pEx;
// Try to read as string
StdStrBuf Name;
pComp->Value(mkParAdapt(Name, StdCompiler::RCT_Idtf));
// Search in name list
const Entry *pName = pNames;
for (; pName->Name; pName++)
if (Name == pName->Name)
rVal = pName->Val;
// Not found? Warn
if (!pName->Name)
pComp->Warn("Unknown bit name: %s", Name.getData());
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rVal == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdEnumAdapt<T, int_t> &operator = (const D &nValue) { rVal = nValue; return *this; }
template <class T, class int_t>
StdEnumAdapt<T, int_t> mkEnumAdapt(T &rVal, const StdEnumEntry<T> *pNames) { return StdEnumAdapt<T, int_t>(rVal, pNames); }
template <class int_t, class T>
StdEnumAdapt<T, int_t> mkEnumAdaptT(T &rVal, const StdEnumEntry<T> *pNames) { return StdEnumAdapt<T, int_t>(rVal, pNames); }
template <class T>
struct StdBitfieldEntry
const char *Name;
T Val;
// Convert a bitfield into/from something like "foo | bar | baz", where "foo", "bar" and "baz" are given constants.
template <class T>
struct StdBitfieldAdapt
typedef StdBitfieldEntry<T> Entry;
StdBitfieldAdapt(T &rVal, const Entry *pNames) : rVal(rVal), pNames(pNames) { assert(pNames); }
T &rVal; const Entry *pNames;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
// simply write for non-verbose compilers
if (!pComp->isVerbose())
// writing?
if (!pComp->isCompiler())
T val = rVal, orig_val = rVal;
// Write until value is comsumed
bool fFirst = true;
for (const Entry *pName = pNames; pName->Name; pName++)
if ((pName->Val & val) == pName->Val)
// Avoid writing meaningless none-values (e.g. Category=C4D_None|C4D_Object)
if (orig_val && !pName->Val) continue;
// Put "|"
if (!fFirst) pComp->Separator(StdCompiler::SEP_VLINE);
// Put name
pComp->String(const_cast<char **>(&pName->Name), StdCompiler::RCT_Idtf);
fFirst = false;
// Remove bits
val &= ~pName->Val;
// Anything left is written as number, or a simple 0 in case no default was used
if (val || fFirst)
// Put "|"
if (!fFirst) pComp->Separator(StdCompiler::SEP_VLINE);
// Put value
// reading?
T val = 0;
// Read
T tmp;
// Try to read as number
if (pComp->ValueSafe(tmp))
val |= tmp;
// Try to read as number
T tmp;
val |= tmp;
catch (StdCompiler::NotFoundException *pEx)
delete pEx;
// Try to read as string
StdStrBuf Name;
pComp->Value(mkParAdapt(Name, StdCompiler::RCT_Idtf));
// Search in name list
const Entry *pName = pNames;
for (; pName->Name; pName++)
if (Name == pName->Name)
val |= pName->Val;
// Not found? Warn
if (!pName->Name)
pComp->Warn("Unknown bit name: %s", Name.getData());
// Expect separation
} while (pComp->Separator(StdCompiler::SEP_VLINE));
// Write value back
rVal = val;
template <class D> inline bool operator == (const D &nValue) const { return rVal == nValue; }
template <class D> inline StdBitfieldAdapt<T> &operator = (const D &nValue) { rVal = nValue; return *this; }
template <class T>
StdBitfieldAdapt<T> mkBitfieldAdapt(T &rVal, const StdBitfieldEntry<T> *pNames) { return StdBitfieldAdapt<T>(rVal, pNames); }
// * Name count adapter
// For compilers without name support, this just compiles the given value. Otherwise, the count
// of given namings is returned on compiling, and nothing is done for decompiling (The caller
// has to make sure that an appropriate number of namings will be created)
template <class int_t>
struct StdNamingCountAdapt
int_t &iCount; const char *szName;
StdNamingCountAdapt(int_t &iCount, const char *szName) : iCount(iCount), szName(szName) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
if (pComp->hasNaming())
if (pComp->isCompiler())
iCount = pComp->NameCount(szName);
template <class int_t>
inline StdNamingCountAdapt<int_t> mkNamingCountAdapt(int_t &iCount, const char *szName) { return StdNamingCountAdapt<int_t>(iCount, szName); }
// * Hex adapter
// Writes raw binary data in hexadecimal
class StdHexAdapt
void *pData; size_t iSize;
StdHexAdapt(void *pData, size_t iSize) : pData(pData), iSize(iSize) { }
inline void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) const
if (!pComp->isVerbose())
pComp->Raw(pData, iSize);
char szData[2+1]; bool fCompiler = pComp->isCompiler();
for (size_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
uint8_t *pByte = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(pData) + i;
if (!fCompiler) sprintf(szData, "%02x", *pByte);
pComp->String(szData, 2, StdCompiler::RCT_Idtf);
if (fCompiler)
unsigned int b;
if (sscanf(szData, "%02x", &b) != 1)
pComp->excNotFound(i ? "hexadecimal data: bytes missing!" : "hexadecimal data missing!");
*pByte = b;
inline StdHexAdapt mkHexAdapt(void *pData, size_t iSize) { return StdHexAdapt(pData, iSize); }
template <class T>
inline StdHexAdapt mkHexAdapt(T &rData) { return StdHexAdapt(&rData, sizeof(rData)); }