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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2013 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
/* Handles scripted map creation */
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4MapScript.h>
#include <C4AulDefFunc.h>
#include <C4Landscape.h>
#include <C4Texture.h>
#include <C4Random.h>
C4MapScriptAlgo *FnParAlgo(C4PropList *algo_par);
static const char *DrawFn_Transparent_Name = "Transparent";
static const char *DrawFn_Sky_Name = "Sky";
static const char *DrawFn_Background_Name = "Background";
static const char *DrawFn_Liquid_Name = "Liquid";
static const char *DrawFn_Solid_Name = "Solid";
int32_t FnParTexCol(C4String *mattex, int32_t default_col = -1)
// Return index of material-texture definition for a single color
// Defaults to underground (tunnel background) color. Prefix material with ^ to get overground (sky background) color.
if (!mattex || !mattex->GetCStr()) return default_col;
if (mattex->GetData() == DrawFn_Transparent_Name) return 0;
if (mattex->GetData() == DrawFn_Sky_Name) return IFT;
const char *cmattex = mattex->GetCStr();
int32_t ift = IFT;
if (*cmattex == '^') { ift=0; ++cmattex; }
int32_t col = ::TextureMap.GetIndexMatTex(cmattex);
return col ? col|ift : default_col;
void C4MapScriptMatTexMask::UnmaskSpec(C4String *spec)
// Mask all indices of material-texture definitions
// Possible definitions:
// Material-Texture - Given material-texture combination (both sky and tunnel background)
// Material - All defined default textures of given material
// * - All materials
// Sky - Index IFT
// Transparent - Index 0
// Background - All tunnel materials plus sky
// Liquid - All liquid materials
// Solid - All solid materials
// Possible modifiers:
// ^Material - Given material only with sky background
// &Material - Given material only with tunnel background
// ~Material - Inverse of given definition; i.e. everything except Material
if (!spec || !spec->GetCStr()) return;
const char *cspec = spec->GetCStr();
bool invert=false, bgsky=false, bgtunnel=false, prefix_done=false;
while (*cspec)
switch (*cspec)
case '~': invert=!invert; break;
case '^': bgsky=true; break;
case '&': bgtunnel=true; break;
default: prefix_done=true; break;
if (prefix_done) break;
std::vector<bool> mat_mask(IFT, false);
if (SEqual(cspec, DrawFn_Transparent_Name))
// "Transparent" is zero index. Force to non-IFT
mat_mask[0] = true;
bgsky = true; bgtunnel = false;
else if (SEqual(cspec, DrawFn_Sky_Name))
// Sky material: Force to IFT
mat_mask[0] = true;
bgsky = false; bgtunnel = true;
else if (SEqual(cspec, DrawFn_Background_Name))
// All background materials
for (int32_t i=0; i<IFT; ++i) if (!DensitySemiSolid(Landscape.GetPixDensity(i))) mat_mask[i] = true;
// Background includes sky
mat_mask[0] = true;
else if (SEqual(cspec, DrawFn_Liquid_Name))
// All liquid materials
for (int32_t i=0; i<IFT; ++i) if (DensityLiquid(Landscape.GetPixDensity(i))) mat_mask[i] = true;
else if (SEqual(cspec, DrawFn_Solid_Name))
// All solid materials
for (int32_t i=0; i<IFT; ++i) if (DensitySolid(Landscape.GetPixDensity(i))) mat_mask[i] = true;
else if (SEqual(cspec, "*"))
// All materials
for (int32_t i=0; i<IFT; ++i) mat_mask[i] = true;
// Specified material
if (SCharCount('-', cspec))
// Material+Texture
int32_t col = ::TextureMap.GetIndexMatTex(cspec, NULL, false);
if (col) mat_mask[col] = true;
// Only material: Mask all textures of this material
int32_t mat = ::MaterialMap.Get(cspec);
if (mat!=MNone)
const char *tex_name;
int32_t col;
for (int32_t itex=0; (tex_name=::TextureMap.GetTexture(itex)); itex++)
if (col = ::TextureMap.GetIndex(cspec,tex_name,false))
mat_mask[col] = true;
// 'OR' spec onto this->mask. Apply bgsky, bgtunnel and invert.
for (int32_t i=0; i<IFT; ++i)
if ((mat_mask[i] && (bgsky || !bgtunnel)) != invert)
mask[i] = true;
for (int32_t i=0; i<IFT; ++i)
if ((mat_mask[i] && (!bgsky || bgtunnel)) != invert)
mask[i+IFT] = true;
void C4MapScriptMatTexMask::Init(const C4Value &spec)
// Mask may be initialized by a simple string or by an array of strings, of which the effects are OR'ed
const C4ValueArray *arr = spec.getArray();
if (arr)
// Init by array
for (int32_t i=0; i<arr->GetSize(); ++i)
C4String *smask = arr->GetItem(i).getStr();
if (!smask) throw new C4AulExecError(FormatString("MatTexMask expected string as %dth element in array.", (int)i).getData());
// Init by string
C4String *smask = spec.getStr();
if (smask)
if (spec) throw new C4AulExecError("MatTexMask expected string or array of strings.");
// nil defaults to everything except index zero unmasked
mask = std::vector<bool>(256, true);
mask[0] = false;
bool FnParRect(C4MapScriptLayer *layer, C4ValueArray *rect, C4Rect *rc_bounds)
// Convert rect parameter passed to script function to C4Rect structure
// and makes sure it is completely contained in bounding rectangle of layer
// rect==NULL defaults to bounding rectangle of layer
*rc_bounds = layer->GetBounds();
if (!rect) return true; // nil is OK for rect parameter. Defaults to bounds rectangle
if (rect->GetSize() != 4) return false;
rc_bounds->Intersect(C4Rect(rect->GetItem(0).getInt(), rect->GetItem(1).getInt(), rect->GetItem(2).getInt(), rect->GetItem(3).getInt()));
return true;
static bool FnLayerDraw(C4PropList * _this, C4String *mattex, C4PropList *mask_algo, C4ValueArray *rect)
// Layer script function: Draw material mattex in shape of mask_algo in _this layer within bounds given by rect
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
int32_t icol = FnParTexCol(mattex);
if (!layer || icol<0) return false;
C4Rect rcBounds;
if (!FnParRect(layer, rect, &rcBounds)) return false;
std::auto_ptr<C4MapScriptAlgo> algo(FnParAlgo(mask_algo));
return layer->Fill(icol, rcBounds, algo.get());
static bool FnLayerBlit(C4PropList * _this, C4PropList *mask_algo, C4ValueArray *rect)
// Layer script function: Blit mask_algo onto surface of _this within bounds given by rect
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
if (!layer) return false;
C4Rect rcBounds;
if (!FnParRect(layer, rect, &rcBounds)) return false;
std::auto_ptr<C4MapScriptAlgo> algo(FnParAlgo(mask_algo));
if (!algo.get()) return false;
return layer->Blit(rcBounds, algo.get());
static C4PropList *FnCreateLayer(C4PropList * _this, C4String *mattex_fill, int32_t width, int32_t height)
// Layer script function: Create new layer filled by mattex_fill of size width,height as sub layer of _this map
// Size defaults to _this layer size
int32_t icol = FnParTexCol(mattex_fill, 0);
if (icol<0) throw new C4AulExecError(FormatString("CreateLayer: Invalid fill material.").getData());
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
if (!layer) return NULL;
if (!width && !height)
width = layer->GetWdt();
height = layer->GetHgt();
if (width<=0 || height<=0) throw new C4AulExecError(FormatString("CreateLayer: Invalid size (%d*%d).", (int)width, (int)height).getData());
C4MapScriptMap *map = layer->GetMap();
if (!map) return NULL;
layer = map->CreateLayer(width, height);
if (icol) layer->Fill(icol, layer->GetBounds(), NULL);
return layer;
static C4PropList *FnLayerDuplicate(C4PropList * _this, const C4Value &mask_spec, C4ValueArray *rect)
// Layer script function: Create a copy of _this layer within bounds. If mask_spec is specified, copy only materials selected by mask spec
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
if (!layer) return NULL;
C4MapScriptMap *map = layer->GetMap();
if (!map) return NULL;
C4MapScriptMatTexMask mat_mask(mask_spec);
C4Rect src_rect;
if (!FnParRect(layer, rect, &src_rect)) return NULL;
if (!src_rect.Wdt || !src_rect.Hgt) return NULL;
C4MapScriptLayer *new_layer = map->CreateLayer(src_rect.Wdt, src_rect.Hgt);
new_layer->Blit(layer, src_rect, mat_mask, 0,0);
return new_layer;
static int32_t FnLayerGetPixel(C4PropList * _this, int32_t x, int32_t y)
// Layer script function: Query pixel at position x,y from _this layer
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
if (!layer) return 0;
return layer->GetPix(x,y,0);
static bool FnLayerSetPixel(C4PropList * _this, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t to_value)
// Layer script function: Set pixel at position x,y to to_value in _this layer
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
if (!layer) return false;
if (!Inside(to_value, 0, 255)) throw new C4AulExecError(FormatString("MapLayer::SetPixel: TRying to set invalid pixel value %d.", (int)to_value).getData());
return layer->SetPix(x,y,to_value);
static int32_t FnLayerGetPixelCount(C4PropList * _this, const C4Value &mask_spec, C4ValueArray *rect)
// Layer script function: Count all pixels within rect that match mask_spec specification
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
if (!layer) return -1;
C4MapScriptMatTexMask mat_mask(mask_spec);
C4Rect check_rect;
if (!FnParRect(layer, rect, &check_rect)) return -1;
return layer->GetPixCount(check_rect, mask_spec);
static bool FnLayerResize(C4PropList * _this, int32_t new_wdt, int32_t new_hgt)
// Layer script function: Recreate layer in new size. Resulting layer is empty (color 0)
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
// safety
if (!layer || new_wdt<=0 || new_hgt<=0) return false;
// recreate surface in new size
return layer->CreateSurface(new_wdt, new_hgt);
static bool FnLayerFindPosition(C4PropList * _this, C4PropList *out_pos, const C4Value &mask_spec, C4ValueArray *rect, int32_t max_tries)
// Layer script function: Find a position (x,y) that has a color matching mask_spec. Set resulting position as X,Y properties in out_pos prop list
C4MapScriptLayer *layer = _this->GetMapScriptLayer();
if (!layer) return NULL;
C4MapScriptMatTexMask mat_mask(mask_spec);
C4Rect search_rect;
if (!FnParRect(layer, rect, &search_rect)) return NULL;
int32_t x,y; bool result;
if (!max_tries) max_tries = 500;
if (result = layer->FindPos(search_rect, mat_mask, &x, &y, max_tries))
if (out_pos && !out_pos->IsFrozen())
out_pos->SetProperty(P_X, C4VInt(x));
out_pos->SetProperty(P_Y, C4VInt(y));
return result;
C4MapScriptLayer::C4MapScriptLayer(C4PropList *prototype, C4MapScriptMap *map) : C4PropListNumbered(prototype), surface(NULL), surface_owned(false), map(map)
// It seems like numbered PropLists need a number. I don't know why.
bool C4MapScriptLayer::CreateSurface(int32_t wdt, int32_t hgt)
// Create new surface of given size. Surface is filled with color 0
if (wdt<=0 || hgt<=0) return false;
surface = new CSurface8;
surface_owned = true;
if (!surface->Create(wdt, hgt))
return false;
return true;
void C4MapScriptLayer::ClearSurface()
// Delete surface if owned or just set to zero if unowned
if (surface_owned) delete surface;
surface=NULL; surface_owned=false;
// if there is no surface, width and height parameters are undefined. no need to update them.
void C4MapScriptLayer::UpdateSurfaceSize()
// Called when surface size changes: Update internal property values
if (surface)
SetProperty(P_Wdt, C4VInt(surface->Wdt));
SetProperty(P_Hgt, C4VInt(surface->Hgt));
void C4MapScriptLayer::ConvertSkyToTransparent()
// Convert all sky (color==IFT) pixels to transparent (color==0)
// Needed because C4Landscape map zoom assumes sky to be 0
if (!HasSurface()) return;
for (int32_t y=0; y<surface->Hgt; ++y)
for (int32_t x=0; x<surface->Wdt; ++x)
if (surface->_GetPix(x,y) == IFT)
surface->_SetPix(x,y, 0);
C4Rect C4MapScriptLayer::GetBounds() const
// Return bounding rectangle of surface. Surface always starts at 0,0.
return surface ? C4Rect(0,0,surface->Wdt,surface->Hgt) : C4Rect();
bool C4MapScriptLayer::Fill(int col, const C4Rect &rcBounds, const C4MapScriptAlgo *algo)
// safety
if (!HasSurface()) return false;
assert(rcBounds.x>=0 && rcBounds.y>=0 && rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt<=surface->Wdt && rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt<=surface->Hgt);
// set all non-masked pixels within bounds that fulfill algo
for (int32_t y=rcBounds.y; y<rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt; ++y)
for (int32_t x=rcBounds.x; x<rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt; ++x)
if (!algo || (*algo)(x,y))
return true;
bool C4MapScriptLayer::Blit(const C4Rect &rcBounds, const C4MapScriptAlgo *algo)
// safety
if (!HasSurface()) return false;
assert(rcBounds.x>=0 && rcBounds.y>=0 && rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt<=surface->Wdt && rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt<=surface->Hgt);
// set all pixels within bounds by algo, if algo is not transparent
uint8_t col;
for (int32_t y=rcBounds.y; y<rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt; ++y)
for (int32_t x=rcBounds.x; x<rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt; ++x)
if (col=(*algo)(x,y))
return true;
bool C4MapScriptLayer::Blit(const C4MapScriptLayer *src, const C4Rect &src_rect, const C4MapScriptMatTexMask &col_mask, int32_t tx, int32_t ty)
// safety
if (!HasSurface() || !src->HasSurface()) return false;
// cannot assert this, because C4Rect::Contains(C4Rect &) has an off-by-one-error which I don't dare to fix right now
// TODO: Fix C4Rect::Contains and check if the sector code still works
// assert(src->GetBounds().Contains(src_rect));
// copy all pixels that aren't masked
uint8_t col;
for (int32_t y=src_rect.y; y<src_rect.y+src_rect.Hgt; ++y)
for (int32_t x=src_rect.x; x<src_rect.x+src_rect.Wdt; ++x)
if (col_mask(col=src->surface->_GetPix(x,y)))
return true;
int32_t C4MapScriptLayer::GetPixCount(const C4Rect &rcBounds, const C4MapScriptMatTexMask &col_mask)
// safety
if (!HasSurface()) return 0;
assert(rcBounds.x>=0 && rcBounds.y>=0 && rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt<=surface->Wdt && rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt<=surface->Hgt);
// count matching pixels in rect
int32_t count = 0;
for (int32_t y=rcBounds.y; y<rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt; ++y)
for (int32_t x=rcBounds.x; x<rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt; ++x)
count += col_mask(surface->_GetPix(x,y));
return count;
bool C4MapScriptLayer::FindPos(const C4Rect &search_rect, const C4MapScriptMatTexMask &col_mask, int32_t *out_x, int32_t *out_y, int32_t max_tries)
// safety
if (!HasSurface() || search_rect.Wdt<=0 || search_rect.Hgt<=0) return false;
// Search random positions
for (int32_t i=0; i<max_tries; ++i)
int32_t x=search_rect.x + Random(search_rect.Wdt);
int32_t y=search_rect.y + Random(search_rect.Hgt);
if (col_mask(surface->_GetPix(x,y))) { *out_x=x; *out_y=y; return true; }
// Nothing found yet: Start at a random position and search systemically
// (this guantuess to find a pixel if there is one, but favours border pixels)
int32_t sx=search_rect.x + Random(search_rect.Wdt);
int32_t sy=search_rect.y + Random(search_rect.Hgt);
for (int32_t x=sx; x<surface->Wdt; ++x)
if (col_mask(surface->_GetPix(x,sy))) { *out_x=x; *out_y=sy; return true; }
for (int32_t y=sy+1; y<surface->Hgt; ++y)
for (int32_t x=0; x<surface->Wdt; ++x)
if (col_mask(surface->_GetPix(x,y))) { *out_x=x; *out_y=y; return true; }
for (int32_t y=0; y<sy; ++y)
for (int32_t x=0; x<surface->Wdt; ++x)
if (col_mask(surface->_GetPix(x,y))) { *out_x=x; *out_y=y; return true; }
for (int32_t x=0; x<sx; ++x)
if (col_mask(surface->_GetPix(x,sy))) { *out_x=x; *out_y=sy; return true; }
// Nothing found
return false;
void C4MapScriptMap::Clear()
// Layers are owned by map. Free them.
for (std::list<C4MapScriptLayer *>::iterator i=layers.begin(); i!=layers.end(); ++i) delete *i;
C4MapScriptLayer *C4MapScriptMap::CreateLayer(int32_t wdt, int32_t hgt)
// Create layer and register to map. Layer's created by a map are freed when the map is freed.
C4MapScriptLayer *new_layer = new C4MapScriptLayer(MapScript.GetLayerPrototype(), this);
layers.push_back(new_layer); // push before CreateSurface for exception safety
if (!new_layer->CreateSurface(wdt, hgt))
delete new_layer;
return NULL;
return new_layer;
C4MapScriptHost::C4MapScriptHost(): LayerPrototype(NULL), MapPrototype(NULL) { }
C4MapScriptHost::~C4MapScriptHost() { Clear(); }
void C4MapScriptHost::InitFunctionMap(C4AulScriptEngine *pEngine)
// Register script host. Add Map and MapLayer prototypes, related constants and engine functions
assert(pEngine && pEngine->GetPropList());
LayerPrototype = C4PropList::NewStatic(NULL, NULL, ::Strings.RegString("MapLayer"));
MapPrototype = C4PropList::NewStatic(LayerPrototype, NULL, ::Strings.RegString("Map"));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MapLayer", C4VPropList(LayerPrototype));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("Map", C4VPropList(MapPrototype));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Layer", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Layer));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_RndChecker", C4VInt(MAPALGO_RndChecker));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_And", C4VInt(MAPALGO_And));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Or", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Or));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Xor", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Xor));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Not", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Not));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Scale", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Scale));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Offset", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Offset));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Rect", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Rect));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Ellipsis", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Ellipsis));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Polygon", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Polygon));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Turbulence", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Turbulence));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Border", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Border));
::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("MAPALGO_Filter", C4VInt(MAPALGO_Filter));
void C4MapScriptHost::AddEngineFunctions()
// adds all engine functions to the MapLayer context
::AddFunc(this, "Draw", FnLayerDraw);
::AddFunc(this, "Blit", FnLayerBlit);
::AddFunc(this, "CreateLayer", FnCreateLayer);
::AddFunc(this, "Duplicate", FnLayerDuplicate);
::AddFunc(this, "GetPixel", FnLayerGetPixel);
::AddFunc(this, "SetPixel", FnLayerSetPixel);
::AddFunc(this, "GetPixelCount", FnLayerGetPixelCount);
::AddFunc(this, "Resize", FnLayerResize);
::AddFunc(this, "FindPosition", FnLayerFindPosition);
bool C4MapScriptHost::Load(C4Group & g, const char * f, const char * l, C4LangStringTable * t)
assert(LayerPrototype && MapPrototype);
return C4ScriptHost::Load(g, f, l, t);
void C4MapScriptHost::Clear()
delete LayerPrototype; delete MapPrototype;
LayerPrototype = MapPrototype = NULL;
C4PropListStatic * C4MapScriptHost::GetPropList()
// Scripts are compiled in the MapLayer context so it's possible to use all map drawing functions directly without "map->" prefix
return LayerPrototype;
C4MapScriptMap *C4MapScriptHost::CreateMap()
return new C4MapScriptMap(MapPrototype);
bool C4MapScriptHost::InitializeMap(C4Group &group, CSurface8 **pmap_surface)
// Init scripted map by calling InitializeMap in the proper scripts. If *pmap_surface is given, it will pass the existing map to be modified by script.
// Don't bother creating surfaces if the functions aren't defined
if (!LayerPrototype->GetFunc(PSF_InitializeMap))
C4PropList *scen_proplist = ::GameScript.ScenPropList._getPropList();
if (!scen_proplist || !scen_proplist->GetFunc(PSF_InitializeMap)) return false;
// Create proplist as script context
std::auto_ptr<C4MapScriptMap> map(CreateMap());
// Drawing on existing map or create new?
if (*pmap_surface)
// Existing map
// No existing map. Create new.
int32_t map_wdt,map_hgt;
::Game.C4S.Landscape.GetMapSize(map_wdt, map_hgt, ::Game.StartupPlayerCount);
if (!map->CreateSurface(map_wdt, map_hgt)) return false;
C4AulParSet Pars(C4VPropList(map.get()));
C4Value result = map->Call(PSF_InitializeMap, &Pars);
if (!result) result = ::GameScript.Call(PSF_InitializeMap, &Pars);
// Map creation done.
if (result)
*pmap_surface = map->ReleaseSurface();
return !!result;
C4MapScriptHost MapScript;