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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2005 Peter Wortmann
* Copyright (c) 2005-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
// player team management for teamwork melees
#ifndef INC_C4Teams
#define INC_C4Teams
// class predec
namespace C4GUI { class ComboBox_FillCB; };
// constant used by lobby to indicate invisible, random team
const int32_t TEAMID_Unknown = -1;
// constant used by InitScenarioPlayer() to indicate creation of a new team
const int32_t TEAMID_New = -1;
// one player team
class C4Team
// std::vector...
// containing player info IDs
int32_t *piPlayers;
int32_t iPlayerCount;
int32_t iPlayerCapacity;
// copying
C4Team(const C4Team &rCopy);
C4Team &operator = (const C4Team &rCopy);
// team identification; usually > 0 for a valid team
int32_t iID;
char Name[C4MaxName+1];
int32_t iPlrStartIndex; // 0 for unassigned; 1 to 4 if all players of that team shall be assigned a specific [Player*]-section in the Scenario.txt
uint32_t dwClr; // team color
StdCopyStrBuf sIconSpec; // icon drawing specification for offline or runtime team selection dialog
int32_t iMaxPlayer; // maximum number of players allowed in this team - 0 for infinite
friend class C4TeamList;
C4Team() : piPlayers(NULL), iPlayerCount(0), iPlayerCapacity(0), iID(0), iPlrStartIndex(0), dwClr(0), iMaxPlayer(0) { *Name=0; }
~C4Team() { Clear(); }
void Clear();
void AddPlayer(class C4PlayerInfo &rInfo, bool fAdjustPlayer); // add player by info; adjusts ID in info and at any joined player
void RemoveIndexedPlayer(int32_t iIndex); // remove info at index; this changes the local list only
void RemovePlayerByID(int32_t iID);
int32_t GetPlayerCount() const { return iPlayerCount; }
const char *GetName() const { return Name; }
int32_t GetID() const { return iID; }
bool IsPlayerIDInTeam(int32_t iID); // search list for a player with the given ID
int32_t GetFirstUnjoinedPlayerID() const; // search for a player that does not have the join-flag set
int32_t GetPlrStartIndex() const { return iPlrStartIndex; }
uint32_t GetColor() const { return dwClr; }
const char *GetIconSpec() const { return sIconSpec.getData(); }
bool IsFull() const { return iMaxPlayer && (iPlayerCount >= iMaxPlayer); } // whether no more players may join this team
StdStrBuf GetNameWithParticipants() const; // compose team name like "Team 1 (boni, GhostBear, Clonko)"
bool HasWon() const; // return true if any member player of the team has won
int32_t GetIndexedPlayer(int32_t iIndex) const { return Inside<int32_t>(iIndex, 0, iPlayerCount-1) ? piPlayers[iIndex] : 0; }
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
// this rechecks teams for all (not removed) players; sets players here by team selection in player infos
void RecheckPlayers();
// this assigns a team color if it's still zero
void RecheckColor(C4TeamList &rForList);
// global team list
class C4TeamList
// team config constants
enum ConfigValue
TEAM_None = 0,
TEAM_Custom = 1,
TEAM_Active = 2,
TEAM_AllowHostilityChange = 3,
TEAM_Dist = 4,
TEAM_AllowTeamSwitch = 5,
TEAM_AutoGenerateTeams = 6,
TEAM_TeamColors = 7,
// team distribution configuration
enum TeamDist
TEAMDIST_First = 0,
TEAMDIST_Free = 0, // anyone can choose teams
TEAMDIST_Host = 1, // host decides teams
TEAMDIST_Random = 2, // fixed random teams
TEAMDIST_RandomInv = 3, // fixed random teams invisible in lobby
TEAMDIST_Last = 3,
// std::vector...
C4Team **ppList;
int32_t iTeamCount;
int32_t iTeamCapacity;
int32_t iLastTeamID;
bool fAllowHostilityChange; // hostility not fixed
bool fAllowTeamSwitch; // teams not fixed
bool fActive;
bool fCustom; // set if read from team file or changed in scenario
bool fTeamColors; // if set, player colors are determined by team colors
bool fAutoGenerateTeams; // teams are generated automatically so there's enough teams for everyone
TeamDist eTeamDist;
int32_t iMaxScriptPlayers; // maximum number of script players to be added in the lobby
StdStrBuf sScriptPlayerNames; // default script player names
C4TeamList() : ppList(NULL), iTeamCount(0), iTeamCapacity(0), iLastTeamID(0), fAllowHostilityChange(true), fAllowTeamSwitch(false),
fActive(true), fCustom(false), eTeamDist(TEAMDIST_Free), fTeamColors(false), fAutoGenerateTeams(false), iMaxScriptPlayers(0) {}
~C4TeamList() { Clear(); }
void Clear();
C4TeamList &operator =(const C4TeamList &rCopy);
// no copying
C4TeamList(const C4TeamList &rCopy);
void AddTeam(C4Team *pNewTeam); // add a team; grow list if necessary
int32_t GetFreeTeamID();
bool GenerateDefaultTeams(int32_t iUpToID); // generate Team 1, Team 2, etc.
C4Team *GetTeamByID(int32_t iID) const; // get team by ID
C4Team *GetGenerateTeamByID(int32_t iID); // get team by ID; generate if not existant. Always generate for TEAMID_New.
C4Team *GetTeamByIndex(int32_t iIndex) const; // get team by list index, to enumerate all teams
C4Team *GetTeamByName(const char *szName) const; // match team name; case sensitive and not trimmed
C4Team *GetTeamByPlayerID(int32_t iID) const; // get team by player ID (not number!)
int32_t GetLargestTeamID() const;
C4Team *GetRandomSmallestTeam() const; // get team with least amount of players in it
int32_t GetTeamCount() const { return iTeamCount; }
C4Team *CreateTeam(const char *szName); // create a custom team
bool IsMultiTeams() const { return fActive; } // teams can be selected
bool IsCustom() const { return fCustom; } // whether teams are not generated as default
bool IsHostilityChangeAllowed() const { return fAllowHostilityChange; } // allow (temporary) hostility changes at runtime
bool IsTeamSwitchAllowed() const { return fAllowTeamSwitch; } // allow permanent team changes at runtime
bool CanLocalChooseTeam() const; // whether the local host can determine teams (e.g., not if teams are random, or if all except the player's current team are full)
bool CanLocalChooseTeam(int32_t idPlayer) const; // whether the local host can determine teams (e.g., not if teams are random, or if all except the player's current team are full)
bool CanLocalSeeTeam() const;
bool IsTeamColors() const { return fTeamColors; } // whether team colors are enabled
bool IsRandomTeam() const { return eTeamDist==TEAMDIST_Random ||eTeamDist==TEAMDIST_RandomInv; } // whether team colors are enabled
bool IsJoin2TeamAllowed(int32_t idTeam); // checks whether a team ID is valid and still available for new joins
bool IsAutoGenerateTeams() const { return fAutoGenerateTeams; }
bool IsRuntimeJoinTeamChoice() const { return IsCustom() && IsMultiTeams(); } // whether players joining at runtime must select a team first
int32_t GetMaxScriptPlayers() const { return iMaxScriptPlayers; } // return max number of script players to be added inthe lobby
int32_t GetForcedTeamSelection(int32_t idForPlayer) const; // if there's only one team for the player to join, return that team ID
StdStrBuf GetScriptPlayerName() const; // get a name to assign to a new script player. Try to avoid name conflicts
bool IsTeamVisible() const; // teams invisible during lobby time if TEAMDIST_RandomInv
void EnforceLeagueRules(); // enforce some league settings, such as disallowing runtime team change
// assign a team ID to player info; recheck if any user-set team infos are valid within the current team options
// creates a new team for melee; assigns the least-used team for teamwork melee
// host/single-call only; using SafeRandom!
bool RecheckPlayerInfoTeams(C4PlayerInfo &rNewJoin, bool fByHost);
// compiler
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
bool Load(C4Group &hGroup, class C4Scenario *pInitDefault, class C4LangStringTable *pLang); // clear self and load from group file (C4CFN_Teams); init default by scen if no team fiel is present
bool Save(C4Group &hGroup); // save to group file (C4CFN_Teams)
// this rechecks teams for all (not removed) players; sets players here by team selection in player infos
void RecheckPlayers();
// this reorders any unjoined players to teams if they are unevenly filled and team distribution is random
// any changed players will be flagged "updated"
void RecheckTeams();
// marks all unjoined players as not-in-team and reassigns a team for them
// also automatically flags all affected player infos as updated
void ReassignAllTeams();
// team distribution configuration
StdStrBuf GetTeamDistName(TeamDist eTeamDist) const;
void FillTeamDistOptions(C4GUI::ComboBox_FillCB *pFiller) const;
void SendSetTeamDist(TeamDist eNewDist);
TeamDist GetTeamDist() const { return eTeamDist; }
StdStrBuf GetTeamDistString() const;
bool HasTeamDistOptions() const;
void SetTeamDistribution(TeamDist eToVal);
void SendSetTeamColors(bool fEnabled);
void SetTeamColors(bool fEnabled);
#endif // INC_C4Teams