
356 lines
11 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, 2007 Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004, 2006-2007 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2005 Peter Wortmann
* Copyright (c) 2006 Günther Brammer
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nicolas Hake
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
/* Game configuration as stored in registry */
#ifndef INC_C4Config
#define INC_C4Config
#include "C4Constants.h"
#include "C4InputValidation.h"
#include <list>
const char *CfgAtTempPath(const char *szFilename);
class C4ConfigGeneral
enum { ConfigResetSafetyVal = 42 };
char Name[CFG_MaxString+1];
char Language[CFG_MaxString+1]; // entered by user in frontend options (may contain comma separated list or long language descriptions)
char LanguageEx[CFG_MaxString+1]; // full fallback list composed by frontend options (condensed comma separated list)
char Definitions[CFG_MaxString+1];
char Participants[CFG_MaxString+1];
int32_t AlwaysDebug; // if set: turns on debugmode whenever engine is started
char RXFontName[CFG_MaxString+1];
int32_t RXFontSize;
char ConfigUserPath[CFG_MaxString + 1];
StdStrBuf SaveGameFolder;
StdStrBuf SaveDemoFolder;
StdStrBuf ScreenshotFolder;
char MissionAccess[CFG_MaxString+1];
char UpdateEngine[CFG_MaxString+1];
char UpdateObjects[CFG_MaxString+1];
char UpdateMajor[CFG_MaxString+1];
int32_t FPS;
int32_t Record;
int32_t DefRec;
int32_t MMTimer; // use multimedia-timers
int32_t FairCrew; // don't use permanent crew physicals
int32_t FairCrewStrength, MaxFairCrewStrength; // strength of clonks in fair crew mode
int32_t MouseAScroll; // auto scroll strength
int32_t ScrollSmooth; // view movement smoothing
int32_t ConfigResetSafety; // safety value: If this value is screwed, the config got currupted and must be reset
// Determined at run-time
char ExePath[CFG_MaxString+1];
char TempPath[CFG_MaxString+1];
char UserDataPath[CFG_MaxString+1];
char SystemDataPath[CFG_MaxString+1];
char ScreenshotPath[CFG_MaxString+1];
char BetaCode[CFG_MaxString+1];
bool GamepadEnabled;
bool FirstStart;
bool UserPortraitsWritten; // set when default portraits have been copied to the UserPath (this is only done once)
// Additional paths to read data from (prioritized lower than UserDataPath/SystemDataPath)
typedef std::list<const char *> PathList;
PathList AdditionalDataPaths;
static int GetLanguageSequence(const char *strSource, char *strTarget);
void DefaultLanguage();
BOOL CreateSaveFolder(const char *strDirectory, const char *strLanguageTitle);
void AdoptOldSettings();
void DeterminePaths(BOOL forceWorkingDirectory);
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
void AddAdditionalDataPath(const char *szPath);
void ClearAdditionalDataPaths();
~C4ConfigGeneral() { ClearAdditionalDataPaths(); }
char PlayerPath[CFG_MaxString+1];
} Adopt;
class C4ConfigDeveloper
int32_t AutoFileReload;
#ifdef _WIN32
int32_t AutoEditScan;
int32_t AllErrorsFatal;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4ConfigGraphics
int32_t SplitscreenDividers;
int32_t ShowPlayerInfoAlways;
int32_t ShowCommands;
int32_t ShowCommandKeys;
int32_t ShowPortraits;
int32_t AddNewCrewPortraits;
int32_t SaveDefaultPortraits;
int32_t ShowStartupMessages;
int32_t VerboseObjectLoading;
int32_t ColorAnimation;
int32_t HighResLandscape;
int32_t SmokeLevel;
int32_t VideoModule;
int32_t MenuTransparency;
int32_t UpperBoard;
int32_t ShowClock;
int32_t ResX,ResY;
int32_t GuiResX,GuiResY;
int32_t ShowAllResolutions;
int32_t ShowCrewNames; // show player name above clonks?
int32_t ShowCrewCNames; // show clonk names above clonks?
int32_t BitDepth; // used bit depth for newgfx
int32_t NewGfxCfg; // some configuration settings for newgfx
int32_t NewGfxCfgGL; // some configuration settings for newgfx (OpenGL)
int32_t MsgBoard;
int32_t MsgBrdFadeDelay;
int32_t PXSGfx; // show PXS-graphics (instead of sole pixels)
int32_t Engine; // 0: D3D; 1: OpenGL;
int32_t BlitOff; // blit offset (percent)
int32_t BlitOffGL; // blit offset (percent) (OpenGL)
int32_t Gamma1, Gamma2, Gamma3; // gamma ramps
int32_t Currency; // default wealth symbolseb
int32_t RenderInactiveEM; // draw vieports even if inactive in CPEM
int32_t DisableGamma;
int32_t Monitor; // monitor index to play on
int32_t FireParticles; // draw extended fire particles if enabled (default on)
int32_t MaxRefreshDelay; // minimum time after which graphics should be refreshed (ms)
int32_t EnableShaders; // enable pixel shaders on engines that support them
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
void ApplyResolutionConstraints();
class C4ConfigSound
int32_t RXSound;
int32_t RXMusic;
int32_t FEMusic;
int32_t FESamples;
int32_t FMMode;
int32_t Verbose; // show music files names
int32_t MusicVolume;
int32_t SoundVolume;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4ConfigNetwork
int32_t ControlRate;
int32_t ControlPreSend;
int32_t Lobby;
int32_t NoRuntimeJoin;
int32_t NoReferenceRequest;
int32_t MaxResSearchRecursion;
char WorkPath[CFG_MaxString+1];
ValidatedStdCopyStrBuf<C4InVal::VAL_Comment> Comment;
int32_t MasterServerSignUp;
int32_t MasterServerActive;
int32_t MasterKeepPeriod;
int32_t MasterReferencePeriod;
int32_t LeagueServerSignUp;
int32_t UseAlternateServer;
int32_t SendPortraits;
int32_t PortTCP,PortUDP,PortDiscovery,PortRefServer;
int32_t ControlMode;
ValidatedStdCopyStrBuf<C4InVal::VAL_NameNoEmpty> LocalName;
ValidatedStdCopyStrBuf<C4InVal::VAL_NameAllowEmpty> Nick;
int32_t MaxLoadFileSize;
char LastPassword[CFG_MaxString+1];
char AlternateServerAddress[CFG_MaxString+1];
char UpdateServerAddress[CFG_MaxString+1];
char PuncherAddress[CFG_MaxString+1];
int32_t AutomaticUpdate;
int32_t LastUpdateTime;
int32_t AsyncMaxWait;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
const char *GetLeagueServerAddress();
void CheckPortsForCollisions();
class C4ConfigStartup
// config for do-not-show-this-msg-again-messages
int32_t HideMsgGfxEngineChange;
int32_t HideMsgGfxBitDepthChange;
int32_t HideMsgMMTimerChange;
int32_t HideMsgStartDedicated;
int32_t HideMsgPlrTakeOver;
int32_t HideMsgPlrNoTakeOver;
int32_t HideMsgNoOfficialLeague;
int32_t HideMsgIRCDangerous;
int32_t NoSplash;
int32_t AlphabeticalSorting; // if set, Folder.txt-sorting is ignored in scenario selection
int32_t LastPortraitFolderIdx;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4ConfigLobby
int32_t CountdownTime;
int32_t AllowPlayerSave; // whether save-to-disk function is enabled for player ressources
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4ConfigIRC
char Server[CFG_MaxString+1];
char Nick[CFG_MaxString+1];
char RealName[CFG_MaxString+1];
char Channel[CFG_MaxString+1];
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
int32_t AllowAllChannels;
class C4ConfigExplorer
int32_t Mode;
int32_t Run;
char Definitions[CFG_MaxString+1];
char Engines[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorBitmap[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorPNG[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorMusic[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorRichText[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorScript[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorText[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorSound[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorZip[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorDefinition[CFG_MaxString+1];
char EditorHtml[CFG_MaxString+1];
char CommandLine[CFG_MaxString+1];
int32_t EditorUseShell;
int32_t Kindersicherung;
int32_t DontShowLanguageDisclaimer;
int32_t IDListSortColumn;
int32_t IDListViewMode;
int32_t LicenseAccepted;
char Reload[CFG_MaxString+1];
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
const int C4ConfigMaxGamepads = 4;
class C4ConfigGamepad
int32_t Button[C4MaxKey];
uint32_t AxisMin[6], AxisMax[6];
bool AxisCalibrated[6];
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp, bool fButtonsOnly=false);
void ResetButtons(); // reset all buttons to default
void Reset(); // reset all buttons and axis calibration to default
class C4ConfigControls
int32_t GamepadGuiControl;
int32_t MouseAScroll; // auto scroll strength
int32_t Keyboard[C4MaxKeyboardSet][C4MaxKey];
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp, bool fKeysOnly=false);
void ResetKeys(); // reset all keys to default
class C4ConfigSecurity
char KeyPath[CFG_MaxString + 1]; // absolute path; environment variables are stored and only expanded upon evaluation
int32_t WasRegistered;
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4Config: protected CStdConfig
C4ConfigGeneral General;
C4ConfigDeveloper Developer;
C4ConfigGraphics Graphics;
C4ConfigSound Sound;
C4ConfigNetwork Network;
C4ConfigLobby Lobby;
C4ConfigIRC IRC;
C4ConfigExplorer Explorer;
C4ConfigGamepad Gamepads[C4ConfigMaxGamepads];
C4ConfigControls Controls;
C4ConfigStartup Startup;
C4ConfigSecurity Security;
bool fConfigLoaded; // true if config has been successfully loaded
StdStrBuf ConfigFilename; // set for configs loaded from a nondefault config file
const char* GetSubkeyPath(const char *strSubkey);
void Default();
BOOL Save();
BOOL Load(BOOL forceWorkingDirectory = TRUE, const char *szConfigFile = NULL);
BOOL Init();
BOOL Registered();
const char *AtExePath(const char *szFilename);
const char *AtTempPath(const char *szFilename);
const char *AtNetworkPath(const char *szFilename);
const char *AtScreenshotPath(const char *szFilename);
const char *AtUserDataPath(const char *szFilename);
const char *AtUserDataRelativePath(const char *szFilename);
const char *AtSystemDataPath(const char *szFilename);
const char *AtSystemDataRelativePath(const char *szFilename);
const char *AtRelativePath(const char *szFilename); // Returns ASDRP or AUDRP depending on location
const char *AtDataReadPath(const char *szFilename, bool fPreferWorkdir = false);
const char *GetRegistrationData(const char* strField) { return ""; }
void ForceRelativePath(StdStrBuf *sFilename); // try AtRelativePath; force GetC4Filename if not possible
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
bool IsCorrupted() { return (General.ConfigResetSafety != C4ConfigGeneral::ConfigResetSafetyVal) || !Graphics.ResX; }
bool RemoveModule(const char *szPath, char *szModules);
bool IsModule(const char *szPath, char *szModules);
bool AddModule(const char *szPath, char *szModules);
static void ExpandEnvironmentVariables(char *strPath, int iMaxLen);
const char *AtDataReadPathCore(const char *szFilename, bool fPreferWorkdir = false);
#include <C4ConfigShareware.h>
extern C4Config *pConfig; // Some cheap temporary hack to get to config in Engine + Frontend...
// This is so good - we can use it everywear!!!!
#endif // INC_C4Config