
335 lines
13 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, 2007-2008 Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2002, 2004-2005, 2008 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 Peter Wortmann
* Copyright (c) 2005 Günther Brammer
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
/* Main class to run the game */
#ifndef INC_C4Game
#define INC_C4Game
#include <C4GameParameters.h>
#include <C4PlayerInfo.h>
#include <C4RoundResults.h>
#include <C4Scenario.h>
#include <C4Control.h>
#include <C4PathFinder.h>
#include <C4Extra.h>
#include <C4Effects.h>
#include <C4Fonts.h>
#include "C4Scoreboard.h"
#include <C4VideoPlayback.h>
#include <C4ScriptHost.h>
class C4Game
// used as StdCompiler-parameter
struct CompileSettings
bool fScenarioSection;
bool fPlayers;
bool fExact;
CompileSettings(bool fScenarioSection, bool fPlayers, bool fExact)
: fScenarioSection(fScenarioSection), fPlayers(fPlayers), fExact(fExact) { }
// struct of keyboard set and indexed control key
struct C4KeySetCtrl
int32_t iKeySet, iCtrl;
C4KeySetCtrl(int32_t iKeySet, int32_t iCtrl) : iKeySet(iKeySet), iCtrl(iCtrl) {}
C4ClientList &Clients; // Shortcut
C4GameParameters Parameters;
C4TeamList &Teams; // Shortcut
C4PlayerInfoList &PlayerInfos; // Shortcut
C4PlayerInfoList &RestorePlayerInfos; // Shortcut
C4RoundResults RoundResults;
C4Scenario C4S;
C4ComponentHost Info;
C4ComponentHost Title;
C4ComponentHost Names;
C4ComponentHost GameText;
C4GameScriptHost Script;
C4LangStringTable MainSysLangStringTable, ScenarioLangStringTable, ScenarioSysLangStringTable;
StdStrBuf PlayerNames;
C4Control &Input; // shortcut
C4PathFinder PathFinder;
C4TransferZones TransferZones;
C4Group ScenarioFile;
C4GroupSet GroupSet;
C4Group *pParentGroup;
C4Extra Extra;
C4ScenarioSection *pScenarioSections, *pCurrentScenarioSection;
C4Effect *pGlobalEffects;
// We don't need fonts when we don't have graphics
C4FontLoader FontLoader;
C4Scoreboard Scoreboard;
C4VideoPlayer VideoPlayer;
class C4Network2Stats *pNetworkStatistics; // may be NULL if no statistics are recorded
class C4KeyboardInput &KeyboardInput;
class C4FileMonitor *pFileMonitor;
class C4GameSec1Timer *pSec1Timer;
char CurrentScenarioSection[C4MaxName+1];
char ScenarioFilename[_MAX_PATH+1];
StdCopyStrBuf ScenarioTitle;
char PlayerFilenames[20*_MAX_PATH+1];
char DefinitionFilenames[20*_MAX_PATH+1];
char DirectJoinAddress[_MAX_PATH+1];
class C4Network2Reference *pJoinReference;
int32_t StartupPlayerCount;
int32_t FPS,cFPS;
int32_t HaltCount;
bool GameOver;
bool Evaluated;
bool GameOverDlgShown;
bool fScriptCreatedObjects;
bool fLobby;
int32_t iLobbyTimeout;
bool fObserve;
bool fReferenceDefinitionOverride;
bool NetworkActive;
bool Record;
bool RegJoinOnly; // default false; set to true only by command line parameter or in console builds
StdStrBuf RecordDumpFile;
StdStrBuf RecordStream;
bool TempScenarioFile;
bool fPreinited; // set after PreInit has been called; unset by Clear and Default
int32_t FrameCounter;
int32_t iTick2,iTick3,iTick5,iTick10,iTick35,iTick255,iTick1000;
bool TimeGo;
int32_t Time;
int32_t StartTime;
int32_t InitProgress; int32_t LastInitProgress; int32_t LastInitProgressShowTime;
int32_t RandomSeed;
int32_t ObjectEnumerationIndex;
int32_t Rules;
bool GameGo;
bool FullSpeed;
int32_t FrameSkip; bool DoSkipFrame;
uint32_t FoWColor; // FoW-color; may contain transparency
bool fResortAnyObject; // if set, object list will be checked for unsorted objects next frame
bool IsRunning; // (NoSave) if set, the game is running; if not, just the startup message board is painted
bool PointersDenumerated; // (NoSave) set after object pointers have been denumerated
size_t StartupLogPos, QuitLogPos; // current log positions when game was last started and cleared
bool fQuitWithError; // if set, game shut down irregularly
int32_t iMusicLevel; // scenario-defined music level
// current play list
StdCopyStrBuf PlayList;
bool DebugMode;
// next mission to be played after this one
StdCopyStrBuf NextMission, NextMissionText, NextMissionDesc;
// Init and execution
void Default();
void Clear();
void Abort(bool fApproved = false); // hard-quit on Esc+Y (/J/O)
void Evaluate();
void ShowGameOverDlg();
bool DoKeyboardInput(C4KeyCode vk_code, C4KeyEventType eEventType, bool fAlt, bool fCtrl, bool fShift, bool fRepeated, class C4GUI::Dialog *pForDialog=NULL, bool fPlrCtrlOnly=false);
void DrawCursors(C4TargetFacet &cgo, int32_t iPlayer);
bool LocalControlKey(C4KeyCodeEx key, C4KeySetCtrl Ctrl);
bool LocalControlKeyUp(C4KeyCodeEx key, C4KeySetCtrl Ctrl);
void LocalPlayerControl(int32_t iPlayer, int32_t iCom);
void FixRandom(int32_t iSeed);
bool Init();
bool PreInit();
void ParseCommandLine(const char *szCmdLine);
BOOL Execute();
class C4Player *JoinPlayer(const char *szFilename, int32_t iAtClient, const char *szAtClientName, C4PlayerInfo *pInfo);
BOOL DoGameOver();
bool CanQuickSave();
BOOL QuickSave(const char *strFilename, const char *strTitle, bool fForceSave=false);
void SetInitProgress(float fToProgress);
void OnResolutionChanged(unsigned int iXRes, unsigned int iYRes); // update anything that's dependant on screen resolution
void InitFullscreenComponents(bool fRunning);
bool ToggleChat();
// Pause
bool TogglePause();
bool Pause();
bool Unpause();
bool IsPaused();
// Network
void Synchronize(BOOL fSavePlayerFiles);
void SyncClearance();
BOOL ReSync();
void SyncCheckFiles(); // check if files are in sync
// Editing
BOOL DropFile(const char *szFilename, float iX, float iY);
BOOL CreateViewport(int32_t iPlayer, bool fSilent=false);
BOOL DropDef(C4ID id, float iX, float iY);
BOOL LoadDef(const char *szFilename);
BOOL ReloadFile(const char *szPath);
BOOL ReloadDef(C4ID id);
BOOL ReloadParticle(const char *szName);
// Object functions
void ClearPointers(C4PropList *cobj);
C4Object *CreateObject(C4PropList * type, C4Object *pCreator, int32_t owner=NO_OWNER,
int32_t x=50, int32_t y=50, int32_t r=0,
FIXED xdir=Fix0, FIXED ydir=Fix0, FIXED rdir=Fix0, int32_t iController=NO_OWNER);
C4Object *CreateObject(C4ID type, C4Object *pCreator, int32_t owner=NO_OWNER,
int32_t x=50, int32_t y=50, int32_t r=0,
FIXED xdir=Fix0, FIXED ydir=Fix0, FIXED rdir=Fix0, int32_t iController=NO_OWNER);
C4Object *CreateObjectConstruction(C4PropList * type,
C4Object *pCreator,
int32_t owner,
int32_t ctx=0, int32_t bty=0,
int32_t con=1, BOOL terrain=FALSE);
C4Object *CreateInfoObject(C4ObjectInfo *cinf, int32_t owner,
int32_t tx=50, int32_t ty=50);
void BlastObjects(int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t level, C4Object *inobj, int32_t iCausedBy, C4Object *pByObj);
void ShakeObjects(int32_t tx, int32_t ry, int32_t range);
C4Object *OverlapObject(int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t wdt, int32_t hgt,
int32_t category);
C4Object *FindObject(C4ID id,
int32_t iX=0, int32_t iY=0, int32_t iWdt=0, int32_t iHgt=0,
DWORD ocf=OCF_All,
const char *szAction=NULL, C4Object *pActionTarget=NULL,
C4Object *pExclude=NULL,
C4Object *pContainer=NULL,
int32_t iOwner=ANY_OWNER,
C4Object *pFindNext=NULL);
C4Object *FindVisObject( // find object in view at pos, regarding parallaxity and visibility (but not distance)
float tx, float ty, int32_t iPlr, const C4Facet &fctViewport,
float iX=0, float iY=0, float iWdt=0, float iHgt=0,
DWORD ocf=OCF_All,
C4Object *pExclude=NULL,
int32_t iOwner=ANY_OWNER,
C4Object *pFindNext=NULL);
int32_t ObjectCount(C4ID id,
int32_t x=0, int32_t y=0, int32_t wdt=0, int32_t hgt=0,
DWORD ocf=OCF_All,
const char *szAction=NULL, C4Object *pActionTarget=NULL,
C4Object *pExclude=NULL,
C4Object *pContainer=NULL,
int32_t iOwner=ANY_OWNER);
C4Object *FindBase(int32_t iPlayer, int32_t iIndex);
C4Object *FindFriendlyBase(int32_t iPlayer, int32_t iIndex);
C4Object *FindObjectByCommand(int32_t iCommand, C4Object *pTarget=NULL, C4Value iTx=C4VNull, int32_t iTy=0, C4Object *pTarget2=NULL, C4Object *pFindNext=NULL);
void CastObjects(C4ID id, C4Object *pCreator, int32_t num, int32_t level, int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t iOwner=NO_OWNER, int32_t iController=NO_OWNER);
void BlastCastObjects(C4ID id, C4Object *pCreator, int32_t num, int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t iController=NO_OWNER);
C4Object *PlaceVegetation(C4ID id, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, int32_t iWdt, int32_t iHgt, int32_t iGrowth);
C4Object *PlaceAnimal(C4ID idAnimal);
BOOL LoadScenarioSection(const char *szSection, DWORD dwFlags);
BOOL SaveDesc(C4Group &hGroup, BOOL fSaveGame=FALSE, BOOL fReference=FALSE, BOOL fLobby=FALSE, BOOL fUnregistered=FALSE, BOOL fRecord=FALSE);
bool DrawTextSpecImage(C4FacetSurface &fctTarget, const char *szSpec, uint32_t dwClr=0xff);
bool SpeedUp();
bool SlowDown();
bool InitKeyboard(); // register main keyboard input functions
bool InitSystem();
void InitInEarth();
void InitVegetation();
void InitAnimals();
void InitGoals();
void InitRules();
void InitValueOverloads();
void InitEnvironment();
void UpdateRules();
void CloseScenario();
void DeleteObjects(bool fDeleteInactive);
void ExecObjects();
void Ticks();
const char *FoldersWithLocalsDefs(const char *szPath);
BOOL CheckObjectEnumeration();
BOOL LocalFileMatch(const char *szFilename, int32_t iCreation);
BOOL DefinitionFilenamesFromSaveGame();
bool LoadScenarioComponents();
bool LoadScenarioScripts();
BOOL SaveGameTitle(C4Group &hGroup);
BOOL InitGame(C4Group &hGroup, bool fLoadSection, bool fLoadSky);
BOOL InitGameFinal();
BOOL InitNetworkFromAddress(const char *szAddress);
BOOL InitNetworkFromReference(const C4Network2Reference &Reference);
BOOL InitNetworkHost();
BOOL DoLobby();
BOOL PreInitControl();
BOOL InitControl();
BOOL InitScriptEngine();
BOOL LinkScriptEngine();
BOOL InitPlayers();
BOOL InitRecord();
BOOL OpenScenario();
BOOL InitDefs();
BOOL InitMaterialTexture();
BOOL GameOverCheck();
BOOL PlaceInEarth(C4ID id);
BOOL Compile(const char *szSource);
BOOL Decompile(StdStrBuf &rBuf, bool fSaveSection, bool fSaveExact);
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp, CompileSettings comp);
BOOL SaveData(C4Group &hGroup, bool fSaveSection, bool fInitial, bool fSaveExact);
BOOL CompileRuntimeData(C4ComponentHost &rGameData);
BOOL StoreParticipantPlayers();
BOOL RecreatePlayerFiles();
// Object function internals
C4Object *NewObject( C4PropList *ndef, C4Object *pCreator,
int32_t owner, C4ObjectInfo *info,
int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t tr,
FIXED xdir, FIXED ydir, FIXED rdir,
int32_t con, int32_t iController);
void ClearObjectPtrs(C4Object *tptr);
void ObjectRemovalCheck();
bool ToggleDebugMode(); // dbg modeon/off if allowed
bool ActivateMenu(const char *szCommand); // exec given menu command for first local player
bool ToggleChart(); // chart dlg on/off
void SetMusicLevel(int32_t iToLvl); // change game music volume; multiplied by config volume for real volume
const int32_t C4RULE_StructuresNeedEnergy = 1,
C4RULE_ConstructionNeedsMaterial = 2,
C4RULE_FlagRemoveable = 4,
C4RULE_StructuresSnowIn = 8;
extern C4Game Game;
// a global wrapper
inline StdStrBuf GetKeyboardInputName(const char *szKeyName, bool fShort = false, int32_t iIndex = 0)
return Game.KeyboardInput.GetKeyCodeNameByKeyName(szKeyName, fShort, iIndex);