
253 lines
7.3 KiB

Entry for the "Let's Rock" settlement scenario design competetion.
Players are challenged to build up a settlement inside an active volcano.
The goal is to expand your reign by building flags to cover the landscape.
Also you need to gather some gold to show your skills of entering a volcano.
@author Maikel
static volcano_location;
static plr_init;
func Initialize()
// Create expansion and wealth goal.
var goal = CreateObject(Goal_Wealth);
goal = CreateObject(Goal_Expansion);
// Find start location and place lorry plus extras there.
var lorry = CreateObject(Lorry);
lorry->SetPosition(volcano_location[0], volcano_location[1]);
lorry->CreateContents(Loam, 5);
lorry->CreateContents(Bread, 5);
lorry->CreateContents(Wood, 8);
lorry->CreateContents(Rock, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(Metal, 4);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
lorry->CreateContents(Barrel)->PutLiquid("Water", 300);
// Adjust the mood, orange sky, darker feeling in general.
var dark = 40;
SetSkyAdjust(RGB(150, 42, 0));
SetGamma(RGB(0,0,0), RGB(128-dark,128-dark,128-dark), RGB(255-2*dark,255-2*dark,255-2*dark));
// Some dark clouds which rain few ashes.
Cloud->SetPrecipitation("Ashes", 10);
// Some natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanos, meteorites.
// Vegetation.
// Place some trees, rather with leaves.
var veg;
for (var i = 0; i < 20 + Random(4); i++)
PlaceVegetation(Tree_Coconut, 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight(), 1000 * (61 + Random(40)));
// Create an effect to make sure there will always grow some new trees.
AddEffect("EnsureTrees", nil, 100, 20, nil);
// Some dead tree trunks.
for (var i = 0; i < 16 + Random(4); i++)
veg = PlaceVegetation(Trunk, 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight(), 1000 * (61 + Random(20)));
if (veg)
veg->SetR(RandomX(-20, 20));
// Some mushrooms as source of food.
for (var i = 0; i < 30 + Random(5); i++)
PlaceVegetation(Mushroom, 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight());
// Some ferns, to be burned soon.
for (var i = 0; i < 25 + Random(5); i++)
PlaceVegetation(Fern, 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight());
// Ranks as a nice additional source of wood.
for (var i = 0; i < 16 + Random(4); i++)
veg = PlaceVegetation(Rank, 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight());
if (veg)
veg->SetR(RandomX(-20, 20));
// Initialize the effect for controlling the big volcano.
AddEffect("BigVolcano", nil, 100, 5, nil);
func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// Move all crew to start position.
var index = 0, crew;
while (crew = GetCrew(plr, index++))
crew->SetPosition(volcano_location[0] + RandomX(-5, 5), volcano_location[1]);
// Give only the first joined player some wealth.
if (!plr_init)
SetWealth(plr, 50);
plr_init = true;
// Give crew some equipment.
var index = 0;
while (crew = GetCrew(plr, index++))
if (index == 1)
if (index == 2)
// We really want FoW for this scenario...
SetPlayerViewLock(plr, true);
SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, 500, nil, PLRZOOM_Direct | PLRZOOM_LimitMax);
// Increase difficulty of goal with player count.
var plr_cnt = Min(6, GetPlayerCount());
var goal = FindObject(Find_ID(Goal_Wealth));
goal->SetWealthGoal(200 + 50 * plr_cnt);
goal = FindObject(Find_ID(Goal_Expansion));
goal->SetExpansionGoal(200 + 25 * plr_cnt);
// Returns a suitable location to start the conquest.
private func FindVolcanoLocation()
// Default to the middle of the map.
var wdt = LandscapeWidth();
var hgt = LandscapeHeight();
volcano_location = [wdt / 2, hgt / 2];
var x, y, cnt = 1000;
for (var i = cnt; i > 0; i--)
// Random x coordinate, biased to the middle of the map.
var var_wdt = wdt * (200 - 100 * i / cnt) / 400;
var x = wdt / 2 + RandomX(-var_wdt, var_wdt);
var y = 0;
// Find corresponding y coordinate.
while (!GBackSolid(x, y) && y < 9 * hgt / 10)
y += 2;
// Check if surface is relatively flat (check for flatter surfaces first).
var d = i / 40 + 1;
if (!GBackSolid(x+d, y-4) && !GBackSolid(x-d, y-4) && GBackSolid(x+d, y+4) && GBackSolid(x-d, y+4))
volcano_location = [x, y - 10];
// Ensures that there will always grow some trees.
global func FxEnsureTreesTimer()
// Place a tree if there are less than eight trees, with increasing likelihood for lower amounts of trees.
var nr_trees = ObjectCount(Find_Func("IsTree"));
if (Random(9) >= nr_trees)
if (!Random(20))
PlaceVegetation(Tree_Coconut, 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight(), 3);
return FX_OK;
/*-- Volcano Effect --*/
global func FxBigVolcanoStart(object target, proplist effect, int temporary)
if (temporary)
return FX_OK;
// Ensure right effect interval.
effect.Interval = 5;
return FX_OK;
global func FxBigVolcanoTimer(object target, proplist effect)
// Insert some lava in the big body of lava in the core of the volcano.
// Find a surface on which we can release some lava pixels and bubbles.
for (var x = Random(250); x < LandscapeWidth(); x += RandomX(200, 300))
// Find first tunnel from the bottom.
var y = LandscapeHeight();
while (GBackSemiSolid(x, y) && y > 0)
y -= 2;
// Check if there is liquid below the tunnel.
if (GBackLiquid(x, y + 4))
InsertMaterial(Material("DuroLava"), x, y + 4);
// At more rare occasions there will be a bigger eruption with chunks.
if (!Random(400))
// Find a location to erupt.
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
// Find lava suface for a random x position.
var x = Random(LandscapeWidth());
var y = LandscapeHeight();
while (GBackSemiSolid(x, y) && y > 0)
y -= 2;
// Check if there is enough room for an eruption.
if (GBackLiquid(x - 5, y + 8) && GBackLiquid(x + 5, y + 8) && !GBackSemiSolid(x - 5, y - 8) && !GBackSemiSolid(x + 5, y - 8))
// Launch a big eruption from this location.
AddEffect("BigEruption", nil, 100, 1, nil, nil, x, y - 2);
return FX_OK;
global func FxBigEruptionStart(object target, proplist effect, int temporary, int x, int y)
if (temporary)
return FX_OK;
// Ensure right effect interval.
effect.Interval = 1;
// Take over launch coordinates.
effect.X = x;
effect.Y = y;
// Duration of 2-5 seconds.
effect.Duration = 72 + Random(108);
return FX_OK;
global func FxBigEruptionTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
// Eruption lasts for some time.
if (time > effect.Duration)
return FX_Execute_Kill;
// Cast some lava pixels at surface.
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
var x = effect.X + RandomX(-5, 5);
var y = effect.Y + 5;
while (GBackLiquid(x, y))
CastPXS("DuroLava", 2, 60, x, y - 2, 0, 40);
// Throw around some lava chunks.
if (!Random(18))
var angw = 40, lev = 60;
var obj = CreateObject(LavaChunk, effect.X + RandomX(-5, 5), effect.Y, NO_OWNER);
var ang = - 90 + RandomX(-angw / 2, angw / 2);
var xdir = Cos(ang, lev) + RandomX(-3, 3);
obj->SetYDir(Sin(ang, lev) + RandomX(-3, 3));
obj->SetRDir(-10 + Random(21));
// Some lava glow and smoke through particles.
return FX_OK;