
1055 lines
24 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4FindObject.h>
#include <C4DefList.h>
#include <C4Object.h>
#include <C4Game.h>
#include <C4Random.h>
#include <C4PlayerList.h>
#include <C4GameObjects.h>
// *** C4FindObject
delete pSort;
C4FindObject *C4FindObject::CreateByValue(const C4Value &DataVal, C4SortObject **ppSortObj, const C4Object *context, bool *has_layer_check)
// Must be an array
C4ValueArray *pArray = C4Value(DataVal).getArray();
if (!pArray) return NULL;
const C4ValueArray &Data = *pArray;
int32_t iType = Data[0].getInt();
if (Inside<int32_t>(iType, C4SO_First, C4SO_Last))
// this is not a FindObject but a sort condition!
// sort condition not desired here?
if (!ppSortObj) return NULL;
// otherwise, create it!
*ppSortObj = C4SortObject::CreateByValue(iType, Data, context);
// done
return NULL;
switch (iType)
case C4FO_Not:
// Create child condition
C4FindObject *pCond = C4FindObject::CreateByValue(Data[1], nullptr, context, has_layer_check);
if (!pCond) return NULL;
// wrap
return new C4FindObjectNot(pCond);
case C4FO_And: case C4FO_Or:
// Trivial case (one condition)
if (Data.GetSize() == 2)
return C4FindObject::CreateByValue(Data[1], nullptr, context, has_layer_check);
// Create all childs
int32_t i;
C4FindObject **ppConds = new C4FindObject *[Data.GetSize() - 1];
for (i = 0; i < Data.GetSize() - 1; i++)
ppConds[i] = C4FindObject::CreateByValue(Data[i + 1], nullptr, context, has_layer_check);
// Count real entries, move them to start of list
int32_t iSize = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Data.GetSize() - 1; i++)
if (ppConds[i])
if (iSize++ != i)
ppConds[iSize-1] = ppConds[i];
// Create
if (iType == C4FO_And)
return new C4FindObjectAnd(iSize, ppConds);
return new C4FindObjectOr(iSize, ppConds);
case C4FO_Exclude:
return new C4FindObjectExclude(Data[1].getObj());
case C4FO_ID:
return new C4FindObjectDef(Data[1].getPropList());
// #973: For all criteria using coordinates: If FindObject et al. are called in object context, offset by object center
case C4FO_InRect:
int32_t x = Data[1].getInt();
int32_t y = Data[2].getInt();
int32_t w = Data[3].getInt();
int32_t h = Data[4].getInt();
if (context)
x += context->GetX();
y += context->GetY();
return new C4FindObjectInRect(C4Rect(x, y, w, h));
case C4FO_AtPoint:
int32_t x = Data[1].getInt();
int32_t y = Data[2].getInt();
if (context)
x += context->GetX();
y += context->GetY();
return new C4FindObjectAtPoint(x, y);
case C4FO_AtRect:
int32_t x = Data[1].getInt();
int32_t y = Data[2].getInt();
int32_t w = Data[3].getInt();
int32_t h = Data[4].getInt();
if (context)
x += context->GetX();
y += context->GetY();
return new C4FindObjectAtRect(x, y, w, h);
case C4FO_OnLine:
int32_t x1 = Data[1].getInt();
int32_t y1 = Data[2].getInt();
int32_t x2 = Data[3].getInt();
int32_t y2 = Data[4].getInt();
if (context)
x1 += context->GetX();
x2 += context->GetX();
y1 += context->GetY();
y2 += context->GetY();
return new C4FindObjectOnLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
case C4FO_Distance:
int32_t x = Data[1].getInt();
int32_t y = Data[2].getInt();
if (context)
x += context->GetX();
y += context->GetY();
return new C4FindObjectDistance(x, y, Data[3].getInt());
case C4FO_OCF:
return new C4FindObjectOCF(Data[1].getInt());
case C4FO_Category:
return new C4FindObjectCategory(Data[1].getInt());
case C4FO_Action:
C4String *pStr = Data[1].getStr();
if (!pStr) return NULL;
// Don't copy, it should be safe
return new C4FindObjectAction(pStr->GetCStr());
case C4FO_Func:
// Get function name
C4String *pStr = Data[1].getStr();
if (!pStr) return NULL;
// Construct
C4FindObjectFunc *pFO = new C4FindObjectFunc(pStr);
// Add parameters
for (int i = 2; i < Data.GetSize(); i++)
pFO->SetPar(i - 2, Data[i]);
// Done
return pFO;
case C4FO_ActionTarget:
int index = 0;
if (Data.GetSize() >= 3)
index = Clamp(Data[2].getInt(), 0, 1);
return new C4FindObjectActionTarget(Data[1].getObj(), index);
case C4FO_Procedure:
return new C4FindObjectProcedure(Data[1].getStr());
case C4FO_Container:
return new C4FindObjectContainer(Data[1].getObj());
case C4FO_AnyContainer:
return new C4FindObjectAnyContainer();
case C4FO_Owner:
return new C4FindObjectOwner(Data[1].getInt());
case C4FO_Controller:
return new C4FindObjectController(Data[1].getInt());
case C4FO_Layer:
// explicit layer check given. do not add implicit layer check
if (has_layer_check) *has_layer_check = true;
return new C4FindObjectLayer(Data[1].getObj());
case C4FO_InArray:
return new C4FindObjectInArray(Data[1].getArray());
case C4FO_Property:
// Get property name
C4String *pStr = Data[1].getStr();
if (!pStr) return NULL;
// Construct
C4FindObjectProperty *pFO = new C4FindObjectProperty(pStr);
// Done
return pFO;
case C4FO_AnyLayer:
// do not add implicit layer check
if (has_layer_check) *has_layer_check = true;
return NULL;
return NULL;
int32_t C4FindObject::Count(const C4ObjectList &Objs)
// Trivial cases
if (IsImpossible())
return 0;
if (IsEnsured())
return Objs.ObjectCount();
// Count
int32_t iCount = 0;
for (C4Object *obj : Objs)
if (obj->Status && Check(obj))
return iCount;
C4Object *C4FindObject::Find(const C4ObjectList &Objs)
// Trivial case
if (IsImpossible())
return NULL;
// Search
// Double-check object status, as object might be deleted after Check()!
C4Object *pBestResult = NULL;
for (C4Object *obj : Objs)
if (obj->Status)
if (Check(obj))
if (obj->Status)
// no sorting: Use first object found
if (!pSort) return obj;
// Sorting: Check if found object is better
if (!pBestResult || pSort->Compare(obj, pBestResult) > 0)
if (obj->Status)
pBestResult = obj;
return pBestResult;
// return is to be freed by the caller
C4ValueArray *C4FindObject::FindMany(const C4ObjectList &Objs)
// Trivial case
if (IsImpossible())
return new C4ValueArray();
// Set up array
C4ValueArray *pArray = new C4ValueArray(32);
int32_t iSize = 0;
// Search
for (C4Object *obj : Objs)
if (obj->Status)
if (Check(obj))
// Grow the array, if neccessary
if (iSize >= pArray->GetSize())
pArray->SetSize(iSize * 2);
// Add object
(*pArray)[iSize++] = C4VObj(obj);
// Shrink array
// Recheck object status (may shrink array again)
// Apply sorting
if (pSort) pSort->SortObjects(pArray);
return pArray;
int32_t C4FindObject::Count(const C4ObjectList &Objs, const C4LSectors &Sct)
// Trivial cases
if (IsImpossible())
return 0;
if (IsEnsured())
return Objs.ObjectCount();
// Check bounds
C4Rect *pBounds = GetBounds();
if (!pBounds)
return Count(Objs);
else if (UseShapes())
// Get area
C4LArea Area(&::Objects.Sectors, *pBounds); C4LSector *pSct;
C4ObjectList *pLst = Area.FirstObjectShapes(&pSct);
// Check if a single-sector check is enough
if (!Area.Next(pSct))
return Count(pSct->ObjectShapes);
// Create marker, count over all areas
uint32_t iMarker = ::Objects.GetNextMarker();
int32_t iCount = 0;
for (; pLst; pLst=Area.NextObjectShapes(pLst, &pSct))
for (C4Object *obj : Objs)
if (obj->Status)
if (obj->Marker != iMarker)
obj->Marker = iMarker;
if (Check(obj))
return iCount;
// Count objects per area
C4LArea Area(&::Objects.Sectors, *pBounds); C4LSector *pSct;
int32_t iCount = 0;
for (C4ObjectList *pLst=Area.FirstObjects(&pSct); pLst; pLst=Area.NextObjects(pLst, &pSct))
iCount += Count(*pLst);
return iCount;
C4Object *C4FindObject::Find(const C4ObjectList &Objs, const C4LSectors &Sct)
// Trivial case
if (IsImpossible())
return NULL;
C4Object *pBestResult = NULL;
// Check bounds
C4Rect *pBounds = GetBounds();
if (!pBounds)
return Find(Objs);
// Traverse areas, return first matching object w/o sort or best with sort
else if (UseShapes())
C4LArea Area(&::Objects.Sectors, *pBounds); C4LSector *pSct;
C4Object *pObj;
for (C4ObjectList *pLst=Area.FirstObjectShapes(&pSct); pLst; pLst=Area.NextObjectShapes(pLst, &pSct))
if ((pObj = Find(*pLst)))
if (!pSort)
return pObj;
else if (!pBestResult || pSort->Compare(pObj, pBestResult) > 0)
if (pObj->Status)
pBestResult = pObj;
C4LArea Area(&::Objects.Sectors, *pBounds); C4LSector *pSct;
C4Object *pObj;
for (C4ObjectList *pLst=Area.FirstObjects(&pSct); pLst; pLst=Area.NextObjects(pLst, &pSct))
if ((pObj = Find(*pLst)))
if (!pSort)
return pObj;
else if (!pBestResult || pSort->Compare(pObj, pBestResult) > 0)
if (pObj->Status)
pBestResult = pObj;
return pBestResult;
// return is to be freed by the caller
C4ValueArray *C4FindObject::FindMany(const C4ObjectList &Objs, const C4LSectors &Sct)
// Trivial case
if (IsImpossible())
return new C4ValueArray();
C4Rect *pBounds = GetBounds();
if (!pBounds)
return FindMany(Objs);
// Prepare for array that may be generated
C4ValueArray *pArray; int32_t iSize;
// Check shape lists?
if (UseShapes())
// Get area
C4LArea Area(&::Objects.Sectors, *pBounds); C4LSector *pSct;
C4ObjectList *pLst = Area.FirstObjectShapes(&pSct);
// Check if a single-sector check is enough
if (!Area.Next(pSct))
return FindMany(pSct->ObjectShapes);
// Set up array
pArray = new C4ValueArray(32); iSize = 0;
// Create marker, search all areas
uint32_t iMarker = ::Objects.GetNextMarker();
for (; pLst; pLst=Area.NextObjectShapes(pLst, &pSct))
for (C4Object *obj : *pLst)
if (obj->Status)
if (obj->Marker != iMarker)
obj->Marker = iMarker;
if (Check(obj))
// Grow the array, if neccessary
if (iSize >= pArray->GetSize())
pArray->SetSize(iSize * 2);
// Add object
(*pArray)[iSize++] = C4VObj(obj);
// Set up array
pArray = new C4ValueArray(32); iSize = 0;
// Search
C4LArea Area(&::Objects.Sectors, *pBounds); C4LSector *pSct;
for (C4ObjectList *pLst=Area.FirstObjects(&pSct); pLst; pLst=Area.NextObjects(pLst, &pSct))
for (C4Object *obj : *pLst)
if (obj->Status)
if (Check(obj))
// Grow the array, if neccessary
if (iSize >= pArray->GetSize())
pArray->SetSize(iSize * 2);
// Add object
(*pArray)[iSize++] = C4VObj(obj);
// Shrink array
// Recheck object status (may shrink array again)
// Apply sorting
if (pSort) pSort->SortObjects(pArray);
return pArray;
void C4FindObject::CheckObjectStatus(C4ValueArray *pArray)
// Recheck object status
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pArray->GetSize(); i++)
if (!pArray->GetItem(i).getObj()->Status)
// This shouldn't happen really, so this is done as a separate loop.
int32_t j = i; i++;
for (; i < pArray->GetSize(); i++)
if (pArray->GetItem(i).getObj()->Status)
(*pArray)[j++] = pArray->GetItem(i);
// Set new size
void C4FindObject::SetSort(C4SortObject *pToSort)
delete pSort;
pSort = pToSort;
// *** C4FindObjectNot
delete pCond;
bool C4FindObjectNot::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return !pCond->Check(pObj);
// *** C4FindObjectAnd
C4FindObjectAnd::C4FindObjectAnd(int32_t inCnt, C4FindObject **ppConds, bool fFreeArray)
: iCnt(inCnt), ppConds(ppConds), fFreeArray(fFreeArray), fUseShapes(false), fHasBounds(false)
// Filter ensured entries
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < iCnt; )
if (ppConds[i]->IsEnsured())
delete ppConds[i];
for (int32_t j = i; j < iCnt; j++)
ppConds[j] = ppConds[j + 1];
// Intersect all child bounds
for (i = 0; i < iCnt; i++)
C4Rect *pChildBounds = ppConds[i]->GetBounds();
if (pChildBounds)
if (!fHasBounds)
fUseShapes = ppConds[i]->UseShapes();
Bounds = *pChildBounds;
fHasBounds = true;
// some objects might be in an rect and at a point not in that rect
// so do not intersect shapes bounds with rects bound
else if (fUseShapes == ppConds[i]->UseShapes())
// simply use a larger rect than strictly necessary,
// the objects will be filtered out later
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCnt; i++)
delete ppConds[i];
if (fFreeArray)
delete [] ppConds;
bool C4FindObjectAnd::Check(C4Object *pObj)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCnt; i++)
if (!ppConds[i]->Check(pObj))
return false;
return true;
bool C4FindObjectAnd::IsImpossible()
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCnt; i++)
if (ppConds[i]->IsImpossible())
return true;
return false;
// *** C4FindObjectOr
C4FindObjectOr::C4FindObjectOr(int32_t inCnt, C4FindObject **ppConds)
: iCnt(inCnt), ppConds(ppConds), fHasBounds(false)
// Filter impossible entries
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < iCnt; )
if (ppConds[i]->IsImpossible())
delete ppConds[i];
for (int32_t j = i; j < iCnt; j++)
ppConds[j] = ppConds[j + 1];
// Sum up all child bounds
for (i = 0; i < iCnt; i++)
C4Rect *pChildBounds = ppConds[i]->GetBounds();
if (!pChildBounds) { fHasBounds = false; break; }
// With objects that have a position outside their shape, mixing
// shape bounds with rect bounds results in no bounds
if (fHasBounds && fUseShapes != ppConds[i]->UseShapes())
{ fHasBounds = false; break; }
if (fHasBounds)
fUseShapes = ppConds[i]->UseShapes();
Bounds = *pChildBounds;
fHasBounds = true;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCnt; i++)
delete ppConds[i];
delete [] ppConds;
bool C4FindObjectOr::Check(C4Object *pObj)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCnt; i++)
if (ppConds[i]->Check(pObj))
return true;
return false;
bool C4FindObjectOr::IsEnsured()
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCnt; i++)
if (ppConds[i]->IsEnsured())
return true;
return false;
// *** C4FindObject* (primitive conditions)
bool C4FindObjectExclude::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return pObj != pExclude;
bool C4FindObjectDef::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return pObj->GetPrototype() == def;
bool C4FindObjectDef::IsImpossible()
return !def || !def->GetDef() || !def->GetDef()->Count;
bool C4FindObjectInRect::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return rect.Contains(pObj->GetX(), pObj->GetY());
bool C4FindObjectInRect::IsImpossible()
return !rect.Wdt || !rect.Hgt;
bool C4FindObjectAtPoint::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return pObj->Shape.Contains(bounds.x - pObj->GetX(), bounds.y - pObj->GetY());
bool C4FindObjectAtRect::Check(C4Object *pObj)
C4Rect rcShapeBounds = pObj->Shape;
rcShapeBounds.x += pObj->GetX(); rcShapeBounds.y += pObj->GetY();
return !!rcShapeBounds.Overlap(bounds);
bool C4FindObjectOnLine::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return pObj->Shape.IntersectsLine(x - pObj->GetX(), y - pObj->GetY(), x2 - pObj->GetX(), y2 - pObj->GetY());
bool C4FindObjectDistance::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return (pObj->GetX() - x) * (pObj->GetX() - x) + (pObj->GetY() - y) * (pObj->GetY() - y) <= r2;
bool C4FindObjectOCF::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return !! (pObj->OCF & ocf);
bool C4FindObjectOCF::IsImpossible()
return !ocf;
bool C4FindObjectCategory::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return !! (pObj->Category & iCategory);
bool C4FindObjectCategory::IsEnsured()
return !iCategory;
bool C4FindObjectAction::Check(C4Object *pObj)
if (!pObj->GetAction()) return false;
return SEqual(pObj->GetAction()->GetName(), szAction);
bool C4FindObjectActionTarget::Check(C4Object *pObj)
assert(index >= 0 && index <= 1);
if (!pObj->GetAction()) return false;
if (index == 0)
return pObj->Action.Target == pActionTarget;
else if (index == 1)
return pObj->Action.Target2 == pActionTarget;
return false;
bool C4FindObjectProcedure::Check(C4Object *pObj)
if (!pObj->GetAction()) return false;
C4Value v;
pObj->GetAction()->GetProperty(P_Procedure, &v);
return v != C4VNull && v.getStr() == procedure;
bool C4FindObjectProcedure::IsImpossible()
return false;
bool C4FindObjectContainer::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return pObj->Contained == pContainer;
bool C4FindObjectAnyContainer::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return !! pObj->Contained;
bool C4FindObjectOwner::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return pObj->Owner == iOwner;
bool C4FindObjectOwner::IsImpossible()
return iOwner != NO_OWNER && !ValidPlr(iOwner);
bool C4FindObjectController::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return pObj->Controller == controller;
bool C4FindObjectController::IsImpossible()
return controller != NO_OWNER && !ValidPlr(controller);
// *** C4FindObjectFunc
void C4FindObjectFunc::SetPar(int i, const C4Value &Par)
// Over limit?
if (i >= C4AUL_MAX_Par) return;
// Set parameter
Pars[i] = Par;
bool C4FindObjectFunc::Check(C4Object *pObj)
assert(Name); // checked in constructor
// Function not found?
return pObj->Call(Name, &Pars).getBool();
bool C4FindObjectFunc::IsImpossible()
return false;
// *** C4FindObjectLayer
bool C4FindObjectLayer::Check(C4Object *pObj)
return pObj->Layer == pLayer;
bool C4FindObjectLayer::IsImpossible()
return false;
// *** C4FindObjectInArray
bool C4FindObjectInArray::Check(C4Object *pObj)
// O(n) array look-up
if (!pArray) return false;
int32_t sz = pArray->GetSize();
for (int i=0; i<sz; ++i)
if (pArray->_GetItem(i).getObj() == pObj)
return true;
return false;
bool C4FindObjectInArray::IsImpossible()
return !pArray || !pArray->GetSize();
// *** C4FindObjectProperty
bool C4FindObjectProperty::Check(C4Object *pObj)
assert(Name); // checked in constructor
C4Value value;
return pObj->GetPropertyByS(Name, &value) && value.getBool();
bool C4FindObjectProperty::IsImpossible()
return false;
// *** C4SortObject
C4SortObject *C4SortObject::CreateByValue(const C4Value &DataVal, const C4Object *context)
// Must be an array
const C4ValueArray *pArray = C4Value(DataVal).getArray();
if (!pArray) return NULL;
const C4ValueArray &Data = *pArray;
int32_t iType = Data[0].getInt();
return CreateByValue(iType, Data, context);
C4SortObject *C4SortObject::CreateByValue(int32_t iType, const C4ValueArray &Data, const C4Object *context)
switch (iType)
case C4SO_Reverse:
// create child sort
C4SortObject *pChildSort = C4SortObject::CreateByValue(Data[1], context);
if (!pChildSort) return NULL;
// wrap
return new C4SortObjectReverse(pChildSort);
case C4SO_Multiple:
// Trivial case (one sort)
if (Data.GetSize() == 2)
return C4SortObject::CreateByValue(Data[1], context);
// Create all children
int32_t i;
C4SortObject **ppSorts = new C4SortObject *[Data.GetSize() - 1];
for (i = 0; i < Data.GetSize() - 1; i++)
ppSorts[i] = C4SortObject::CreateByValue(Data[i+1], context);
// Count real entries, move them to start of list
int32_t iSize = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Data.GetSize() - 1; i++)
if (ppSorts[i])
if (iSize++ != i)
ppSorts[iSize-1] = ppSorts[i];
// Create
return new C4SortObjectMultiple(iSize, ppSorts);
case C4SO_Distance:
int32_t x = Data[1].getInt();
int32_t y = Data[2].getInt();
if (context)
x += context->GetX();
y += context->GetY();
return new C4SortObjectDistance(x, y);
case C4SO_Random:
return new C4SortObjectRandom();
case C4SO_Speed:
return new C4SortObjectSpeed();
case C4SO_Mass:
return new C4SortObjectMass();
case C4SO_Value:
return new C4SortObjectValue();
case C4SO_Func:
// Get function name
C4String *pStr = Data[1].getStr();
if (!pStr) return NULL;
// Construct
C4SortObjectFunc *pSO = new C4SortObjectFunc(pStr);
// Add parameters
for (int i = 2; i < Data.GetSize(); i++)
pSO->SetPar(i - 2, Data[i]);
// Done
return pSO;
return NULL;
void C4SortObject::SortObjects(C4ValueArray *pArray)
// *** C4SortObjectByValue
: C4SortObject(), pVals(NULL), iSize(0)
delete [] pVals; pVals = NULL;
bool C4SortObjectByValue::PrepareCache(const C4ValueArray *pObjs)
// Clear old cache
delete [] pVals; pVals = NULL; iSize = 0;
// Create new cache
iSize = pObjs->GetSize(); pVals = new int32_t [iSize];
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
pVals[i] = CompareGetValue(pObjs->GetItem(i)._getObj());
// Okay
return true;
int32_t C4SortObjectByValue::Compare(C4Object *pObj1, C4Object *pObj2)
// this is rather slow, should only be called in special cases
// make sure to hardcode the call order, as it might lead to desyncs otherwise [Icewing]
int32_t iValue1 = CompareGetValue(pObj1);
int32_t iValue2 = CompareGetValue(pObj2);
return iValue2 - iValue1;
int32_t C4SortObjectByValue::CompareCache(int32_t iObj1, int32_t iObj2, C4Object *pObj1, C4Object *pObj2)
assert(pVals); assert(iObj1 >= 0 && iObj1 < iSize); assert(iObj2 >= 0 && iObj2 < iSize);
// Might overflow for large values...!
return pVals[iObj2] - pVals[iObj1];
delete pSort;
int32_t C4SortObjectReverse::Compare(C4Object *pObj1, C4Object *pObj2)
return pSort->Compare(pObj2, pObj1);
bool C4SortObjectReverse::PrepareCache(const C4ValueArray *pObjs)
return pSort->PrepareCache(pObjs);
int32_t C4SortObjectReverse::CompareCache(int32_t iObj1, int32_t iObj2, C4Object *pObj1, C4Object *pObj2)
return pSort->CompareCache(iObj2, iObj1, pObj2, pObj1);
for (int32_t i=0; i<iCnt; ++i) delete ppSorts[i];
if (fFreeArray) delete [] ppSorts;
int32_t C4SortObjectMultiple::Compare(C4Object *pObj1, C4Object *pObj2)
// return first comparison that's nonzero
int32_t iCmp;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iCnt; ++i)
if ((iCmp = ppSorts[i]->Compare(pObj1, pObj2)))
return iCmp;
// all comparisons equal
return 0;
bool C4SortObjectMultiple::PrepareCache(const C4ValueArray *pObjs)
bool fCaches = false;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iCnt; ++i)
fCaches |= ppSorts[i]->PrepareCache(pObjs);
// return wether a sort citerion uses a cache
return fCaches;
int32_t C4SortObjectMultiple::CompareCache(int32_t iObj1, int32_t iObj2, C4Object *pObj1, C4Object *pObj2)
// return first comparison that's nonzero
int32_t iCmp;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iCnt; ++i)
if ((iCmp = ppSorts[i]->CompareCache(iObj1, iObj2, pObj1, pObj2)))
return iCmp;
// all comparisons equal
return 0;
int32_t C4SortObjectDistance::CompareGetValue(C4Object *pFor)
int32_t dx=pFor->GetX()-iX, dy=pFor->GetY()-iY;
return dx*dx+dy*dy;
int32_t C4SortObjectRandom::CompareGetValue(C4Object *pFor)
return Random(1 << 16);
int32_t C4SortObjectSpeed::CompareGetValue(C4Object *pFor)
return pFor->xdir*pFor->xdir + pFor->ydir*pFor->ydir;
int32_t C4SortObjectMass::CompareGetValue(C4Object *pFor)
return pFor->Mass;
int32_t C4SortObjectValue::CompareGetValue(C4Object *pFor)
return pFor->GetValue(NULL, NO_OWNER);
void C4SortObjectFunc::SetPar(int i, const C4Value &Par)
// Over limit?
if (i >= C4AUL_MAX_Par) return;
// Set parameter
Pars[i] = Par;
int32_t C4SortObjectFunc::CompareGetValue(C4Object *pObj)
if (!Name) return false;
return pObj->Call(Name, &Pars).getInt();