
372 lines
9.1 KiB

Clonk Attachments
Unit tests for displaying wearables and tools on the Clonk,
related to bug #1974 - this is not in the issues folder, though,
because the test logic is a lot different - namely you cannot
do everything in one function call for most tests.
Invokes tests by calling the global function Test*_OnStart(int plr)
and iterate through all tests.
The test is completed once Test*_Completed() returns true.
Then Test*_OnFinished() is called, to be able to reset
the scenario for the next test.
With LaunchTest(int nr) a specific test can be launched when
called during runtime. A test can be skipped by calling the
function SkipTest().
@author Maikel (test logic), Marky (actual tests)
static const HLINE = "=====================================";
static script_plr, test;
protected func Initialize()
// Add the no power rule, this is about liquids.
// Create a script player for some tests.
script_plr = nil;
CreateScriptPlayer("Buddy", RGB(0, 0, 255), nil, CSPF_NoEliminationCheck);
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// Set zoom to full map size.
SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, LandscapeWidth(), nil, PLRZOOM_Direct);
// No FoW to see everything happening.
SetFoW(false, plr);
// All players belong to the first team.
// The second team only exists for testing.
SetPlayerTeam(plr, 1);
// Initialize script player.
if (GetPlayerType(plr) == C4PT_Script)
// Store the player number.
if (script_plr == nil)
script_plr = plr;
// No crew needed.
// Move player to the start of the scenario.
GetCrew(plr)->SetPosition(120, 150);
// Some knowledge to construct a flagpole.
SetPlrKnowledge(plr, Flagpole);
// Add test control effect.
test = CreateEffect(IntTestControl, 100, 2);
test.testnr = 1;
test.launched = false;
test.plr = plr;
protected func RemovePlayer(int plr)
// Remove script player.
if (GetPlayerType(plr) == C4PT_Script)
if (plr == script_plr)
script_plr = nil;
/*-- Test Control --*/
// Aborts the current test and launches the specified test instead.
global func LaunchTest(int nr)
// Get the control effect.
if (!test)
// Create a new control effect and launch the test.
test = CreateEffect(IntTestControl, 100, 2);
test.testnr = nr;
test.launched = false;
test.plr = GetPlayerByIndex(0, C4PT_User);
// Finish the currently running test.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", test.testnr));
// Start the requested test by just setting the test number and setting
// test.launched to false, effect will handle the rest.
test.testnr = nr;
test.launched = false;
// Calling this function skips the current test, does not work if last test has been ran already.
global func SkipTest()
if (!test)
// Finish the previous test.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", test.testnr));
// Start the next test by just increasing the test number and setting
// test.launched to false, effect will handle the rest.
test.launched = false;
/*-- Test Effect --*/
static const IntTestControl = new Effect
Timer = func ()
// Launch new test if needed.
if (!this.launched)
// Log test start.
Log("Test %d started:", this.testnr);
// Start the test if available, otherwise finish test sequence.
if (!Call(Format("~Test%d_OnStart", this.testnr), this.plr))
Log("Test %d not available, the previous test was the last test.", this.testnr);
Log("All tests have been successfully completed!");
return FX_Execute_Kill;
this.launched = true;
// Check whether the current test has been finished.
if (Call(Format("Test%d_Completed", this.testnr)))
this.launched = false;
// Call the test on finished function.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", this.testnr));
// Log result and increase test number.
Log("Test %d successfully completed.", this.testnr);
return FX_OK;
global func IsWaiting()
if (test)
var wait = test.wait > 0;
test.wait -= 1;
return wait;
return false;
global func Wait(int amount)
test.wait = Max(0, amount);
/*-- Liquid Tests --*/
global func Test1_OnStart(int plr)
Log("Tools carried visibly on the Clonk when dying should be visible when picked up again");
if (test == nil)
Log("No test context");
return false;
// Get all definitions that are collectible
test.test1_collectible_defs = [];
for (var i = 0, def; def = GetDefinition(i); ++i)
if (def.Collectible // Only collectible items
&& def.GetCarryMode) // Only things that can be displayed on the Clonk -> so, rocks, etc. are sorted out for now
PushBack(test.test1_collectible_defs, def);
// init data
test.test1_length = GetLength(test.test1_collectible_defs);
test.test1_index = 0;
test.test1_item = [];
test.test1_corpse = [];
test.test1_corpse_display = [];
test.test1_collector = [];
test.test1_collector_display = [];
test.test1_started = [];
test.test1_finished = [];
test.test1_passed = [];
test.test1_comment = [];
test.test1_store = CreateObject(Dummy);
return true;
global func Test1_Completed()
GetCursor(test.plr)->Message("Test %d / %d", test.test1_index + 1, test.test1_length);
if (IsWaiting()) return false;
if (test.test1_index >= test.test1_length)
Log("Tested all collectible definitions with display, exiting now");
return Test1_EvaluateResult();
return false;
global func Test1_OnFinished()
if (test.test1_store)
global func Test1_Run()
var cursor = GetCursor(test.plr);
var index = test.test1_index;
var corpse = test.test1_corpse[index];
var item = test.test1_item[index];
var collector = test.test1_collector[index];
// Already done?
if (test.test1_finished[index])
if (corpse) corpse.Visibility = VIS_None;
if (collector) collector.Visibility = VIS_None;
if (item) item->Enter(test.test1_store);
test.test1_index += 1;
// Create an item
if (!item || !test.test1_started[index])
test.test1_item[index] = item = CreateObject(test.test1_collectible_defs[index], 0, 0, script_plr);
test.test1_started[index] = true;
var collect_delay = 10;
if (item->~IsCarryHeavy()) collect_delay += 30;
// Create someone to collect it later
if (!collector)
test.test1_collector[index] = collector = CreateObject(Clonk, cursor->GetX() + 50, cursor->GetY(), script_plr);
// Create someone that drops the item while it is on his back
if (corpse)
// Kill the Clonk
if (corpse->GetAlive())
corpse.silent_death = true; // We don't want sound every time ;)
if (!item)
test.test1_passed[index] = true;
test.test1_comment[index] = "Item got removed after death";
test.test1_finished[index] = true;
var attachment_id = 2; // The item is usually attached with this ID, because 1 is the backpack
if (test.test1_corpse_display[index] == nil)
test.test1_corpse_display[index] = Test1_IsAttached(corpse, attachment_id + 1); // the corpse also had the attacher
if (item->Contained() != collector)
item->SetPosition(collector->GetX(), collector->GetY());
if (test.test1_collector_display[index] == nil)
test.test1_collector_display[index] = Test1_IsAttached(collector, attachment_id);
test.test1_passed[index] = !test.test1_corpse_display[index] && test.test1_collector_display[index]; // Should not be on the corpse, but on the guy who is holding it
test.test1_finished[index] = true;
test.test1_comment[index] = Format("Item is displayed: on the corpse (%v), on the collector (%v)", test.test1_corpse_display[index], test.test1_collector_display[index]);
test.test1_corpse[index] = corpse = CreateObject(Clonk, cursor->GetX() + 100, cursor->GetY(), script_plr);
item->SetPosition(corpse->GetX(), corpse->GetY());
corpse->CreateContents(Attacher); // Create something else, so that the actual item is displayed in the quick slot
corpse->ShiftContents(nil, Attacher);
//corpse->FindContents(Attacher).Visibility = VIS_None;
global func Test1_EvaluateResult()
Log("Evaluating test 1 for the following definitions");
var result = true;
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(test.test1_collectible_defs); ++i)
var predicate;
if (test.test1_passed[i])
predicate = "Pass";
predicate = "Fail";
result = false;
Log("- [%s] Definition: %i - %s", predicate, test.test1_collectible_defs[i], test.test1_comment[i]);
if (!result)
return result;
global func Test1_IsAttached(object clonk, int attachment)
return clonk->SetAttachTransform(attachment, Trans_Identity()); // Returns false if the attachment does not exist