
26 lines
699 B

@author Nachtfalter
#include EnvPack_Guidepost
local Name="$Name$";
local Description="$Description$";
protected func Construction(...)
// Pick an angle range that looks good (some angles show it from the side, which looks weird)
var angle;
if (!Random(2)) angle = -60 + Random(90); else angle = 120 + Random(90);
this.MeshTransformation = Trans_Mul(Trans_Rotate(angle,0,10), GetID().MeshTransformation);
return _inherited(...);
public func Definition(def)
// Model file is way too large
def.MeshTransformation = Trans_Scale(130);
def.PictureTransformation = Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(-5000, -60000, 150000), Trans_Rotate(-20, 0, 1), Trans_Scale(400));