
861 lines
27 KiB
Raw Blame History

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 Günther Brammer
* Copyright (c) 2007 Peter Wortmann
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
// generic user interface
// room for textual deconvolution
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4Gui.h>
#include <C4FullScreen.h>
#include <C4LoaderScreen.h>
#include <C4Application.h>
#include <C4MouseControl.h>
namespace C4GUI {
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Edit
Edit::Edit(const C4Rect &rtBounds, bool fFocusEdit) : Control(rtBounds), iCursorPos(0), iSelectionStart(0), iSelectionEnd(0), fLeftBtnDown(false)
// create an initial buffer
Text = new char[256];
iBufferSize = 256;
*Text = 0;
// def vals
iMaxTextLength = 255;
iCursorPos = iSelectionStart = iSelectionEnd = 0;
iXScroll = 0;
pFont = &GetRes()->TextFont;
dwBGClr = C4GUI_EditBGColor;
dwFontClr = C4GUI_EditFontColor;
dwBorderColor = 0; // default border
cPasswordMask = 0;
// apply client margin
// add context handler
SetContextHandler(new CBContextHandler<Edit>(this, &Edit::OnContext));
// add key handlers
C4CustomKey::Priority eKeyPrio = fFocusEdit ? C4CustomKey::PRIO_FocusCtrl : C4CustomKey::PRIO_Ctrl;
pKeyCursorBack = RegisterCursorOp(COP_BACK , K_BACK , "GUIEditCursorBack", eKeyPrio);
pKeyCursorDel = RegisterCursorOp(COP_DELETE, K_DELETE, "GUIEditCursorDel",eKeyPrio);
pKeyCursorLeft = RegisterCursorOp(COP_LEFT , K_LEFT , "GUIEditCursorLeft",eKeyPrio);
pKeyCursorRight = RegisterCursorOp(COP_RIGHT , K_RIGHT , "GUIEditCursorRight", eKeyPrio);
pKeyCursorHome = RegisterCursorOp(COP_HOME , K_HOME , "GUIEditCursorHome", eKeyPrio);
pKeyCursorEnd = RegisterCursorOp(COP_END , K_END , "GUIEditCursorEnd", eKeyPrio);
pKeyEnter = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(K_RETURN), "GUIEditConfirm", KEYSCOPE_Gui,
new ControlKeyCB<Edit>(*this, &Edit::KeyEnter), eKeyPrio);
pKeyCopy = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(KEY_C, KEYS_Control), "GUIEditCopy", KEYSCOPE_Gui,
new ControlKeyCB<Edit>(*this, &Edit::KeyCopy), eKeyPrio);
pKeyPaste = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(KEY_V, KEYS_Control), "GUIEditPaste", KEYSCOPE_Gui,
new ControlKeyCB<Edit>(*this, &Edit::KeyPaste), eKeyPrio);
pKeyCut = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(KEY_X, KEYS_Control), "GUIEditCut", KEYSCOPE_Gui,
new ControlKeyCB<Edit>(*this, &Edit::KeyCut), eKeyPrio);
pKeySelAll = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(KEY_A, KEYS_Control), "GUIEditSelAll", KEYSCOPE_Gui,
new ControlKeyCB<Edit>(*this, &Edit::KeySelectAll), eKeyPrio);
delete[] Text;
delete pKeyCursorBack;
delete pKeyCursorDel;
delete pKeyCursorLeft;
delete pKeyCursorRight;
delete pKeyCursorHome;
delete pKeyCursorEnd;
delete pKeyEnter;
delete pKeyCopy;
delete pKeyPaste;
delete pKeyCut;
delete pKeySelAll;
class C4KeyBinding *Edit::RegisterCursorOp(CursorOperation op, C4KeyCode key, const char *szName, C4CustomKey::Priority eKeyPrio)
// register same op for all shift states; distinction will be done in handling proc
C4CustomKey::CodeList KeyList;
KeyList.push_back(C4KeyCodeEx(key, KEYS_Shift));
KeyList.push_back(C4KeyCodeEx(key, KEYS_Control));
KeyList.push_back(C4KeyCodeEx(key, C4KeyShiftState(KEYS_Shift | KEYS_Control)));
return new C4KeyBinding(KeyList, szName, KEYSCOPE_Gui, new ControlKeyCBExPassKey<Edit, CursorOperation>(*this, op, &Edit::KeyCursorOp), eKeyPrio);
int32_t Edit::GetDefaultEditHeight()
// edit height for default font
return GetCustomEditHeight(&C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont);
int32_t Edit::GetCustomEditHeight(CStdFont *pUseFont)
// edit height for custom font: Make it so edits and wooden labels have same height
return Max<int32_t>(pUseFont->GetLineHeight()+3, C4GUI_MinWoodBarHgt);
void Edit::ClearText()
// free oversized buffers
if (iBufferSize > 256)
delete Text;
Text = new char[256];
iBufferSize = 256;
// clear text
// reset cursor and selection
iCursorPos = iSelectionStart = iSelectionEnd = 0;
iXScroll = 0;
void Edit::Deselect()
// reset selection
iSelectionStart = iSelectionEnd = 0;
// cursor might have moved: ensure it is shown
void Edit::DeleteSelection()
// move end text to front
int32_t iSelBegin = Min(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd), iSelEnd = Max(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd);
if (iSelectionStart == iSelectionEnd) return;
memmove(Text + iSelBegin, Text + iSelEnd, strlen(Text + iSelEnd)+1);
// adjust cursor pos
if (iCursorPos > iSelBegin) iCursorPos = Max(iSelBegin, iCursorPos - iSelEnd + iSelBegin);
// cursor might have moved: ensure it is shown
// nothing selected
iSelectionStart = iSelectionEnd = iSelBegin;
bool Edit::InsertText(const char *szText, bool fUser)
// empty previous selection
if (iSelectionStart != iSelectionEnd) DeleteSelection();
// check buffer length
int32_t iTextLen = SLen(szText);
int32_t iTextEnd = SLen(Text);
bool fBufferOK = (iTextLen + iTextEnd <= (iMaxTextLength-1));
if (!fBufferOK) iTextLen -= iTextEnd+iTextLen - (iMaxTextLength-1);
if (iTextLen <= 0) return false;
// ensure buffer is large enough
EnsureBufferSize(iTextEnd + iTextLen + 1);
// move down text buffer after cursor pos (including trailing zero-char)
int32_t i;
for (i=iTextEnd; i>=iCursorPos; --i) Text[i + iTextLen] = Text[i];
// insert buffer into text
for (i=iTextLen; i; --i) Text[iCursorPos + i - 1] = szText[i - 1];
if (fUser)
// advance cursor
iCursorPos += iTextLen;
// cursor moved: ensure it is shown
// done; return whether everything was inserted
return fBufferOK;
int32_t Edit::GetCharPos(int32_t iControlXPos)
// client offset
iControlXPos -= rcClientRect.x - rcBounds.x - iXScroll;
// well, not exactly the best idea...maybe add a new fn to the gfx system?
// summing up char widths is no good, because there might be spacings between characters
// 2do: optimize this
int32_t w, h; char strMask[2] = { cPasswordMask, 0 };
pFont->GetTextExtent(strMask, w, h, false);
return BoundBy<int32_t>((iControlXPos + w/2) / w, 0, SLen(Text));
int32_t i = 0;
for(int32_t iLastW = 0, w,h; Text[i]; ++i)
char c=Text[i+1]; Text[i+1]=0; pFont->GetTextExtent(Text, w, h, false); Text[i+1]=c;
if (w - (w-iLastW)/2 >= iControlXPos) break;
iLastW = w;
return i;
void Edit::EnsureBufferSize(int32_t iMinBufferSize)
// realloc buffer if necessary
if (iBufferSize < iMinBufferSize)
// get new buffer size (rounded up to multiples of 256)
iMinBufferSize = ((iMinBufferSize - 1) & ~0xff) + 0x100;
// fill new buffer
char *pNewBuffer = new char[iMinBufferSize];
SCopy(Text, pNewBuffer);
// apply new buffer
delete Text; Text = pNewBuffer;
iBufferSize = iMinBufferSize;
void Edit::ScrollCursorInView()
if (rcClientRect.Wdt<5) return;
// get position of cursor
int32_t iScrollOff = Min<int32_t>(20, rcClientRect.Wdt/3);
int32_t w,h;
char c=Text[iCursorPos]; Text[iCursorPos]=0; pFont->GetTextExtent(Text, w, h, false); Text[iCursorPos]=c;
StdStrBuf Buf; Buf.AppendChars(cPasswordMask, iCursorPos);
pFont->GetTextExtent(Buf.getData(), w, h, false);
// need to scroll?
while (w-iXScroll < rcClientRect.Wdt/5 && w<iScrollOff+iXScroll && iXScroll > 0)
// left
iXScroll = Max(iXScroll - Min(100, rcClientRect.Wdt/4), 0);
while (w-iXScroll >= rcClientRect.Wdt/5 && w>=rcClientRect.Wdt-iScrollOff+iXScroll)
// right
iXScroll += Min(100, rcClientRect.Wdt/4);
bool Edit::DoFinishInput(bool fPasting, bool fPastingMore)
// do OnFinishInput callback and process result - returns whether pasting operation should be continued
InputResult eResult = OnFinishInput(fPasting, fPastingMore);
// safety...
if (!IsGUIValid()) return false;
switch (eResult)
case IR_None: // do nothing and continue pasting
return true;
case IR_CloseDlg: // stop any pastes and close parent dialog successfully
Dialog *pDlg = GetDlg();
if (pDlg) pDlg->UserClose(true);
case IR_CloseEdit: // stop any pastes and remove this control
delete this;
case IR_Abort: // do nothing and stop any pastes
// input has been handled; no more pasting please
return false;
bool Edit::Copy()
#ifdef _WIN32
// get selected range
int32_t iSelBegin = Min(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd), iSelEnd = Max(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd);
if (iSelBegin == iSelEnd) return false;
// 2do: move clipboard functionality to Standard
// gain clipboard ownership
if (!OpenClipboard(Application.GetWindowHandle())) return false;
// must empty the global clipboard, so the application clipboard equals the Windows clipboard
// allocate a global memory object for the text.
int32_t iTextLen = iSelEnd-iSelBegin;
HANDLE hglbCopy = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, iTextLen+1);
if (hglbCopy == NULL) { CloseClipboard(); return false; }
// lock the handle and copy the text to the buffer.
char *szCopyChar = (char *) GlobalLock(hglbCopy);
SCopy(Text+iSelBegin, szCopyChar, iTextLen);
memset(szCopyChar, cPasswordMask, iTextLen);
// place the handle on the clipboard.
bool fSuccess = !!SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hglbCopy);
// close clipboard
// return whether copying was successful
return fSuccess;
static StdStrBuf buf;
int iSelBegin = Min(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd);
int iSelEnd = Max(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd);
buf.Append(Text+iSelBegin, iSelEnd-iSelBegin);
return true;
bool Edit::Cut()
// copy text
if (!Copy()) return false;
// delete copied text
// done, success
return true;
bool Edit::Paste()
bool fSuccess = false;
// 2do: move clipboard functionality to Standard
#ifdef _WIN32
// check clipboard contents
if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)) return false;
// open clipboard
if (!OpenClipboard(NULL)) return false;
// get text from clipboard
HANDLE hglb = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT);
if (hglb != NULL)
char *szText = (char *) GlobalLock(hglb);
if (szText != NULL)
fSuccess = !!*szText;
// replace any '|'
int32_t iLBPos=0, iLBPos2;
while ((iLBPos = SCharPos('|', szText, iLBPos))>=0) szText[iLBPos]='l';
// caution when inserting line breaks: Those must be stripped, and sent as Enter-commands
for (;;)
iLBPos = SCharPos(0x0d, szText);
iLBPos2 = SCharPos(0x0a, szText);
if (iLBPos<0 && iLBPos2<0) break; // no more linebreaks
if (iLBPos2>=0 && (iLBPos2<iLBPos || iLBPos<0)) iLBPos = iLBPos2;
if (!iLBPos) { ++szText; continue; } // empty line
if (!InsertText(szText, true)) fSuccess=false; // if the buffer was too long, still try to insert following stuff (don't abort just b/c one line was too long)
szText += iLBPos+1;
if (!DoFinishInput(true, !!*szText))
// cleanup
GlobalUnlock(hglb); CloseClipboard();
// safety...
if (!IsGUIValid()) return false;
// k, pasted
return true;
// insert new text (may fail due to overfull buffer, in which case parts of the text will be inserted)
if (*szText) fSuccess = fSuccess && InsertText(szText, true);
// unlock mem
// close clipboard
// return whether insertion was successful
InsertText(Application.Paste().getData(), true);
return fSuccess;
bool IsWholeWordSpacer(unsigned char c)
// characters that make up a space between words
// the extended characters are all seen a letters, because they vary in different
// charsets (danish, french, etc.) and are likely to represent localized letters
return !Inside<char>(c, 'A', 'Z')
&& !Inside<char>(c, 'a', 'z')
&& !Inside<char>(c, '0', '9')
&& c!='_' && c<127;
bool Edit::KeyEnter()
DoFinishInput(false, false);
// whatever happens: Enter key has been processed
return true;
bool Edit::KeyCursorOp(const C4KeyCodeEx &key, CursorOperation op)
bool fShift = !!(key.dwShift & KEYS_Shift);
bool fCtrl = !!(key.dwShift & KEYS_Control);
// any selection?
if (iSelectionStart != iSelectionEnd)
// special handling: backspace/del with selection (delete selection)
if (op == COP_BACK || op == COP_DELETE) { DeleteSelection(); return true; }
// no shift pressed: clear selection (even if no cursor movement is done)
if (!fShift) Deselect();
// movement or regular/word deletion
int32_t iMoveDir = 0, iMoveLength = 0;
if (op == COP_LEFT && iCursorPos) iMoveDir = -1;
else if (op == COP_RIGHT && iCursorPos < SLen(Text)) iMoveDir = +1;
else if (op == COP_BACK && iCursorPos && !fShift) iMoveDir = -1;
else if (op == COP_DELETE && iCursorPos < SLen(Text) && !fShift) iMoveDir = +1;
else if (op == COP_HOME) iMoveLength = -iCursorPos;
else if (op == COP_END) iMoveLength = SLen(Text)-iCursorPos;
if (iMoveDir || iMoveLength)
// evaluate move length? (not home+end)
if (iMoveDir)
if (fCtrl)
// move one word
iMoveLength = 0;
bool fNoneSpaceFound = false, fSpaceFound = false;;
while (iCursorPos + iMoveLength + iMoveDir >= 0 && iCursorPos + iMoveLength + iMoveDir <= SLen(Text))
if (IsWholeWordSpacer(Text[iCursorPos + iMoveLength + (iMoveDir-1)/2]))
// stop left of a complete word
if (fNoneSpaceFound && iMoveDir<0) break;
// continue
fSpaceFound = true;
iMoveLength += iMoveDir;
// stop right of spacings complete word
if (fSpaceFound && iMoveDir > 0) break;
// continue
fNoneSpaceFound = true;
iMoveLength += iMoveDir;
else iMoveLength = iMoveDir;
// delete stuff
if (op == COP_BACK || op == COP_DELETE)
// delete: make backspace command of it
if (op == COP_DELETE) { iCursorPos += iMoveLength; iMoveLength = -iMoveLength; }
// move end of string up
char *c; for (c = Text+iCursorPos; *c; ++c) *(c+iMoveLength) = *c;
// terminate string
*(c+iMoveLength) = 0;
else if (fShift)
// shift+arrow key: make/adjust selection
if (iSelectionStart == iSelectionEnd) iSelectionStart = iCursorPos;
iSelectionEnd = iCursorPos + iMoveLength;
// simple cursor movement: clear any selection
if (iSelectionStart != iSelectionEnd) Deselect();
// adjust cursor pos
iCursorPos += iMoveLength;
// show cursor
// operation recognized
return true;
bool Edit::CharIn(const char * c)
// no control codes
if (((unsigned char)(c[0]))<' ' || c[0]==0x7f) return false;
// no '|'
if (c[0]=='|') return false;
// all extended characters are OK
// insert character at cursor position
return InsertText(c, true);
void Edit::MouseInput(CMouse &rMouse, int32_t iButton, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam)
// inherited first - this may give focus to this element
Control::MouseInput(rMouse, iButton, iX, iY, dwKeyParam);
// update dragging area
int32_t iPrevCursorPos = iCursorPos;
// dragging area is updated by drag proc
// process left down and up
switch (iButton)
case C4MC_Button_LeftDown:
// mark button as being down
fLeftBtnDown = true;
// set selection start
iSelectionStart = iSelectionEnd = GetCharPos(iX);
// set cursor pos here, too
iCursorPos = iSelectionStart;
// remember drag target
// no dragging movement will be done w/o drag component assigned
// but text selection should work even if the user goes outside the component
if (!rMouse.pDragElement) rMouse.pDragElement = this;
case C4MC_Button_LeftUp:
// only if button was down... (might have dragged here)
if (fLeftBtnDown)
// it's now up :)
fLeftBtnDown = false;
// set cursor to this pos
iCursorPos = iSelectionEnd;
case C4MC_Button_LeftDouble:
// word selection
// get character pos (half-char-offset, use this to allow selection at half-space-offset around a word)
int32_t iCharPos = GetCharPos(iX);
// was space? try left character
if (IsWholeWordSpacer(Text[iCharPos]))
if (!iCharPos) break;
if (IsWholeWordSpacer(Text[--iCharPos])) break;
// search ending of word left and right
// bounds-check is done by zero-char at end, which is regarded as a spacer
iSelectionStart = iCharPos; iSelectionEnd = iCharPos + 1;
while (iSelectionStart > 0 && !IsWholeWordSpacer(Text[iSelectionStart-1])) --iSelectionStart;
while (!IsWholeWordSpacer(Text[iSelectionEnd])) ++iSelectionEnd;
// set cursor pos to end of selection
iCursorPos = iSelectionEnd;
// ignore last btn-down-selection
fLeftBtnDown = false;
case C4MC_Button_MiddleDown:
// set selection start
iSelectionStart = iSelectionEnd = GetCharPos(iX);
// set cursor pos here, too
iCursorPos = iSelectionStart;
#ifndef _WIN32
// Insert primary selection
InsertText(Application.Paste(false).getData(), true);
// scroll cursor in view
if (iPrevCursorPos != iCursorPos) ScrollCursorInView();
void Edit::DoDragging(CMouse &rMouse, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam)
// update cursor pos
int32_t iPrevCursorPos = iCursorPos;
iCursorPos = iSelectionEnd = GetCharPos(iX);
// scroll cursor in view
if (iPrevCursorPos != iCursorPos) ScrollCursorInView();
void Edit::OnGetFocus(bool fByMouse)
// inherited
// select all
iSelectionStart=0; iSelectionEnd=iCursorPos=SLen(Text);
// begin with a flashing cursor
void Edit::OnLooseFocus()
// clear selection
iSelectionStart = iSelectionEnd = 0;
// inherited
void Edit::DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo)
// draw background
lpDDraw->DrawBoxDw(cgo.Surface, cgo.TargetX+rcBounds.x,cgo.TargetY+rcBounds.y,rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt+cgo.TargetX-1,rcClientRect.y+rcClientRect.Hgt+cgo.TargetY, dwBGClr);
// draw frame
if (dwBorderColor)
int32_t x1=cgo.TargetX+rcBounds.x,y1=cgo.TargetY+rcBounds.y,x2=x1+rcBounds.Wdt,y2=y1+rcBounds.Hgt;
lpDDraw->DrawFrameDw(cgo.Surface, x1, y1, x2, y2-1, dwBorderColor);
lpDDraw->DrawFrameDw(cgo.Surface, x1+1, y1+1, x2-1, y2-2, dwBorderColor);
// default frame color
// clipping
float cx0,cy0,cx1,cy1; bool fClip, fOwnClip;
fClip = lpDDraw->GetPrimaryClipper(cx0,cy0,cx1,cy1);
fOwnClip = lpDDraw->SetPrimaryClipper(rcClientRect.x+cgo.TargetX-2,rcClientRect.y+cgo.TargetY,rcClientRect.x+rcClientRect.Wdt+cgo.TargetX+1,rcClientRect.y+rcClientRect.Hgt+cgo.TargetY);
// get usable height of edit field
int32_t iHgt = pFont->GetLineHeight(), iY0;
if (rcClientRect.Hgt <= iHgt)
// very narrow edit field: use all of it
// normal edit field: center text vertically
iY0 = rcClientRect.y+(rcClientRect.Hgt-iHgt)/2+1;
// don't overdo it with selection mark
// get text to draw, apply password mask if neccessary
StdStrBuf Buf; char *pDrawText;
Buf.AppendChars(cPasswordMask, SLen(Text));
pDrawText = Buf.getMData();
pDrawText = Text;
// draw selection
if (iSelectionStart != iSelectionEnd)
// get selection range
int32_t iSelBegin = Min(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd);
int32_t iSelEnd = Max(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd);
// get offsets in text
int32_t iSelX1, iSelX2, h;
char c = pDrawText[iSelBegin]; pDrawText[iSelBegin]=0; pFont->GetTextExtent(pDrawText, iSelX1, h, false); pDrawText[iSelBegin]=c;
c = pDrawText[iSelEnd]; pDrawText[iSelEnd]=0; pFont->GetTextExtent(pDrawText, iSelX2, h, false); pDrawText[iSelEnd]=c;
iSelX1 -= iXScroll; iSelX2 -= iXScroll;
// draw selection box around it
lpDDraw->DrawBoxDw(cgo.Surface, cgo.TargetX+rcClientRect.x+iSelX1,cgo.TargetY+iY0,rcClientRect.x+iSelX2-1+cgo.TargetX,iY0+iHgt-1+cgo.TargetY,0x7f7f7f00);
// draw edit text
lpDDraw->TextOut(pDrawText, *pFont, 1.0f, cgo.Surface, rcClientRect.x + cgo.TargetX - iXScroll, iY0 + cgo.TargetY - 1, dwFontClr, ALeft, false);
// draw cursor
if (HasDrawFocus() && !(((dwLastInputTime-timeGetTime())/500)%2))
char cAtCursor = pDrawText[iCursorPos]; pDrawText[iCursorPos]=0; int32_t w,h,wc;
pFont->GetTextExtent(pDrawText, w, h, false);
pDrawText[iCursorPos] = cAtCursor;
pFont->GetTextExtent("<EFBFBD>", wc, h, false); wc/=2;
lpDDraw->TextOut("<EFBFBD>", *pFont, 1.5f, cgo.Surface, rcClientRect.x + cgo.TargetX + w - wc - iXScroll, iY0 + cgo.TargetY - h/3, dwFontClr, ALeft, false);
// unclip
if (fOwnClip) if (fClip)
void Edit::SelectAll()
// safety: no text?
if (!Text) return;
// select all
iSelectionStart = 0;
iSelectionEnd = iCursorPos = SLen(Text);
ContextMenu *Edit::OnContext(C4GUI::Element *pListItem, int32_t iX, int32_t iY)
// safety: no text?
if (!Text) return NULL;
// create context menu
ContextMenu *pCtx = new ContextMenu();
// fill with any valid items
// get selected range
int32_t iSelBegin = Min(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd), iSelEnd = Max(iSelectionStart, iSelectionEnd);
bool fAnythingSelected = (iSelBegin != iSelEnd);
if (fAnythingSelected)
pCtx->AddItem(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_CUT"), LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_CUT"), Ico_None, new CBMenuHandler<Edit>(this, &Edit::OnCtxCut));
pCtx->AddItem(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_COPY"), LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_COPY"), Ico_None, new CBMenuHandler<Edit>(this, &Edit::OnCtxCopy));
#ifdef _WIN32
if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT))
if (Application.IsClipboardFull())
pCtx->AddItem(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_PASTE"), LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_PASTE"), Ico_None, new CBMenuHandler<Edit>(this, &Edit::OnCtxPaste));
if (fAnythingSelected)
pCtx->AddItem(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_CLEAR"), LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_CLEAR"), Ico_None, new CBMenuHandler<Edit>(this, &Edit::OnCtxClear));
if (*Text && (iSelBegin!=0 || iSelEnd!=SLen(Text)))
pCtx->AddItem(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_SELALL"), LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_SELALL"), Ico_None, new CBMenuHandler<Edit>(this, &Edit::OnCtxSelAll));
// return ctx menu
return pCtx;
bool Edit::GetCurrentWord(char *szTargetBuf, int32_t iMaxTargetBufLen)
// get word before cursor pos (for nick completion)
if (!Text || iCursorPos<=0) return false;
int32_t iPos = iCursorPos;
while (iPos>0)
if (IsWholeWordSpacer(Text[iPos-1])) break; else --iPos;
SCopy(Text + iPos, szTargetBuf, Min(iCursorPos - iPos, iMaxTargetBufLen));
return !!*szTargetBuf;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// RenameEdit
RenameEdit::RenameEdit(Label *pLabel) : Edit(pLabel->GetBounds(), true), pForLabel(pLabel), fFinishing(false)
// ctor - construct for label
InsertText(pForLabel->GetText(), true);
// put self into place
Container *pCont = pForLabel->GetParent();
Dialog *pDlg = GetDlg();
if (pDlg)
pPrevFocusCtrl = pDlg->GetFocus();
pDlg->SetFocus(this, false);
else pPrevFocusCtrl=NULL;
// key binding for rename abort
C4CustomKey::CodeList keys;
if (Config.Controls.GamepadGuiControl)
keys.push_back(C4KeyCodeEx(KEY_Gamepad(0, KEY_JOY_AnyHighButton)));
pKeyAbort = new C4KeyBinding(keys, "GUIRenameEditAbort", KEYSCOPE_Gui,
new ControlKeyCB<RenameEdit>(*this, &RenameEdit::KeyAbort), C4CustomKey::PRIO_FocusCtrl);
delete pKeyAbort;
void RenameEdit::Abort()
Edit::InputResult RenameEdit::OnFinishInput(bool fPasting, bool fPastingMore)
// any text?
if (!Text || !*Text)
// OK without text is regarded as abort
else switch (OnOKRename(Text))
case RR_Invalid:
// new name was not accepted: Continue editing
Dialog *pDlg = GetDlg();
if (pDlg) if (pDlg->GetFocus() != this) pDlg->SetFocus(this, false);
case RR_Accepted:
// okay, rename to that text
case RR_Deleted:
// this is invalid; don't do anything!
return IR_Abort;
void RenameEdit::FinishRename()
// done: restore stuff
fFinishing = true;
Dialog *pDlg = GetDlg();
if (pDlg && pPrevFocusCtrl) pDlg->SetFocus(pPrevFocusCtrl, false);
delete this;
void RenameEdit::OnLooseFocus()
// callback when control looses focus: OK input
if (!fFinishing) OnFinishInput(false, false);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// LabeledEdit
LabeledEdit::LabeledEdit(const C4Rect &rcBounds, const char *szName, bool fMultiline, const char *szPrefText, CStdFont *pUseFont, uint32_t dwTextClr)
: C4GUI::Window()
if (!pUseFont) pUseFont = &(GetRes()->TextFont);
ComponentAligner caMain(GetClientRect(), 0,0, true);
int32_t iLabelWdt=100, iLabelHgt=24;
pUseFont->GetTextExtent(szName, iLabelWdt, iLabelHgt, true);
C4Rect rcLabel, rcEdit;
if (fMultiline)
rcLabel = caMain.GetFromTop(iLabelHgt);
rcEdit = caMain.GetAll();
rcLabel = caMain.GetFromLeft(iLabelWdt);
rcEdit = caMain.GetAll();
AddElement(new Label(szName, rcLabel, ALeft, dwTextClr, pUseFont, false));
AddElement(pEdit = new C4GUI::Edit(rcEdit, false));
if (szPrefText) pEdit->InsertText(szPrefText, false);
bool LabeledEdit::GetControlSize(int *piWdt, int *piHgt, const char *szForText, CStdFont *pForFont, bool fMultiline)
CStdFont *pUseFont = pForFont ? pForFont : &(GetRes()->TextFont);
int32_t iLabelWdt=100, iLabelHgt=24;
pUseFont->GetTextExtent(szForText, iLabelWdt, iLabelHgt, true);
int32_t iEditWdt = 100, iEditHgt = Edit::GetCustomEditHeight(pUseFont);
if (fMultiline)
iEditWdt += 2; // indent edit a bit
if (piWdt) *piWdt = Max<int32_t>(iLabelWdt, iEditWdt);
if (piHgt) *piHgt = iLabelHgt + iEditHgt + 2;
iLabelWdt += 2; // add a bit of spacing between label and edit
if (piWdt) *piWdt = iLabelWdt + iEditWdt;
if (piHgt) *piHgt = Max<int32_t>(iLabelHgt, iEditHgt);
return true;
}; // end of namespace