
151 lines
5.3 KiB

/*-- Altes Zeug, das nicht mehr in die Engine muss --*/
// stuff for the proplist changes
static const DFA_NONE =-1;
static const DFA_WALK = 0;
static const DFA_FLIGHT = 1;
static const DFA_KNEEL = 2;
static const DFA_SCALE = 3;
static const DFA_HANGLE = 4;
static const DFA_DIG = 5;
static const DFA_SWIM = 6;
static const DFA_THROW = 7;
static const DFA_BRIDGE = 8;
static const DFA_BUILD = 9;
static const DFA_PUSH =10;
static const DFA_CHOP =11;
static const DFA_LIFT =12;
static const DFA_FLOAT =13;
static const DFA_ATTACH =14;
static const DFA_FIGHT =15;
static const DFA_CONNECT =16;
static const DFA_PULL =17;
static Action;
global func GetActMapVal(string strEntry, string strAction, id idDef, int iEntryNr) {
if (!idDef) idDef = GetID();
if (strEntry == "Facet") strEntry = ["X", "Y", "Wdt", "Hgt", "OffX", "OffY"][iEntryNr];
return GetProperty(strEntry, GetProperty(strAction, idDef));
global func ShowNeededMaterial(object pOfObject)
MessageWindow(GetNeededMatStr(pOfObject), GetOwner(),CXCN,pOfObject->GetName());
return 1;
// Fasskonfiguration
// Kann z.B. durch eine Spielregel überladen werden (Shamino)
// Bit 0 (1): Wasserfässer sind auch im Verkauf 8 Clunker wert
// Bit 1 (2): Fässer werden beim Verkaufen nicht entleert (sind wieder voll kaufbar)
// Bit 2 (4): Nur Wasserfässer werden beim Verkaufen nicht entleert (sind wieder voll kaufbar)
global func GetBarrelType() {}
func BarrelDoFill() {}
func BarrelIsFull() {}
global func BarrelConfiguration() { return 5; }
/// Removes a material pixel from the specified location, if the material is flammable.
/// \par x X coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
/// \par y Y coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
/// \returns \c true if material was removed, \c false otherwise.
global func FlameConsumeMaterial(int x, int y)
var mat = GetMaterial(x, y);
if (mat == -1) return false;
if (!GetMaterialVal("Inflammable", "Material", mat)) return false;
return !!ExtractMaterialAmount(x, y, mat, 1);
/// Removes a material pixel from the specified location, if the material is a liquid.
/// \par x X coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
/// \par y Y coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
/// \returns The material index of the removed pixel, or -1 if no liquid was found.
global func ExtractLiquid(int x, int y)
var mat = GetMaterial(x, y);
var density = GetMaterialVal("Density", "Material", mat);
if (density < C4M_Liquid || density >= C4M_Solid) return -1;
ExtractMaterialAmount(x, y, mat, 1);
return mat;
/*-- Special effects --*/
global func LaunchEffect(id type, int x, int y /*, ... */)
var fx = CreateObject(type, AbsX(x), AbsY(y));
return fx && fx->Activate(AbsX(x), AbsY(y), ...);
/// Creates an earthquake at the specified location.
/// \par x X coordinate. Always global.
/// \par y Y coordinate. Always global.
/// \returns \c true if the earthquake could be launched, \c false otherwise.
global func LaunchEarthquake(int x, int y)
return LaunchEffect(FXQ1, x, y);
/// Creates a lightning bolt at the specified location.
/// \par x X coordinate. Always global.
/// \par y Y coordinate. Always global.
/// \par xdir Average horizontal speed of the bolt.
/// \par xrange Maximum deviation from the average horizontal speed.
/// \par ydir Average vertical speed of the bolt.
/// \par yrange Maximum deviation from the average vertical speed.
/// \par fDoGamma If \c true, the lightning bolt will flash the screen.
/// \returns \c true if the lightning could be launched, \c false otherwise.
global func LaunchLightning(int x, int y, int xdir, int xrange, int ydir, int yrange, bool fDoGamma)
return LaunchEffect(FXL1, x, y, xdir, xrange, ydir, yrange, fDoGamma);
/// Creates a cloud at the specified location.
/// \par x X coordinate. Always global.
/// \par mat Number of the material to rain.
/// \par wdt Width of the precipitation region.
/// \par lev Strength of rain. (?)
/// \returns \c true if the rain started, \c false otherwise.
global func LaunchRain(int x, int mat, int wdt, int lev)
return LaunchEffect(FXP1, x, 0, mat, lev);
/// Creates a volcano at the specified location.
/// \par x X coordinate. Always global.
/// \par y Y coordinate. Always global.
/// \par strength Width of the eruption.
/// \par mat Number of the material to use.
global func LaunchVolcano(int x, int y, int strength, int mat)
if (!y) y=LandscapeHeight()-1;
if (!strength) strength=BoundBy(15*LandscapeHeight()/500+Random(10),10,60);
if (!mat) mat=Material("Lava");
return LaunchEffect(FXV1, x, y, strength, mat);
/// Splits the calling object into its components.
global func Split2Components()
if (!this) return false;
var ctr = Contained();
// Transfer all contents to container
while (Contents())
if (!ctr || !Contents()->Enter(ctr))
// Split
for (var i = 0, compid; compid = GetComponent(nil, i); ++i)
for (var j = 0; j < GetComponent(compid); ++j)
var comp = CreateObject(compid, nil, nil, GetOwner());
if (OnFire()) comp->Incinerate();
if (!ctr || !comp->Enter(ctr))