
1310 lines
28 KiB

/*-- Der Clonk --*/
#strict 2
/* Initialisierung */
protected func Initialize()
// Clonks mit Magiephysikal aus fehlerhaften Szenarien korrigieren
if (GetID () == CLNK)
if (GetPhysical ("Magic", 1))
SetPhysical ("Magic", 0, 1);
// Broadcast für Spielregeln
GameCallEx("OnClonkCreation", this);
return 1;
protected func Swimming()
if(GBackSemiSolid(0, -4))
protected func Swimming2()
if(!GBackSemiSolid(0, -4))
/* Bei Hinzufügen zu der Crew eines Spielers */
protected func Recruitment(int iPlr) {
// Broadcast für Crew
GameCallEx("OnClonkRecruitment", this, iPlr);
/* Kontext */
public func HasConstructMenu() { return HasKnowledge() && GetPhysical("CanConstruct"); }
public func HasKnowledge() { return GetPlrKnowledge(GetOwner(),0,0,C4D_Structure); }
public func HasBase() { return FindBase(GetOwner()) && Contained()->GetBase() != GetOwner(); }
public func ReleaseAllowed() { return ObjectCount(REAC); }
public func AtConstructionSite() { return !Contained() && FindConstructionSite() && ObjectCount(CNMT); }
public func AtEnergySite() { return !Contained() && FindEnergySite(); }
public func AtTreeToChop() { return !Contained() && FindTree() && GetPhysical("CanChop"); }
public func FindConstructionSite()
return FindObject(Find_AtRect(-1,-16,2,32), Find_OCF(OCF_Construct), Find_Layer(GetObjectLayer()));
public func FindEnergySite()
return FindObject(Find_AtPoint(), Find_OCF(OCF_PowerConsumer), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Layer(GetObjectLayer()), Find_Func("NeedsEnergy"));
public func FindTree()
return FindObject(Find_AtPoint(), Find_OCF(OCF_Chop), Find_Layer(GetObjectLayer()));
/* Steuerung */
public func GetInteractionTarget()
// Contained interaction target
var container = Contained();
if (container)
if (container->GetCategory() & (C4D_Structure | C4D_Vehicle)) return container;
// Procedure interaction target
// (Except for FIGHT, of course. You can't control your enemy ;))
var proc = GetProcedure();
if (proc == "PUSH" || proc == "PULL" || proc == "BUILD") return GetActionTarget();
// First contents object interaction target
return Contents(0);
public func ObjectControl(int plr, int ctrl, int x, int y, int strength, bool repeat, bool release)
// Generic movement
if (inherited(plr, ctrl, x, y, strength, repeat, release)) return true;
var proc = GetProcedure();
// Handled by InteractionTarget?
var interaction_target = GetInteractionTarget();
if (interaction_target)
if (interaction_target->ObjectControl(plr, ctrl, x,y, strength, repeat, release)) return true;
// Dolphin jump
if (ctrl == CON_DolphinJump) return DolphinJump();
// Context menu
else if (ctrl == CON_Context)
// Context menu of interaction target (fallback to this if no interaction target)
if (!interaction_target) interaction_target = this;
return ExecuteCommand();
// Throw
else if (ctrl == CON_Throw)
// During Scale+Hangle, this means "Drop". During dig, this means object dig out request. Otherwise, throw.
if (proc == "DIG")
return SetActionData(!GetActionData());
else if (proc == "SCALE" || proc == "HANGLE")
return PlayerObjectCommand(plr, false, "Drop");
return PlayerObjectCommand(plr, false, "Throw");
// Dig
else if (ctrl == CON_Dig)
if (proc == "DIG")
// Currently, another press on dig ends digging. Maybe changed once we have the shovel system?
return true;
else if (proc == "WALK")
if (!GetPhysical("Dig")) return false;
if (!SetAction("Dig")) return false;
return true;
// Can't dig now
return false;
// Unhandled
return false;
private func DolphinJump()
// nur wenn an Meeresoberfläche
if(!InLiquid()) return 0;
if(GBackSemiSolid(0,-1)) return 0;
// Nicht wenn deaktiviert (z.B. Ohnmacht)
if (GetID()->GetActMapVal("ObjectDisabled", GetAction())) return false;
// herausspringen
var iX=GetX(),iY=GetY(),iXDir=GetXDir(),iYDir=GetYDir();
// Wenn Sprung im Wasser endet und das Wasser tief genug ist, Kopfsprung machen
if(GBackLiquid(iX-GetX(),iY-GetY()) && GBackLiquid(iX-GetX(),iY+9-GetY()))
protected func ControlCommand(szCommand, pTarget, iTx, iTy, pTarget2, Data)
// Kommando MoveTo an Pferd weiterleiten
if (szCommand == "MoveTo")
if (IsRiding())
return GetActionTarget()->~ControlCommand(szCommand, pTarget, iTx, iTy);
// Anderes Kommando beim Reiten: absteigen (Ausnahme: Context)
if (IsRiding() && szCommand != "Context")
// RejectConstruction Callback beim Bauen durch Drag'n'Drop aus einem Gebaeude-Menu
if(szCommand == "Construct")
if(Data->~RejectConstruction(iTx - GetX(), iTy - GetY(), this) )
return 1;
// Kein überladenes Kommando
return 0;
public func ControlDownDouble() {} // dummy
/* Verwandlung */
private func RedefinePhysical(szPhys, idTo)
// Physical-Werte ermitteln
var physDefFrom = GetID()->GetPhysical(szPhys),
physDefTo = idTo->GetPhysical(szPhys),
physCurr = GetPhysical(szPhys);
// Neuen Wert berechnen
var physNew; if (physDefTo) physNew=BoundBy(physDefTo-physDefFrom+physCurr, 0, 100000);
// Neuen Wert für den Reset immer temporär setzen, selbst wenn keine Änderung besteht, damit der Reset richtig funktioniert
SetPhysical(szPhys, physNew, PHYS_StackTemporary);
// Fertig
return 1;
protected func FxIntRedefineStart(object trg, int num, int tmp, id idTo)
// Ziel-ID in Effektvariable
if (tmp)
idTo = EffectVar(0, trg, num);
EffectVar(0, trg, num) = idTo;
EffectVar(1, trg, num) = GetID();
// Physicals anpassen
RedefinePhysical("Energy", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Breath", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Walk", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Jump", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Scale", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Hangle", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Dig", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Swim", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Throw", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Push", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Fight", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Magic", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("Float", idTo);
/*if (GetRank()<4) RedefinePhysical("CanScale", idTo);
if (GetRank()<6) RedefinePhysical("CanHangle", idTo);*/ // z.Z. können es alle
RedefinePhysical("CanDig", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("CanConstruct", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("CanChop", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("CanSwimDig", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("CorrosionResist", idTo);
RedefinePhysical("BreatheWater", idTo);
// Damit Aufwertungen zu nicht-Magiern keine Zauberenergie übrig lassen
if (GetPhysical("Magic")/1000 < GetMagicEnergy()) DoMagicEnergy(GetPhysical("Magic")/1000-GetMagicEnergy());
// Echtes Redefine nur bei echten Aufrufen (hat zu viele Nebenwirkungen)
if (tmp) return FX_OK;
// Fertig
return FX_OK;
protected func FxIntRedefineStop(object trg, int num, int iReason, bool tmp)
// Physicals wiederherstellen
// Keine Rückänderung bei temporären Aufrufen oder beim Tod/Löschen
if (tmp || iReason) return;
// Damit Aufwertungen von nicht-Magiern keine Zauberenergie übrig lassen
if (GetPhysical("Magic")/1000 < GetMagicEnergy()) DoMagicEnergy(GetPhysical("Magic")/1000-GetMagicEnergy());
// OK; alte Definition wiederherstellen
Redefine(EffectVar(1, trg, num));
public func Redefine2(idTo)
if (GetID() == idTo) return true;
RemoveEffect("IntRedefine", this);
if (GetID() == idTo) return true;
return !!AddEffect("IntRedefine", this, 10, 0, this, 0, idTo);
public func Redefine(idTo)
// Aktivitätsdaten sichern
var phs=GetPhase(),act=GetAction();
// Umwandeln
// Aktivität wiederherstellen
var chg=SetAction(act);
if (!chg) SetAction("Walk");
if (chg) SetPhase(phs);
// Fertig
return 1;
/* Essen */
public func Feed(iLevel)
return 1;
/* Aktionen */
private func Riding()
// Richtung an die des Pferdes anpassen
// Pferd steht still: Clonk soll auch still sitzen
if (GetActionTarget()->~IsStill())
if (GetAction() != "RideStill")
// Pferd steht nicht still: Clonk soll auch nicht still sitzen
if (GetAction() != "Ride")
return 1;
private func Throwing()
// Erstes Inhaltsobjekt werfen
var pObj = Contents(0);
// Wurfparameter berechnen
var iX, iY, iR, iXDir, iYDir, iRDir;
iX = 0; if (!GetDir()) iX = -iX;
iY = -10;
iR = Random(360);
iXDir = GetPhysical("Throw") / 25000; if(!GetDir()) iXDir = -iXDir;
iYDir = -GetPhysical("Throw") / 25000;
iRDir = Random(40) - 20;
// Reitet? Eigengeschwindigkeit addieren
if (GetActionTarget())
iXDir += GetActionTarget()->GetXDir() / 10;
iYDir += GetActionTarget()->GetYDir() / 10;
// Werfen!
pObj->Exit(iX, iY, iR, iXDir, iYDir, iRDir);
// Fertig
return 1;
private func Fighting()
if (!Random(2)) SetAction("Punch");
return 1;
private func Punching()
if (!Random(3)) Sound("Kime*");
if (!Random(5)) Sound("Punch*");
if (!Random(2)) return 1;
return 1;
private func Chopping()
if (!GetActTime()) return; // Erster Schlag kein Sound. Clonk holt noch aus.
return 1;
private func Building()
if (!Random(2)) Sound("Build*");
return 1;
private func Processing()
return 1;
private func Digging()
return 1;
protected func Scaling()
var szDesiredAction;
if (GetYDir()>0) szDesiredAction = "ScaleDown"; else szDesiredAction = "Scale";
if (GetAction() != szDesiredAction) SetAction(szDesiredAction);
return 1;
/* Ereignisse */
protected func CatchBlow()
if (GetAction() == "Dead") return 0;
if (!Random(5)) Hurt();
return 1;
protected func Hurt()
return 1;
protected func Grab(object pTarget, bool fGrab)
return 1;
protected func Get()
return 1;
protected func Put()
return 1;
protected func Death(int iKilledBy)
// Info-Broadcasts für sterbende Clonks
GameCallEx("OnClonkDeath", this, iKilledBy);
// Der Broadcast könnte seltsame Dinge gemacht haben: Clonk ist noch tot?
if (GetAlive()) return;
// Letztes Mannschaftsmitglied tot: Script benachrichtigen
if (!GetCrew(GetOwner()))
return 1;
protected func Destruction()
// Clonk war noch nicht tot: Jetzt ist er es
if (GetAlive())
GameCallEx("OnClonkDeath", this, GetKiller());
// Dies ist das letztes Mannschaftsmitglied: Script benachrichtigen
if (GetCrew(GetOwner()) == this)
if (GetCrewCount(GetOwner()) == 1)
//Nur wenn der Spieler noch lebt und nicht gerade eleminiert wird
if (GetPlayerName(GetOwner()))
return 1;
protected func DeepBreath()
return 1;
protected func CheckStuck()
// Verhindert Festhängen am Mittelvertex
if(!GetXDir()) if(Abs(GetYDir()) < 5)
if(GBackSolid(0, 3))
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() + 1);
/* Status */
public func IsRiding()
// Reitet der Clonk?
return (WildcardMatch(GetAction(), "Ride*"));
public func IsClonk() { return 1; }
/* Kontext */
public func ContextRelease(pCaller)
return 1;
public func ContextEnergy(pCaller)
var pSite;
if (pSite = FindEnergySite())
SetCommand(this, "Energy", pSite);
return 1;
public func ContextConstructionSite(pCaller)
var pSite;
if (pSite = FindConstructionSite())
PlayerMessage(GetOwner(), pSite->GetNeededMatStr(), pSite);
return 1;
public func ContextChop(pCaller)
var pTree;
if (pTree = FindTree())
SetCommand(this, "Chop", pTree);
return 1;
public func ContextConstruction(pCaller)
SetCommand(this, "Construct");
return 1;
public func ContextHome(pCaller)
SetCommand(this, "Home");
return 1;
/* Hilfsfunktion */
public func ContainedCall(string strFunction, object pTarget)
// Erst das betreffende Gebäude betreten, dann die Zielfunktion aufrufen
SetCommand(this, "Call", pTarget, this, 0, 0, strFunction);
AddCommand(this, "Enter", pTarget);
/* Callback beim Auswahl aus dem Construct-Kontextmenu */
public func ControlCommandConstruction(target, x, y, target2, def)
// Keine Konstruktion erlaubt?
if(def->~RejectConstruction(x - GetX(), y - GetY(), this) )
// Construct-Kommando beenden
return FinishCommand(false, 0) ;
/* Automatische Produktion */
public func ControlCommandAcquire(target, x, y, target2, def)
// Falls das Teil rumliegt nur aufsammeln
var obj = GetAvailableObject (def, target2);
if (obj) {
AddEffect("IntNotAvailable", obj, 1, 5, this);
AddCommand ("Get", obj, 0, 0, 0, 40);
return 1;
// Gebäude suchen worin man's herstellen kann
if (obj = GetProducerOf (def)) {
AddCommand ("Call", this, 0, 0, 0, 0, "AutoProduction", 0, 1);
obj -> ~HowToProduce (this, def);
return 1;
AddCommand ("Buy", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, def, 0, C4CMD_Sub);
return 1;
public func AutoProduction() { return 1; }
public func AutoProductionFailed()
var def = GetCommand (5, 1);
if (!FindContents(def)) {
var obj = GetAvailableObject (def, GetCommand (4, 1));
if (obj) {
AddEffect("IntNotAvailable", obj, 1, 5, this);
AddCommand ("Get", obj,0,0,0,40);
return 1;
AddCommand ("Buy", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, GetCommand(5, 1), 0, C4CMD_Sub);
return 1;
public func FxIntNotAvailableStart(target, number)
EffectVar(0, target, number) = this;
public func FxIntNotAvailableTimer(target, number)
var clonk = EffectVar(0, target, number);
// Check wether the clonk still wants to get the object
for (var i = 0; GetCommand(clonk,0,i); ++i) {
if (GetCommand(clonk, 0, i) == "Get" && GetCommand(clonk, 1, i) == target)
return FX_Execute_Kill;
public func GetProducerOf(def)
return FindObject(Find_InRect(-500,-250,1000,500), Find_Func("IsProducerOf", this, def), Sort_Distance());
/* Trinken */
public func Drink(object pDrink)
// Trinkaktion setzen, wenn vorhanden
if (GetActMapVal("Name", "Drink"))
// Vorsicht: erstmal nichts mit pDrink machen,
// die Potions löschen sich meist selber...
/* Einsammeln */
public func RejectCollect(id idObject, object pObject)
// Objekt kann gepackt werden
// automatisches Packen aber nur wenn die Paktteile nicht extra gezählt werden
if(!IsSpecialItem(pObject)) if(pObject->~JoinPack(this)) return 1;
// Objektaufnahme mit Limit verhindern, wenn bereits genug getragen
if(pObject->~CarryLimit() && ContentsCount(idObject) >= pObject->~CarryLimit() ) return 1;
// Spezialitem?
var i, iCount;
if(i = IsSpecialItem(pObject))
// Noch genug Platz für das ganze Packet?
if(GetSpecialCount(GetMaxSpecialCount(i-1))+Max(pObject->~PackCount(),1)<=GetMaxSpecialCount(i-1, 1)) return 0;
iCount = GetMaxSpecialCount(i-1, 1)-GetSpecialCount(GetMaxSpecialCount(i-1));
// Ansonten so viel wie geht rein
if(pObject->~SplitPack(pObject->~PackCount()-iCount)) return 0;
else return 1;
return GetNonSpecialCount()>=MaxContentsCount();
/* Itemlimit */
public func MaxContentsCount() { return 1; }
public func GetMaxSpecialCount(iIndex, fAmount)
// Hier könnten Spezialbehandlungen von Itemgruppen definiert werden
// wie z.B. zu dem Inventar noch 30 Pfeile aufnehmen (siehe auch Ritter)
// if(iIndex == 0) { if(fAmount) return(30); return("IsArrow"); }
/* Liefert die Gesamtzahl eines Objekt(paket)typs */
private func GetObjectCount(idObj)
var idUnpackedObj;
if (idUnpackedObj = idObj->~UnpackTo())
// Auch verschachtelte Pakete mitzählen
return GetObjectCount(idUnpackedObj) * (idObj->~PackCount()||1);
// Ansonsten ist es nur ein Objekt
return 1;
/* Spezialgegenstände im Inventar zählen */
private func GetSpecialCount(szTest)
var iCnt, pObj;
// Einzelne Pfeile...
for(var i = 0; pObj = Contents(i); i++)
// Pakete...
for(var i = 0; pObj = Contents(i); i++)
if(DefinitionCall(pObj->~UnpackTo(), szTest))
iCnt += GetObjectCount(pObj);
// Wert zurückgeben
return iCnt;
/* Testen eines Objektes */
private func IsSpecialItem(pObj)
// Spezialitem?
var j=-1;
while(GetMaxSpecialCount(++j, 1))
return j+1;
// Spezialitempacket?
while(GetMaxSpecialCount(++j, 1))
if(DefinitionCall(pObj->~UnpackTo(), GetMaxSpecialCount(j)))
return j+1;
/* Anzahl an normalen Objekten */
private func GetNonSpecialCount()
var iCnt, pObj;
// Inventar einzeln auf nicht-Spezial überprüfen
for(var i = 0; pObj = Contents(i); i++)
// Spezialitems nicht zählen
// Wert zurückgeben
return iCnt;
/* Reiten */
public func ContextDescend(pCaller)
public func DescendVehicle()
var pOldVehicle = GetActionTarget();
// Feststecken nach Absteigen? Dann besser direkt beim Gefährt absteigen.
if (Stuck()) if (pOldVehicle)
var x=GetX(), y=GetY();
SetPosition(pOldVehicle->GetX(), pOldVehicle->GetY());
if (Stuck())
// Das Gefährt steckt auch? Dann hilft es alles nichts. Zurück zum Ursprungsort.
/* Pfeile */
// Pfeilpaket aufteilen
public func SplitPack2Components(pPack)
// Aufteilen
if(!pPack->~Unpack(this) ) Split2Components(pPack);
// Fertig, Erfolg
return 1;
/* Pfeil aus dem Inventar nehmen */
public func GetArrow()
// Einzelne Pfeile suchen
var pObj, pArrow;
for(var i = 0; pObj = Contents(i); i++)
return pObj;
// Bei Bedarf Pakete aufteilen
for(var i = 0; pObj = Contents(i); i++)
// Pfeil aus Paket verwenden
if(pArrow = pObj->~GetItem()) return pArrow;
// oder bei alten Pfeilen Paket aufteilen
if (SplitPack2Components(pObj))
return FindSingleArrow();
// Keine Pfeile gefunden
return 0;
public func FindSingleArrow()
// Einzelne Pfeile suchen
var pObj;
for(var i = 0; pObj = Contents(i); i++)
return pObj;
// Keiner gefunden
return 0;
public func GetComboArrow()
// Pfeile als Komboobjekt: Nur wenn das erste Inventarobjekt ein Pfeil ist
var pObj = Contents(0), pArrow;
if (!pObj) return;
if(pObj->~IsArrow()) return pObj;
// Bei Bedarf Pakete aufteilen
// Pfeil aus Paket verwenden
if(pArrow = pObj->~GetItem()) return pArrow;
// oder bei alten Pfeilen Paket aufteilen
if (SplitPack2Components(pObj))
return FindSingleArrow();
// Keine Pfeile gefunden
return 0;
/* Pfeile im Inventar zählen */
private func GetArrowCount()
return GetSpecialCount("IsArrow");
/* Dummies, damit die Engine die Namen kennt... */
func Activate() {}
func HowToProduce() {}
func PackCount() {}
func Definition(def) {
SetProperty("ActMap", {
Walk = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Walk",
Procedure = DFA_WALK,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 16,
Delay = 15,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Walk",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
StillTrans1 = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "StillTrans1",
Procedure = DFA_THROW,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 4,
Delay = 2,
X = 0,
Y = 280,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Still",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Still = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Still",
Procedure = DFA_THROW,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 10,
X = 64,
Y = 280,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Still",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
StillTrans2 = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "StillTrans2",
Procedure = DFA_THROW,
Directions = 2,
Reverse = 1,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 4,
Delay = 2,
X = 192,
Y = 280,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Still",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Scale = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Scale",
Procedure = DFA_SCALE,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 16,
Delay = 15,
X = 0,
Y = 20,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
OffX = 2,
OffY = 0,
NextAction = "Scale",
StartCall = "Scaling",
ScaleDown = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "ScaleDown",
Procedure = DFA_SCALE,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 16,
Delay = 15,
X = 0,
Y = 20,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
OffX = 2,
OffY = 0,
Reverse = 1,
NextAction = "ScaleDown",
StartCall = "Scaling",
Tumble = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Tumble",
Procedure = DFA_FLIGHT,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 16,
Delay = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 40,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Tumble",
ObjectDisabled = 1,
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
EndCall = "CheckStuck",
Dig = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Dig",
Procedure = DFA_DIG,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 16,
Delay = 15,
X = 0,
Y = 60,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Dig",
StartCall = "Digging",
DigFree = 11,
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Bridge = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Bridge",
Procedure = DFA_BRIDGE,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 16,
Delay = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 60,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Bridge",
StartCall = "Digging",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Swim = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Swim",
Procedure = DFA_SWIM,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 12,
Delay = 15,
X = 0,
Y = 80,
Wdt = 20,
Hgt = 20,
OffX = 0,
OffY = 1,
NextAction = "Swim",
StartCall = "Swimming",
Swim2 = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Swim2",
Procedure = DFA_SWIM,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 12,
Delay = 15,
X = 0,
Y = 300,
Wdt = 20,
Hgt = 20,
OffX = 0,
OffY = 1,
NextAction = "Swim2",
StartCall = "Swimming2",
Hangle = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Hangle",
Procedure = DFA_HANGLE,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 11,
Delay = 16,
X = 0,
Y = 100,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
OffX = 0,
OffY = 3,
NextAction = "Hangle",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Jump = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Jump",
Procedure = DFA_FLIGHT,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 3,
X = 0,
Y = 120,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Hold",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
PhaseCall = "CheckStuck",
KneelDown = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "KneelDown",
Procedure = DFA_KNEEL,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 4,
Delay = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 140,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "KneelUp",
KneelUp = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "KneelUp",
Procedure = DFA_KNEEL,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 4,
Delay = 1,
X = 64,
Y = 140,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Walk",
Dive = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Dive",
Procedure = DFA_FLIGHT,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 4,
X = 0,
Y = 160,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Hold",
ObjectDisabled = 1,
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
PhaseCall = "CheckStuck",
FlatUp = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "FlatUp",
Procedure = DFA_KNEEL,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 180,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "KneelUp",
ObjectDisabled = 1,
Throw = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Throw",
Procedure = DFA_THROW,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 200,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Walk",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Punch = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Punch",
Procedure = DFA_FIGHT,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 2,
X = 0,
Y = 220,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Fight",
EndCall = "Punching",
ObjectDisabled = 1,
Dead = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Dead",
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 240,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
Length = 6,
Delay = 3,
NextAction = "Hold",
NoOtherAction = 1,
ObjectDisabled = 1,
Ride = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Ride",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 4,
Delay = 3,
X = 128,
Y = 120,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Ride",
StartCall = "Riding",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
RideStill = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "RideStill",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 1,
Delay = 10,
X = 128,
Y = 120,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "RideStill",
StartCall = "Riding",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Push = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Push",
Procedure = DFA_PUSH,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 15,
X = 128,
Y = 140,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Push",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Chop = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Chop",
Procedure = DFA_CHOP,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 3,
X = 128,
Y = 160,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Chop",
StartCall = "Chopping",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Fight = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Fight",
Procedure = DFA_FIGHT,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 7,
Delay = 4,
X = 128,
Y = 180,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Fight",
StartCall = "Fighting",
ObjectDisabled = 1,
GetPunched = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "GetPunched",
Procedure = DFA_FIGHT,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 3,
X = 128,
Y = 200,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Fight",
ObjectDisabled = 1,
Build = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Build",
Procedure = DFA_BUILD,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 2,
X = 128,
Y = 220,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Build",
StartCall = "Building",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
RideThrow = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "RideThrow",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 1,
X = 128,
Y = 240,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Ride",
StartCall = "Throwing",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Process = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Process",
Procedure = DFA_THROW,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 3,
X = 0,
Y = 260,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Process",
EndCall = "Processing",
Drink = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Drink",
Procedure = DFA_THROW,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 8,
Delay = 3,
X = 128,
Y = 260,
Wdt = 16,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Walk",
}, }, def);
SetProperty("Name", "Clonk", def);