
1808 lines
54 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2004-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
// permanent player information management
// see header for some additional information
#include "C4Include.h"
#include "control/C4PlayerInfo.h"
#include "c4group/C4Components.h"
#include "control/C4GameControl.h"
#include "game/C4FullScreen.h"
#include "player/C4Player.h"
#include "player/C4PlayerList.h"
// *** C4PlayerInfo
void C4PlayerInfo::Clear()
// del temp file
// clear fields
sName.Clear(); szFilename.Clear();
pRes = nullptr;
// default fields
dwColor = dwOriginalColor = 0xffffffff;
dwAlternateColor = 0;
dwFlags = 0;
iID = idSavegamePlayer = idTeam = 0;
iInGameNumber = iInGameJoinFrame = iInGamePartFrame = -1;
sLeagueAccount = ""; iLeagueScore=iLeagueRank=0;
iLeagueProjectedGain = -1;
eType = C4PT_User;
idExtraData = C4ID::None;
iLeaguePerformance = 0;
void C4PlayerInfo::DeleteTempFile()
// is temp file?
if (!! szFilename && (dwFlags & PIF_TempFile))
// erase it
// reset flag and filename to prevent double deletion
dwFlags &= ~PIF_TempFile;
bool C4PlayerInfo::LoadFromLocalFile(const char *szFilename)
// players should not be added in replay mode
// clear previous
// open player file group
C4Group Grp;
if (!Reloc.Open(Grp, szFilename)) return false;
// read core
C4PlayerInfoCore C4P;
if (!C4P.Load(Grp)) return false;
// set values
eType = C4PT_User;
sName = C4P.PrefName;
this->szFilename = szFilename;
dwColor = dwOriginalColor = 0xff000000 | (C4P.PrefColorDw & 0xffffff); // ignore alpha
dwAlternateColor = 0xff000000 | (C4P.PrefColor2Dw & 0xffffff); // ignore alpha
// network: resource (not for replays, because everyone has the player files there...)
if (::Network.isEnabled() && !Game.C4S.Head.Replay)
// add resource
// 2do: rejoining players need to update their resource version when saving the player
// otherwise, player file versions may differ
pRes = ::Network.ResList.getRefRes(szFilename, true);
// not found? add
if (!pRes) pRes = ::Network.ResList.AddByGroup(&Grp, false, NRT_Player, -1, szFilename);
if (!pRes) return false;
// set core and flag
ResCore = pRes->getCore();
dwFlags |= PIF_HasRes;
// filename is no longer needed in network mode, because it's stored in the res-core
// done, success
return true;
bool C4PlayerInfo::SetAsScriptPlayer(const char *szName, uint32_t dwColor, uint32_t dwFlags, C4ID idExtra)
// clear previous
// set parameters
eType = C4PT_Script;
this->dwColor = dwOriginalColor = 0xff000000 | (dwColor & 0xffffff); // ignore alpha
dwAlternateColor = 0;
idExtraData = idExtra;
this->dwFlags |= dwFlags;
// done, success
return true;
const char *C4PlayerInfo::GetLocalJoinFilename() const
// preferred: by resource
if (pRes) return pRes->getFile();
// if no resource is known (replay or non-net), return filename
return szFilename.getData();
uint32_t C4PlayerInfo::GetLobbyColor() const
// special case if random teams and team colors are enabled in lobby:
// Unjoined players do not show their team! Instead, they just display their original color
if (Game.Teams.GetTeamDist() == C4TeamList::TEAMDIST_RandomInv)
if (Game.Teams.IsTeamColors())
if (Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(GetTeam()))
if (!HasJoined() && !GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID())
return GetOriginalColor();
// otherwise, just show the normal player color
return GetColor();
StdStrBuf C4PlayerInfo::GetLobbyName() const
// return player name including colored clan/team tag if known
StdStrBuf sResult;
if (sLeagueAccount.getLength())
if (sClanTag.getLength())
// gray team tag color used in lobby and game evaluation dialog!
sResult.Format("<c afafaf>%s</c> %s", sClanTag.getData(), sLeagueAccount.getData());
// fallback to regular player name
sResult.Ref(sForcedName.getLength() ? static_cast<const StdStrBuf &>(sForcedName) : static_cast<const StdStrBuf &>(sName));
return sResult;
bool C4PlayerInfo::HasTeamWon() const
// team win/solo win
C4Team *pTeam;
if (idTeam && (pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(idTeam)))
return pTeam->HasWon();
return HasWon();
void C4PlayerInfo::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
// Names
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(sName, "Name", ""));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(sForcedName, "ForcedName", ""));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(szFilename, "Filename", ""));
// Flags
const StdBitfieldEntry<uint16_t> Entries[] =
{ "Joined", PIF_Joined },
{ "Removed", PIF_Removed },
{ "HasResource", PIF_HasRes },
{ "JoinIssued", PIF_JoinIssued },
{ "SavegameJoin", PIF_JoinedForSavegameOnly },
{ "Disconnected", PIF_Disconnected },
{ "VotedOut", PIF_VotedOut },
{ "Won", PIF_Won },
{ "AttributesFixed", PIF_AttributesFixed },
{ "NoScenarioInit", PIF_NoScenarioInit },
{ "NoScenarioSave", PIF_NoScenarioSave },
{ "NoEliminationCheck", PIF_NoEliminationCheck },
{ "Invisible", PIF_Invisible},
{ nullptr, 0 },
uint16_t dwSyncFlags = dwFlags & PIF_SyncFlags; // do not store local flags!
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkBitfieldAdapt(dwSyncFlags, Entries), "Flags", 0u));
if (pComp->isDeserializer()) dwFlags = dwSyncFlags;
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iID, "ID", 0));
// type
StdEnumEntry<C4PlayerType> PlayerTypes[] =
{ "User", C4PT_User },
{ "Script", C4PT_Script },
{ nullptr, C4PT_User },
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkEnumAdaptT<uint8_t>(eType, PlayerTypes), "Type", C4PT_User));
// safety: Do not allow invisible regular players
if (pComp->isDeserializer())
if (eType != C4PT_Script) dwFlags &= ~PIF_Invisible;
// load colors
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(dwColor, "Color", 0u));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(dwOriginalColor, "OriginalColor", dwColor));
// load savegame ID
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(idSavegamePlayer), "SavgamePlayer", 0));
// load team ID
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(idTeam), "Team", 0));
// load authentication ID
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(szAuthID, "AUID", ""));
// InGame info
if (dwFlags & PIF_Joined)
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iInGameNumber, "GameNumber", -1));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iInGameJoinFrame, "GameJoinFrame", -1));
iInGameNumber = iInGameJoinFrame = -1;
if (dwFlags & PIF_Removed)
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iInGamePartFrame, "GamePartFrame", -1));
iInGamePartFrame = -1;
// script player extra data
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(idExtraData, "ExtraData", C4ID::None));
// load league info
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(sLeagueAccount, "LeagueAccount", ""));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(iLeagueScore), "LeagueScore", 0));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(iLeagueRank), "LeagueRank", 0));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(iLeagueRankSymbol), "LeagueRankSymbol", 0));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(iLeagueProjectedGain), "ProjectedGain", -1));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkParAdapt(sClanTag, StdCompiler::RCT_All), "ClanTag", ""));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkIntPackAdapt(iLeaguePerformance), "LeaguePerformance", 0));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(sLeagueProgressData, "LeagueProgressData", ""));
// file resource
if (pComp->isDeserializer() && Game.C4S.Head.Replay)
// Replays don't have player resources, drop the flag
dwFlags &= ~PIF_HasRes;
if (dwFlags & PIF_HasRes)
// ResCore
if (pComp->isSerializer() && pRes)
// ensure ResCore is up-to-date
ResCore = pRes->getCore();
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(ResCore, "ResCore"));
void C4PlayerInfo::SetFilename(const char *szToFilename)
szFilename = szToFilename;
void C4PlayerInfo::SetToScenarioFilename(const char *szScenFilename)
// kill res
// set new filename
// flag scenario filename
dwFlags |= PIF_InScenarioFile;
void C4PlayerInfo::LoadResource()
// only if any resource present and not yet assigned
if (IsRemoved() || !(dwFlags & PIF_HasRes) || pRes) return;
// Ignore res if a local file is to be used
// the PIF_InScenarioFile is not set for startup players in initial replays,
// because resources are used for player joins but emulated in playback control
// if there will ever be resources in replay mode, this special case can be removed
if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay || (dwFlags & PIF_InScenarioFile))
dwFlags &= ~PIF_HasRes;
// create resource (will check if resource already exists)
if (!(pRes = ::Network.ResList.AddByCore(ResCore)))
dwFlags &= ~PIF_HasRes;
// add failed? invalid resource??! -- TODO: may be too large to load
LogF("Error: Could not add resource %d for player %s! Player file too large to load?", (int) ResCore.getID(), (const char *) GetFilename());
void C4PlayerInfo::DiscardResource()
// del any file resource
if (pRes)
assert(dwFlags & PIF_HasRes);
pRes = nullptr;
dwFlags &= ~PIF_HasRes;
else assert(~dwFlags & PIF_HasRes);
bool C4PlayerInfo::SetSavegameResume(C4PlayerInfo *pSavegameInfo)
// copy some data fields; but not the file fields, because the join method is determined by this player
if (!pSavegameInfo) return false;
iID = pSavegameInfo->GetID();
dwFlags = (dwFlags & ~PIF_SavegameTakeoverFlags) | (pSavegameInfo->GetFlags() & PIF_SavegameTakeoverFlags);
dwColor = pSavegameInfo->GetColor(); // redundant; should be done by host already
idTeam = pSavegameInfo->GetTeam();
return true;
void C4PlayerInfo::SetJoined(int32_t iNumber)
// mark as joined in current frame
iInGameNumber = iNumber;
iInGameJoinFrame = Game.FrameCounter;
dwFlags |= PIF_Joined;
void C4PlayerInfo::SetRemoved()
// mark as removed - always marks as previously joined, too
dwFlags |= PIF_Joined | PIF_Removed;
// remember removal frame
iInGamePartFrame = Game.FrameCounter;
bool C4PlayerInfo::LoadBigIcon(C4FacetSurface &fctTarget)
bool fSuccess = false;
// load BigIcon.png of player into target facet; return false if no bigicon present or player file not yet loaded
C4Group Plr;
C4Network2Res *pRes = nullptr;
bool fIncompleteRes = false;
if ((pRes = GetRes()))
if (!pRes->isComplete())
fIncompleteRes = true;
size_t iBigIconSize=0;
if (!fIncompleteRes)
if (Plr.Open(pRes ? pRes->getFile() : GetFilename()))
if (Plr.AccessEntry(C4CFN_BigIcon, &iBigIconSize))
if (iBigIconSize<=C4NetResMaxBigicon*1024)
if (fctTarget.Load(Plr, C4CFN_BigIcon, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0))
fSuccess = true;
return fSuccess;
// *** C4ClientPlayerInfos
C4ClientPlayerInfos::C4ClientPlayerInfos(const char *szJoinFilenames, bool fAdd, C4PlayerInfo *pAddInfo)
// init for local client?
if (szJoinFilenames || pAddInfo)
// set developer flag for developer hosts
if (SSearch(Config.GetRegistrationData("Type"), "Developer"))
dwFlags |= CIF_Developer;
// set local ID
iClientID = ::Control.ClientID();
// maybe control is not preinitialized
if (!::Control.isNetwork() && iClientID < 0) iClientID = 0;
// join packet or initial packet?
if (fAdd)
// packet is to be added to other players
dwFlags |= CIF_AddPlayers;
// set initial flag for first-time join packet
dwFlags |= CIF_Initial;
// join all players in list
if ((iPlayerCapacity = (szJoinFilenames ? SModuleCount(szJoinFilenames) : 0) + !!pAddInfo))
ppPlayers = new C4PlayerInfo *[iPlayerCapacity];
if (szJoinFilenames)
char szPlrFile[_MAX_PATH+1];
for (int32_t i=0; i<iPlayerCapacity; ++i)
if (SGetModule(szJoinFilenames, i, szPlrFile, _MAX_PATH))
C4PlayerInfo *pNewInfo = new C4PlayerInfo();
if (pNewInfo->LoadFromLocalFile(szPlrFile))
// player def loaded; register and count it
ppPlayers[iPlayerCount++] = pNewInfo;
// loading failure; clear info class
delete pNewInfo;
Log(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_LOAD_PLAYER"), szPlrFile).getData());
if (pAddInfo)
ppPlayers[iPlayerCount++] = pAddInfo;
C4ClientPlayerInfos::C4ClientPlayerInfos(const C4ClientPlayerInfos &rCopy)
// copy fields
iClientID = rCopy.iClientID;
if ((iPlayerCount = rCopy.iPlayerCount))
// copy player infos
ppPlayers = new C4PlayerInfo *[iPlayerCapacity = rCopy.iPlayerCapacity];
int32_t i = iPlayerCount;
C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers, **ppSrcPlrInfo = rCopy.ppPlayers;
while (i--) *ppCurrPlrInfo++ = new C4PlayerInfo(**ppSrcPlrInfo++);
// no players
ppPlayers = nullptr;
iPlayerCapacity = 0;
// misc fields
dwFlags = rCopy.dwFlags;
C4ClientPlayerInfos &C4ClientPlayerInfos::operator = (const C4ClientPlayerInfos &rCopy)
// copy fields
iClientID = rCopy.iClientID;
if ((iPlayerCount = rCopy.iPlayerCount))
// copy player infos
ppPlayers = new C4PlayerInfo *[iPlayerCapacity = rCopy.iPlayerCapacity];
int32_t i = iPlayerCount;
C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers, **ppSrcPlrInfo = rCopy.ppPlayers;
while (i--) *ppCurrPlrInfo++ = new C4PlayerInfo(**ppSrcPlrInfo++);
// no players
ppPlayers = nullptr;
iPlayerCapacity = 0;
// misc fields
dwFlags = rCopy.dwFlags;
return *this;
void C4ClientPlayerInfos::Clear()
// del player infos
int32_t i = iPlayerCount; C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers;
while (i--) delete *ppCurrPlrInfo++;
// del player info vector
delete [] ppPlayers; ppPlayers = nullptr;
// reset other fields
iPlayerCount = iPlayerCapacity = 0;
dwFlags = 0;
void C4ClientPlayerInfos::GrabMergeFrom(C4ClientPlayerInfos &rFrom)
// anything to grab?
if (!rFrom.iPlayerCount) return;
// any previous players to copy?
if (iPlayerCount)
// buffer sufficient?
if (iPlayerCount + rFrom.iPlayerCount > iPlayerCapacity)
// merge into new buffer
memcpy(ppPlayers + iPlayerCount, rFrom.ppPlayers, rFrom.iPlayerCount * sizeof(C4PlayerInfo *));
iPlayerCount += rFrom.iPlayerCount;
rFrom.iPlayerCount = rFrom.iPlayerCapacity = 0;
delete [] rFrom.ppPlayers; rFrom.ppPlayers = nullptr;
// no own players: take over buffer of pFrom
if (ppPlayers) delete [] ppPlayers;
ppPlayers = rFrom.ppPlayers; rFrom.ppPlayers = nullptr;
iPlayerCount = rFrom.iPlayerCount; rFrom.iPlayerCount = 0;
iPlayerCapacity = rFrom.iPlayerCapacity; rFrom.iPlayerCapacity = 0;
void C4ClientPlayerInfos::AddInfo(C4PlayerInfo *pAddInfo)
// grow list if necessary
if (iPlayerCount == iPlayerCapacity) GrowList(4);
// add info
ppPlayers[iPlayerCount++] = pAddInfo;
void C4ClientPlayerInfos::RemoveIndexedInfo(int32_t iAtIndex)
// bounds check
if (iAtIndex<0 || iAtIndex>=iPlayerCount) return;
// del player info at index
delete ppPlayers[iAtIndex];
// move down last index (may self-assign a ptr)
ppPlayers[iAtIndex] = ppPlayers[--iPlayerCount];
void C4ClientPlayerInfos::RemoveInfo(int32_t idPlr)
// check all infos; remove the one that matches
int32_t i = 0; C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers;
while (i < iPlayerCount)
if ((*ppCurrPlrInfo)->GetID() == idPlr)
++ppCurrPlrInfo; ++i;
// none matched
void C4ClientPlayerInfos::GrowList(size_t iByVal)
// create new list (out of mem: simply returns here; info list remains in a valid state)
C4PlayerInfo **ppNewInfo = new C4PlayerInfo *[iPlayerCapacity += iByVal];
// move existing
if (ppPlayers)
memcpy(ppNewInfo, ppPlayers, iPlayerCount * sizeof(C4PlayerInfo *));
delete [] ppPlayers;
// assign new
ppPlayers = ppNewInfo;
int32_t C4ClientPlayerInfos::GetFlaggedPlayerCount(DWORD dwFlag) const
// check all players
int32_t iCount = 0;
int32_t i = iPlayerCount; C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers;
while (i--) if ((*ppCurrPlrInfo++)->GetFlags() | dwFlag)
// return number of matching infos
return iCount;
C4PlayerInfo *C4ClientPlayerInfos::GetPlayerInfo(int32_t iIndex) const
// check range
if (iIndex<0 || iIndex>=iPlayerCount) return nullptr;
// return indexed info
return ppPlayers[iIndex];
C4PlayerInfo *C4ClientPlayerInfos::GetPlayerInfo(int32_t iIndex, C4PlayerType eType) const
// get indexed matching info
for (int32_t iCheck=0; iCheck<iPlayerCount; ++iCheck)
C4PlayerInfo *pNfo = ppPlayers[iCheck];
if (pNfo->GetType() == eType)
if (!iIndex--)
return pNfo;
// nothing found
return nullptr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4ClientPlayerInfos::GetPlayerInfoByID(int32_t id) const
// check all infos
int32_t i = iPlayerCount; C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers;
while (i--)
if ((*ppCurrPlrInfo)->GetID() == id) return *ppCurrPlrInfo;
// none matched
return nullptr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4ClientPlayerInfos::GetPlayerInfoByRes(int32_t idResID) const
int32_t i = iPlayerCount; C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers;
C4Network2Res *pRes;
while (i--)
if ((pRes = (*ppCurrPlrInfo)->GetRes()))
if (pRes->getResID() == idResID)
// only if the player is actually using the resource
if ((*ppCurrPlrInfo)->IsUsingPlayerFile())
return *ppCurrPlrInfo;
return nullptr;
bool C4ClientPlayerInfos::HasUnjoinedPlayers() const
// check all players
int32_t i = iPlayerCount; C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers;
while (i--) if (!(*ppCurrPlrInfo++)->HasJoined()) return true;
// all joined
return false;
int32_t C4ClientPlayerInfos::GetJoinedPlayerCount() const
// count all players with IsJoined()
int32_t i = iPlayerCount; int32_t cnt=0; C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers;
while (i--) if ((*ppCurrPlrInfo++)->IsJoined()) ++cnt;
return cnt;
void C4ClientPlayerInfos::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
bool deserializing = pComp->isDeserializer();
if (deserializing) Clear();
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iClientID, "ID", C4ClientIDUnknown));
// Flags
StdBitfieldEntry<uint32_t> Entries[] =
{ "AddPlayers", CIF_AddPlayers },
{ "Updated", CIF_Updated },
{ "Initial", CIF_Initial },
{ "Developer", CIF_Developer },
{ nullptr, 0 }
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkBitfieldAdapt(dwFlags, Entries), "Flags", 0u));
pComp->Value(mkNamingCountAdapt<int32_t>(iPlayerCount, "Player"));
if (iPlayerCount < 0 || iPlayerCount > C4MaxPlayer)
{ pComp->excCorrupt("player count out of range"); return; }
// Grow list, if necessary
if (deserializing && iPlayerCount > iPlayerCapacity)
GrowList(iPlayerCount - iPlayerCapacity);
ZeroMem(ppPlayers, sizeof(*ppPlayers) * iPlayerCount);
// Compile
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkArrayAdaptMap(ppPlayers, iPlayerCount, mkPtrAdaptNoNull<C4PlayerInfo>), "Player"));
// Force specialization
void C4ClientPlayerInfos::LoadResources()
// load for all players
int32_t i = iPlayerCount; C4PlayerInfo **ppCurrPlrInfo = ppPlayers;
while (i--) (*ppCurrPlrInfo++)->LoadResource();
// *** C4PlayerInfoList
C4PlayerInfoList::C4PlayerInfoList() = default;
// ctor: no need to alloc mem yet
C4PlayerInfoList::C4PlayerInfoList(const C4PlayerInfoList &rCpy) : iClientCount(rCpy.iClientCount), iClientCapacity(rCpy.iClientCapacity),
ppClients(nullptr), iLastPlayerID(rCpy.iLastPlayerID)
// copy client info vector
if (rCpy.ppClients)
ppClients = new C4ClientPlayerInfos*[iClientCapacity];
C4ClientPlayerInfos **ppInfo = ppClients, **ppCpy = rCpy.ppClients;
int32_t i = iClientCount;
while (i--) *ppInfo++ = new C4ClientPlayerInfos(**ppCpy++);
C4PlayerInfoList &C4PlayerInfoList::operator = (const C4PlayerInfoList &rCpy)
iClientCount = rCpy.iClientCount;
iClientCapacity = rCpy.iClientCapacity;
iLastPlayerID = rCpy.iLastPlayerID;
if (rCpy.ppClients)
ppClients = new C4ClientPlayerInfos*[iClientCapacity];
C4ClientPlayerInfos **ppInfo = ppClients, **ppCpy = rCpy.ppClients;
int32_t i = iClientCount;
while (i--) *ppInfo++ = new C4ClientPlayerInfos(**ppCpy++);
ppClients = nullptr;
return *this;
void C4PlayerInfoList::Clear()
// delete client infos
C4ClientPlayerInfos **ppInfo = ppClients; int32_t i=iClientCount;
while (i--) delete *ppInfo++;
// clear client infos
delete [] ppClients; ppClients = nullptr;
iClientCount = iClientCapacity = 0;
// reset player ID counter
iLastPlayerID = 0;
void C4PlayerInfoList::GrowList(size_t iByVal)
// create new list (out of mem: simply returns here; info list remains in a valid state)
C4ClientPlayerInfos **ppNewInfo = new C4ClientPlayerInfos *[iClientCapacity += iByVal];
// move existing
if (ppClients)
memcpy(ppNewInfo, ppClients, iClientCount * sizeof(C4ClientPlayerInfos *));
delete [] ppClients;
// assign new
ppClients = ppNewInfo;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::DoLocalNonNetworkPlayerJoin(const char *szPlayerFile)
// construct joining information
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pNewJoin = new C4ClientPlayerInfos(szPlayerFile, true);
// handle it
bool fSuccess = DoLocalNonNetworkPlayerInfoUpdate(pNewJoin);
// done
delete pNewJoin;
return fSuccess;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::DoPlayerInfoUpdate(C4ClientPlayerInfos *pUpdate)
// never done by clients or in replay - update will be handled via queue
if (!::Control.isCtrlHost()) return false;
// in network game, process by host. In offline game, just create control
bool fSucc = true;
if (::Control.isNetwork())
fSucc = DoLocalNonNetworkPlayerInfoUpdate(pUpdate);
return fSucc;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::DoLocalNonNetworkPlayerInfoUpdate(C4ClientPlayerInfos *pUpdate)
// assign IDs first: Must be done early, so AssignTeams works
if (!AssignPlayerIDs(pUpdate))
return false;
// set standard teams
AssignTeams(pUpdate, true);
// color/name change by team or savegame assignment
UpdatePlayerAttributes(pUpdate, true);
// add through queue: This will add directly, do the record and put player joins into the queue
// in running mode, this call will also put the actual player joins into the queue
::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrInfo, new C4ControlPlayerInfo(*pUpdate), Game.IsRunning ? CDT_Queue : CDT_Direct);
// done, success
return true;
void C4PlayerInfoList::UpdatePlayerAttributes(C4ClientPlayerInfos *pForInfo, bool fResolveConflicts)
// update colors of all players of this packet
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo, *pInfo2; int32_t i=0;
while ((pInfo = pForInfo->GetPlayerInfo(i++)))
if (!pInfo->HasJoined())
// assign savegame colors
int32_t idSavegameID; bool fHasForcedColor = false; DWORD dwForceClr;
if ((idSavegameID = pInfo->GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID()))
if ((pInfo2 = Game.RestorePlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoByID(idSavegameID)))
dwForceClr = pInfo2->GetColor();
fHasForcedColor = true;
// assign team colors
if (!fHasForcedColor && Game.Teams.IsTeamColors())
C4Team *pPlrTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(pInfo->GetTeam());
if (pPlrTeam)
dwForceClr = pPlrTeam->GetColor();
fHasForcedColor = true;
// do color change
if (fHasForcedColor && (dwForceClr != pInfo->GetColor()))
// make sure colors have correct alpha (modified engines might send malformed packages of transparent colors)
if ((pInfo->GetColor() & 0xff000000u) != 0xff000000u)
pInfo->SetColor(pInfo->GetColor() | 0xff000000u);
if (fResolveConflicts) ResolvePlayerAttributeConflicts(pForInfo);
void C4PlayerInfoList::UpdatePlayerAttributes()
// update attributes of all packets
int32_t iIdx=0;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pForInfo;
while ((pForInfo = GetIndexedInfo(iIdx++))) UpdatePlayerAttributes(pForInfo, false);
// now resole all conflicts
bool C4PlayerInfoList::AssignPlayerIDs(C4ClientPlayerInfos *pNewClientInfo)
// assign player IDs to those player infos without
C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo; int32_t i=0;
while ((pPlrInfo = pNewClientInfo->GetPlayerInfo(i++)))
if (!pPlrInfo->GetID())
// are there still any player slots free?
if (GetFreePlayerSlotCount()<1)
// nope - then deny this join!
Log(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TOOMANYPLAYERS"), (int)Game.Parameters.MaxPlayers).getData());
// Join OK; grant an ID
// return whether any join remains
return !!pNewClientInfo->GetPlayerCount();
int32_t C4PlayerInfoList::GetFreePlayerSlotCount()
// number of free slots depends on max player setting
return std::max<int32_t>(Game.Parameters.MaxPlayers - GetStartupCount(), 0);
void C4PlayerInfoList::AssignTeams(C4ClientPlayerInfos *pNewClientInfo, bool fByHost)
if (!Game.Teams.IsMultiTeams()) return;
// assign any unset teams (host/standalone only - fByHost determines whether the packet came from the host)
C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo; int32_t i=0;
while ((pPlrInfo = pNewClientInfo->GetPlayerInfo(i++)))
Game.Teams.RecheckPlayerInfoTeams(*pPlrInfo, fByHost);
void C4PlayerInfoList::RecheckAutoGeneratedTeams()
// ensure all teams specified in the list exist
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pPlrInfos; int32_t j=0;
while ((pPlrInfos = GetIndexedInfo(j++)))
C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo; int32_t i=0;
while ((pPlrInfo = pPlrInfos->GetPlayerInfo(i++)))
int32_t idTeam = pPlrInfo->GetTeam();
if (idTeam) Game.Teams.GetGenerateTeamByID(idTeam);
C4ClientPlayerInfos *C4PlayerInfoList::AddInfo(C4ClientPlayerInfos *pNewClientInfo)
// caution: also called for RestorePlayerInfos-list
// host: reserve new IDs for all players
// client: all IDs should be assigned already by host
if (::Network.isHost() || !::Network.isEnabled())
if (!AssignPlayerIDs(pNewClientInfo) && pNewClientInfo->IsAddPacket())
// no players could be added (probably MaxPlayer)
delete pNewClientInfo;
return nullptr;
// ensure all teams specified in the list exist (this should be done for savegame teams as well)
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo; int32_t i=0;
while ((pInfo = pNewClientInfo->GetPlayerInfo(i++)))
int32_t idTeam = pInfo->GetTeam();
if (idTeam) Game.Teams.GetGenerateTeamByID(idTeam);
// add info for client; overwriting or appending to existing info if necessary
// try to find existing data of same client
C4ClientPlayerInfos **ppExistingInfo = GetInfoPtrByClientID(pNewClientInfo->GetClientID());
if (ppExistingInfo)
// info exists: append to it?
if (pNewClientInfo->IsAddPacket())
// info added: remove unused class
delete pNewClientInfo;
// assign existing info for further usage in this fn
return pNewClientInfo = *ppExistingInfo;
// no add packet: overwrite current info
delete *ppExistingInfo;
return *ppExistingInfo = pNewClientInfo;
// no existing info: add it directly
// may need to grow list (vector) for that
if (iClientCount >= iClientCapacity) GrowList(4);
ppClients[iClientCount++] = pNewClientInfo;
// done; return actual info
return pNewClientInfo;
C4ClientPlayerInfos **C4PlayerInfoList::GetInfoPtrByClientID(int32_t iClientID) const
// search list
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i) if (ppClients[i]->GetClientID() == iClientID) return ppClients+i;
// nothing found
return nullptr;
int32_t C4PlayerInfoList::GetPlayerCount() const
// count players of all clients
int32_t iCount=0;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
iCount += ppClients[i]->GetPlayerCount();
// return it
return iCount;
int32_t C4PlayerInfoList::GetJoinIssuedPlayerCount() const
// count players of all clients
int32_t iCount=0;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClient = ppClients[i];
for (int32_t j=0; j<pClient->GetPlayerCount(); ++j)
if (pClient->GetPlayerInfo(j)->HasJoinIssued())
// return it
return iCount;
int32_t C4PlayerInfoList::GetJoinPendingPlayerCount() const
// count players of all clients
int32_t iCount = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClient = ppClients[i];
for (int32_t j = 0; j<pClient->GetPlayerCount(); ++j)
if (pClient->GetPlayerInfo(j)->HasJoinPending())
// return it
return iCount;
int32_t C4PlayerInfoList::GetActivePlayerCount(bool fCountInvisible) const
// count players of all clients
int32_t iCount=0;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClient = ppClients[i];
for (int32_t j=0; j<pClient->GetPlayerCount(); ++j)
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = pClient->GetPlayerInfo(j);
if (!pInfo->IsRemoved())
if (fCountInvisible || !pInfo->IsInvisible())
// return it
return iCount;
int32_t C4PlayerInfoList::GetActiveScriptPlayerCount(bool fCountSavegameResumes, bool fCountInvisible) const
// count players of all clients
int32_t iCount=0;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClient = ppClients[i];
for (int32_t j=0; j<pClient->GetPlayerCount(); ++j)
C4PlayerInfo *pNfo = pClient->GetPlayerInfo(j);
if (!pNfo->IsRemoved())
if (pNfo->GetType() == C4PT_Script)
if (fCountSavegameResumes || !pNfo->GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID())
if (fCountInvisible || !pNfo->IsInvisible())
// return it
return iCount;
StdStrBuf C4PlayerInfoList::GetActivePlayerNames(bool fCountInvisible, int32_t iAtClientID) const
// add up players of all clients
StdStrBuf sPlr;
int32_t iCount=0;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClient = ppClients[i];
if (iAtClientID != -1 && pClient->GetClientID() != iAtClientID) continue;
for (int32_t j=0; j<pClient->GetPlayerCount(); ++j)
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = pClient->GetPlayerInfo(j);
if (!pInfo->IsRemoved()) if (fCountInvisible || !pInfo->IsInvisible())
if (iCount++)
// not first name: Add separator
sPlr.Append(", ");
// return it
return sPlr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoList::GetPlayerInfoByIndex(int32_t index) const
// check all packets for a player
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (index-- <= 0)
return pInfo;
// nothing found
return nullptr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoList::GetPlayerInfoByID(int32_t id) const
// must be a valid ID
// check all packets for a player
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (pInfo->GetID() == id) return pInfo;
// nothing found
return nullptr;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *C4PlayerInfoList::GetClientInfoByPlayerID(int32_t id) const
// get client info that contains a specific player
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (pInfo->GetID() == id) return ppClients[i];
// nothing found
return nullptr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoList::GetPlayerInfoByID(int32_t id, int32_t *pidClient) const
// must be a valid ID
assert(id); assert(pidClient);
// check all packets for a player
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (pInfo->GetID() == id)
*pidClient = ppClients[i]->GetClientID();
return pInfo;
// nothing found
return nullptr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoList::GetPlayerInfoBySavegameID(int32_t id) const
// must be a valid ID
// check all packets for a player
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (pInfo->GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID() == id) return pInfo;
// nothing found
return nullptr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoList::GetNextPlayerInfoByID(int32_t id) const
// check all packets for players
C4PlayerInfo *pSmallest=nullptr;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (pInfo->GetID() > id)
if (!pSmallest || pSmallest->GetID()>pInfo->GetID())
pSmallest = pInfo;
// return best found
return pSmallest;
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoList::GetActivePlayerInfoByName(const char *szName)
// check all packets for matching players
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (!pInfo->IsRemoved())
if (SEqualNoCase(szName, pInfo->GetName()))
return pInfo;
// nothing found
return nullptr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoList::FindSavegameResumePlayerInfo(const C4PlayerInfo *pMatchInfo, MatchingLevel mlMatchStart, MatchingLevel mlMatchEnd) const
// try different matching levels using the infamous for-case-paradigm
for (int iMatchLvl = mlMatchStart; iMatchLvl <= mlMatchEnd; ++iMatchLvl)
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (!Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoByID(pInfo->GetID()) && !Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoBySavegameID(pInfo->GetID())) // only unassigned player infos
switch (iMatchLvl)
case PML_PlrFileName: // file name and player name must match
if (!pMatchInfo->GetFilename() || !pInfo->GetFilename()) break;
if (!SEqualNoCase(GetFilename(pMatchInfo->GetFilename()), GetFilename(pInfo->GetFilename()))) break;
// nobreak: Check player name as well
case PML_PlrName: // match player name
if (SEqualNoCase(pMatchInfo->GetName(), pInfo->GetName()))
return pInfo;
case PML_PrefColor: // match player color
if (pMatchInfo->GetOriginalColor() == pInfo->GetOriginalColor())
return pInfo;
case PML_Any: // match anything
return pInfo;
// no match
return nullptr;
C4PlayerInfo *C4PlayerInfoList::FindUnassociatedRestoreInfo(const C4PlayerInfoList &rRestoreInfoList)
// search given list for a player that's not associated locally
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pRestoreClient; int32_t iClient=0;
while ((pRestoreClient = rRestoreInfoList.GetIndexedInfo(iClient++)))
C4PlayerInfo *pRestoreInfo; int32_t iInfo=0;
while ((pRestoreInfo = pRestoreClient->GetPlayerInfo(iInfo++)))
if (pRestoreInfo->IsJoined())
// match association either by savegame ID (before C4Game::InitPlayers) or real ID (after C4Game::InitPlayers)
if (!GetPlayerInfoBySavegameID(pRestoreInfo->GetID()) && !GetPlayerInfoByID(pRestoreInfo->GetID()))
return pRestoreInfo;
// no unassociated info found
return nullptr;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::HasSameTeamPlayers(int32_t iClient1, int32_t iClient2) const
// compare all player teams of clients
const C4ClientPlayerInfos *pCnfo1 = GetInfoByClientID(iClient1);
const C4ClientPlayerInfos *pCnfo2 = GetInfoByClientID(iClient2);
if (!pCnfo1 || !pCnfo2) return false;
int32_t i=0,j; const C4PlayerInfo *pNfo1, *pNfo2;
while ((pNfo1 = pCnfo1->GetPlayerInfo(i++)))
if (!pNfo1->IsUsingTeam()) continue;
while ((pNfo2 = pCnfo2->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (!pNfo2->IsUsingTeam()) continue;
if (pNfo2->GetTeam() == pNfo1->GetTeam())
// match found!
return true;
// no match
return false;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::Load(C4Group &hGroup, const char *szFromFile, C4LangStringTable *pLang)
// clear previous
// load file contents
StdStrBuf Buf;
if (!hGroup.LoadEntryString(szFromFile, &Buf))
// no file is OK; means no player infos
return true;
// replace strings
if (pLang) pLang->ReplaceStrings(Buf);
// (try to) compile
if (!CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(
mkNamingAdapt(*this, "PlayerInfoList"),
Buf, szFromFile))
return false;
// done, success
return true;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::Save(C4Group &hGroup, const char *szToFile)
// remove previous entry from group
// anything to save?
if (!iClientCount) return true;
// save it
// decompile
StdStrBuf Buf = DecompileToBuf<StdCompilerINIWrite>(
mkNamingAdapt(*this, "PlayerInfoList"));
// save buffer to group
hGroup.Add(szToFile, Buf, false, true);
catch (StdCompiler::Exception *)
{ return false; }
// done, success
return true;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::InitLocal()
// not in replay
if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay) return true;
// no double init
// no network
// create player info for local player joins
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pLocalInfo = new C4ClientPlayerInfos(Game.PlayerFilenames);
// register local info immediately
pLocalInfo = AddInfo(pLocalInfo);
// Script players in restore infos need to be associated with matching script players in main info list
// and assign teams
if (Game.Teams.IsMultiTeams() && pLocalInfo)
AssignTeams(pLocalInfo, true);
// done, success
return true;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::LocalJoinUnjoinedPlayersInQueue()
// local call only - in network, C4Network2Players joins players!
// get local players
C4ClientPlayerInfos **ppkLocal = GetInfoPtrByClientID(::Control.ClientID()), *pkLocal;
if (!ppkLocal) return false;
pkLocal = *ppkLocal;
// check all players
int32_t i=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = pkLocal->GetPlayerInfo(i++)))
// not yet joined?
if (!pInfo->HasJoinIssued())
// join will be marked when queue is executed (C4Player::Join)
// but better mark join now already to prevent permanent sending overkill
// join by filename if possible. Script players may not have a filename assigned though
const char *szFilename = pInfo->GetFilename();
if (!szFilename && (pInfo->GetType() != C4PT_Script))
// failure for user players
const char *szPlrName = pInfo->GetName(); if (!szPlrName) szPlrName="???";
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_JOINQUEUEPLRS"), szPlrName);
new C4ControlJoinPlayer(szFilename, ::Control.ClientID(), pInfo->GetID()));
// done, success
return true;
void C4PlayerInfoList::CreateRestoreInfosForJoinedScriptPlayers(C4PlayerInfoList &rSavegamePlayers)
// create matching script player joins for all script playeers in restore info
// Just copy their infos to the first client
int32_t i;
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pHostInfo = GetIndexedInfo(0);
for (i=0; i<rSavegamePlayers.GetInfoCount(); ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pkInfo = rSavegamePlayers.GetIndexedInfo(i);
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = pkInfo->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (pInfo->GetType() == C4PT_Script)
// safety
C4PlayerInfo *pRejoinInfo;
if ((pRejoinInfo = GetPlayerInfoBySavegameID(pInfo->GetID())))
LogF("Warning: User player %s takes over script player %s!", pRejoinInfo->GetName(), pInfo->GetName());
if (!pHostInfo)
LogF("Error restoring savegame script players: No host player infos to add to!");
// generate takeover info
pRejoinInfo = new C4PlayerInfo(*pInfo);
// teams must recognize the change
bool C4PlayerInfoList::RestoreSavegameInfos(C4PlayerInfoList &rSavegamePlayers)
// any un-associated players?
if (rSavegamePlayers.GetPlayerCount())
// for runtime network joins, this should never happen!
// do savegame player association of real players
// for non-lobby games do automatic association first
int32_t iNumGrabbed = 0, i;
if (!::Network.isEnabled() && Game.C4S.Head.SaveGame)
// do several passes: First passes using regular player matching; following passes matching anything but with a warning message
for (int eMatchingLevel = 0; eMatchingLevel <= PML_Any; ++eMatchingLevel)
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pkInfo = GetIndexedInfo(i);
int32_t j=0, id; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo, *pSavegameInfo;
while ((pInfo = pkInfo->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (!(id = pInfo->GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID()))
if ((pSavegameInfo = rSavegamePlayers.FindSavegameResumePlayerInfo(pInfo, (MatchingLevel)eMatchingLevel, (MatchingLevel)eMatchingLevel)))
if (eMatchingLevel > PML_PlrName)
// this is a "wild" match: Warn the player (but not in replays)
StdStrBuf sMsg; sMsg.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_PLAYERASSIGNMENT"), pInfo->GetName(), pSavegameInfo->GetName());
if (::pGUI && FullScreen.Active && !Game.C4S.Head.Replay)
::pGUI->ShowMessageModal(sMsg.getData(), LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_FREESAVEGAMEPLRS"), C4GUI::MessageDialog::btnOK, C4GUI::Ico_Notify, &Config.Startup.HideMsgPlrTakeOver);
// association complete: evaluate it
for (i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pkInfo = GetIndexedInfo(i);
int32_t j=0, id; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo, *pSavegameInfo;
while ((pInfo = pkInfo->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if ((id = pInfo->GetAssociatedSavegamePlayerID()))
if ((pSavegameInfo = rSavegamePlayers.GetPlayerInfoByID(id)))
// pInfo continues for pSavegameInfo
// shouldn't happen
assert(!"Invalid savegame association");
// no association for this info: Joins as new player
// in savegames, this is unusual. For regular script player restore, it's not
if (Game.C4S.Head.SaveGame) LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_RESUMENOPLRASSOCIATION"), (const char *)pInfo->GetName());
// otherwise any remaining players
int32_t iCountRemaining = rSavegamePlayers.GetPlayerCount() - iNumGrabbed;
if (iCountRemaining)
// in replay mode, if there are no regular player joins, it must have been a runtime record
// i.e., a record that was started during the game
// in this case, the savegame player infos equal the real player infos to be used
if (::Control.isReplay() && !GetInfoCount())
*this = rSavegamePlayers;
// in regular mode, these players must be removed
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_RESUMEREMOVEPLRS"), iCountRemaining);
// remove them directly from the game
// now that players are restored, restore teams
// done, success
return true;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::RecreatePlayerFiles()
// Note that this method will be called on the main list for savegame resumes (even in network) or regular games with RecreateInfos,
// and on RestorePlayerInfos for runtime network joins
// check all player files that need to be recreated
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pkInfo = ppClients[i];
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = pkInfo->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (pInfo->IsJoined())
// all players in replays and runtime joins; script players even in savegames need to be restored from the scenario goup
if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay || Game.C4S.Head.NetworkRuntimeJoin || pInfo->GetType() == C4PT_Script)
// in this case, a filename must have been assigned while saving
// and mark a file inside the scenario file
// get filename of joined player - this should always be valid!
const char *szCurrPlrFile;
StdStrBuf sFilenameInRecord;
if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay)
// replay of resumed savegame: RecreatePlayers saves used player files into the record group in this manner
sFilenameInRecord.Format("Recreate-%d.ocp", pInfo->GetID());
szCurrPlrFile = sFilenameInRecord.getData();
szCurrPlrFile = pInfo->GetFilename();
const char *szPlrName = pInfo->GetName(); if (!szPlrName) szPlrName = "???";
if (!szCurrPlrFile || !*szCurrPlrFile)
// that's okay for script players, because those may join w/o recreation files
if (pInfo->GetType() != C4PT_Script)
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_LOAD_RECR_NOFILE"), szPlrName);
// join from temp file
StdCopyStrBuf szJoinPath;
szJoinPath = Config.AtTempPath(GetFilename(szCurrPlrFile));
// extract player there
if (!Game.ScenarioFile.FindEntry(GetFilename(szCurrPlrFile)) || !Game.ScenarioFile.Extract(GetFilename(szCurrPlrFile), szJoinPath.getData()))
// that's okay for script players, because those may join w/o recreation files
if (pInfo->GetType() != C4PT_Script)
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_LOAD_RECR_NOEXTRACT"), szPlrName, GetFilename(szCurrPlrFile));
// set join source
// setting a temp file here will cause the player file to be deleted directly after recreation
// if recreation fails (e.g. the game gets aborted due to invalid files), the info dtor will delete the file
// regular player in savegame being resumed in network or normal mode:
// the filenames and/or resources should have been assigned
// a) either in lobby mode during player re-acquisition
// b) or when players from rSavegamePlayers were taken over
else if (!pInfo->HasJoinIssued())
// new players to be joined into the game:
// regular control queue join can be done; no special handling needed
// done, success
return true;
bool C4PlayerInfoList::RecreatePlayers(C4ValueNumbers * numbers)
// check all player infos
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pkInfo = ppClients[i];
// skip clients without joined players
if (!pkInfo->GetJoinedPlayerCount()) continue;
// determine client ID and name
// client IDs must be set correctly even in replays,
// so client-removal packets are executed correctly
int32_t idAtClient = pkInfo->GetClientID();
const char *szAtClientName;
if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay)
// the client name can currently not really be retrieved in replays
// but it's not used anyway
szAtClientName = "Replay";
// local non-network non-replay games set local name
if (!::Network.isEnabled())
assert(idAtClient == ::Control.ClientID());
szAtClientName = "Local";
// network non-replay games: find client and set name by it
const C4Client *pClient = Game.Clients.getClientByID(idAtClient);
if (pClient)
szAtClientName = pClient->getName();
// this shouldn't happen - remove the player info
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_RESUMENOCLIENT"), idAtClient, pkInfo->GetPlayerCount());
// rejoin all joined players of that client
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = pkInfo->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (pInfo->IsJoined())
// get filename to join from
const char *szFilename = pInfo->GetLocalJoinFilename();
// ensure resource is loaded, if joining from resource
// this may display a waiting dialog and block the thread for a while
C4Network2Res *pJoinRes = pInfo->GetRes();
if (szFilename && pJoinRes && pJoinRes->isLoading())
const char *szName = pInfo->GetName();
if (!::Network.RetrieveRes(pJoinRes->getCore(), C4NetResRetrieveTimeout,
FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_NET_RES_PLRFILE"), szName).getData()))
// file present?
if (!szFilename || !*szFilename)
if (pInfo->GetType() == C4PT_User)
// for user players, this could happen only if the user cancelled the resource
const char *szPlrName = pInfo->GetName(); if (!szPlrName) szPlrName = "???";
// for script players: Recreation without filename OK
szFilename = nullptr;
// record file handling: Save to the record file in the manner it's expected by C4PlayerInfoList::RecreatePlayers
if (::Control.isRecord() && szFilename)
StdStrBuf sFilenameInRecord;
sFilenameInRecord.Format("Recreate-%d.ocp", pInfo->GetID());
::Control.RecAddFile(szFilename, sFilenameInRecord.getData());
// recreate join directly
::Players.Join(szFilename, false, idAtClient, szAtClientName, pInfo, numbers);
// delete temporary files immediately
if (pInfo->IsTempFile()) pInfo->DeleteTempFile();
// done!
return true;
void C4PlayerInfoList::RemoveUnassociatedPlayers(C4PlayerInfoList &rSavegamePlayers)
// check all joined infos
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClient; int iClient=0;
while ((pClient = rSavegamePlayers.GetIndexedInfo(iClient++)))
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo; int iInfo = 0;
while ((pInfo = pClient->GetPlayerInfo(iInfo++)))
// remove players that were in the game but are not associated
if (pInfo->IsJoined() && !GetPlayerInfoBySavegameID(pInfo->GetID()))
if (::Players.RemoveUnjoined(pInfo->GetInGameNumber()))
LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_REMOVEPLR"), pInfo->GetName());
bool C4PlayerInfoList::SetAsRestoreInfos(C4PlayerInfoList &rFromPlayers, bool fSaveUserPlrs, bool fSaveScriptPlrs, bool fSetUserPlrRefToLocalGroup, bool fSetScriptPlrRefToLocalGroup)
// copy everything
*this = rFromPlayers;
// then remove everything that's no longer joined and update the rest
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClient; int iClient=0;
while ((pClient = GetIndexedInfo(iClient++)))
// update all players for this client
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo; int iInfo = 0;
while ((pInfo = pClient->GetPlayerInfo(iInfo++)))
bool fKeepInfo = false;
// remove players that are not in the game
if (pInfo->IsJoined())
// pre-reset filename
if (pInfo->GetType() == C4PT_User)
fKeepInfo = fSaveUserPlrs;
if (fSetUserPlrRefToLocalGroup)
// in the game: Set filename for inside savegame file
StdStrBuf sNewName;
if (::Network.isEnabled())
C4Client *pGameClient = Game.Clients.getClientByID(pClient->GetClientID());
const char *szName = pGameClient ? pGameClient->getName() : "Unknown";
sNewName.Format("%s-%s", szName, (const char *) GetFilename(pInfo->GetLocalJoinFilename()));
// O(n) is fast.
// If not, blame whoever wrote Replace! ;)
sNewName.Replace("%", "%25", 0);
for (int ch = 128; ch < 256; ++ch)
const char* hexChars = "0123456789abcdef";
char old[] = { char(ch), 0 };
char safe[] = { '%', 'x', 'x', 0 };
safe[1] = hexChars[ch / 16];
safe[2] = hexChars[ch % 16];
sNewName.Replace(old, safe, 0);
else if (pInfo->GetType() == C4PT_Script)
// Save only if either all players should be saved (fSaveScriptPlrs && fSaveUserPlrs)
// or if script players are saved and general scenario saving for this script player is desired
fKeepInfo = fSaveScriptPlrs && (fSaveUserPlrs || pInfo->IsScenarioSaveDesired());
if (fSetScriptPlrRefToLocalGroup)
// just compose a unique filename for script player
pInfo->SetFilename(FormatString("ScriptPlr-%d.ocp", (int)pInfo->GetID()).getData());
if (!fKeepInfo)
// remove empty clients
if (!pClient->GetPlayerCount())
delete pClient;
// done
return true;
void C4PlayerInfoList::ResetLeagueProjectedGain(bool fSetUpdated)
C4ClientPlayerInfos *pClient; int iClient=0;
while ((pClient = GetIndexedInfo(iClient++)))
C4PlayerInfo *pInfo; int iInfo = 0;
while ((pInfo = pClient->GetPlayerInfo(iInfo++)))
if (pInfo->IsLeagueProjectedGainValid())
if (fSetUpdated)
void C4PlayerInfoList::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
bool deserializing = pComp->isDeserializer();
if (deserializing) Clear();
// skip compiling if there is nothing to compile (cosmentics)
if (!deserializing && pComp->hasNaming() && iLastPlayerID == 0 && iClientCount == 0)
// header
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iLastPlayerID, "LastPlayerID", 0));
// client count
int32_t iTemp = iClientCount;
pComp->Value(mkNamingCountAdapt<int32_t>(iTemp, "Client"));
if (iTemp < 0 || iTemp > C4MaxClient)
{ pComp->excCorrupt("client count out of range"); return; }
// grow list
if (deserializing)
if (iTemp > iClientCapacity) GrowList(iTemp - iClientCapacity);
iClientCount = iTemp;
ZeroMem(ppClients, sizeof(*ppClients) * iClientCount);
// client packets
mkArrayAdaptMap(ppClients, iClientCount, mkPtrAdaptNoNull<C4ClientPlayerInfos>),
// force compiler to specialize
int32_t C4PlayerInfoList::GetStartupCount()
// count all joined and to-be-joined
int32_t iCnt=0;
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
if (!pInfo->IsRemoved()) ++iCnt;
return iCnt;
void C4PlayerInfoList::LoadResources()
// load for all players
int32_t i = iClientCount; C4ClientPlayerInfos **ppClient=ppClients;
while (i--) (*ppClient++)->LoadResources();
void C4PlayerInfoList::FixIDCounter()
// make sure ID counter is same as largest info
for (int32_t i=0; i<iClientCount; ++i)
int32_t j=0; C4PlayerInfo *pInfo;
while ((pInfo = ppClients[i]->GetPlayerInfo(j++)))
iLastPlayerID = std::max<int32_t>(pInfo->GetID(), iLastPlayerID);
/* -- Player info packets -- */
void C4PacketPlayerInfoUpdRequest::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
void C4PacketPlayerInfo::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fIsRecreationInfo, "Recreation", false));
pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(Info, "Info"));