
463 lines
9.2 KiB

#include Library_Crop
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
local Plane = 300;
local grow_anim;
local attached_berry;
local attached_flower;
local leaves;
local ActMap = {
Attach = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Attach",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
Directions = 1,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
local BlastIncinerate = 1;
local ContactIncinerate = 2;
// can be harvested?
func IsCrop(){ return true; }
// berries can simply be plucked
private func SickleHarvesting()
return false;
public func IsHarvestable()
return !!Contents();
public func Harvest(object clonk)
var b = Contents();
if(!b) return Die();
if(attached_berry != -1)
attached_berry = -1;
return true;
func Initialize()
attached_berry = -1;
attached_flower = -1;
leaves = [];
// init without growing animation
func InitGrown(object bush)
SetR(RandomX(-45, 45));
SetProperty("MeshTransformation", Trans_Mul(Trans_Scale(2000), Trans_Rotate(RandomX(0,359),0,1,0)));
// the object wants to know when it's fully grown
ScheduleCall(this, "FullyGrown", 2, 0);
SetAction("Attach", bush);
return true;
func AddLeaves(bool fullyGrown)
// add two leaves
for(var i = 1; i <= 2; ++i)
var rtrans = Trans_Rotate(Random(360), 1, 0, 0);
var matrix = Trans_Mul(Trans_Scale(1, 1, 1), rtrans);
matrix = rtrans;
leaves[i] = AttachMesh(SproutBerryBush_Leaf, Format("Leaf%d", i), "Main", matrix);
var start_size = 0;
if(fullyGrown) start_size = 1500;
AddEffect("GrowLeaf", this, 1, 1, this, nil, i, rtrans, start_size);
func PlayRandomGrowAnimation(int start, int max)
var growActions = 2;
grow_anim = Format("Grow%d", Random(growActions)+1);
var len = GetAnimationLength(grow_anim);
PlayAnimation(grow_anim, 1, Anim_Linear(start, 0, len, max, ANIM_Hold));
func Init(object bush)
// properties
var max_grow_time = 36 * RandomX(20, 60);
// random rotation
SetR(RandomX(-45, 45));
SetProperty("MeshTransformation", Trans_Mul(Trans_Scale(2000), Trans_Rotate(RandomX(0,359),0,1,0)));
PlayRandomGrowAnimation(0, max_grow_time);
// actually grow
var steps = 1000 / max_grow_time;
AddEffect("VirtGrow", this, 1, 1, this, nil, Max(1, steps));
// add two leaves
// the object wants to know when it's fully grown
ScheduleCall(this, "FullyGrown", max_grow_time, 0);
SetAction("Attach", bush);
return true;
func FxVirtGrowStart(target, effect, temp, p1)
if(temp) return;
effect.step = p1;
effect.size = 1;
func FxVirtGrowTimer(target, effect, time)
effect.size += effect.step;
if(effect.size >= 1000)
effect.size = 1000;
SetObjDrawTransform(effect.size, 0, 0, 0, effect.size, (1000-effect.size)/4);
if(effect.size == 1000)
return -1;
return 1;
func FxGrowLeafStart(target, effect, temp, p1, p2, p3)
if(temp) return;
effect.leaf = p1;
effect.rtrans = p2;
effect.size = p3;
effect.leaf_size = RandomX(1750, 2000);
func FxGrowLeafTimer(target, effect, time)
effect.size += 3;
if(effect.size >= effect.leaf_size)
effect.size = effect.leaf_size;
SetAttachTransform(leaves[effect.leaf], Trans_Mul(Trans_Scale(effect.size, effect.size, effect.size), effect.rtrans));
if(effect.size == effect.leaf_size)
return -1;
return 1;
// we now can produce berries!
func FullyGrown()
AddEffect("LifeTimer", this, 1, 30+Random(10), this);
func FxLifeTimerStart()
func FxLifeTimerTimer(target, effect, time)
var t = GetActionTarget();
if(!t) return;
if(attached_flower != -1)
if(!GetEffect("FlowerTime", this))
if((!Random(3)) && t->IsFlowerTime())
if(attached_flower == -1)
func Damage()
// splatter
CreateParticle("Dust", 0, 0, PV_Random(-20, 20), PV_Random(-20, 20), PV_Random(20, 60), Particles_Material(RGB(50, 50, 255)), 30);
// ouch!
public func IsProjectileTarget(object projectile, object shooter)
return false;
return !projectile || ObjectDistance(this, projectile) < 15;
func AttachTargetLost()
return Die();
func Retract()
// die of natural cause
func Incineration()
if(!grow_anim) return;
SetClrModulation(RGB(50, 50, 50));
func Die(bool natural_cause)
if(!grow_anim) return; // already dead
// new property for the final Remove callback
this.isDead = !natural_cause;
var time = 20 + Random(20);
var len = GetAnimationLength(grow_anim);
PlayAnimation(grow_anim, 6, Anim_Linear(len, len, 0, time, ANIM_Hold));
AddEffect("QuickFade", this, 1, 1, this, nil, time/2);
var td = time;
var tick = SproutBerryBush_water_per_sprout / time;
if(tick <= 0)
tick = 1;
td = SproutBerryBush_water_per_sprout;
ScheduleCall(this, "Drip", 1, td, tick);
// give a bit of water back to the bush
var t = GetActionTarget();
t.saved_water += SproutBerryBush_water_per_sprout / 3;
ScheduleCall(this, "Remove", time);
grow_anim = 0;
func Drip(int tick)
var y = 0;
while(GBackSolid(0, y) && (y > -5)) --y;
var water = Material("Water");
while(tick-- > 0)
InsertMaterial(water, 0, y, RandomX(-4, 4), RandomX(-4,4));
func IsFullyGrown()
return GetEffect("LifeTimer", this);
func Remove()
var t = GetActionTarget();
if (t)
// not natural cause?
// that hurt!
t.sprout_evolve_counter -= 2;
else ++t.sprout_evolve_counter;
if (Contents()) // TODO: Is this needed at all? Contents are removed on destruction.
t = Contents()->RemoveObject();
return RemoveObject();
func CreateBerry()
if(attached_berry != -1) return;
var berry = CreateContents(Sproutberry);
attached_berry = AttachMesh(berry, "Head", "Main", nil, nil);
SetAttachTransform(attached_berry, Trans_Scale(1, 1, 1));
AddEffect("GrowAttachedBerry", this, 1, 2, this);
// don't need the flower anymore
if(attached_flower != -1)
AddEffect("ShrinkAttachedFlower", this, 1, 2, this);
// if not plucked, will eventually remove the berry
AddEffect("RetractBerry", this, 1, 35 * 15 * ((4 * 3) + Random(12)), this);
func FxRetractBerryTimer(target, effect, time)
var t = GetActionTarget();
if(!t) return;
// do not remove the bush with this action!
if(t.sprout_count == 1)
effect.Interval = 35 * 20;
return -1;
func CreateFlower()
if(attached_flower != -1) return;
// needs some water for this
var t = GetActionTarget();
if(!t) return;
if(t.saved_water < SproutBerryBush_water_per_berry) return;
t.saved_water -= SproutBerryBush_water_per_berry;
// send the happy message
for(var obj in FindObjects(Find_Distance(200), Find_ID(SproutBerryBush), Find_Exclude(t)))
obj->StartSeason(35 * 3);
attached_flower = AttachMesh(SproutBerryBush_Flower, "Head", "Main", nil, nil);
SetAttachTransform(attached_flower, Trans_Scale(1, 1, 1));
AddEffect("GrowAttachedFlower", this, 1, 2, this);
AddEffect("FlowerTime", this, 1, 35 * (50 + Random(10)), this);
func FxGrowAttachedBerryStart(target, effect, temp)
if(temp) return;
effect.size = 1;
func FxGrowAttachedBerryTimer(target, effect, time)
if(attached_berry == -1) return -1;
effect.size += 20;
if(effect.size >= 750)
effect.size = 750;
SetAttachTransform(attached_berry, Trans_Scale(effect.size, effect.size, effect.size));
if(effect.size == 750)
return -1;
return 1;
static const SproutBerryBush_Flower_BlossomSize = 1000;
func FxGrowAttachedFlowerStart(target, effect, temp)
if(temp) return;
effect.size = 1;
func FxGrowAttachedFlowerTimer(target, effect, time)
if(attached_flower == -1) return -1;
effect.size += 20;
if(effect.size >= SproutBerryBush_Flower_BlossomSize)
effect.size = SproutBerryBush_Flower_BlossomSize;
SetAttachTransform(attached_flower, Trans_Scale(effect.size, effect.size, effect.size));
if(effect.size == SproutBerryBush_Flower_BlossomSize)
return -1;
return 1;
func FxShrinkAttachedFlowerStart(target, effect, temp)
if(temp) return;
effect.size = SproutBerryBush_Flower_BlossomSize;
func FxShrinkAttachedFlowerTimer(target, effect, time)
if(attached_flower == -1) return -1;
effect.size -= 20;
if(effect.size <= 0)
effect.size = 0;
SetAttachTransform(attached_flower, Trans_Scale(effect.size, effect.size, effect.size));
if(effect.size == 0)
attached_flower = -1;
return -1;
return 1;
func Ejection(obj)
if(attached_berry != -1)
attached_berry = -1;
func FxQuickFadeStart(target, effect, temp, p1)
if(temp) return;
effect.t = p1;
effect.alpha = 255;
effect.step = 255 / effect.t;
func FxQuickFadeTimer(target, effect, time)
if(time < effect.t) return;
effect.alpha -= effect.step;
SetClrModulation(RGBa(255, 255, 255, effect.alpha));
if(effect.alpha <= 0) return -1;
return 1;
// Only save main bush object
func SaveScenarioObject() { return false; }