
18 lines
964 B

Name2=Respawn at flagpole
Name3=Base respawn
Description=You respawn at a fixed point in the map.
Description2=You respawn at the nearest respawn flagpole.
Description3=You respawn at the nearest base if sufficient clonks and clunkers are available.
InventoryTransfer=Keep inventory
InventoryTransferHelp=Whether the inventory of dying clonks is beamed to the newly respawned clonk.
FreeCrew=Free respawn
FreeCrewHelp=Whether respawning clonks are free. If not set, respawn happens only if the player has sufficient gold and clonks available for sale.
RespawnAtBase=Respawn bei der Basis
RespawnAtBaseHelp=Ob man bei der Basis spawnt.
Holding=Clonks stay in the container
HoldingHelp=Whether respawning clonks stay in the container until the respawn time ends.
RespawnDelay=Respawn delay
RespawnDelayHelp=Time from death to respawning.
RelaunchCount=Relaunch count
RelaunchCountHelp=Amount of relaunches. Set it to -1 to enable infinite relaunches.