
264 lines
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Basic functionality for all plants
@author Clonkonaut
// This is a plant
public func IsPlant()
return true;
/** Automated positioning via RootSurface, make sure to call this if needed (in case Construction is overloaded)
protected func Construction(...)
Schedule(this, "RootSurface()", 1);
AddTimer("Seed", 72 + Random(10));
public func InitChild(object parent)
// Copy settings from parent plant
return true;
/* Placement */
/** Places the given amount of plants inside the area. If no area is given, the whole landscape is used.
@param amount The amount of plants to be created (not necessarily every plant is created).
@param rectangle The area where to put the plants.
@param settings A proplist defining further setttings: { growth = 100000, keep_area = false }. Growth will get passed over to PlaceVegetation, keep_area will confine the plants and their offspring to rectangle.
@return Returns an array of all objects created.
public func Place(int amount, proplist area, proplist settings)
// No calls to objects, only definitions
if (GetType(this) == C4V_C4Object) return;
// Default parameters
if (!settings) settings = { growth = 100000, keep_area = false };
if (!settings.growth) settings.growth = 100000;
var rectangle;
if (area) rectangle = area->GetBoundingRectangle(); else rectangle = Shape->LandscapeRectangle();
var plants = CreateArray(), plant;
for (var i = 0 ; i < amount ; i++)
plant = PlaceVegetation(this, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.wdt, rectangle.hgt, settings.growth, area);
if (plant)
plants[GetLength(plants)] = plant;
if (settings.keep_area && area)
plant = nil;
return plants;
/* Reproduction */
/** Will confine the the plant and its offspring to a certain area.
@params area The confinement area.
func KeepArea(proplist area)
this.Confinement = area;
/** Chance to reproduce plant. Chances are one out of return value. From 0 to 10000. Default is 20.
@return the chance, higher = more chance. 0 = does not reproduce.
local plant_seed_chance = 20;
public func SeedChance()
return plant_seed_chance;
public func SetSeedChance(int v)
plant_seed_chance = v;
return UpdateSeedTimer();
private func UpdateSeedTimer()
if (plant_seed_chance) AddTimer("Seed", 72 + Random(10));
return true;
/** Distance the seeds may travel. Default is 250.
@return the maximum distance.
local plant_seed_area = 250;
public func SeedArea()
return plant_seed_area;
public func SetSeedArea(int v)
plant_seed_area = v;
return true;
/** The amount of plants allowed within SeedAreaSize. Default is 10.
@return the maximum amount of plants.
local plant_seed_amount = 10;
private func SeedAmount()
return plant_seed_amount;
public func SetSeedAmount(int v)
plant_seed_amount = v;
return true;
/** The closest distance a new plant may seed to its nearest neighbour. Default is 20.
@return the closest distance to another plant.
local plant_seed_offset = 20;
public func SeedOffset()
return plant_seed_offset;
public func SetSeedOffset(int v)
plant_seed_offset = v;
return true;
/** Evaluates parameters for this definition to determine if seeding should occur.
@par offx X offset added to context position for check.
@par offy Y offset added to context position for check.
@plant_id plant to check for whether it's already too crowded. Default to GetID().
@return true iff seeding should occur
public func CheckSeedChance(int offx, int offy, id plant_id)
// Find number of plants in seed area.
// Ignored confinement - that's only used for actual placement
var size = this->SeedArea();
var amount = this->SeedAmount();
var plant_cnt = ObjectCount(Find_ID(plant_id ?? GetID()), Find_InRect(offx - size / 2, offy - size / 2, size, size));
// Increase seed chance by number of missing plants to reach maximum amount
// Note the chance will become negative if the maximum has been reached, in which case the random check will never succeed.
// That's intended
var chance = this->SeedChance() * (amount - plant_cnt);
if (!chance) return;
// Place a plant if we are lucky
return (Random(10000) < chance);
/** Reproduction of plants: Called every 2 seconds by a timer.
private func Seed()
if (OnFire()) return;
// Place a plant if we are lucky, but no more than seed amount.
var plant;
if (CheckSeedChance())
plant = DoSeed(true);
// Check if it is not close to another one.
if (plant)
var neighbours = FindObjects(Find_Func("IsPlant"), Find_Exclude(plant),
Sort_Multiple(Sort_Distance(plant->GetX() - GetX(), plant->GetY() - GetY()), Sort_Reverse(Sort_Func("SeedOffset"))));
// Only check the nearest 3 plants
var too_close = false;
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(neighbours) && i < 3; i++)
var neighbour = neighbours[i];
var x_distance = plant->SeedOffset() + 1;
var y_distance = 151;
if (neighbour)
x_distance = Abs(neighbour->GetX() - plant->GetX());
y_distance = Abs(neighbour->GetY() - plant->GetY());
if ((x_distance < plant->SeedOffset() || x_distance < neighbour->~SeedOffset()) && y_distance < 151)
too_close = true;
// Closeness check
if (too_close)
return plant;
/** Forcefully places a seed of the plant, without random chance
or other sanity checks. This is useful for testing.
public func DoSeed(bool no_init)
// Apply confinement for plant placement
var size = SeedArea();
var area = Shape->Rectangle(GetX() - size / 2, GetY() - size / 2, size, size);
var confined_area = nil;
if (this.Confinement)
confined_area = Shape->Intersect(this.Confinement, area);
// Quick-check if intersection to confinement yields an empty area
// to avoid unnecessery search by PlaceVegetation
area = confined_area->GetBoundingRectangle();
if (area.wdt <= 0 || area.hgt <= 0) return;
// Place the new plant in the original area
confined_area = area;
// Place the plant
var plant = PlaceVegetation(GetID(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, confined_area);
if (!no_init && plant)
return plant;
private func RemoveInTunnel()
if (GetMaterial() == Material("Tunnel") || GetMaterial(0, -10) == Material("Tunnel"))
/* Editor */
public func Definition(def, ...)
return _inherited(def, ...);