
104 lines
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/* Convert structures to ruins with some effects on damage */
global func MakeRuinsOnDamage()
AddEffect("IntRuinOnDamage", g_chemical, 100, 0, g_chemical, nil, Ruin_ChemicalLab,[{x=-12,y=18,r=130, s=80, t=1300}]); // -8,5 (big) 14,5 (mid) 0,-14 (small)
AddEffect("IntRuinOnDamage", g_cabin, 100, 0, g_cabin, nil, Ruin_WoodenCabin, [{x=-20,y=-10, r=-45, s=50, t=1500}]);
AddEffect("IntRuinOnDamage", g_windmill, 100, 0, g_windmill, nil, Ruin_Windmill, [{x=-15,y=42, r=45, s=50, t=1200}]);
AddEffect("IntRuinOnDamage", g_flagpole, 100, 0, g_flagpole, nil, Flagpole, [{x=-2,y=-8, r=-15, s=50, t=1250}]);
global func FxIntRuinOnDamageStart(object target, fx, int tmp, ruin_id, fire_positions)
fx.ruin_id = ruin_id;
fx.fire_positions = fire_positions;
return FX_OK;
global func FxIntRuinOnDamageDamage(object target, fx, int dmg, int cause)
if (dmg > 0 && !(cause & 32))
var ruin,i;
if (fx.ruin_id == Flagpole)
// flagpole: just rotate and burn graphics
ruin = this;
var flag_r = 15;
var flag_z = 990;
var flag_yoff = 1000;
SetObjDrawTransform(Cos(flag_r, flag_z), Sin(flag_r, flag_z), 0, -Sin(flag_r, flag_z), Cos(flag_r, flag_z), flag_yoff);
// other ruins have a separate ID
ruin = CreateObjectAbove(fx.ruin_id, 0, GetDefBottom()-GetY(), GetOwner());
// lots of smoke!
var particles = Particles_Smoke(true);
particles.Size = PV_Linear(PV_Random(50, 100), PV_Random(100, 200));
CreateParticle("Smoke", PV_Random(-30,30), PV_Random(-20,20), PV_Random(-20, 20), PV_Random(-20,0), PV_Random(300, 700), particles, 20);
// additional flints will fall during the attack
// make sure ruins don't just disappear
// cast some fire at predefined positions on the ruin
for (var fire in fx.fire_positions)
// smoke for some time
ruin->AddScorch(fire.x, fire.y, fire.r, fire.s, fire.t);
// cast burning wood
for (i=-20; i<=20; i+= 20)
var item = CreateObjectAbove(Wood, fire.x, fire.y, GetOwner());
if (item)
item->SetXDir(Sin(fire.r + i, fire.s/2));
item->SetYDir(-Cos(fire.r + i, fire.s/2));
particles.Size = PV_Linear(fire.s, PV_Random(100, 200));
CreateParticle("SmokeDirty", PV_Random(fire.x - 10,fire.x + 10), PV_Random(fire.y - 10, fire.y + 10), PV_Random(-20, 20), PV_Random(-20,0), PV_Random(300, 400), particles, 3);
// remove non-ruin building (except flagpole)
if (ruin != this)
RemoveEffect("IntRuinOnDamage", this);
return 0;
return dmg;
global func AddScorch(int x, int y, int r, int strength, int duration)
var scorch = CreateObjectAbove(Wood, x,y, NO_OWNER);
if (!scorch) return nil;
scorch.Collectible = false; // SetObjectLayer is not enough...
scorch.Plane = this.Plane+1;
var fx = AddEffect("FireScorching", scorch, 1, 2, scorch);
fx.strength = strength;
fx.duration = duration;
return scorch;
global func FxFireScorchingTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
if (time >= effect.duration) { RemoveObject(); return FX_Execute_Kill; }
// particles
var wind = BoundBy(GetWind(), -5, 5);
CreateParticle("SmokeDirty", PV_Random(-5, 5), PV_Random(-5, 5), wind, -effect.strength/8, PV_Random(20, 40), Particles_SmokeTrail(), 2);
return FX_OK;