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# Goal Description
MsgGoalName=Restore Power
MsgGoalDescription=Restore the power supply and construct an airplane.
# Dialogue options
MsgNextTutorial=&Next tutorial
MsgNextTutorialDesc=Start the next tutorial scenario.
MsgRepeatRound=&Repeat this round
MsgRepeatRoundDesc=Restart this scenario.
# Tutorial messages
MsgTutorialTakeElevator=There is just barely enough wind to supply the elevator with power. Take it up to the sky island above, then take a hammer from the workshop over there. To call the elevator, press [%s] when standing close to the elevator shaft.
MsgTutorialBuildCompensator=On this island we can build a compensator, build one at the indicated location underground. Compensators can store superfluous power in the system, this is useful when you have wind generators.
MsgTutorialBuyMetal=Good, you can dig out a coal on the left and add it to the construction site. The villagers allow you to buy metal from their flagpole. In some rounds you can buy certain items at the flagpole, just open the interaction menu (by pressing [%s]) and click on the item you want to buy in the \"Buy Stuff\" tab.
MsgTutorialPowerOverview=Okay now that the compensator is finished any surplus power will be stored by it. All power in a connected area is shared, an overview can be found at the flagpole in the \"Power Overview\" tab.
MsgTutorialEnterCatapult=Now it is time you get to the island on the right to build a steam engine as back-up power supply. We can use the catapult for that, with which you can either shoot objects or yourself. Stand in front of the catapult and hold [%s], then press [%s] to toggle between entering and grabbing the catapult and release [%s] again.
MsgTutorialLaunchCatapult=To see where you are aiming the catapult you might want to zoom out, you can zoom with [F5/F6] or with [%s/%s]. Then hold [%s] to start aiming the catapult and release it to shoot yourself, the trajectory will go through the mouse cursor if possible.
MsgTutorialBuildSteamEngine=Good, you see that catapults can be a mode of transportation! Use your hammer to place a steam engine at the indicated location underground. Steam engines burn fuel like coal and wood to produce power on demand, exactly what we need to power the shipyard.
MsgTutorialTransportMaterials=This construction needs rock and metal, to get the rock you can fetch some dynamite from the chemical lab and blast the patch of rock on this island. To get the metal we need to access a flagpole to buy some more. Use the catapult on this island to get to the bottom island and use the elevator to get up again.
MsgTutorialShootCoalAndMetal=The steam engine will also need some coal to produce power, dig out some coal and then grab the catapult with [%s]. Select a piece of coal in your inventory and shoot it over to the island on the right the same way you shot yourself. Then buy three pieces of metal and shoot yourself to the island as well.
MsgTutorialFinishSteamEngine=Good, now finish the steam engine and put some coal into it. Then catapult yourself to the island with the shipyard and produce the airplane.
MsgTutorialCompleted=You are becoming an expert. Time to get some clunkers in the next tutorial!