
304 lines
6.5 KiB

Diving Helmet
Connected to a pump it provides the user with air underwater.
@author: pluto, Clonkonaut
#include Library_Wearable
local air_pipe;
local custom_entry =
Right = "100%", Bottom = "2em",
BackgroundColor = {Std = 0, OnHover = 0x50ff0000},
image = {Right = "2em"},
text = {Left = "2em"}
/*-- Engine Callbacks --*/
func Hit()
/*-- Callbacks --*/
// Called by a connected pump
public func OnAirPumped(object pump)
var wearer = Contained();
if (wearer && IsWorn())
// If nearly max breath just keep the level
if (wearer->~GetBreath() >= wearer->~GetMaxBreath() - 10)
else // Slowly fill up breath
// Return whether the helmet needs air.
public func QueryAirNeed(object pump)
var wearer = Contained();
if (wearer && IsWorn())
return wearer->~GetBreath() < wearer->~GetMaxBreath();
return false;
public func OnPipeLengthChange()
// Update usage bar for a possible carrier (the clonk).
var carrier = Contained();
if (carrier)
// Display the line length bar over the pipe icon.
public func GetInventoryIconOverlay()
var pipe = GetConnectedPipe();
if (!pipe) return;
var percentage = 100 * pipe->GetPipeLength() / pipe.PipeMaxLength;
var red = percentage * 255 / 100;
var green = 255 - red;
// Overlay a usage bar.
var overlay =
Bottom = "0.75em",
Margin = ["0.1em", "0.25em"],
BackgroundColor = RGB(0, 0, 0),
margin =
Margin = "0.05em",
bar =
BackgroundColor = RGB(red, green, 0),
Right = Format("%d%%", percentage),
return overlay;
// It is assumed that only suitable pipes (drain / neutral / air pipes) are connected.
public func OnPipeConnect(object pipe)
if (!pipe) return;
air_pipe = FindObject(Find_ID(PipeLine), Find_Or(Find_ActionTarget(this), Find_ActionTarget2(this)));
if (!air_pipe) return;
func OnPipeDisconnect(object pipe)
if (!air_pipe || !pipe) return;
var other = air_pipe->GetConnectedObject(this);
if (!other || other->GetID() != Pump)
// Called by the interaction menu (OnPipeControl)
public func DoConnectPipe(object pipe, string specific_pipe_state)
if (!pipe) return;
if (GetConnectedPipe())
pipe->ConnectPipeTo(this, PIPE_STATE_Air);
// Called by the interaction menu (OnPipeControl)
public func DoCutPipe(object pipe)
if (pipe)
if (pipe->~GetPipeKit())
/*-- Usage --*/
public func ControlUse(object clonk)
if (IsWorn())
return true;
public func CanConnectPipe()
return !GetConnectedPipe();
public func GetConnectedPipe()
if (!air_pipe) return;
if (!air_pipe->IsConnectedTo(this)) return;
return air_pipe;
// Do not accept source pipes
public func QueryConnectPipe(object pipe, bool do_msg)
if (GetConnectedPipe())
if (do_msg)
return true;
if (pipe->IsSourcePipe())
if (do_msg)
return true;
return false;
/*-- Interaction --*/
public func HasInteractionMenu() { return true; }
public func GetInteractionMenus(object clonk)
var menus = _inherited(clonk, ...) ?? [];
var pipe_menu =
title = "$MenuPipeControl$",
entries_callback = this.GetPipeControlMenuEntries,
callback = "OnPipeControl",
callback_hover = "OnPipeControlHover",
callback_target = this,
BackgroundColor = RGB(0, 50, 50),
Priority = 30
PushBack(menus, pipe_menu);
return menus;
public func GetPipeControlMenuEntries(object clonk)
var menu_entries = [];
// Add info message about pipe control.
PushBack(menu_entries, {symbol = this, extra_data = "description",
custom =
Prototype = custom_entry,
Bottom = "1.2em",
Priority = -1,
BackgroundColor = RGB(25, 100, 100),
text = {Prototype = custom_entry.text, Text = "$MenuPipeControl$"},
image = {Prototype = custom_entry.image, Symbol = Pipe}
var available_pipe = FindAvailablePipe(clonk);
if (GetConnectedPipe())
PushBack(menu_entries, GetHelmetMenuEntry(Icon_Cancel, "$MsgCutPipe$", 1, "cutpipe"));
else if (available_pipe)
PushBack(menu_entries, GetHelmetMenuEntry(available_pipe, "$MsgConnectPipe$", 1, "connectpipe"));
return menu_entries;
func GetHelmetMenuEntry(symbol, string text, int priority, extra_data)
return { symbol = symbol, extra_data = extra_data,
custom =
Prototype = custom_entry,
Priority = priority,
text = {Prototype = custom_entry.text, Text = text},
image = {Prototype = custom_entry.image, Symbol = symbol}
public func OnPipeControlHover(id symbol, string action, desc_menu_target, menu_id)
var text = "";
if (action == "cutpipe") text = "$DescCutPipe$";
else if (action == "connectpipe") text = "$DescConnectPipe$";
else if (action == "description") text = this.Description;
GuiUpdateText(text, menu_id, 1, desc_menu_target);
public func OnPipeControl(symbol_or_object, string action, bool alt)
if (action == "cutpipe")
else if (action == "connectpipe")
func FindAvailablePipe(object container)
for (var pipe in FindObjects(Find_ID(Pipe), Find_Container(container), Find_Or(Find_Func("IsAirPipe"), Find_Func("IsDrainPipe"), Find_Func("IsNeutralPipe"))))
if (!this->~QueryConnectPipe(pipe, false))
return pipe;
return nil;
/*-- Production --*/
public func IsToolProduct() { return true; }
/*-- Display --*/
public func GetWearPlace()
return WEARABLE_Head;
public func GetWearTransform()
return Trans_Mul(Trans_Rotate(90, 0, 0, 1), Trans_Translate(0, -1000));
public func GetCarryMode(object clonk, bool secondary)
if (IsWorn() || display_disabled)
return CARRY_None;
return CARRY_BothHands;
public func GetCarryPhase(object clonk)
return 650;
public func GetCarryTransform(object clonk, bool secondary, bool no_hand, bool on_back)
return Trans_Mul(Trans_Rotate(80, 0, 0, 1), Trans_Rotate(-90, 0, 1), Trans_Rotate(-45, 0, 0, 1), Trans_Translate(-1000, 4000));
func Definition(def)
SetProperty("PictureTransformation", Trans_Mul(Trans_Rotate(45, 0, 1), Trans_Rotate(10, 0, 0, 1)),def);
/*-- Properties --*/
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
local Collectible = true;
local Components = {Wood = 1, Metal = 1};