
23 lines
770 B

MenuPipeControl=Pipe Control
MsgConnectSource=Connect source
MsgConnectDrain=Connect drain
MsgConnectNeutral=Connect pipe
DescConnectSource=Connects a source pipe.
DescConnectDrain=Connects a drain pipe.
DescConnectNeutral=Connects a pipe.
MsgCutSource=Cut off source
MsgCutDrain=Cut off drain
MsgCutNeutral=Cut off pipe
DescCutSource=Removes the source pipe.
DescCutDrain=Removes the drain pipe.
DescCutNeutral=Removes the connected pipe.
MsgConnectedTo=(connected to {{%i}})
MsgConnectedToMultiple=(connected to {{%i}} and {{%i}})
DescConnectedTo=This pipe is currently connected to {{%i}}.
DescConnectedToMultiple=This pipe is currently connected to {{%i}} and {{%i}}.
MsgSwapSourceDrain=Swap source and drain
DescSwapSourceDrain=Swaps the source and drain pipes.