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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* Simple joystick handling with DirectInput 1 */
#ifndef INC_StdJoystick
#define INC_StdJoystick
#include <C4windowswrapper.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
const int32_t PAD_Axis_POVx = 6;
const int32_t PAD_Axis_POVy = 7; // virtual axises of the coolie hat
const int CStdGamepad_MaxGamePad = 15, // maximum number of supported gamepads
CStdGamepad_MaxCalAxis = 6, // maximum number of calibrated axises
CStdGamepad_MaxAxis = 8; // number of axises plus coolie hat axises
class CStdGamePad
enum AxisPos { Low, Mid, High, }; // quantized axis positions
int id; // gamepad number
JOYINFOEX joynfo; // WIN32 gamepad info
uint32_t dwAxisMin[CStdGamepad_MaxCalAxis], dwAxisMax[CStdGamepad_MaxCalAxis]; // axis ranges - auto calibrated
bool fAxisCalibrated[CStdGamepad_MaxCalAxis]; // set if an initial value for axis borders has been determined already
CStdGamePad(int id); // ctor
void ResetCalibration(); // resets axis min and max
void SetCalibration(uint32_t *pdwAxisMin, uint32_t *pdwAxisMax, bool *pfAxisCalibrated);
void GetCalibration(uint32_t *pdwAxisMin, uint32_t *pdwAxisMax, bool *pfAxisCalibrated);
bool Update(); // read current gamepad data
uint32_t GetButtons(); // returns bitmask of pressed buttons for last retrieved info
AxisPos GetAxisPos(int idAxis, int32_t *out_strength=NULL); // return axis extension - mid for error or center position