
543 lines
13 KiB

Generic cloud, features: rain (water, acid) and thunder.
The clouds have periods of condensing, idle and raining.
Different types of rain (water, acid) are hardcoded.
@authors Ringwaul, Maikel
local Plane = -300;
// Cloud modes: idle, raining, condensing.
static const CLOUD_ModeIdle = 0;
static const CLOUD_ModeRaining = 1;
static const CLOUD_ModeCondensing = 2;
local mode;
// The time a cloud is in this mode.
local mode_time;
local lightning_chance; // chance of lightning strikes 0-100.
local evap_x; // x coordinate for evaporation
local rain; // Number of liquid pixels the cloud holds.
local rain_mat; // Precipitation type from scenario or other. Material name of nil for no rain.
local rain_amount; // Precipitation amount from scenario or other.
local rain_max; // Max rain the cloud can hold.
local rain_mat_freeze_temp; // Freezing temperature of current rain material.
local rain_mat_frozen; // Material currently frozen to.
local rain_visual_strength; // Amount of rain particles
local cloud_shade; // Cloud shade.
local cloud_alpha; // Cloud alpha.
local cloud_color; // Cloud color proplist.
// This is an environment object (e.g., shouldn't be a target for the lift tower)
public func IsEnvironment() { return true; }
protected func Initialize()
// Clouds start idle.
mode = CLOUD_ModeIdle;
mode_time = 360 + RandomX(-60, 60);
// Default values for rain.
rain = 0;
rain_max = 960;
rain_visual_strength = 10;
// Cloud defaults
lightning_chance = 0;
cloud_shade = 0;
cloud_alpha = 255;
cloud_color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255};
evap_x = 0;
// Push low flying clouds up to proper height
while (MaterialDepthCheck(GetX(), GetY(), "Sky", 150) != true)
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY()-1);
// Failsafe for stupid grounded clouds
if (GetMaterial(0, 30) != Material("Sky"))
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() - 180);
// Add effect to process all cloud features.
AddEffect("ProcessCloud", this, 100, 5, this);
/*-- Definition call interface --*/
// Id call: Creates the indicated number of clouds.
public func Place(int count)
if (this != Cloud)
while (count > 0)
var pos;
if ((pos = FindPosInMat("Sky", 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight())) && MaterialDepthCheck(pos[0], pos[1], "Sky", 200))
CreateObjectAbove(Cloud, pos[0], pos[1], NO_OWNER);
// Changes the precipitation type of this cloud.
// Also an id call: Changes all clouds to this settings.
public func SetPrecipitation(string mat, int amount)
// Called to proplist: change all clouds.
if (this == Cloud)
for (var cloud in FindObjects(Find_ID(Cloud)))
cloud->SetPrecipitation(mat, amount);
else // Otherwise change the clouds precipitation.
rain_mat = mat;
rain_amount = amount;
// Also change rain content.
rain = BoundBy(amount * rain_max / 100, 0, 960);
// Store snow/water conversion
rain_mat_freeze_temp = GetMaterialVal("BelowTempConvert", "Material", Material(rain_mat));
// Hack: material val does not return nil for materials that do not freeze, so fix those explicitly.
if (mat == "Snow" || mat == "Ice")
rain_mat_freeze_temp = nil;
rain_mat_frozen = GetMaterialVal("BelowTempConvertTo", "Material", Material(rain_mat));
if (rain_mat_frozen == "Ice") rain_mat_frozen = "Snow";
// Changes the lightning frequency type of this cloud.
// Also an id call: Changes all clouds to this settings.
public func SetLightning(int freq)
// Called to proplist: change all clouds.
if (this == Cloud)
for (var cloud in FindObjects(Find_ID(Cloud)))
else // Otherwise change this clouds lightning.
lightning_chance = freq;
public func SetRain(int to_rain)
rain = BoundBy(to_rain, 0, rain_max);
// Sets the strength of the visual particle rain.
// Also an id call: Changes all clouds to this settings.
public func SetVisualRainStrength(int to)
// Called to proplist: change all clouds.
if (this == Cloud)
for (var cloud in FindObjects(Find_ID(Cloud)))
rain_visual_strength = to;
// Changes the color of this cloud.
// Also an id call: Changes all clouds to this settings.
public func SetCloudRGB(r, g, b)
// Called to proplist: change all clouds.
if (this == Cloud)
for (var cloud in FindObjects(Find_ID(Cloud)))
cloud->SetCloudRGB(r, g, b);
else // Otherwise change the clouds color.
cloud_color.r = r ?? 255;
cloud_color.g = g ?? 255;
cloud_color.b = b ?? 255;
/*-- Cloud processing --*/
protected func FxProcessCloudStart(object target, proplist effect, int temporary)
// Make sure the effect interval is 5.
if (!temporary)
effect.Interval = 5;
return 1;
protected func FxProcessCloudTimer()
// Move clouds.
// Update mode time.
if (mode_time <= 0)
// Change mode, reset timer.
mode = (mode + 1) % 3;
mode_time = 480 + RandomX(-90, 90);
// Start or stop the rain sound.
// TODO: Sound should play where the rain hits the ground, not where the cloud is.
if (mode == CLOUD_ModeRaining)
var mat = RainMat();
if (mat == "Water" || mat == "Acid")
Sound("Liquids::StereoRain", false, 80, nil, +1, 1000);
Sound("Liquids::StereoRain",,,, -1);
// Process modes.
/*if (mode == CLOUD_ModeIdle)
// Empty
else*/ if (mode == CLOUD_ModeRaining)
else if (mode == CLOUD_ModeCondensing)
// Update cloud appearance.
return 1;
private func MoveCloud()
// Get wind speed from various locations of the cloud.
var con = GetCon();
var wdt = GetDefWidth() * con / 100;
var hgt = GetDefHeight() * con / 100;
var xoff = wdt * 10 / 25;
var yoff = hgt * 10 / 35;
var wind = (GetWind() + GetWind(xoff, yoff) + GetWind(xoff, -yoff) + GetWind(-xoff, -yoff) + GetWind(-xoff, yoff) + GetWind(nil, nil, true)) / 6;
// Move according to wind.
if (Abs(wind) < 7)
SetXDir(wind * 10, 1000);
// Loop clouds around the map.
if (GetX() >= LandscapeWidth() + wdt/2 - 10)
SetPosition(12 - wdt/2, GetY());
else if (GetX() <= 10 - wdt/2)
SetPosition(LandscapeWidth() + wdt/2 - 12, GetY());
// Some other safety.
if (GetY() <= 5)
SetPosition(0, 6);
if (GetYDir() != 0)
while (Stuck())
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() - 5);
private func Precipitation()
if (!rain_mat)
// Precipitaion: water or snow.
if (rain > 0)
if (RainDrop());
// If out of liquids, skip mode.
if (rain == 0)
mode_time = 0;
// Check if liquid is maybe in frozen form.
private func RainMat()
if (rain_mat_freeze_temp != nil && GetTemperature() < rain_mat_freeze_temp)
return rain_mat_frozen;
return rain_mat;
local last_raindrop_color = nil;
local particle_cache;
// Raindrop somewhere from the cloud.
private func RainDrop()
var con = GetCon();
var wdt = GetDefWidth() * con / 500;
var hgt = GetDefHeight() * con / 700;
var mat = RainMat();
var particle_name = "Raindrop";
var color = GetMaterialColor(mat);
if (color != last_raindrop_color)
particle_cache = {};
last_raindrop_color = color;
if (mat == "Lava" || mat == "DuroLava")
particle_name = "RaindropLava";
if (mat == "Snow")
particle_cache.snow = particle_cache.snow ?? Particles_Snow(color);
particle_cache.rain = particle_cache.rain ?? Particles_Rain(color);
var count = Max(rain_visual_strength, 1);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
var x = RandomX(-wdt, wdt);
var y = RandomX(-hgt, hgt);
var xdir = RandomX(GetWind(0,0,1)-5, GetWind(0,0,1)+5)/5;
var ydir = 30;
if (!GBackSky(x, y))
if(mat == "Ice")
// Ice (-> hail) falls faster.
xdir *= 4;
ydir *= 4;
// Snow is special.
if(mat == "Snow")
CreateParticle("RaindropSnow", x, y, xdir, 10, PV_Random(2000, 3000), particle_cache.snow, 0);
if (!i)
CastPXS(mat, 1, 0, x, y);
var particle = new particle_cache.rain {};
particle.Attach = ATTACH_Back;
CreateParticle(particle_name, x, y, xdir, ydir, PV_Random(200, 300), particle, 0);
// Splash.
if (!i)
var hit = SimFlight(x, y, xdir, ydir, 25 /* Liquid */, nil, nil, 3);
var x_final = hit[0], y_final = hit[1], time_passed = hit[4];
if (time_passed > 0)
ScheduleCall(this, "DropHit", time_passed, 0, mat, color, x_final, y_final);
return true;
// Checks whether the given material might smoke when in contact with water.
private func SmokeyMaterial(string material_name)
var mat = Material(material_name);
return GetMaterialVal("Corrosive", "Material", mat) || GetMaterialVal("Incendiary", "Material", mat);
private func DropHit(string material_name, int color, int x_orig, int y_orig)
// Adjust position so that it's in the air.
var x = AbsX(x_orig), y = AbsY(y_orig);
while (GBackSemiSolid(x, y - 1)) y--;
InsertMaterial(Material(material_name), x, y - 1);
// Some materials cast smoke when hitting water.
if (GetMaterial(x,y) == Material("Water") && SmokeyMaterial(material_name))
Smoke(x, y, 3, RGB(150,160,150));
// Liquid? liquid splash!
else if(GBackLiquid(x,y))
particle_cache.splash_water = particle_cache.splash_water ?? Particles_SplashWater(color);
CreateParticle("RaindropSplashLiquid", x, y - 3, 0, 0, 20, particle_cache.splash_water);
// Solid? normal splash!
if( (material_name == "Acid" && GetMaterial(x,y) == Material("Earth")) || material_name == "Lava" || material_name == "DuroLava")
Smoke(x, y, 3, RGB(150,160,150));
CreateParticle("RaindropSplash", x, y-1, 0, 0, 5, Particles_Splash(color), 0);
if(material_name == "Ice")
particle_cache.hail = particle_cache.hail ?? Particles_Hail(color);
CreateParticle("Hail", x, y, RandomX(-2,2), -Random(10), PV_Random(300, 300), particle_cache.hail, 0);
particle_cache.small_rain = particle_cache.small_rain ?? Particles_RainSmall(color);
CreateParticle("RaindropSmall", x, y, RandomX(-4, 4), -Random(10), PV_Random(300, 300), particle_cache.small_rain, 0);
private func GetMaterialColor(string name)
// A Material's color is actually defined by its texture.
var texture = GetMaterialVal("TextureOverlay", "Material", Material(name));
return GetAverageTextureColor(texture);
// Launches possibly one thunder strike from the cloud.
private func ThunderStrike()
// Determine whether to launch a strike.
if (rain < 100)
if (Random(100) >= lightning_chance || Random(80))
// Find random position in the cloud.
var con = GetCon();
var wdt = GetDefWidth() * con / 250;
var hgt = GetDefHeight() * con / 350;
var x = GetX() + RandomX(-wdt, wdt);
var y = GetY() + RandomX(-hgt, hgt);
var pix = 0;
// Check if there is sky for at least 60 pixels.
while (GBackSky(x - GetX(), y - GetY() + pix) && pix <= 60)
if (pix < 60)
var str = 2 * con / 3 + RandomX(-15, 15);
// Launch lightning.
return LaunchLightning(x, y, str, 0, str / 5, str / 10, str / 10);
// Tries to evaporate liquids from the surface.
protected func Evaporation()
var prec = 5;
// Found enough water/acid, skip condensing phase.
if (rain >= 960)
mode_time = 0;
// determine new x coordinate from the cloud to test for liquids.
var wdt = GetDefWidth() * GetCon() * 3 / 4;
evap_x += prec;
if (evap_x > wdt)
evap_x = - wdt;
// Test the line downwards from this coordinate.
var y = 0;
while (!GBackSemiSolid(evap_x, y) && y < LandscapeHeight())
y += prec;
// Try to extract the specified material.
if (GetMaterial(evap_x, y) == Material(rain_mat))
ExtractMaterialAmount(evap_x, y, Material("Water"), 3);
rain += 3;
// Also add some rain by scenario value.
if (Random(100) < rain_amount)
rain += 1 + Random(3);
//Shades the clouds based on iSize: the water density value of the cloud.
private func ShadeCloud()
var alpha = (cloud_alpha + ((rain + 40) * 255) / 960) / 2;
var alpha = Min(alpha, 255);
var shade = BoundBy(cloud_shade, 0, 255);
var factor = 255 - shade;
SetClrModulation(RGBa(factor * cloud_color.r / 255, factor * cloud_color.g / 255, factor * cloud_color.b / 255, alpha));
// Utilized by time to make clouds invisible at night
public func SetLightingShade(int darkness)
cloud_shade = darkness;
// Utilized by time to make clouds invisible at night
public func SetCloudAlpha(int alpha)
cloud_alpha = BoundBy(alpha, 0, 255);
/* Scenartio saving */
func SaveScenarioObject(props)
if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false;
if (GetComDir() == COMD_None) props->Remove("ComDir");
if (rain_mat != nil) props->AddCall("Precipitation", this, "SetPrecipitation", Format("%v", MaterialName(rain_mat)), rain_amount);
if (lightning_chance) props->AddCall("Lightning", this, "SetLightning", lightning_chance);
if (rain) props->AddCall("Rain", this, "SetRain", rain);
return true;
/* Properties */
local ActMap = {
Fly = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Fly",
Procedure = DFA_FLOAT,
Speed = 20,
Accel = 16,
Decel = 16,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 512,
Hgt = 350,
Length = 16,
Delay = 0,
NextAction = "Fly",
TurnAction = "Turn",
local Name = "Cloud";