
253 lines
6.3 KiB

#appendto Dialogue
/* Pyrit dialogue */
func Dlg_Pyrit_1(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit1$", clonk, clonk); // u pyrit?
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_2(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit2$", clonk, dlg_target); // ye. why u here?
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_3(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit3$", clonk, clonk); // my village got pwned
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_4(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit4$", clonk, dlg_target); // ye i saw. cuz u no pay tax
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_5(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit5$", clonk, clonk); // tax is communism
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_6(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit6$", clonk, dlg_target); // we pay but harx b greedy
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_7(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit7$", clonk, clonk); // so u help me?
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_8(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit8$", clonk, dlg_target); // how u get there?
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_9(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit9$", clonk, clonk); // can we build plane?
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_10(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit10$", clonk, dlg_target); // i can give plans, but not fuel
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_11(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit11$", clonk, clonk); // for gud reason
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_12(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit12$", clonk, dlg_target); // only way 2 get there
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_13(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit13$", clonk, dlg_target); // some ppl hide oil
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_14(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit14$", clonk, dlg_target); // ask around 4 oil
// 2nd time in dialogue omit last message
if (g_pyrit_spoken)
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_15(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit15$", clonk, dlg_target); // take con plans for plane
g_pyrit_spoken = true;
AddTimer(this.CheckOilAtPlane, 10);
SetPlrKnowledge(NO_OWNER, Plane);
// many NPCs get new texts now
Dialogue->FindByTarget(npc_newton)->SetDialogueProgress(200, nil, true);
Dialogue->FindByTarget(npc_mave)->SetDialogueProgress(100, nil, true);
Dialogue->FindByTarget(npc_clonko)->SetDialogueProgress(100, nil, true);
Dialogue->FindByTarget(npc_dora)->AddAttention(); // in case player spoke to Dora before speaking to Pyrit...
return true;
// called every 10 frames after plane+oil task has been given
func CheckOilAtPlane()
var barrel;
for (var plane in FindObjects(Find_ID(Plane)))
if (barrel = plane->FindObject(plane->Find_AtRect(-30,-10,60,20), Find_ID(MetalBarrel)))
ScheduleCall(nil, Global.GameCall, 1,1, "OnPlaneLoaded", plane, barrel);
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_16(object clonk)
// ask how to build plane unless it has been built
if (g_plane_built) return Dlg_Pyrit_18(clonk);
MessageBox("$Pyrit16$", clonk, clonk); // where i build plane?
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_17(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit17$", clonk, dlg_target); // in shipyard
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_18(object clonk)
// ask for oil unless we got the oil location from Mave already
if (g_mave_oil_spoken) return Dlg_Pyrit_19(clonk);
MessageBox("$Pyrit18$", clonk, clonk); // where oil?
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_19(object clonk)
// after talking to Mave, we need a gold bar. ask where to find.
MessageBox("$Pyrit19$", clonk, clonk); // where gold?
return true;
func Dlg_Pyrit_20(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Pyrit20$", clonk, dlg_target); // gold underground
return true;
// Generic call on every dlg message of Pyrit
func Dlg_Pyrit(object clonk)
// Stop walking.
if (dlg_target->GetCommand())
this.was_walk_interrupted = true;
// Yield animation
if (this.anim) dlg_target->StopAnimation(this.anim);
this.anim = 0;
this.anim_continue_frame = FrameCounter() + 50;
return false; // do call specific functions
/* NPC animations */
static const Pyrit_Hammer_SwingTime = 40;
func Dlg_Pyrit_Init(object clonk)
// Pyit has a red hat!
clonk->AttachMesh(Hat, "skeleton_head", "main", Trans_Translate(5500, 0, 0));
// Clonk moves slowly.
clonk.ActMap = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap, Walk = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap.Walk } };
clonk.ActMap.Walk.Speed /= 3;
// Hammering animation
AddEffect("PyritHammering", clonk, 1, Pyrit_Hammer_SwingTime+5, this);
return true;
func FxPyritHammeringTimer(object c, proplist fx, int time)
if (FrameCounter() < this.anim_continue_frame || c.has_sequence) return FX_OK;
this.anim = 0;
if (!fx.catapult) if (!(fx.catapult = FindObject(Find_ID(Catapult), Sort_Distance()))) return FX_OK;
if ((!Random(20) && GetPlayerCount()) || this.was_walk_interrupted)
// Move between two places (only if players are joined so Pyrit stays in place for object saving)
var new_pos = [fx.catapult->GetX()-24, fx.catapult->GetX()+26][c->GetX() < fx.catapult->GetX()];
c->SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, new_pos, fx.catapult->GetY());
this.anim_continue_frame = FrameCounter() + 50;
this.was_walk_interrupted = false;
// Ensure proper direction
if ((c->GetDir()==DIR_Right) != (c->GetX() < fx.catapult->GetX())) { c->SetDir(!c->GetDir()); return FX_OK; }
// No movement: Swing hammer
var anim_idx = Random(4);
var anim_name = ["SwordSlash1.L", "SwordSlash1.R", "SwordSlash2.L", "SwordSlash2.R"][anim_idx];
var anim_len = c->GetAnimationLength(anim_name);
this.anim = c->PlayAnimation(anim_name, 10, Anim_Linear(0,0,anim_len, Pyrit_Hammer_SwingTime, ANIM_Remove), Anim_Const(1000));
// Schedule effect when hammer hits object
var hit_delay = [50,50,30,30][anim_idx] * Pyrit_Hammer_SwingTime / 100;
ScheduleCall(c, Dialogue.Pyrit_HitFx, hit_delay, 1);
return FX_OK;
func Pyrit_HitFx()
var x = (GetDir()*2-1) * 14;
var y = 4;
CreateParticle("StarSpark", x*9/10,y*9/10, PV_Random(-20, 20), PV_Random(-20, 20), PV_Random(10, 20), Particles_Glimmer(), 10);
return true;
func FxPyritHammeringStop(object c, proplist fx, int reason, bool temp)
if (!temp && this.anim)
this.anim = 0;
return FX_OK;