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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* Handles Music Files */
#ifndef INC_C4MusicFile
#define INC_C4MusicFile
#include <C4SoundIncludes.h>
#include <C4SoundLoaders.h>
/* Base class */
class C4MusicFile
C4MusicFile() :
pNext(NULL), LastPlayed(-1), NoPlay(false), loop(false), SongExtracted(false), announced(false)
{ }
virtual ~C4MusicFile() { }
// data
char FileName[_MAX_FNAME +1];
C4MusicFile *pNext;
int LastPlayed;
bool NoPlay;
bool loop;
bool announced;
virtual bool Init(const char *strFile);
virtual bool Play(bool loop = false, double max_resume_time = 0.0) = 0;
virtual void Stop(int fadeout_ms = 0) = 0;
virtual void CheckIfPlaying() = 0;
virtual void SetVolume(int) = 0;
virtual bool HasCategory(const char *szcat) const { return false; }
virtual double GetRemainingTime() { return 0.0; }
virtual bool HasResumePos() const { return false; }
virtual void ClearResumePos() { }
bool IsLooping() const { return loop; }
bool HasBeenAnnounced() const { return announced; }
void Announce();
// helper: copy data to a (temp) file
bool ExtractFile();
bool RemTempFile(); // remove the temp file
bool SongExtracted;
typedef struct _Mix_Music Mix_Music;
class C4MusicFileSDL : public C4MusicFile
bool Play(bool loop = false, double max_resume_time = 0.0);
void Stop(int fadeout_ms = 0);
void CheckIfPlaying();
void SetVolume(int);
char *Data;
Mix_Music * Music;
class C4MusicFileOgg : public C4MusicFile
void Clear();
virtual bool Init(const char *strFile);
bool Play(bool loop = false, double max_resume_time = 0.0);
void Stop(int fadeout_ms = 0);
void CheckIfPlaying();
void SetVolume(int);
virtual bool HasCategory(const char *szcat) const;
double GetRemainingTime();
bool HasResumePos() const { return (last_playback_pos_sec > 0); }
void ClearResumePos() { last_playback_pos_sec = 0.0; }
enum { num_buffers = 4, buffer_size = 160*1024 };
::C4SoundLoaders::VorbisLoader::CompressedData data;
::C4SoundLoaders::SoundInfo ogg_info;
OggVorbis_File ogg_file;
bool is_loading_from_file;
CStdFile source_file;
long last_source_file_pos; // remember position in source_file because it may be closed and re-opened
bool playing, streaming_done, loaded;
ALuint buffers[num_buffers];
ALuint channel;
double last_playback_pos_sec; // last playback position for resume when fading between pieces
int current_section;
size_t byte_pos_total;
float volume;
std::vector<StdCopyStrBuf> categories; // cateogries stored in meta info
bool FillBuffer(size_t idx);
void Execute(); // fill processed buffers
void UnprepareSourceFileReading(); // close file handle but remember buffer position for re-opening
bool PrepareSourceFileReading(); // close file handle but remember buffer position for re-opening
friend class C4SoundLoaders::VorbisLoader;