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SET_WASD_QWERTZ=Normal keyboard layout
SET_WASD_DVORAK=DVORAK keyboard layout
CON_Jump_Desc=Jump while running, jump out of the water or leap from a wall.
CON_AimAxisLeft=Aim - Left (Analog Stick)
CON_AimAxisRight=Aim - Right (Analog Stick)
CON_AimAxisUp=Aim - Up (Analog Stick)
CON_AimAxisDown=Aim - Down (Analog Stick)
CON_Throw_Desc=Throw the item in the hand into the aimed direction.
CON_ThrowAlt=Throw (other hand)
CON_ThrowAlt_Desc=Throw the item in the other hand into the aimed direction.
CON_Drop_Desc=Drop the item in the hand.
CON_DropAlt=Drop (other hand)
CON_DropAlt_Desc=Drop the item in the other hand.
CON_Use_Desc=Use the item in the hand.
CON_UseAlt=Use (other hand)
CON_UseAlt_Desc=Use the item in the other hand.
CON_Hotkey1=Hotkey 1
CON_Hotkey2=Hotkey 2
CON_Hotkey3=Hotkey 3
CON_Hotkey4=Hotkey 4
CON_Hotkey5=Hotkey 5
CON_Hotkey6=Hotkey 6
CON_Hotkey7=Hotkey 7
CON_Hotkey8=Hotkey 8
CON_Hotkey9=Hotkey 9
CON_Hotkey0=Hotkey 10
CON_Contents=Inventory menu
CON_Contents_Desc=Open and close the inventory menu. Through the inventory menu, you can take items from and put items into chests, lorries etc. as well as exchange items with other Clonks.
CON_PlayerMenu=Player menu
CON_PlayerMenu_Desc=Open and close the player menu.
CON_MenuSelect=Menu - Select
CON_MenuSelect_Desc=Confirm a selection in a menu.
CON_MenuCancel=Menu - Close
CON_MenuCancel_Desc=Close a menu without having selected anything.
CON_MenuOKAll=Menü: okay, alle
CON_MenuOK=Menü: OK
CON_MenuOK_Desc=Confirm in a menu.
CON_NextCrew=Next Clonk
CON_NextCrew_Desc=Select the next clonk in your crew. Your crew is displayed at the upper edge of the screen in the game.
CON_PreviousCrew=Previous Clonk
CON_PreviousCrew_Desc=Select the previous clonk in your crew. Your crew is displayed at the upper edge of the screen in the game.
CON_ZoomIn=Zoom in
CON_ZoomIn_Desc=Zoom into the game world to make visible more details.
CON_ZoomOut=Zoom out
CON_ZoomOut_Desc=Zoom out of the game world to get an overview.
# -- Assignment specific strings
KEY_MouseUse=Use / Throw
KEY_MouseUse_Desc=Use the item in the hand. If the item cannot be used, it is thrown into the direction of the cursor instead.
KEY_MouseUseAlt=Use / Throw (other hand)
KEY_MouseUseAlt_Desc=Use the item in the other hand. If the item cannot be used, it is thrown into the direction of the cursor instead.
KEY_GamepadUse=Use / Throw
KEY_GamepadUse_Desc=Use the item in the hand. If the item cannot be used, it is thrown into the direction in which you aim with the analog stick on release.
KEY_GamepadUseAlt=Use / Throw (other hand)
KEY_GamepadUseAlt_Desc=Use the item in the other hand. If the item cannot be used, it is thrown into the direction in which you aim with the analog stick on release.
KEY_Left_Desc=Run, swim, hangle to the left or let go from a right wall. While climbing on a left wall, you can collect an item that is stuck in it with this key.
KEY_Right_Desc=Run, swim, hangle to the right or let go from a left wall. While climbing on a right wall, you can collect an item that is stuck in it with this key.
KEY_Up_Desc=Climb or swim up. While hangling, you can collect an item that is stuck in the ceiling.
KEY_Down_Desc=Climb, swim down or drop down from the ceiling while hangling. While standing on the ground, you can collect an item that is lying about.
KEY_AimAxis_Desc=Aim with the analog stick to throw or use some item into a direction. Can also be used instead of the direction pad for controlling the Clonk.
KEY_Interact_Desc=Interact with vehicles, buildings and other things that stand next to the Clonk: enter and exit buildings, control and push vehicles into buildings, produce tools and weapons in workshops and much more.
KEY_Hotkey_Desc=Hotkeys:|No + l/r mouse click - Take the respective item in the/the other hand|No + Shift - Drop the respective item|No + Interact - Interact with the respective thing|No + Ctrl - Select the respective clonk from the crew list
KEY_Ungrab=Let go vehicle