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DoorUnlocked=The door is unlocked.
DoorNoKey=This door needs a key.
DoorTooFar=That lock is too far away.
OilBarrelMsg=Perfect. The metal barrels are filled with oil. I should bring one of them to the plane.
PlaneBuilt=The plane is finished. Now I only need to find oil to fuel it.
PlaneNoOil=The plane needs fuel. I must find oil somewhere.
Intro1=Finally, this is Clunker Valley.
Intro2=Ah, %s. So you've received my letter?
Intro3=Yes. Naturally, I've come immediately to help.
Intro4=Excellent. We're in deep trouble at the moment. We need to finish building this castle before the next wave of attackers arrives.
Intro5=Wave of attackers?
Intro6=I'll tell you everything later. Right now, we need more wood. Can you chop some?
Intro7=Of course, I'm on it!
Newton1=%s, good that you're here! Any help for our construction site is appreciated.
Newton2=Have you already chopped some wood?
Newton3=I would love to, but I don't have an axe.
Newton4=Look in the mine West (left) of this village. Some tools might be in there.
Newton5=Not yet. Where can I find useful trees.
Newton6=East (right) of the village you can find coniferous trees. Those are perfect for us.
Newton100=Hey %s! Did you survive the attacks?
Newton101=Yes. As you can see. I was able to watch the disaster from the forest.
Newton102=It will take us months to rebuild everything. In the meantime, we'll be defenseless against their attacks.
Newton103=Who are the attackers?
Newton104=It's the henchmen of king Harx. We've refused to pay unfair tributes to him. Now they want to set an example on us.
Newton105=But he is our king, isn't he?
Newton106=He's got a crown on his head. So what? We haven't voted for him. We will never acknowledge a monarch who only oppresses us!
Newton107=Okay. What will you do now?
Newton108=Nothing. It's hopeless. We will all die. Except if...
Newton110=...except if you will help us.
Newton111=I knew it.
Newton112=We're inexperienced farmers. Your dad told me you have some battle experience?
Newton114=I've used my wooden sword to fight Wompf berry bushes.
Newton115=That's more than any one of us can show for.
Newton116=So, what's your decision? Will you help us defeat Harx?
Newton119=Start by marching east towards Wipf Town. You can use this shovel to get there.
Newton120=Once you're there, ask for Pyrit. He is an old friend of mine and should be able to help you.
Newton121=Good luck! You will need it.
Newton200=Newton, I've built a plane for the counter-attack on Harx. But I don't have any fuel yet.
Newton200a=Newton, I've got plans for a plane for the counter-attack on Harx. But I don't have any fuel yet.
Newton201=Very good, %s. So you need oil? That is a problem indeed. Harx has outlawed possession of oil.
Newton202=We don't care for his silly rules of course. But we needed to sell our oil to fund the defense and construction of the castle.
Newton203=We've got nothing left here in the village. But we have oil a hidden chamber in the cave below this village. You could ask Mave down in the cave beside the foundry for the key.
Lara1=We need more wood, so we can at least finish the scaffolds before nightfall.
Lara2=Why so much haste?
Lara3=We will never know when <i>they</i> might return.
Lara4=Who are <i>they</i>?
Lara5=I'll tell you later. Please get some wood now!
Lara6=Please get some wood now!
Lara100=They will never leave us in peace.
Lisa1=Good to see the castle is finally making some progress.
Lisa2=Why do you need such a sturdy castle?
Lisa3=We're being attacked. Over and over again.
Lisa4=Attacked? By whom?
Lisa5=If our bad luck holds, you'll meet them soon enough. Please help us with the construction site now.
Lisa6=Please help us with the construction site.
Lisa100=Please do something against those monsters!
Lisa200=Thank you so much for helping us!
Woody1=Oh no, I've injured my arm. Now I can't chop wood and the sawmill is idle.
Woody2=Is there any way I can help you?
Woody3=Could you go East (right) and chop down a coniferous tree? I'll handle the sawing then.
Woody4=Okay. But I think your axe is a bit large for a beginner like me. Do you have a regular axe somewhere?
Woody5=My tools are stored near Rocky in the mine West (left) of here.
Woody6=Where can I chop down trees?
Woody7=Just work on one of the coniferous trees East (right) of here.
Woody100=How can we possibly stand against this?
Rocky1=Hi, do you have an axe for me?
Rocky2=Check out the lorry.
Rocky3=He's very productive. I should better not disturb him.
Rocky100=Rocky, you can stop picking. The castle site just got destroyed.
Rocky101=Shut up. Rocky must work.
Attack1=Tree down!
Attack2=Huh? What is that noise?
Attack3=Oh god!
Attack4=Is everyone alright?
Attack5=Yes. But our village...
Attack6=They're really trying to get rid of us now. We must do something!
Attack7=I should talk to Newton.
Mave1=Hello %s. Have you heard the rumbling outside? It was frightening.
Mave2=I've stood nearby. The whole village got destroyed. You should help your friends outside rebuild it!
Mave3=Outside? Umh, no. I'm more of a cellar-clonk.
Mave4=Could you at least help me reach Wipf Town in the East then?
Mave5=You won't get there through the caves. The old passages got destroyed by a volcanic eruption recently.
Mave6=Your only chance is to cross the lake.
Mave7=How do I cross the lake?
Mave8=You could use my foundry to build some loam.
Mave9=How do I build loam?
Mave10=Oh, that is easy: Fill a bucket{{Bucket}} with earth and fill a barrel{{Barrel}} with water. Then put both into the foundry and produce loam.
Mave11=You can find the necessary tools in and in front of my foundry.
Mave12=Where does this elevator shaft lead?
Mave13=This elevator leads to the chamber with our oil reserves. Unfortunately, the path got flooded by the volcano. Maybe water from the lake can be used to extinguish the lava?
Mave100=Hi Mave. Do you have an idea where to find oil?
Mave101=Oh, oil. You know we're not supposed to own reserves, right?
Mave102=It's very important! I'm trying to kill the king.
Mave103=That sounds like a noble plan. Maybe I could help you...
Mave104=Yes, please!
Mave105=Not so hasty. Down this elevator shaft there's a path that leads to a chamber. It's buried below these lava lakes now.
Mave106=But the walls are of solid granite so I think it should still be intact.
Mave107=To enter it, you need a key.
Mave108=Okay. Give key please.
Mave109=I'll sell it to you for one gold bar.
Mave110=Where can I find gold?
Mave111=If I knew that, I would mine it myself. Typically it's somewhere underground.
Mave112=When you have found gold nuggets, you can use my foundry to melt them to a shiny bar.
Mave200=Here is your gold bar.
Mave201=Glad to make business with you. Here is your key.
Mave202=Where can I find the oil chamber?
Mave203=It's down this elevator, buried below the lava lakes. Maybe you can use water to cool the lava?
Pyrit1=Hi, are you Pyrit?
Pyrit2=Indeed. What brings you to Wipf Town?
Pyrit3=Clunker village got destroyed by the henchmen of evil tyrant Harx. I've promised to help and Newton sent me to you.
Pyrit4=I've seen the planes and I've heard the rumbling. I was afraid something like that would happen. It's because of the taxes they haven't paid, isn't it?
Pyrit5=It's not taxes. It's extortion! They aren't paying as a matter of principle.
Pyrit6=Well, we're still paying. But he keeps rising the tribute. I'm afraid that this will not end well.
Pyrit7=So are you going to support me? I need to get there and teach that evil king a lesson.
Pyrit8=How do you plan to get there? He lives in a heavily guarded fortress on the Golden Mountain.
Pyrit9=He got here by plane. Can't we build those as well?
Pyrit10=Actually, I happen to have some plans which I could give to you. But to fly it, you need to fuel it with oil. And Harx keeps all oil reserves strictly under his control.
Pyrit11=For good reason I suppose.
Pyrit12=It's the only way to reach his castle.
Pyrit13=Some people keep secret oil reserves, but they won't give them up easily.
Pyrit14=Maybe if you ask around you can find someone willing to help you out. I would ask Newton first.
Pyrit15=In the meantime, take these plane construction plans. Feel free to use my shipyard and anything you find in the buildings of this town to construct the plane.
Pyrit16=Where can I build the plane?
Pyrit17=Feel free to use my shipyard and anything you find in the buildings of this town to construct the plane.
Pyrit18=Where can I find oil?
Pyrit19=Where can I find gold?
Pyrit20=Uh, look underground I guess.
Clonko1=Hello stranger, what brings you to Wipf Town?
Clonko2=I'm looking for Pyrit.
Clonko3=It's the guy in blue hammering at the catapult. I wonder what he's doing there?
Clonko4=Thank you.
Clonko100=Hi, do you have any oil?
Clonko101=What a strange request. No, of course not. King Harx keeps all oil under his control.
Clonko102=Well, maybe there are some, you know, extra reserves?
Clonko103=No. I'm an honest citizen who doesn't keep secrets.
Clonko104=But...there are rumors.
Clonko105=Tell me more!
Clonko106=Word is of an underground lake full of oil deep below Wipf Town.
Clonko107=How do I get to the oil lake?
Clonko108=You will have to dig straight down from this town. But there is solid rock and water in the way. Plus it's only a rumor.
Clonko109=I'm on my way!
Clonko200=I was there - there was no oil below this town!
Clonko201=Oh too bad. But I told you it's just a rumor.
Matthi1=Hello my dear visitor. Do you want any sproutberries?
Matthi2=I'm afraid I don't have anything to pay for them.
Matthi3=Oh, no problem. Just take this free sample. It's delicious!
Matthi4=Free as in free beer or as in free speech?
Matthi6=Nothing beats the marvelous taste of a freshly picked sproutberry.
Matthi100=Do you have any oil?
Matthi101=Oh, that stinky black fluid? No, I wouldn't touch that.
Matthi102=Maybe I should experiment with producing oil from sproutberries.
Dora1=Hello, fellow explorer. What brings you here?
Dora2=I'm looking for an oil lake.
Dora3=Haha, so was I. But there is no lake.
Dora4=But...the rumors...?
Dora5=I know. Looks like rumors aren't always true after all.
Dora6=The rumor of the oil lake wasn't true. Tough luck.
Dora7=Where else could I look for oil?
Dora8=Have you asked Newton in Clunker Village yet? Since they don't care for Harx's rules, they might keep some reserves.
Dora100=I'm looking for oil.
Dora101=Haha, so was I. There were rumors of an oil lake down here.
Dora103=Looks like rumors aren't always true after all.
Dora200=I'm looking for Pyrit.
Dora201=Oh, the smith. He's above this cave in Wipf Town.
Outro1=Great! The plane has fuel now. But how do I fly this?
Outro2=I see your mission to kill the king has been well prepared.
Outro3=Don't worry. I hate Harx as much as you do. I'll be your pilot.
Outro4=Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's go!